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    JANDOSZákulisí filmu - Vše co není vidět na plátně, filmové zajímavosti.
    LUCIEN --- ---
    ASYD: Doplním tě, protože celý je to ještě o chlup zajímavější.

    Christopher Nolan explains why he broke his own rules for a critical scene in Interstellar

    Nolan recounts filming one of Interstellar’s most emotional scenes, wherein McConaughey watches videos of his children that he’s missed over the years. Nolan did two things that he wouldn’t normally do, but he says they ultimately made sense for that specific moment.

    “The wonderful truth is that it was in my brother’s script, and one of the things that made me want to do the film. As a parent, it seemed like such a powerful story moment. It was always the north star of the film, this beautiful sequence—and some of the actual words in the script, the specifics of what was said in the messages, never changed. We filmed McConaughey’s reaction first, in close-up. You never do that in a scene. You start with a wide shot and then warm up. But he hadn’t seen the video messages—we’d filmed them all in advance, so that everything would be there in the moment—and he wanted to give us his first reaction. We shot it twice close-up, and I think I used the second one, because the first one was too raw. Then we shot the monitors, and the wider shots, and put it together.

    The last piece of the puzzle was a beautiful piece of music by Hans Zimmer that hadn’t really found a place in the film. I think he literally referred to it as “organ doodle.” My editor, Lee Smith, and I tried playing it just while we were in the room playing a cut, and we both felt that it was devastating. The other thing we did, which I don’t think I’ve done in any of my other films, is to treat the music as a diegetic sound: When the messages stop, the music stops. It almost breaks the fourth wall, and it’s not the sort of thing that I like to do, but it felt perfect and apt for that moment.”

    Source: https://screenrant.com/interstellar-movie-cooper-crying-scene-christopher-nolan-filming/
    BROUKOID --- ---
    FRK_R23: no me pride vtipny to, ze ja sem si byl jistej, ze jak tam lezej presne paralelne a jak to caka, ze to sou proste jenom klady upraveny aby vypadaly jako krokodili a nekdo taha za provazek aby se oteviraly tlamicky a smal sem se jak byly ty triky v 70 letech stupidni ze to je prece kazdymu jasny ze to nejsou skutecny... :)
    ALARIK --- ---
    FRK_R23: no tvl... to byla HODNĚ jiná doba :-D
    FRK_R23 --- ---
    TOMBRIDER: Asi tak :))
    TOMBRIDER --- ---
    FRK_R23: Tak tohle kdyby mi někdo tvrdil v hospodě, tak mu ani za mák neuvěřím.
    V tom filmu mi přišli jako slušně provedený loutky :)
    FRK_R23 --- ---
    The moment in LIVE AND LET DIE (1973), when Bond runs across crocodiles was filmed for real. The stuntman was a crocodile farm owner called Ross Kananga, whose own father was eaten by crocodiles. He pulled it off on the 5th attempt, as you can see below.¨

    ASYD --- ---
    Christopher Nolan talks the scene where Cooper finds out he missed out on his kids' lives in Interstellar

    "It was always the north star of the film ... We filmed McConaughey’s reaction first ... he hadn’t seen the video messages—we’d filmed them all in advance, so that everything would be there in the moment ... The last piece of the puzzle was a beautiful piece of music by Hans Zimmer that hadn’t really found a place in the film. I think he literally referred to it as “organ doodle" ... it was devastating ... When the messages stop, the music stops ... it’s not the sort of thing that I like to do, but it felt perfect and apt for that moment"
    N_I --- ---
    Japanese poster for No Country for Old Men (2007)

    N_I --- ---
    VON_GILOTINE --- ---
    FRK_R23: ja byl.zvykly ze tak kouri rowdies a jini zvyknuvsi schovavat cigu pred vetrem na tribunach.
    FRK_R23 --- ---
    V pauze jsem kouknul na video o Usual suspects. Většinu věcí jsem znal, ale uniklo mi jak Verbal kouří cígo. Jako jedinej ve filmu totiž cigáro drží mezi palcem a ukázováčkem, což je údajně zvyk v jistých částech Turecka. A když je vidět Keyser Söze, tak kouří stejným stylem :))

    20 Things You Somehow Missed In The Usual Suspects
    LIQUID_SOUND --- ---
    JANDOS: Tady máš k původní trilogii kompletní přehled sound designu

    Star Wars: A New Hope sound design explained by Ben Burtt
    JANDOS --- ---
    Star Wars blasters sound effect. How they did it
    STARE_CASY --- ---
    FRK_R23: ... a ze sluchátka se ozvalo "Ale jistě! Beze všeho!"

    Steven Spielberg pulls a practical joke on Harrison Ford during filming of The temple of doom
    FRK_R23 --- ---
    TRAGED: chceme video!:))
    TRAGED --- ---
    What's the most incredible prank a director has ever pulled on one of his actors on the set of a movie?
    Long considered a legend, the prank that Steven Spielberg played on Harrison Ford on the set of #IndianaJones and the Temple of Doom is one of the most surprising ever!

    In 2017, a video (of poor quality) finally emerged confirming that the deception in question was not an invention, but that it had actually happened.

    Steven Spielberg took advantage of a visit to the set of Carrie Fisher, director Irvin Kershner (The Empire Strikes Back) and singer Barbra Streisand to play a prank on Harrison Ford.

    During the filming of the scene in which Indiana Jones is tied to a rock and is whipped, Barbra Streisand takes the place of the executioner and pretends to whip Harrison Ford, as if to punish him for the bad films he starred in at the beginning of his career. He quickly realizes what is happening and decides to join in the fun, asking for even stronger lashes, as if he were enjoying sadomasochism games.

    But a second surprise awaits. Then, Carrie Fisher throws herself at him, disguised as a guard with a scarf covering her face, and kisses him on the mouth, recreating the scene from Return of the Jedi in which she frees Han Solo from the carbonite.

    Director Irvin Kershner then intervenes to criticize the performance.

    The match was never officially broadcast, probably because it was a bit raunchy, and because Barbra Streisand – when Harrison Ford insisted that she whip him harder – shouted: “I can't do it, I feel like a fagot!”
    ARAON --- ---
    Paul Verhoeven's Starship Troopers was released 26 years ago today.

    ARAON --- ---
    ARAON: Tak ale kdyz uz tu scenu pitvame, tak mohla byt jeste mnohem zajimavejsi:

    "According to a 1981 interview with the actress, she was initially keen on the idea of her character being naked because it “would have been a nice contrast” to the alien story unfolding before her character.

    “You see the alien’s in its birthday suit the entire film, so I thought it was a cop out having me wear the underwear, and not stripping entirely,” Weaver said.

    After receiving criticism for the strip after the movie’s release, Weaver said it never occurred to her that people might think the strip exploitative, but “having received the mail I have, I would now think twice about taking off all my clothes in a movie”.

    “People have said, ‘Aw, how could you demean yourself by doing a striptease?’ And I say, ‘Are you kidding? After five days of blood and guts, and fear, and sweat and urine, do you think Ripley wouldn’t take off her clothes?’”

    But for Cameron, who took over the helm of the second film in the series, Aliens, the scene simply crossed the line."

    ARAON --- ---
    Jo a jak nekdo poznamenal, Ridley Scott je Brit:

    "This isn't true by the way and the biggest giveaway is Ridley Scott would never call them "panties"

    He would call them knickers."
    VON_GILOTINE --- ---
    ARAON: taky mi to uplne jakoby neprijde, dekuji, ze nejsem sam
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