Elden Ring - Unalloyed Malenia, the strongest boss I've faced me Solo Her
Unalloyed Malenia was the hardest boss I've ever had to challenge and took me a lot of hours and frustration to beat. I'm not sure if I will try to beat her hitless, but for now I am proud to say I can beat Unalloyed Malenia after many efforts to learn her movesets.
Připnuto autorem Let me solo her
před 3 týdny (upraveno)
Hey all,
With Unalloyed Malenia defeated I think it's time I announce my end to soloing Malenia when the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC comes out.
It felt like only days ago when I first started helping out other people with fighting this boss and still crazy to see where I ended up now. It's fair to say I had my fill of fighting her for this lifetime lol.
I might seldom help others with Malenia from time to time but officially will be done taking requests/doing it consistently so I'm sorry to those who were excited to see me in action.
But I'm so excited for the DLC and what Messmer the Impaler will be like given the precedent of FromSoft's DLC bosses (Friede/Gael). I hope to see you guys in the DLC soon!
-Let me solo her