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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    SHEFIK --- ---
    YMLADRIS: moc tomu nerozumim, proc je klima a ekologie v CR vnimany jako levicovy tema a hlasi se k nemu prevazne tohle spektrum lidi.

    pritom negativni externalita by mela byt soucasti ekonomicke rovnice (alespon jako nejaka poznamka pod carou:), tedy pravicove tema

    to ze byly externality desetileti ignorovany na faktech nic nemeni... a jestli nekdo chce ban, protoze jeden z nejvetsich podnikatelu sveta se hlasi k zachrane klimatu, mi taky moc logiky ani duvery v nase obyvatele nedava...
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    SHEFIK: hodila jsem to na FB do klimaticky skupinky, cekala jsem hejt proti Muskovi, ale teda při "Prosím ban" reakci už mě zamrazilo. Samí komouši to klimahnutí :-)
    SHEFIK --- ---
    trocha klimatickyho popu :)

    hezky a jednoduse vysvetlenej problem oteplovani, pro kazdyho laika. na zaver jako reseni rozebira carbon tax, vcetne duvodu

    Elon Musk's Unbelievably Simple 12-minute Killer Break Down on Climate Change

    pokud to tu cte nekdo z politickyho spektra, tak muj hlas pujde ty strane, ktera bude mit carbon tax v programu .)
    SHEFIK --- ---
    JIMIQ: tohle neni novy, probiha to uz nekolik let a pry to moc nefunguje co jsem se docetl. jednak se ne kazdy strom chyti a prezije a jednak pracovni sila v africe neni ve vsech statech dostupna a kvalitni (udelat ukol, spravne zasadit, zalet, starat se o nej), vcetne chybejici kontroly a reportingu .)

    me to taky nadchlo, ale ted uz vic verim dmsazenim stromu pomoci dronu, nez africanum :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    The Plan to Build a Global Network of Floating Power Stations | WIRED

    From the outside, Seatrec’s ocean thermal generator doesn’t look like much. The SL1 is about as tall as a person, 6 inches wide, and has a smooth, nearly featureless black and gray exterior. But it’s what’s inside that counts. The bottom of the cylinder is packed with a specially designed wax that changes its phase depending on the temperature. The wax solidifies when the SL1 lowers itself into the frigid depths of the deep ocean. Then, when the tube resurfaces, the relatively warm water causes its waxy innards to liquify. During the phase change from solid to liquid, the wax increases in volume and raises the pressure inside the tube, which forces a fluid through a generator and creates electricity. All the device has to do to recharge is descend into colder water to resolidify the wax; it can do this by releasing a tether or deflating an internal air bladder.

    Over the course of three weeks last February, Chao and his team sent two of the company’s generators on several dives to 3,000 feet beneath the surface while attached to a profiling float. It was only the third time that an SL1 had ever been deployed in the ocean, and the submersible generators were going hundreds of feet deeper than they had on previous dives. Yet they still managed to generate enough energy to power many types of research tools deployed by oceanographers. It was an unambiguous success.


    Chao hopes that Seatrec’s ocean generator will deliver on a promise first conceptualized in the 1980s by the renowned oceanographers Douglas Webb and Henry Stommel. They envisioned a globe-spanning fleet of missile-shaped underwater research robots called Slocum gliders that would explore the oceans with the same dexterity, autonomy, and longevity that we’ve come to expect from the robots that NASA sends to explore other planets. Like Seatrec’s SL1, these gliders would be powered by underwater temperature differences


    Tapping the ocean’s natural temperature differences to create clean energy has promise, but Seatrec has a lot of work to do before its technology sees widespread commercial use. As Jayne points out, oceanographers are generally reluctant to adopt new technologies until they’ve been thoroughly tested. The last thing any scientist wants is to deploy a fleet of research vehicles only to have them fail a year into their mission. But Chao is confident that ocean thermal energy is the future.

    “My vision is millions of robots at sea,” he says. “By the end of the decade, I think we are going to get three-dimensional oceanographic data in real time and we’re going to power the blue economy.”
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Donors pledge $14 bln for 'Green Wall' to hold back Sahara : The Tribune India

    $14 miliard, 8000 km

    "That's 100 million hectares restored, 10 million jobs created, 250 million tonnes of carbon captured,"
    TADEAS --- ---
    KEB: jj, lol

    Jablkem sváru je množství půdy, které se bude moci ročně z každého hektaru pole odplavit, aniž by za to čekal zemědělce trest. Zelený resort se drží doporučení odborníků na eroze a navrhuje devět tun.

    S tím se však nechce smířit Zemědělský svaz a Agrární komora zastupující spíš větší agrokomplexy a družstva. Bojují za zvýšení limitu na 12 tun, to znamená téměř plnou nákladní tatru ornice. Měkčí pravidla od začátku požaduje také Ministerstvo zemědělství.
    KEB --- ---
    S každým deštěm mizí z Česka to nejcennější. Na jaře se problém vrátí - Seznam Zprávy

    Výsledek bych viděl tak na 15tun...
    DZODZO --- ---
    bod 3) plati aj pre FVE s ukladanim prebytkov do bojleru, ak su peniaze a miesto na 1000l akumulacku tak sup tam s nou, oplati sa cenovo viac jak bateria
    PAD --- ---
    GLOBETROTTER: Pro stanoveni velikosti nadrze existuji 3 pristupy: 1) dle ceny - proste koupis takovou, na jakou mas penize; 2) vypoctes to dle srazek a spotreby treba tady https://www.dotacedestovka.cz/ ; 3) [mnou preferovana] nainstalujes tu nejvetsi, ktera se ti v praxi vleze, protoze jak jsem slysel zkusenosti lidi, nakonec tu vodu vyuzijes a ty statisticke udaje o srazkach zas tak neplati.

    Pripojit na to toaletu neni zadny problem, pokud vodu vycerpas, da se na to napojit voda z radu, kterou spina plovak (nadrz se dopusti, kdyz uz voda neni). Neni to ani drahe a neni treba vodu nejak slozite recyklovat.
    BOREC --- ---
    Horší je to s bytovýma patrovýma domama. Tam ta střecha nestačí a muselo by se to doplňovat šedou vodou že sprchy např. a filtrovat to hlavně mechanicky, aby se nezanasely membrány např. u systému wc jako je Geberit.
    BOREC --- ---
    GLOBETROTTER: je to dle lokace a dle velikosti střechy. Jsou na to výpočty. Nebudu ti je hledat.
    GLOBETROTTER --- ---
    BOREC: Jak velkou nádrž navrhuješ pro rodinný dům? A měla by to být fixní hodnota pro celou republiku nebo by se to mělo lišit podle průměrných srážek za nějaké delší období?
    TADEAS --- ---

    Frontiers | Ecosystem Impacts and Productive Capacity of a Multi-Species Pastured Livestock System | Sustainable Food Systems

    a co je to ten potencial? :)

    btw hezka ilustrace toho stretu ekosystemovyho nahledu (cykly ekosystemu jsou dulezity) vs civilizacniho nahledu (primarni je produkce bilkovin / komodit / etc pro civilizaci) -- coz je pro civilizaci spatne resitelnej problem, protoze civilizace nezna limit driv nez uz je pozde (overshoot, degradace zakladny zdroju, ale impakty odlozene casove a mistne)

    White Oak Pasture’s Harris looks beyond what he calls “scientific quibbles” over the amount of carbon sequestered. To that end, this life cycle analysis doesn’t account for the other soil, water and microbial benefits regenerative agriculture provides, neither does it account for the negative impacts of conventional beef production. The calculations around conventional beef production system has, for example, never included the cost of antibiotic resistance, even though 80 percent of antibiotics go into animal production, says Rangan. For example, she points to the human and environmental health concerns that stem from managing the manure.


    Waite, of WRI, says he would love to see the conversation evolve from “how do we make agriculture regenerative,” as if that’s the silver bullet, to “how can we feed a growing population while greatly reducing agricultural emissions and increasing land-based carbon sinks, and building resilience to climate change.” If we do that, he says, then regenerative practices clearly fit in to the picture, but aren’t the whole picture.

    cili soucasti problemu je, ze resi jinej problem... jeden resi management produkcniho ekosystemu, pricemz ten ekosystem mu dava limity, druhej se na to diva z pohledu civilizace, kdy je to narok civilizace (eg 10 miliard lidi), co mu dava "limity" ... bohuzel, limity toho co chceme nelze nastavit nad limity toho, co je mozne (biosystemem vygenerovat). ... tyhle studie vyzadujou, aby se koncepcne slo daleko dal.
    TUHO --- ---
    btw trochu skepse k potencialu regenerativnijo hospodareni

    In recent years, awareness of regenerative practices have been picking up as several groups rush to create labels and certification schemes for farms that claim to be improving the soil and working to draw carbon out of the atmosphere. With so few quantitative studies yet conducted, however, the Quantis claims yielded a fair bit of criticism. But it hadn’t been peer reviewed—until now.

    In November, a group of eight scientists published a comprehensive, peer-reviewed life cycle analysis on the research done at White Oak Pastures. The findings confirm that multi-species pasture rotations sequester enough carbon in soil to create a greenhouse gas footprint that is 66 percent lower than conventional, commodity production of beef. The catch is that the regenerative approach requires 2.5 times more land.

    The difference, says study co-author Paige Stanley, occurred because the Quantis analysts applied the rate of carbon sequestration solely to beef, while this paper included nutrient inputs and emissions from all the animals in the system.

    “It’s a hell of a lot of carbon,” says study co-author Jason Rowntree, a researcher at Michigan State University. “But when you combine all of the different proteins, the emission footprint is considerably lower, with a land tradeoff that must be addressed.”

    TADEAS --- ---
    Za 30 let v Česku nevypěstujeme ani brambory, říká expert - Seznam Zprávy

    Evropa hlásí teplotní rekord. Česku o kousek unikl - Seznam Zprávy
    TUHO --- ---
    nejaka kultura pro globetrottera a njala ,))

    Zabíjejte popírače klimatických změn | Švandovo divadlo
    BOREC --- ---
    PAD: za mě, u novostaveb by měla být povinnost splachovat dešťovou.
    PAD --- ---
    TADEAS: pokud by to bylo jen na piti / myti nadobi / zubu atp, tak by to bohate stacilo - znamena to asi nekolikere rozvody vody v dome, ale to je pro budoucnost asi stejne lepsi, nez vsechno krmit pitnou vodou (ostatne porad je pro me neuveritelne, ze pitnou vodou bezne splachujeme ...)
    SHEFIK --- ---
    YMLADRIS: oni to nejsou zas nejak vzdaleny predpovedi nebo fabulace. temer o vsem co pise uz nejakou dobu ctu.

    o geothermalu se pise celkove malo, ale technologickej progress i investice a vyzkum oblasti je taky posledni rok intenzivnejsi (alespon podle poctu clanku)

    polemizovat se da treba ohledne trucku, jestli musi byt na vodik, baterky jdou hrozne rychle dopredu a treba Tsla vsadila uz od zacatku na elektriku. s letadlama je to podobny. u vodiku jsou nejaky omezeni (vaha, prostor, bezpecnost), a jestli se zvetsi kapacita baterek, vodik zustane mozna jen jako sezonni uloziste, pokud vubec

    a vertical farming je i muj favorit :) hodne prostoru a zdroju na zemi by se usetrilo, pokud se podari nejak nakladove rozumne tohle rozjet. coz se s AI (aby poznala problem/potreby individualni rostliny) a robotizaci myslim v poslednich letech hybe kupredu. kazda restaurace pak muze mit maly box s cerstvejma bylinkama - coz setri od pudy, hnojiv, dopravu, neplytvani a vyhazovani jidla az k lepsi kvalite pro lokalniho konzumenta
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    SHEFIK: myslela jsem na tebe, kdyz jsem to psala, :) , ale ono by to chtelo proverit, zda Elimu vubec uz nejake predpovedi vysly, zamilovat se do vertical farming umi kazdej ...
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam