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Blue Ocean Event
What is a Blue Ocean Event (BOE)?
One of the big questions about global heating is when — or if — the Arctic will be ice-free each summer. Scientists, such as Paul Beckwith, have recently come to refer to this as a blue ocean event (video). As Arctic sea ice gets thinner and thinner, a blue ocean event looks more imminent every year.
What is the Arctic Death Spiral?
The “Arctic Death Spiral” refers to a scientific chart generated from satellite data in order to visually depict the disappearance of Arctic ice since 1979. According to Skeptical Science, the first Death Spiral graphic is visually striking and clearly shows the loss of sea ice in all seasons. The circle (spiral) graph is stunning. It even provides a tidy disappearing point for when months start hitting zero. However, we cannot let this happen.
If we lose the Arctic, we will also lose the jet stream (video) as we know it, the troposphere will expand (video) causing droughts and fires on many continents, food production will be threatened, and we will be well on the way to a Hothouse Earth state in a 4-7°C [1] world of monster storms and mass extinctions. Eminent and world renowned researcher, James Lovelock, has been saying for over a decade that 6 billion people could perish by the end of the century.