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    ztracené heslo?
    MATTCZ/SK hiphop, rap a trap
    MATT --- ---
    Moja Reč x Sendrejovci x Vec - Kale jakha, kale bala (prod. Jozef Engerer) |Official Video|
    MATT --- ---
    Vampire399- PLAY/STOP/PLAY (prod.Noumanii)
    MRKEVREDKEV --- ---
    Smack One - Huba T (Official Documentary Video)
    POHODAVOLE --- ---
    MATT --- ---
    tohle je dobrý!

    KUP KODEIN x JOSEF K. - PROSTOR (prod. Offline)
    HAVANA --- ---
    MATT: je to lepsi nez sem cekal...ale to neznamena ze to je dobry .(
    MATT --- ---
    Orion - Famous feat. Ondřej Pivec (prod. Mike T)
    MRKEVREDKEV --- ---
    N_I: zrovna u nich uplne fresh veci necekam. prijde mi, ze jsou to takovi klasici, ktery si delaj, co je bavi a nepotrebujou to nekam extra pushovat.
    N_I --- ---
    MRKEVREDKEV: vida dík, mě teda přijde že pomalu úplně sežrali sami sebe, že by jim slušelo vykročit úplně jiným směrem..ale fans to stále má..a jistej rukopis hor taky..běhaj hodně takže song o běhu není překvápko....dík za doporučení na tu knihu a tu souvislost..juknu po tom...
    MRKEVREDKEV --- ---
    N_I: filozofující běžeckej rap. dobrý )) jinak tu knihu, ze který jsou ty citáty doporučuju. ocení jí ne úplně překvapivě hlavně ti co běhaj, plavou nebo jezdí na koních: https://www.kosmas.cz/knihy/288344/telesna-vychova/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw1ouKBhC5ARIsAHXNMI8wWSil43xnu-VC_E8-S4KHFkvfQnbvojbaE72FUu-JxxXIEtCSngQaArpcEALw_wcB
    N_I --- ---
    Modré hory - Beh všemohúci (feat. Martin M. Šimečka)
    N_I --- ---
    Robin Zoot - Kde sou moji bros ft. Viktor Sheen, Yzomandias (official lyrics video)
    MATT --- ---
    takovej oldskulek

    Mc.Gives ft Blanka Janečková VZPOMÍNÁM [official video]
    ENGUMAZ --- ---
    MATT: velky dno..
    MATT --- ---
    ONDRAASOVKA: evidentne kecy pro soudce. dyt tady v cechach porad nekomu vyhrozuje. videl jsem minimalne jedno video, kde nataci uplne rozbityho typa s tim aby nechodil na cajty, chodi po kramech a prudi do ochranky, atd..
    ONDRAASOVKA --- ---
    MATT: s tou jeho obhajobou, že prej "byl tenkrát úplně jinou osobou než dneska", trochu haprujou ty kérky "never change"..
    MATT --- ---
    DMS feat. Horkýže Slíže - Rampa |Official Video|
    MRKEVREDKEV --- ---
    MATT: slušnej zmrd
    MATT --- ---
    Edúv Syn - darkside/life is brutal x svk_kvlt/SavaLord 2021
    MATT --- ---
    MATT: jsem odchyt v doupboj odboji, pravdepodobne duvod, proc Ottu v CR vubec mame..

    Torturer say sorry for 18-hour attack

    Calgary Herald 15 Dec 2010 Daryl Slade dslade@calgaryherald.com
    Aman who lured his landlord to an accomplice’s home, then videotaped his assault and torture over 18 hours, apologized for his actions during sentencing arguments Tuesday.
    “I must say, when I first came on this case, I was 26. Now I’m 31,” Richard Otto Devera told court. “The person I was then is completely different than I am today.
    “When I saw the video, I feel disgusted with what I did. No one deserves to go through something like that. It’s had a domino effect on my family and my co-accused’s family. It’s embarrassing. It’s something I wished I’d never put them through.”
    Devera also apologized to his co- accused, Faried Salem Ibrahim, 31, who faces deportation to his native Iraq, because he dragged Ibrahim into what was his beef with the victim before the assault on March 4, 2006. Court heard Devera was angry that the victim, who cannot be named because of a court-ordered publication ban, had told police that a firearm found in Devera’s basement suite was Devera’s property.
    Court heard the culprits took the man to the basement of Ibrahim’s home and beat him with a baseball bat, whipped him with a belt, kicked and punched him.
    Also during the assault, they put a dog cone on Perron’s head, tried to shove him into a doghouse, urinated on him, burned him with hot knives and used a bug zapper on him.
    The victim was so severely bruised when he arrived at Foothills Hospital that the doctor said his injuries rated about eight or nine out of 10.
    Both men were originally convicted of assaulting and unlawfully confining the man, as well as the victim’s common-law wife and her teenage daughter, and sentenced to 14 years in prison.
    Crown prosecutor Shane Parker, who did not proceed on the charges relating to the two females, said an appropriate sentence for both men was in the six-to eight-year range.
    Parker said the case was aggravating in that the attack was planned and involved group participation, including two other men.

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