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    ztracené heslo?
    SUMIDayZ Standalone/Mod Tactically Significant Carps
    RUDOLF --- ---
    záběry z prototypu ovládání nové postavy

    New Player Character Features

    First of all you will notice new camera and movement. The animations have been polished so they feel more natural and fluent. The camera system has been redone and now we finally are able to adjust the camera to our needs. The version you see is still WIP and we are constantly working on it. But in short, new camera options allow us to adjust camera per stance or even per animation if needed.

    One of the most visible changes in the character movement is the possibility to interrupt almost any animation. This gives players greater control over the character. We have talked about this in previous status reports a few times already but it is a really big change compared to the old system.

    The way character look around is also different. Now we have the ability to use poses for look at things or aiming. By creating aim-spaces we are able to adjust character poses properly to certain angles which gives us perfect control over how the animations look in the game.

    Gestures, actions and other animations now are divided in two groups. Some are full body animations and some are upper body or other body part animations. This had to be done to allow movement while eating, drinking, greeting and many other situations. It's important however that all of them are interruptible as you can see in the video, with the LYING DOWN gesture. Most of these actions are made of three parts - IN, LOOP and OUT. We play IN animation at the beginning, then the character starts doing actions like chopping trees, and when players release the mouse button, OUT is activated.
    ELPASO --- ---
    ...compete over objectives in a 5-vs-5 match-up...

    to je jak jit psat do auditka o DOTe hemzy o LoL, HoN ci HoTS.... jiny hra, byt se vnistrili :)
    RUDOLF --- ---
    The Science of Wolves | DayZ 0.61(EXP)
    PETRPEDROS --- ---
    Jako aktivních hráčů cca 5000 když prodaných kopií bylo na miliony kusů asi hovoří za vše. Takže stahujeme DayzLauncher a jdedem Tavianu.
    PETRPEDROS --- ---
    Není SA po skoro třech letech od vydání alfy nějak pozadu oproti modu? I po třech letech je stále Alfa... Kdo pametá jak jsme v modu zabíjeli tisíce zombíků než nás sworo postřílel v soboru.
    DUBAS_ --- ---
    77WHITE: je to rychlejsi nez a3 tam furt oproti tomuhle plaves v medu (ne ze bych si uz nezvykl), vyzkousej uvidis sam ma to jen 14gb
    77WHITE --- ---
    Whats the hype? Argo je jen smaller scale A3? Nebo je ten shooting experience natolik odlisnej? Jinak nevidim rozdil mezi dobre udelanym scenarem a timhle.
    RUDOLF --- ---
    DUBAS_: no právě tam píšou, že codebase je A3 nikoliv enfusion..

    "Project Argo was initially created as a mod for Arma 3, we soon realized that it would be more practical to release it as a standalone game. Internally, this helped us to separate Project Argo and Arma 3 development more clearly, and it would also enable us to make the game available to a wider audience. "

    Zrovna tady bych chápal enfusion jako ten správnej engine, kvůli překopanýmu netcode. Ale asi je jasný že enfusion ještě není hotový a proven. Na rozdíl od A3.
    DUBAS_ --- ---
    jinak mi byl schvalen novy klub venovany Projectu Argo kdyz uz to bude SA hra

    pokud ma nekdo zajem klub sledovat hledejte nazev Project Argo
    DUBAS_ --- ---
    RUDOLF: cus jj mrkni sem https://www.projectargo.net/ a blog je to tam popsany
    REDSNAKE --- ---
    HALCYON: no, to co jsi vyjmenoval vlastně v DayZ prakticky vzato taky není, asi máš pravdu
    RUDOLF --- ---
    I feel cranked!
    HALCYON --- ---
    REDSNAKE: No jasně, Argo totiž neni na píču. :D

    A srovnatelný myslím jsou. Akorát v Argu nemáš zvířata, auta, vrtulníky a craftění... :D.
    REDSNAKE --- ---
    HALCYON: jen mi přijde, že ty dvě hry nejsou moc srovnatelný, nic jinýho v tom nehlodej:)
    HALCYON --- ---
    REDSNAKE: Seš jedinej, já se ale i tak směju :D
    RUDOLF --- ---
    DUBAS_: Fakt? Je k tomu nějaké čtivo? Mám pocit že je to na čisté a3!
    DUBAS_ --- ---
    DESTROYER: no prave engine si bere z dayz sa enfusion
    REDSNAKE --- ---
    HALCYON: Sorry pane, ale to je natolik zavádějící, že jsem ti musel dát mínus tentokrát i já.
    DESTROYER --- ---
    HALCYON: Vsak je to od zacatku delano na vyzkousenem a odladenem enginu (A3) ;-)
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