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    WIN_KLOThe Long Dark
    WIN_KLO --- ---

    Update v.152


    * New Sandbox region added: "Coastal Highway". To travel to it, follow the railway in Mystery Lake (Dam side).
    * Long-term Starvation now affects Fatigue. If you starve for too long, it becomes very difficult to avoid Exhaustion. The Fatigue increase due to Starvation is gradually reduced by not Starving. (Addresses the "Starvation Exploit")
    * Removed concept of Calorie Deficit.
    * Added "Rate of Change" indicators on all Sub-Conditions. This should help highlight the impact of more serious situations on Hunger, Thirst, Fatigue, and Cold.
    * Fatigue now directly affects your Carrying capacity. Rather than a sudden capacity drop based on hitting the Exhausted threshold, we interpolate based on Fatigue level.
    * There are now Rabbits in the game.
    * You can now craft Snares at the Workbench. If placed in the world wherever you see Rabbits, there is a chance you will capture a Rabbit every 12 hours.
    * All wildlife spawns are now more dynamic, and will change over the course of a game. Wolves, Deer, and Rabbits all refresh on different intervals, reflecting their relative mobility and travel/migration patterns.
    * Wolves are now sensitive to player Condition. They will hunt you more aggressively if you are weak (ex. Exhausted, low Condition, etc.). This is something we are testing.
    * The damage from player strikes in Wolf Struggles is now modified by the best Tool you have in your inventory, in this order: Knife, Hatchet, Prybar. The weapon is automatically selected, and the Struggle costs Tool condition.
    * You can now select what type of Fuel Source you are looking for when Foraging Wood (i.e. it is no longer random).
    * Added a 100% guaranteed Rifle spawn to Mystery Lake. Its location is randomized.
    * Reduced daily Condition decay on all Tools and Clothing items. Reduced per-use Condition decay for all Tools. Tools should now last much longer, and will not decay when you don't use them. Clothing should not decay nearly as quickly as before. (We're still tuning the availability of Clothing items in the world, and this is something we'll continue balancing based on feedback.)
    * Reduced the frequency/availability of Tools in the world. Since they now last much longer, they have to be more rare.
    * In general, reduced the Condition decay for all Food items. Increased the Calorie value of most Food items. Reduced the Calorie value for most types of Meat.
    * Rest can now be interrupted regardless of Bed or location type. Every bed offers and location type offers a different degree of Rest benefit and chance of interruption. Uninterrupted Rest hours offer a bonus over interrupted Rest hours.
    * Fatigue is now properly affected by inventory weight. The more you carry around, the more quickly you will become tired. (Note that Calorie Burn already takes inventory weight into account.)
    * Reduced the general availability of First Aid items. They are now mainly found in appropriate First Aid containers.
    * In general, reduced the availability of Supplies in the world. There was far too much Food and Clothing in random containers.
    * Made very cold temperatures much more of a serious consideration.
    * New audio for all new locations, container types, etc. Added a lot more variety for container searching audio, to avoid repetition.


    * Every interior location now has a maximum inventory of Reclaimed Wood that can be Foraged.
    * Wildlife will no longer spawn in a Blizzard.
    * The Stag is more sensitive to the player's presence.
    * Tinder can now be harvested from Newsprint and Newsprint Rolls.
    * Bandages can now be harvested from Cloth.
    * Freshened up Supplies in all Mystery Lake locations.
    * Footprints (player and wildlife) now last longer, but are affected by wind and weather conditions.
    * It is now possible to find single Rifle Rounds in the world.
    * Kerosene can now be used as an Accelerant.
    * Added a few test Non-Potable water sources to the world.
    * Footprints and blood drops are now persistent across Saves.
    * General bug fixes and optimization.


    * Fixed various issues related to carcasses freezing.
    * Various fixes related to player movement.
    * Fixed issue with harvesting Lanterns producing unlimited light.
    * Fixed issue where cooking a partial stack of raw meat produced an unequal stack of cooked meat.
    * Fixed weight capacity of Containers so they can be filled to full capacity now.
    * Fixed issue where last Water Purification tablet in the stack would not purify water.
    * Fixed issue with locked Safe not using the correct loot table.
    * Fixed exploit where players could cause a feeding Wolf to despawn.
    * Fixed issue with gear not decaying in Containers.
    * Fixed issue where Inventory screen occasionally didn't display all items in player inventory.
    * Fixed issue where increase/decrease buttons were still active during Harvesting actions.
    * Fixed issue where Toggle to Run would default back to Walk mode when opening the Options screen.
    * Fixed issue where Burns would not heal themselves over time.
    * Fixed issue where ear ringing wouldn't stop after firing the Rifle in the Forestry Lookout.
    * Fixed issue where menu dropdowns might be greyed out when they shouldn't be.
    * Fixed issue where sun position and weather would not update correctly during outdoor Harvesting/Rest intervals.
    * Fixed bug where Encumbered warning would not always appear in the HUD.
    * Fixed crash when player clicked Bedroll icon in survival panel when they did not have a Bedroll in inventory.

    RUDOLF --- ---
    WRYKOLAKAS: proč proboha platit za něčí práci žejo..
    HIDESPY --- ---
    WRYKOLAKAS: lol už vidím jak si to furt stahuju kvůli updatům. Byl by docela mazec tohle dělat např. s Dayz SA :D
    WRYKOLAKAS --- ---
    WILL: Wutwut?
    Prostě si to stáhnu a hraju, tim to pro mě končí....

    Co jako bych si na tom měl kupovat? A hlavně proč bych za to měl dávat peníze?
    WILL --- ---
    WRYKOLAKAS --- ---
    WILL: Nekupuj. Co ti brání stáhnout si to zdarma přes torrenty?
    Jako platit za hru, ještě navíc takovou co neni zdaleka dokončená, to je trochu divný, ne?
    WIN_KLO --- ---
    WILL: Koupit, je to vynikající a má to obrovský potenciál. Už ta alfa je sama o sobě úžasně hratelná s neuvěřitelným počtem kombinací.
    _LEPIK_ --- ---
    WILL: rozhodne koupit, je to naprosto vyborne :)
    ja si uzil krasny vikend v zimnim prostredi, vydrzel 5 dnu a zatim odlozil, ale zazitek to byl skvely :)
    WILL --- ---
    Dotaz. Přemýšlel jsem nad tím, že si tohle koupím, ale má to v tuhle chvíli cenu? Nezdá se mi, že by tam toho bylo nějak zvlášť mnoho co hrát, vzhledem k tomu, co celkově slibují.
    WIN_KLO --- ---
    id HIDESPY natočil nedávno gameplay:

    [CZ] The Long Dark: Náhled a ukázka mechanik
    WIN_KLO --- ---
    Na konci října nás čeká:

    A new place to explore
    - A new way to source food
    - General improvements to the Hunger and Fatigue sub-systems
    - ...lots of other general improvements.
    WIN_KLO --- ---
    Hotfix v.138 Changelist

    * Don't allow ruined gear to be repaired
    * Throwing an unlit flare at a wolf will no longer scare it off
    * Bottle of painkillers now contain 6 pills (3 full doses) instead of 5.

    WIN_KLO --- ---
    Changelist for v.137

    * Fix for false positives on savegame file tampering
    * Fix for crash that could occur when putting ruined items in containers
    * Fix issue with deer sometimes "following" the player
    * Fix issue where meat would regenerate on placed carcasses
    * Fix framerate drop during Harvest and Repair

    WIN_KLO --- ---
    Changelist for The Long Dark -- Sandbox Alpha v.136

    * General art optimization should result in shorter initial load and noticeable performance improvements across the board
    * Tampering of save data will result in survival time not being uploaded to Leaderboards.
    * Game saves automatically when entering an interior. This will prevent abuse of the savegame system to re-roll interior loot.
    * Fixed issue with some long dropdown menus getting cut off.
    * Fixed bug where time would accelerate forever when opening the Survival Panel during a Harvest or Repair action.
    * Slightly increased the Calorie/hour costs of Walking and Running.
    * Slightly increased the Calorie/Kg cost of carrying inventory.
    * The Hatchet and Hunting Knife can now be harvested.
    * Harvesting values for all Tools have been tuned for duration and what they produce.
    * Increased the Repair improvement value for the Hunting Knife.
    * Reduced the "per use" Condition decay of the Hatchet, Hunting Knife, and Prybar
    * Slightly reduced the per/Litre cost of Boiling water.
    * Added some new loot to the Dam.
    * Tuned the Rifle Ammo spawn in Trapper's Homestead.
    * Tuned the availability of Rifle Ammo in the Safe loot table.
    * Tuned Locker and Metal Desk loot tables.
    * Improved Persona selection UI.
    * Fixed bug with Dysentery where it would be removed when transitioning to a new scene.
    * Wolves no longer run from deer.
    * Tuned wolf population density.
    * Slightly reduced chance of wolf fleeing when player sighted.
    * Arrow keys will now rotate safe dial.

    WIN_KLO --- ---
    The Long Dark -- Sandbox Alpha -- v.127 Changelist

    * Reduced % chance of Fluffy spawning in the Dam.
    * Fluffy will no longer respawn in the Dam after X days.
    * Wolf population has been modified to reduce overall density.
    * Wolves will show more interest in the player and be "drawn" to them based on behaviour.
    * There is now a chance that a Wolf will Flee when it detects the player at a distance (vs. going straight into Stalking behaviour).
    * Fixed bug where Wolves would sometimes ignore lit Flares. Lit Flares should now provide significant deterrent to Wolf attacks.
    * Fixed bug where Wolves would ignore Campfires. Campfires should now provide almost certain deterrent to Wolf attacks.
    * It is now easier to "break" the Wolf Stalking behaviour by gaining distance from them.
    * Dropped decoys are now more effective at slowing down Stalking wolves.
    * Reduced initial damage inflicted during Wolf struggle.
    * Reduced range of player damage inflicted during "light" Struggle attack.
    * Increased effectiveness of full-strength Struggle attack.
    * Reduced chance of contracting Food Poisoning for all Food Items.
    * Reduced chance of contracting Dysentery from Non-Potable water sources.
    * Reduced Calorie costs for all activities.
    * Reduced Clothing Condition decay rates when indoors.
    * Reduced per/day Starvation damage.
    * First-pass fixes to Hunger.
    * Improved HUD and Survival Panel prompts around First Aid events (i.e. Afflictions).
    * General art fixes.

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