YMLADRIS: moc dlouhy takhle po ranu :) nicmene jejich hlavni teze je, ze se prumerna teplota na suchozemi zvedne z 11-15*C na vic nez 29*C (aktualne 1% suchozeme, nove projektujou az 19%). tuhle tezi asi nedokazu vyvratit ani potvrdit, ale zda se mi to do roku 2070 trochu moc a model, kterej tohle projektuje muze bejt dost mimo, vzhledem k tomu, ze se porad zjistuje, ktery vsechny faktory maj na narust teploty vliv, ktery kompenzacni mechanismy priroda ma a uz vubec se nevi, jaky opatreni do roku 2070 lidstvo udela
kazdopadne par dulezitejch antidepresiv z abstraktu:
Much of the impact on human well-being will depend on societal responses. There are often options for local adaptations that could ameliorate effects, given enough resources
At the same time, while some regions may face declining conditions for human thriving, conditions in other places will improve. Therefore, despite the formidable psychological, social, and political barriers to migration, a change in the geographical distribution of human populations and agricultural production is another likely part of the spontaneous or managed adaptive response of humanity to a changing climate
...celkove asi migrace ano, bez ni to nepujde, nekde uz se nebude tak darit, nicmene impact na lidstvo (chudobu, valky, ...) je tezko dohadovatelnej