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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    GOJATLA --- ---
    XCHAOS: No nevim, zákaz mi přijde jako dost jednoduché opatření. A třeba výrobu elektřiny z uhlí můžeme zakázat během pár let. Není přece potřeba, aby policajti hlídali opuštěné elektrárny, stačí, když za tu elektřinu nikdo nezaplatí. Co by se stalo? Klesnul by vývoz, stouply ceny? Aspoň by se vyplatila instalace soláru ne?
    Musíme se smířit s tím, že to bude bolet, chvíli to potrvá, ale nemáme na vybranou. Máme rakovinu a jediná naděje je chemoterapie. Budeme se radši tvářit, že je to jen rýma?
    TADEAS --- ---
    DNF: neni to stejny, ale je to +- mimobezny s ekosystemovou regenerativitou
    DNF --- ---
    TADEAS: trochu mam pocit, ze to je presvedcovani presvedcenych. Nekdo kdo to precte letmo nebo na odkaz svyho green kamarada si z toho tak vezme, ze local a organic neni vlastne zadna vaha, protoze je to vsecko stejny. Takze v sobotu v Lidlu se pak bude cejtit pysnej ze vlastne dela dobre a este usetri...
    TADEAS --- ---
    Enough with 'local' and 'organic'. We'll begin to eat well when we farm well | James Rebanks | Opinion | The Guardian

    Sensible and thoughtful people everywhere are asking the same question: what should I eat?

    It is a good question and an important one that speaks of a growing public awareness of our footprint on Earth and our wish to do less harm, individually and collectively. But as a farmer I know that that question masks another, far deeper one, that we must all ask ourselves: how should we farm?


    So, how should we farm? A sustainable and good farming landscape needs to do many things. It needs to feed us all affordably, to keep soil healthy, to provide micro-habitats such as hedgerows and field trees – and even protect what is left of precious habitats such as peat bogs, rivers, wetlands and woodland. If a farming landscape does all this well already, then it is perhaps enough for us to talk about it being “sustainable”. In practice, however, few places are like this, so we need to be way more ambitious.

    We need to ask for “regenerative” agriculture, which means boosting soil health and encouraging biodiversity by working with natural processes as we grow food. More often than not, this means using grazing animals in “mixed” farming systems. Livestock, if well managed, repair soil, trample or eat crop residues and waste, provide fertiliser and control weeds. It means our uplands becoming patchworks of native habitats – meadows and pastures, woodland and bogs – and our lowlands working as rotational mosaics of fields.

    We have become profoundly disconnected from the fields that feed us and it can be difficult to know, as we stand in the supermarket aisles, whether our food has been grown sustainably. We often don’t realise that, behind the misleading packaging, a lot of what we eat doesn’t come from our own landscapes, but from far-off places where animal welfare or environmental regulations are almost non-existent.


    Responding to this crisis, many people opt for a “plant-based diet”. For sure, there are sensible reasons to eat lots of fruit, nuts and vegetables. But if those plants were produced in landscape-scale monocultures, created by ploughing (which is increasingly understood to be an ecological disaster) and grown using either copious amounts of synthetic fertilisers or with industrial chicken litter and doused in pesticides – well, count me out. Such places would once have been biodiverse forests, mixed wild habitats or, perhaps, less destructive, more nature-friendly mixed farms. Yes, it takes less space, but it is the worst farming on Earth. The ethical reasoning doesn’t go nearly far enough.


    Likewise, just choosing to eat “local” food doesn’t cut it if that food is produced in ecologically disastrous ways. Even choosing to eat “organic” doesn’t necessarily meet the challenge, because organic fields are often ploughed and, at vast scale, devastate wildlife and release huge quantities of carbon into the air.

    The difficult truth is that there’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all global sustainable diet that will solve the ecological crisis at one fell swoop. We are all local to somewhere and owning, seeing and taking responsibility for our food and how it is grown is imperative. We need to re-engage with the fields that feed us. We need to learn about and care about farming once more.


    When we find ways to farm regeneratively and in ways that allow nature to thrive around us, then we will have a range of foodstuffs to choose from. We can then take our pick and eat what we each think is right and good.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    GOJATLA: zákaz má taky svojí režii, nejen ekonomickou, ale přímo mocenskou, represivní. Myslíš, že policie půjde vynutit zákaz provozu uhelné elektrárny a pak si půjde po směně domů dát studenou sprchu? :)

    Celý dnešní konsensus ve společnosti je udržován dosaženou mírou komfortu. Některá nutná opatření zasahují do toho komfortu natolik, že jsou v podstatě nevynutitelná...
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Study: 2/3 of aviation climate impact due to emissions other than CO2 - Green Car Congress

    Aviation accounts for 3.5% of the human-made climate impact; two-thirds of this impact are caused by emissions other than CO2, according to a new study by researchers in Europe and the US. The study was published in the journal Atmospheric Environment

    TUHO --- ---
    od 38 ke snezeni behem par dni

    A drastic 36-hour change from summer on Labor Day to heavy snow on Tuesday in Colorado
    SHEFIK --- ---
    dotace a subvence samy o sobe to asi nespasi :(

    Is The Energy Transition Really Accelerating?

    The IEA recognizes these and other realities in its own study released this week, titled “Key World Energy Statistics 2020.” The report takes a detailed look at the history of energy supply and consumption and also projects the future through 2040. Even under its rosy, “Sustainable Development Scenario,” under which government aggressively ramp up their mandates and subsidies promoting renewables and EV adoption, IEA still sees fossil fuels providing the vast majority of the world’s energy needs two decades from now. Under its more realistic “State Policies Scenario,” IEA foresees fossil fuels supplying over 2/3rds of global energy in 2040.
    PER2 --- ---
    A record amount of the world’s largest tropical wetland has been lost to the fires sweeping Brazil this year
    PER2 --- ---
    Ocean carbon uptake widely underestimated -- ScienceDaily
    PER2 --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    A u Japonska mezitim...

    Super Typhoon Haishen has been maintaining its powerful high-end Category 4 strength through Friday and Saturday. The peak sustained winds were at 155 mph (135 knots or 250 km/h). Haishen is the Earth’s 3rd strongest storm of 2020 and is expected to hit Japan and South Korea on Sunday.
    Haishen is expected to be one of the most intense storms on record for Japan. The steongest storm ever hit Japan was a Category 5 Super Typhoon Very that struck Japan back in September 1959.

    Super Typhoon Haishen expected to be one of the most intense storms on record for Japan
    TUHO --- ---

    Sudan suffers devastating flood as Nile rises to highest level in over a century. More than 100 people passed away, almost 100 thousand homes have been destroyed and about half a million people are now homeless.

    Sudan declares state of emergency as record flooding kills 99 people | World news | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    George Monbiot | 55 Tufton Street | Writers Rebel | Extinction Rebellion UK
    TUHO --- ---
    Large Wildfires Burn in California - Aug. 2020
    TUHO --- ---
    California Is Fighting Over Two Dozen Major Wildfires — In The Middle of a Pandemic
    TUHO --- ---

    SHEFIK --- ---
    GOJATLA: ja myslim ze jedinej, kdo se brani sou ignoranti, nebo neznali tematu. bohuzel bejvaj ve vedeni statu

    z pohledu firem: carbon tax je stejne tak prilezitost pro spoustu firem. olej by jednou dosel, pokud se pustej do vodiku, maj svy zisky nesmrtelny... uhelny baroni to maj ted trochu tezsi no :)

    z pohledu ekonomu je to spis jen otazka rychlosti, aby se nezadrely kola. Ymladris tu nedavno postovala studii, jaka taxa by to mela bejt a jak by se mela zvedat v pristich letech, aby to nezabrzdilo celej ten nas financni kolotoc

    kazdopadne firmy bez jasny legislativy budou naslapovat dost opatrne, aby nesly protismeru dotacim atd., takze by usa, eu a cina mely pohnout asap, aby se to konecne naplno roztocilo

    v tomhle je treba fajn eu, ze uz dorucilo hydrogen strategy:

    GOJATLA --- ---
    SHEFIK: OK, ber mě s rezervou, mám vyhraněný názor, ale moc o ekonomice nevím :-)

    HDP asi není to co by nás mělo trápit nejvíc. Spíš to vidím tak, že máme poslední šanci zabránit oteplení o 4C. Buď zákazem spalování fosilu, kvótami, nebo pomocí razantní carbon tax / dividend. Tomu se brání průmysl, který si chce udržet snadné výdělky ale taky ekonomové, kteří v tom vidí hrozbu recese, asi oprávněně. Naše ekonomika je postavená na dluhu a když ji zaškrtíme, sesype se jako v 2008. To je důvod zešedivět, ale jinou možnost nemáme. Radši krizi a občanskou válku, než konec civilizace, ne?

    Decoupling třeba je možný, ale ne dostatečně rychle, už je na to pozdě. Jestli to přežijeme, tak budeme mít možnost ho zkusit.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    SHEFIK: oprava: takze pokud nedostanes za rok 2019 pridano, si idealni kandidat na degrowth, protoze si toho koupis o 1,44% min :) (cca 500kc)
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