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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---

    Amsterdam’s ambition is to bring all 872,000 residents inside the doughnut, ensuring everyone has access to a good quality of life, but without putting more pressure on the planet than is sustainable. Guided by Raworth’s organization, the Doughnut Economics Action Lab (DEAL), the city is introducing massive infrastructure projects, employment schemes and new policies for government contracts to that end. Meanwhile, some 400 local people and organizations have set up a network called the Amsterdam Doughnut Coalition—managed by Drouin— to run their own programs at a grassroots level.

    It’s the first time a major city has attempted to put doughnut theory into action on a local level, but Amsterdam is not alone. Raworth says DEAL has received an avalanche of requests from municipal leaders and others seeking to build more resilient societies in the aftermath of COVID-19. Copenhagen’s city council majority decided to follow Amsterdam’s example in June, as did the Brussels region and the small city of Dunedin, New Zealand, in September, and Nanaimo, British Columbia, in December. In the U.S., Portland, Ore., is preparing to roll out its own version of the doughnut, and Austin may be close behind. The theory has won Raworth some high-profile fans; in November, Pope Francis endorsed her “fresh thinking,” while celebrated British naturalist Sir David Attenborough dedicated a chapter to the doughnut in his latest book, A Life on Our Planet, calling it “our species’ compass for the journey” to a sustainable future.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Could Amsterdam's New Economic Theory Replace Capitalism? | Time

    One of the biggest bottlenecks to the proliferation of regenerative ag is the fight of the marketplace, with hidden "externalities" and subsidies, the full picture is lost from the price tag. This pilot in Amsterdam of Kate Raworth's Doughnut Economic Theory is a solid attempt to shift our economic actions to include things like planetary boundaries and caretaking of community. This article interviews community on the ground and outlines the transition occurring, something that I think many of us want to understand more about.

    We often get wrapped up in the panacea of soil health restoration and forget that none of that treasure is possible without a shift in multiple systems, include the social and economic fabrics.
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: bylo by pekny kdyby to bylo takhle jednoduchy. prehlizi to roli nas jakozto hyperpredatora, kterej uz udelal takovy zasahy do ekosyatemovyho fungovani, ze se nemuze pouze stahnout. zaroven "rest" je jen jednou managementovou technikou, ktera prave neni ucinna, pokud neni dostatek vody, a neni ani moc rychla v prostredich s dostatkem vody. tj. je vyuzitelna v prostredich s dostatkem vody a tam, kde nevyuzivame ekoaystem produkcne.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: ono to regenerativni bude asi nejblizsi tomu prirozenymu/bezzasahovymu/nemanagovanymu, nebo managovanymu maximalne jako ochrana proti extremum
    GUDRUN --- ---
    Ráda bych vás pozvala na online diskuzi s Naďou Johanisovou na téma, jak může solidární ekonomika přispět k řešení klimatické krize - online stream na FB ve čtvrtek, 18h:
    Solidární ekonomika - Rebel Talk s Naďou Johanisovou
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: to "regenerativni" proste neni nic existujiciho, to je nejaka aspirace. nemuzeme zkiumat regenerativni oraktiky ve smysku ze je ti neco ci existuje a my to ted zaevidujeme udelame statistiku a na zaklade toho dotacni programy. samozrejme, ze to fungovat nebude, to jediny co muze fjngovat je vypracovat v prubehu casu dostatecne komplexni pojem regenerativity (ekosystemu) a stabilizace (klimatu) a v tom ramci se ucit operovat.

    je extremne nepravdepodobny, ze to bude fungovat na prvni druhou a treti dobrou. pokud se to naucime zacit delat v nekakejch oblastech cca do pulky stoleti, tak ta druha polovina stoleti muze byt ve jmenu ty regenerativity. to by bylo fajn, pral bych si to :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    klima / covid / non-stationarity

    How to prepare for unpredictable climate events to ensure water sustainability | ORF

    “Stationarity” is a concept borrowed from statistics. A non-technical definition of the term is that the past is a poor predictor of the future. Globally, all of us for centuries, probably millennia, have assumed that the past can guide us safely in how we prepare for the future. The best engineers and economists in the world assume stationarity. Farmers, builders, and foresters assume stationarity. Most of us in our daily lives too assume that tomorrow will not be that different than today. Climate change is a spirit mocking stationarity.

    Climate shifts in monsoon patterns, cyclone intensity, and drought frequency are no longer easy to predict. The Danish city of Copenhagen had an intense rain event that caused several billion euros in damage in a matter of minutes. And then had another intense rain event about as bad a few years later. The valley where I live on the Pacific Coast of North America is not supposed to have forest fires, but a freak shift in the jet stream over the ocean last September created a flash drought, and within hours we had intense fires and fierce winds channeled through wooded canyons, with millions of people under evacuation orders and thousands of people huddled in evacuation centres during the pandemic to escape the choking smoke-thickened atmosphere.

    Australia faced even more intense fires just a year ago — fires so intense they sterilised the soil, re-engineering whole ecosystems in a matter of hours. These events could be predicted, but they could not be predicted on the basis of what has happened in the past. They were non-stationary events. Indeed, the pandemic itself — while not caused by climate change — is at once a wonderful and horrible example of a radical non-stationary occurrence.
    TADEAS --- ---

    The New Climate War: The Fight to Take Back Our Planet: Mann, Michael E.: 9781541758230: Amazon.com: Books
    TADEAS --- ---
    Greta Thunberg says 'time will tell' if Biden administration fulfills promises on climate change

    Michael E. Mann

    GretaThunberg and I talk with @KatyTurNBC about the climate crisis (and my new book, The #NewClimateWar).
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    SEJDA: omg, posledni vetou jsi to zabil. Tomu se rika obchod. V nerudnych surovinach jsem pracoval a kdo skoupil dobyvak ten ma. Kdo nema breci. Otevrit novy loziska je problem kvuli ekologii zp, krerou vsichni hajime. Zasoby jsou, nejsou loziska. Neni v tom mafie, ne u nas. Je to cesky vepro knedli zelo.
    SEJDA --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: https://www.globalcitizen.org/de/content/world-fastest-growing-cities/

    Mne to, ciste akademicky, vychazi takto: mejme metropoli s 5 mil. obyvatel (nejblizssi je asi Mnichov, Viden nebo Varsava, tedy jejich metropolitni oblasti) s prirustkem obyvatel dynamickeho mesta, tj. 2 % za rok. Kazdy jeden rok, se do metropolitni oblasti pristehuje na 100 000 lidi za jediny rok. To je srovnatelne s vybudovanim ekvivalentu Hradce kralove nebo Pardubic za rok, znova. Kdyz by byl rust 5 % tak uz se bavime o 250 000 lidi za rok.
    No a kdyz uz mas takovyto potencial na prusery, rok za rokem, tak se to ve stredni Evrope, jak si myslis, obejde bez mafianskych praktik.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: takhle se ale bude efekt multiplikovat.

    a pevne verim, ze agrofertum apod. porad o jidlo jde, da se zpenezit.

    s pudou si iluze nedelam

    kdyz ale zacnes dotovat koncept "regenerace", pak je vlastne nejjednodussi nechat pudu lezet ladem a prodavat odpustky korporacim

    tohle by mely bejt spis zakony jak nakladat s pudou a bejt nakym zpusobem kompenzovany, ale pri kontrole kvality. ne bez kontroly a dotovany korporaci, ktera pak nema uz vubec zadnou motivaci bejt uhlikove neutralni, kdyz se akorat vykoupi.. efekt by byl spis presne opacnej
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: "farmari budou bohatnout na kreditech. o pudu a jidlo na ni vypestovanym jim pujde az v druhy rade"

    vitej (v evrope jiz existujicim rezimu)
    JINDRICH --- ---
    Towards a new socio-ecological contract

    Event by European Trade Union Institute - ETUI

    3. 2. v 13:00 UTC+01 až 5. 2. v 13:00 UTC+01

    ➡️ etui.org/Z4Z

    The need to effectively tackle global warming puts under pressure the existing industrial relations models in Europe. A new logic of sustainability needs to be incorporated into the social contracts in order to (re)build harmonious labour relations. A viable world of labour requires a new sustainability paradigm, which encompasses all three of its dimensions: economic, social and environmental.

    Achieving economic sustainability (within the planetary boundaries) has become more challenging. Actual economic growth has come at a critically high cost in terms of inequality of opportunities and outcomes, planetary resources, biodiversity and environmental degradation, thus undermining both social and environmental sustainability. Social sustainability is also likely to come under increasing pressure from the impending fourth industrial revolution. In turn, widening inequality and climate change are forcing us to question the way we measure prosperity and wellbeing.
    The magnitude of the required paradigm shift to ensure economic, social and environmental sustainability implies large-scale economic and societal change and serious deliberation. All workers need to be actively involved in a just transition and nobody should be left behind. Massive societal coalitions will have to be built for a shared vision to emerge and for the just transition, with fairly distributed costs, to be supported. But this is also an opportunity to redefine what we consider to be our societal goals and how they relate to the current focus on (green) growth.
    The next ETUI-ETUC conference will pursue different lines of inquiry and discussion, seeking to understand not only the challenges before us but also to identify what we can do today and tomorrow in order to establish a new social, economic and environmental contract. What targets or objectives should be set, and how might they be reached? How can we create a sustainable European growth model? How can we reverse the trend towards growing inequalities? What kind of Green New Deal is a realistic and feasible prospect for Europe? What elements of justice, solidarity and equity constitute a fair and sustainable social foundation? What are the roles of the market, the state, industry and civil society? And what role can trade unions play to build a sustainable future that addresses all of these dimensions?
    The conference will be online. In order to receive the instructions on how to join please register.
    Follow the conference via social media at #SEC2021
    ➡️ etui.org/Z4Z
    SHEFIK --- ---
    SHEFIK: jeste to poopravim. z par farmaru se stane horni trida. jinak na tom pohadkove zbohatnou americky agroferty apod.

    a zemedelska puda bude neskutecne zdrazovat
    SHEFIK --- ---
    YMLADRIS: jeden velkej experiment s nejistym vysledkem

    ale chapu to tak, ze samotnej experiment by ani nevadil, spis je problem to, ze to "neovereny" ukladani uhliku bez moznosti dlouhodoby kontroly kolik se uklada, jak hluboko a na jak dlouho se bude automaticky penezit v kreditech, ktery se budou prodavat firmam, co co2 vypoustej.

    to by byl krasne regulaci pokrivenej trh. velky firmy si budou kupovat odpustky, aby nemusely nic menit a farmari budou bohatnout na kreditech. o pudu a jidlo na ni vypestovanym jim pujde az v druhy rade :) ...doplnej to vetrnou elektrarnou a solarem a z farmaru se stane horni trida. zbytek sveta bude jist konzervy ze sklepa

    uzasny, co lidi vymysli pro zachranu sveta.

    a pak jeden z asi nejdulezitejsich odstavcu zaverem:

    A final reason to slow down the carbon farming train is that any carbon captured in the soil would be released back into the atmosphere if the soil were subsequently disturbed. This is important, because the vast majority of farmers who currently practice no-till farming still plow up their soils at least every few years. Craig Cox from the Environmental Working Group has thus asked the key question: “If the practices disappear are the credits refunded?”
    YMLADRIS --- ---

    In May 2020, the World Resources Institute concluded that regenerative methods overall were good for soil health, but the “limited scientific understanding of what keeps soil carbon sequestered” results in “uncertainty about whether regenerative practices actually sequester extra carbon.”

    President Biden, Please Don't Get Into Carbon Farming
    President Biden, Please Don't Get Into Carbon Farming | WIRED

    namitka v kostce je ze to nefunguje a bude to jen tunel pro Big Ag spolecnosti
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    SEJDA: sam ses pohrebiste, twl vem si prasek.
    Neznam zadnej solidni produkt ve stavebnictvi, kterej by se prezentoval stylem, ze je nekde mafie. Tohle proste na zadnym prospektu nezminis a veletrhu neuvidis, pokud se nechces posunout ze stredu na uplnej okraj.
    Ja jak te pozoruju, a mnohe dalsi, s komercni sferou nemate zadny zkusenosti, jste nejspis akademici a nechapete, jak funguje kapitalismus. Ochrana investic a porcovani bussinesu je vyssi divci, na to ubreceny levicaci nestaci a ruda revoluce neni cesta.
    Nicmene kapitalismus a kriminalita jsou dve ruzny veci.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    OMNIHASH: ve skutečnosti se za ta léta vynořila čísla, která jsem před 10 lety neměl, a která potvrdila, že jsem měl pravdu :-) ale tady je to offtopic, více u mě v [ Solární letadla a vzducholodi (pilotovaná/bezpilotní+stratosférické/elektrické létání+"létající auta"/VTOL) ] ... i když poslední dobou nemám moc čas tyhle myšlenky rozvíjet a vymýšlím spíš nákladní tramvaje do města, na základě reálné zkušenosti s prací cyklokurýra...
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    XCHAOS: koukám, že ti redguy už dlouho nepřepočítal rovnice !
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam