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    ztracené heslo?
    MEADMT - "duchovní molekula"
    E2E4 --- ---
    JAXXE: To je ale neco co rika nekdo v komentarich (dik inkflo - jen se neloadovaly jsem ted na divnym pripojeni).

    Kazdopadne me by nevadilo ze behem ceremonie dava lidem mirne elektrosoky az tolik jako ze nevenuje vubec cas priprave, vyberu lidi (zadny screening psychologicky ani medicinsky jako ze zabi jed kardiotoxicky - uz mu jeden kardiak exnul zeano) a predevsim - zadna integrace..

    nemam nic proti tomu davat lidem silny halucinogeny v aspon nakym kontextu/settingu, jiste tim ze lidem rekne ze uvidi nebeskou lasku ji vetsina lidi taky dostane, ale dost lidi to muze dlouhodobe rozhodit, zvlast ezouse bez zkusenosti s narocnou integraci..

    Proste sup sup 200 euro a dalsi pan na holeni a na letiste na dalsi staci.. chapu ze na sebe bere riziko precijen pracuje s ilegalnima latkama a ze to je jeho zivnost, ale stejne mi ta byznys stranka veci smrdi.. tenhle problem mam teda se vsema “ceremoniema” - je to proste moc drahy, lidi na tom dost vydelavaj..
    JAXXE --- ---
    INK_FLO: radi bychom to stihli do vanoc, preklad i obal je hotovy. ted zbyva korektura, sazba a tisk. ale jsem strasne zasekany distribuci filmu po svete, tak to ber s rezervou
    JAXXE --- ---
    INK_FLO: Designa je super, doporučuju... "Buh v tele" tezko rict, nevim, co od takove knihy ocekavas
    INK_FLO --- ---
    E2E4: je to pod tím článkem...nj no, holt souboj rozpuštěných neexistujících eg ("At best the sense of ego dissolution can create a peaceful oceanic consciousness. At the same time, the brain doesn’t like to change, so afterwards it tries to return to homeostasis, and something to watch out for is the ego getting strengthened upon return.")

    "Rak Razam has the arrogance to say he cleans up after other facilitators. We feel we need to clean up after the WBAC. People went there in earnest, hoping to learn. Instead, we were bombarded by egos on display."
    E2E4 --- ---
    INK_FLO: Husty; odkud mas ty komentare?

    A taky vtipny jak dr gerry - o kterym jsem cetl nekde na dmt-nexus ze je takova serioznejsi alternativa k octaviovi - ma skandal uz tak velkej ze ho ani nepozvali..

    Je to jak sekty / guruove todlecto.
    INK_FLO --- ---
    JAXXE: proč nepočkal, až vstanou sami? :-)

    btw. kdy/kde budete vydávat tu "ropuchu a jaguára" od Metznera?
    INK_FLO --- ---
    každopádně dík za tip na tu "Designu" od Olsena.....ty knihy od Balla o houbách a šalvěji jsou celkem poučný a praktický, možná zkusím i "bůh v těle", i když na první pohled to působí trochu divoce :-)
    JAXXE --- ---
    INK_FLO: urcite to ale nebylo "while they’re journeying" ale po navratu
    JAXXE --- ---
    INK_FLO: to je něco, co jsem Octaviovi také vytykal a s cim rohodne nesouhlasim ;( ma takovy malinky elektricky svalovy stimulator, který občas pouzival při ceremoniich s tezce drogove zavislymi, aby je probral, prinutil je vstat a mohl jim dat další davku. tihle lide obvykle potrebuji jit 3-5x za sebou, aby to mělo nejaky ucinek na jejich zavislost. byla z toho velka afera a obvinovali Octavia, ze pouziva Taser. primo na konferenci tedy stimulator vytahl a vyzval dobrovolniky a Raka Razama, at to osobne zkusi. byli prekvapeni tim, ze je to tak slabe. ale stejne se s tim vůbec neztotožňuju a nepovazuju to za stastne reseni
    INK_FLO --- ---
    JAXXE: co mysleli tímhle?....to video, kde to mělo být vidět je už smazaný

    "using an electrical device to zap people while they’re journeying"
    JAXXE --- ---
    INK_FLO: to jo ;) ale ma v tom clanku spoustu nesmyslu a polopravd. davka na trhu urcite nestoji 50 centu

    bezna cena v Mexiku za ceremonii je 1500 pesos:

    Facilitadores | Asociación de facilitadores de Bufo Alvarius

    v Evrope pak mezi 150-250 Euro
    INK_FLO --- ---
    tisic dolaru za sesi je dobrá palba :-)
    INK_FLO --- ---
    jeste si dovolim dva citaty

    More high drama involving Octavio Rettig: Victoria Ochoa, again speaking with impeccable groundedness, clarity, and humility, directly confronted him for never admitting to being wrong or making mistakes. She then proceeded to name several: giving medicine to underage individuals against their parents’ wishes, claiming (incorrectly) to have permission from tribal governments to conduct ceremony using indigenous chants, being verbally abusive to participants, and so on. Rettig brought his chair and sat directly in front of her, but instead of responding with remorse or accountability he did nothing but defend defend defend. At least a dozen people nearby recorded the confrontation on their smartphones.

    You call out Octavio, failing to mention the other clowns in the pond. Did you not hear Merrill Ward say he waits 30 days before asking someone (he treated) out on a date? THe same group attacking Octavio is the same group serving women alone, and charging $300-$1000 for 50 cents worth of medicine. Not to mention the female facilitator who shoves her fist up the rectums of her male patients while they are under. If the WBAC did anything, it aligned those of us who want to prevent this movement from going the way of the Timothy Leary's of the world.
    JAXXE --- ---
    INK_FLO: taky jsem se zucastnil, muj kratky report zde: http://www.bufoalvarius.com/clanky/wbac_filip_zaruba/
    INK_FLO --- ---
    " the panel turned into a mini-intervention with Dr. Octavio Rettig Hinojosa (above center, in white shirt), one of the few bona fide celebrities in the bufo world and a controversial figure. On one hand, he is the renowned author of The Toad at Dawn, an informative and extremely personal account of his journey with sacred medicines. Rettig has traveled the world introducing people to toad medicine. He made a star entrance at the congress, greeted ecstatically by many appreciative acolytes, and he features heavily in Bondani’s film conveying the history and indigenous origins of this and other sacred medicines. On the other hand, he has been widely criticized for questionable practices.

    The other panelists gently confronted him about allowing videos taken during ceremony to be posted on the internet and his rough interventions with people incapacitated by the medicine (pouring water into their mouths, conducting ceremony outdoors in unsafe settings, using an electrical device to zap people while they’re journeying, as seen in this disturbing YouTube video). Rettig responded with defensiveness, shouting angrily, charging around the room, and lashing out at those who raised objections to his manner: a deeply unattractive performance. The more he was pressed to listen to criticism, the more he stonewalled, until the tension in the room became so high that the elegant European woman behind me, a Rettig champion, literally screamed at the top of her lungs."

    Romancing the Toad - Reality Sandwich
    DIAGONAL --- ---
    Podělil by se někdo prosím o tip na ověřenej shop ke koupi prášku z mimosy? klidně do pm...díky.
    FRAKTALEK --- ---
    INK_FLO: to je poprvy, co slysim o dature. zajimavy
    Persistent Trip - Datura?

    INK_FLO --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Gerardo Rubén sandoval Isaac – Beyond Psychedelics 2018
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