TAMTEN: hmm. Stačí jenom letmý pohled na obsah bílkovin - 105g v denní porci. Na tvém místě bych požádala podporu o přesnější vysvětlení, protože to co ti odpověděli, je úplně mimo. Možná vychází z vyhlášek EFSA, ale EFSA rozhodně doporučuje mnohem nižší příjem bílkovin
efsa se k tomu píše toto:
"According to a meta-analysis of available nitrogen balance data as a function of nitrogen intake in
healthy adults, the best estimate of average requirement for healthy adults was 105 mg N/kg body
weight per day (0.66 g high quality protein/kg per day). The 97.5th percentile was estimated as
133 mg N/kg body weight per day (0.83 g high quality protein/kg per day) from the distribution of the
logarithm of the requirement, with a coefficient of variation (CV) of about 12%. The Panel considers
that the value of 0.66 g/kg body weight per day can be accepted as the Average Requirement (AR)
and the value of 0.83 g/kg body weight per day as the Population Reference Intake (PRI) derived for
proteins with a PD-CAAS value of 1.0 (Table 3). This value can be applied to usual mixed diets in
Europe which are unlikely to be limiting in their content of indispensable amino acids. For older adults,
the protein requirement is considered to be equal to that for adults. The lower energy requirement of
sedentary elderly people means that the protein to energy ratio of their requirement may be higher
than for younger age groups."
https://www.efsa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/2017_09_DRVs_summary_report.pdf (strana 19, tabulka strana 24)