Our problems *start* at the scale of billions of tons of carbon; while in politics people's biggest ideas add up to 1,000s to millions of tons (bikelanes, Green New Deal, etc.). But, MORE profoundly: timescale. What if all needs to happen *decades* faster?
2019 Radiative Heating of an Ice‐Free Arctic Ocean
Here we use satellite observations to estimate the amount of solar energy that would be added in the worst‐case scenario of a complete disappearance of Arctic sea ice throughout the sunlit part of the year. Assuming constant cloudiness, we calculate a global radiative heating of 0.71 W/m2 relative to the 1979 baseline state. This is equivalent to the effect of one trillion tons of CO2 emissions. These results suggest that the additional heating due to complete Arctic sea ice loss would hasten global warming by an estimated 25 years.
413 ppm today. Let me translate: super catastrophic, given that we reached 350 ppm just 32 years ago. Your weekly scheduled reminder, via @nephologue, that this is super-exponential growth at planetary scale. Doesn’t get much worse than that.
This reads as if written yesterday. Will, en lieu de daily twitter outrage, henceforth just post LTG screenshots