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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TADEAS --- ---
    The Energy 202: Two GOP senators join with Democrats to back bill to help cut emissions from farms

    The new bill, called the Growing Climate Solutions Act, would give farmers a leg up in selling credits into those markets by planting trees, restoring wetlands or using fertilizer more efficiently on their properties — all of which help cut the amount of carbon dioxide, methane and other climate-warming pollution emitted from their fields. Forest managers, similarly, can sequester carbon by letting more trees grow to maturity rather than regularly cutting them down.

    The senators want to set up a certification program at the Department of Agriculture to sign off on experts whom farmers can turn to for advice about reducing emissions. Such a program, along with a new USDA website called for in the bill, would give farmers the confidence to start cutting emissions and know they can participate in the carbon markets, the lawmakers say.

    “Something like this where they can be rewarded for their good stewardship just comes at a wonderful time,” said Braun, who noted farmers are facing hardship now due to low prices during the coronavirus pandemic.
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: Terraform Series & Desert Webinars

    10 Keys to Greening the Desert with Neal Spackman
    TUHO --- ---
    Double-sided solar panels plus sun-tracking yield big returns | Anthropocene
    TADEAS --- ---
    Mýty a fakta o klimatické krizi (2020)
    Autoři: Bedřich Moldan a Michaela Pixová
    Klimatická koalice a pražská kancelář Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

    dl brozury: https://bit.ly/2UJeaIe
    TADEAS --- ---
    Fridays for Future Europe Calls for Transforming Agricultural Policy to Tackle the Climate Crisis | Common Dreams News

    FFF Europe: Offenen Brief zur Agrarpolitik

    "Public money needs to flow into the transition to sustainable, climate-friendly and peasant agriculture. What we need is a new, evidence-based, and just CAP."


    Halving production and consumption of animal products could reduce emissions up to 40%. Emissions could be rapidly reduced by restoring our peatlands and soils. Negative emissions could be produced due to carbon fixation within our soils, as the Food and Agriculture Organization makes clear: 'the soil is our hidden ally' in tackling the climate crises. Agroecology and stopping pollution by pesticides can restore biodiversity. And above all, a regional, fair, and livelihood securing agriculture will tackle injustice and deliver a future perspective for farming. To support the key role of our farmers for the climate and our society we must encourage them with financial guidelines for emissions reduction, biodiversity recovery, and soil carbon fixation in the CAP funds.


    E.U. politicians must now deliver the transition and help our farmers and nature. It is not too late. It is time to act now," the letter adds. "E.U. politicians must recognize that a great hope to combat the climate crisis and the collapse of biodiversity lies in agriculture and that the current CAP is on the verge of destroying it."
    DRSH --- ---
    Ministr životního prostředí Richard Brabec /ANO/: Muselo by prš...
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Nikola orders enough electrolysis equipment from Nel to produce 40,000 kg of hydrogen per day - Green Car Congress
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TUHO: fajn, aspon jim i na severu dojde, ze se jich tema tyka a neprinese jim to jenom zemedelsky vyhody
    DRSH --- ---
    Na „Nobelovku pro vodu“ je nominován projekt Jiřího Malíka, který vrací vláhu do krajiny u Zdoňova | Hradec Králové
    TUHO --- ---
    // permafrost zabira 25 procent plochy souse na severni polokouli
    TUHO --- ---
    Tady je odhad rizika pro infrastrukturu polozenou na permafrostu v roce 2050

    Predictive permafrost hazard map for Russia. The map was constructed using the GFDL climatic scenario for 2050. Permafrost area is split into zones with low, moderate, and high potential hazard to the structures built on permafrost.

    Predictive permafrost hazard map for Russia. The map was constructed... | Download Scientific Diagram
    TUHO --- ---
    Jeden z prvnich benefitu ohrivajici se planety pro severni zeme - destrukce infrastruktury polozene na permafrostu

    Twenty thousand tonnes of oil leaked into the Ambarnaya River in the Arctic Circle, after a fuel tank at a power plant in Norilsk, Siberia collapsed. Russian President Vladimir Putin declared a state of emergency, allowing extra forces to enter the region for the clean-up operation.
    Norilsk, the city where the spill took place, is one of the most polluted cities in the world due to the operations of Nornickel — the world’s leading nickel and palladium producer, and the owners of the power plant that caused the oil spill. Undiscovered by the Russian state for two days, the oil spill had spread almost 12km from the site of the accident. The region’s governor, and later President Putin, learned of the mishap from “alarming reports on social media,” according to a report by the BBC.
    However, the reason why the oil spill occurred is vital: the pillars supporting the fuel tank had slowly started sinking and eventually collapsed. This is because the tank was built on permafrost (permanently frozen ice), which is melting quicker than usual due to global warming.

    Melting Permafrost In The Arctic Circle Causes Massive Oil Spill | The Swaddle
    JINDRICH --- ---
    "...Aktuální vývoj je nadále znepokojivý v kontextu uplynulých let, kdy byl půdní profil v některých oblastech pouze v jedné sezóně z pěti nasycen dostatečně. Posilování dlouhodobějšího deficitu v hlubších vrstvách potvrzují i stavy podzemní vody dle zpráv kolegů z ČHMÚ. Kategorie podnormální stav vodních toků je sledován na většině území ČR. Normální stav je sledován na místy na Moravě a v Krkonoších. Nadnormální stav je sledován ve Slezsku. V celém profilu do 1 m se k 31. 05. vyskytuje deficit zhruba na 80 % území..."

    Dokud je řepka ok, tak je vse ok...

    "Podle aktuální prognózy výnosů (www.vynosyplodin.cz) by mohlo dojít k propadu výnosů u jarního ječmene a ozimé pšenice, zatímco u řepky nejsou dopady zatím výrazné."

    btw vysla nejaka kniha k suchu - necetl jsem ještě, reference tedy nepodam...

    TUHO --- ---
    WOODMAKER: Jj, snad tam brzo pridaj odkaz.
    WOODMAKER --- ---
    TUHO: a pro lidi, co nejsou na FB, to bude?
    TUHO --- ---
    Kdyby nekho zajimalo, tak dneska v 18:00

    V souvislosti s koronavirovou krizí, která aktuálně spouští krizi ekonomickou, si mnoho z nás klade otázku, jak se vrátit do normálního stavu věcí. Chceme se ale skutečně vrátit zpátky, nebo tuto krizi využít jako příležitost pro to, abychom změnili to, co nefungovalo už před krizí?
    Podle všeho to vypadá, že reakce vlád a institucí bude tentokrát velmi odlišná od reakcí, kterých jsme byli svědky během finanční krize v uplynulé dekádě. Namísto toho, aby se škrtalo jako kdysi, chystá Evropská komise investiční balíček ve výši 750 miliard eur. Kam by ale tyto peníze měly směřovat?
    Na záchranu průmyslu, aerolinek a velkých hráčů, nebo do tvorby nové ekonomiky, obnovitelných zdrojů, podpory lokální potravinové soběstačnosti a adaptace krajiny na změnu klimatu?
    O tom všem a mnohem víc budeme vést online debatu se sociologem Vojtěch Peckou a prostor bude i na vaše dotazy.
    Odkaz přidáme už brzy!

    SHINIGAMI --- ---
    DZODZO: ale to nemeni nic na tom, ze s tim nemuzou nesouhlasit ne? Krom toho never statistice, kterou sis sam nezfalsoval, ze?:) Treba ty vrtule jsou fakt divny...
    DZODZO --- ---
    SHINIGAMI: mne pride zaujimave ako moze byt "21 % nesouhlasí s postupným ukončením spalovania uhlia", ked je to postupne ukoncenie, takze k tomu v buducnosti dojde tak ci tak aj keby sa na hlavu stavali
    SHINIGAMI --- ---
    TUHO: zajimavy, jak extremne jim vychazi kategorie - nezamestnani, nejvic ekologicti, nejvic protijaderni.
    TUHO --- ---
    SHINIGAMI: cele tu

    Energie 2020 - Uhlí - Závěrečná zpráva z výzkumu | Hnutí DUHA
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