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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    THE_DARKNESS: nevim, kazdopadne rozhodovaci procesy techle firem jsou dulezity. rockstromm ji tam rika, ze prave je potreba, aby to bylo reseny na urovni policies, aby se cely to (trzni) pole nekam mohlo posouvat.
    DZODZO --- ---
    PETER_PAN: no veru ked som dnes kupoval na vianoce 4 klobasy a kusok udeneho a predo mnou pani nakupila do velkej tasky asi 10 druhov masovych vyrobkov v celkovej cene 2500 korun tak som rozmyslal, ze ci nakupuje pre nejaky detsky tabor :) to budu ti isti ludia co potom bedakaju, ze nemaju peniaze... no nemaju, lebo za tyzden prezeru tolko co my za mesiac :D
    JIMIQ --- ---
    S UK, Nemeckem a ted Spanelskem to vypada ze 40%+ se da dosahnout bez baterii. Takze nase OZE maji kam levne rust
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Spain produced 43.6% of its electricity with renewables energy technologies in the year to December 11

    By the December cut-off date, Spanish plants generated 109,269 GWh of renewable power, up by 11.6% year-on-year, owing mostly to favourable weather conditions and an increase in the total installed renewable energy capacity.

    This year, the country added 2,706 MW of new wind and solar capacity and disconnected 3,486 MW of polluting power plants, mainly coal-burning units. Today, Spain’s total installed generation capacity stands at 109,674 MW, with renewables accounting for 53% of the total.

    The overall electricity production levels decreased by 4% to 250,387 GWh, while emissions stemming from power generation fell by 27.3% compared to 2019. With a 21.7% share in the total generation, wind farms were the country’s biggest producers of renewable power this year and the second biggest after nuclear energy. Solar photovoltaic (PV) plants managed to raise their output by 65.9% on the year and reach a share of 6.1%.
    THE_DARKNESS --- ---
    TADEAS: není to ze strany HM jen greenwashing?
    PETER_PAN --- ---

    ... ...
    V tom, jestli se tohoto typu stravy bude v budoucnu více lidí vzdávat, podle mě může sehrát rozhodující roli otázka klimatické krize. Ta je naléhavá, takže není vyloučené, že ke změnám stravování dojde poměrně rychle a že půjde o změny vynucené ekonomickými nástroji. Kdybych ale byl politik, tak k tomuto problému přistupuji velmi opatrně.


    Pokud bychom z masa znovu udělali statusový symbol, exkluzivní surovinu, kterou si běžná rodina bude moci dovolit jednou týdně, mohlo by to ve společnosti vyvolat velké napětí. Kdyby se například prosadilo jen maso od menších farmářů, znamenalo by to výrazné zdražení. Někteří lidé by na maso najednou neměli, ale protože si na něj už zvykli, pořád by ho chtěli, a takové sociální nerovnosti by mohly být skutečně nebezpečné. Jako mnohem lepší řešení proto vnímám snahu o produkci masa ekologičtějšími způsoby, snahu vyvinout cenově dostupné maso ze zkumavky a podobně.

    Metody zavedené při budování konzumní společnosti sice zajistily dostatek masa a dalších potravin pro široké vrstvy, ale bylo to na úkor životního prostředí. V současnosti už celý ten proces nemůžeme vrátit zpátky. Není možné si představit, že běžní lidé budou tak jako v minulosti jíst jen brambory a zelí, zatímco ti, kteří na tom budou líp, si budou dopřávat maso. To by společnost nepřijala. Proto musíme najít způsob, jak zajistit stejné množství potravin, které spotřebováváme dnes, aniž bychom při tom poškozovali planetu tak, jak jsme to dělali doteď. To bude jeden z nejdůležitějších a zároveň nejsložitějších úkolů nastupující generace.
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Norway becomes the first country to ban deforestation | Times of India Travel
    TADEAS --- ---

    2016 Modeling sustainability: population, inequality, consumption, and bidirectional coupling of the Earth and Human Systems

    2020 Economics and climate emergency
    RADIQAL --- ---
    TADEAS: To je dovcela přísný...
    TADEAS --- ---
    2020 The failure of Integrated Assessment Models as a response to ‘climate emergency’ and ecological breakdown: the Emperor has no clothes

    In this brief commentary we provide some parallel points to complement Steve Keen’s paper in the recent Globalization’s special forum on ‘Economics and Climate Emergency’. Keen’s critique of climate and economy Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) is wide-ranging, but there is still scope to bring to the fore the general issues that help to make sense of the critique. Accordingly, we set out six key inadequacies of IAMs and argue towards the need for a different approach that is more realistic regarding the limits to growth.


    New paper by @salviasefi about lack of feedbacks between Earth & Human Systems in Integrated Assessment Models.

    It is connected to the work of @ProfSteveKeen & papers by my colleagues and myself, e.g., https://t.co/DU2asvLf3T.

    This new paper summarizes some of the key inadequacies of Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs):

    1. The rational expectations assumption.

    2. Lack of real complexity.

    3. ‘Integrated’ does not mean what you think it means.

    4. The use of a ‘representative agent’ in the economic model.

    5. The economic agent as consumer: discounts that shouldn’t count.

    6. The economic agent as producer: the damage done by damage functions.

    Explicit modeling of the Human System variables and dynamical mechanisms is crucial for producing realistic projections of the climate and environmental systems. These projections inform major regional and international policies.

    Without a realistic representation of bidirectional feedbacks in Integrated Assessment Models, we might miss important signals that determine the fate of our planet and our species.

    We need a new paradigm of models for @IPCC_CH and National Climate Assessment reports.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Global Warming Acceleration


    Hot off the press by James Hansen.

    Despite knowing that forcing from aerosols was very large, the IPCC used much smaller forcings in their models.

    According to Hansen the "large and persistent" acceleration since 2015 has been caused by reduced air pollution aerosols. https://t.co/9ONF5B6WWr

    Incredibly, Hansen suggests that, without the massive acceleration caused by declining air pollution aerosols, the rate of warming would have SLOWED.

    https://t.co/GGT2o1VubL https://t.co/wF6Sb05O3h

    It's hard to comprehend the awesome significance of Hansen describing this absolutely catastrophic acceleration in global warming as merely a down payment on the aerosol Faustian Bargain.

    And given that air pollution takes less than a week to fall from the sky it isn't only our grandchildren that the devil is coming for.

    I'm an analyst and these are dry and unpleasant issues, but we have to get our heads around them because these two subjects (aerosols and climate sensitivity) tell us everything about the fraud at the heart of the IPCC and the future of the earth and the human race.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Your daily reminder of Limits to Growth:

    “China’s coastal waters have been fished to the point of destruction. Studies suggest only 15 per cent of the region’s pre-1980s fish population survives. And yet, some 300,000 coastal fishing vessels continue to chase them down.”


    Beijing’s monster fishing fleet has stripped its own waters bare and now they’re headed for Australia. https://t.co/rMoR1T3qau via @newscomauHQ


    Construction begins on world’s first 100,000-tonne intelligent fish farming vessel in Qingdao - Global Times
    TADEAS --- ---
    Governing by targets: reductio ad unum and evolution of the two-degree climate target

    Targets are widely employed in environmental governance. In this paper, we investigate the construction of the 2 °C climate target, one of the best known targets in global environmental governance. Our paper examines this target through a historical reconstruction that identifies four different phases: framing, consolidation and diffusion, adoption, and disembeddedness. Our analysis shows that, initially, the target was science-driven and predominantly EU-based; it then became progressively accepted at the international level, despite a lack of broader debate among governments on the policy implications and required measures for implementation. Once the 2 °C target was endorsed at the level of the United Nations, the nature of the target changed from being policy-prescriptive to being largely symbolic. In this phase, the target became a disembedded object in global governance not linked to a shared agenda nor to coordinated and mutually binding mitigation efforts. The 2015 Paris Agreement marks the last stage in this development and may have further solidified the target as a disembedded object. In the final part of the paper, we suggest ways to overcome the current situation and to develop the 2 °C target into a fully fledged global environmental governance target
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Carbon Pricing Explained [Carbon Tax vs. Cap & Trade]
    JIMIQ --- ---
    PAD: to mi prijde jako nesmysl, 2/3 fosilnich zdroju je zvenku (plyn, ropa), navic jde o docasne obdobi 20 let
    GOJATLA --- ---
    PAD: Možných rizik je spousta, ale za mě je nejhorší riziko, že carbon tax nezavedeme, nebo že bude jen na oko. Kdyby jediná forma, která by šla prosadit, vyplácela celý výnos Křetínskému a Tykačovi, tak bych byl pro.
    PAD --- ---
    JIMIQ: Ono je jedno nebezpeci u te uhlikove dane - kdyz bude vynos dostatecne velky, stat se na ni stane zavisly, takze pak nebude mit uplne motivaci vlastne ten uhlik eliminovat. Napr. v Irsku pred r. 2008 byl stat cim dal vice zavisly z vynosu ruznych dani a poplatku z nemovitosti, coz jej vlastne cinilo zavislym na rostouci nemovitostni bubline. Pritom jeste snizoval dane z prijmu. Pak prisel krach. Podobne vlastne staty neskoncuji treba s levnym pivem (chlastem obecne), protoze je to vyznamny vynos. I kdyz nasledky jsou mnohem horsi (ve zdravotnictvi, ale obecne spolecnosti).
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Nevim kolik by se tak na te uhlikove dani mohlo vybrat ale v prvni rade by mohli jit penize do zdravotnictvi, kde se ty nasledky znecisteni projevuji nejdriv
    PAD --- ---
    Ale lepsi dividenda, nez nezpoplatneny CO2, samozrejme:)
    PAD --- ---
    GOJATLA: Kazda nova davka znamena nove uredniky, protoze ti stavajici budou argumentovat, ze to nestihaji. Tohle je k videni celkem spolehlive. Dukaz v podobe nejake studie nemam, ale myslim, ze je to k videni celkem dobre i bez nej. Dividenda by znamenala nabobnani statu a ve vysledku vlastne mensi cast te uhlikove dane v kapsach lidi.

    Mas pravdu, ze chudi dane neplati - u nich by se dalo uvazovat o zaporne dani, tj. pokud si nevydelal dost, aby ti ta sleva na poplatnika snizila odvadene dane, tak ti proste FU vyplati ten rozdil. Podobne, jako dnes vyplaci FU preplatky na dani.

    Tady se ale stretavaji ruzne pohledy a nejde tvrdit, ze jeden je lepsi nez druhy. Ja si osobne myslim, ze penize by se nemely davat zadarmo, bez prace. Zadarmo neni nikdy nic - aspon v prirode se musi vsechen zivot ohanet, aby prezil. Zavadet neco takoveho pro me znamena predstirat, ze mame nejake perpetuum mobile. Ale respektuju, ze jsou lidi, kteri v tom vidi prilezitost zavest nejakou zakladniho prijmu a mozna i nejakou formu eko-socialismu.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam