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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    Canada, not China, dominates Amazon energy and mining - China Dialogue

    Canadian companies have the greatest share of foreign investment in Amazon energy and mining projects while companies headquartered in China control scarcely 10% across the hydropower and extractives sectors, according to new data published by US think-tank the Inter-American Dialogue.

    “I don’t think anyone knew exactly how active Canada was in the Amazon,” said Lisa Viscidi, director of the Dialogue’s energy, climate change and extractive industries programme, adding that the lower level of Chinese participation was surprising.

    The collection of data on hydroelectric, oil and gas, and mining in the Amazon aims to identify the companies and banks with projects in a vital ecosystem. The Amazon serves as a critical carbon sink and home to indigenous groups and several million species of plants and animals, according to the report “Energy and Mining in the Amazon”.

    Throughout South America, 197 Canadian mining companies own or operate an estimated US$8 billion worth of projects. In an area the report defines as the “biogeographic Amazon” – the cradle of the ecosystem’s biodiversity that extends beyond legal-political boundaries – they control equity shares equivalent to 47 whole projects, the data shows.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Redirecting subsidies for the good of nature | China Dialogue

    lot of money is needed to prevent spiralling biodiversity loss; somewhere between US$598 billion and US$824 billion a year, according to the Nature Conservancy and Paulson Institute. The good news is that around half of that could be met with existing finance, redirected from activities that damage nature to those that enhance it.

    The bad news is countries already agreed to do this in 2010, but most failed to even identify what subsidies they were promoting that caused problems, never mind reform them. The value of subsidies that harm biodiversity has been estimated to be five or six times higher than finance for promoting conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.


    Several recent major reports have stressed the importance of reforming subsidies. In January, an overview of biodiversity finance by environmental think-tank Global Canopy warned that even with increased investment from the private sector, the biodiversity funding gap would likely not be filled unless harmful subsidies estimated at US$1 trillion were redirected to nature-positive activities.

    The Dasgupta review, commissioned by the UK Treasury, also argued for subsidy reform aimed at protecting nature, noting that current government subsidies for agriculture, fisheries, forestry and mining encouraged overexploitation.


    lot of money is needed to prevent spiralling biodiversity loss; somewhere between US$598 billion and US$824 billion a year, according to the Nature Conservancy and Paulson Institute. The good news is that around half of that could be met with existing finance, redirected from activities that damage nature to those that enhance it.

    The bad news is countries already agreed to do this in 2010, but most failed to even identify what subsidies they were promoting that caused problems, never mind reform them. The value of subsidies that harm biodiversity has been estimated to be five or six times higher than finance for promoting conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.


    members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) have been discussing fishing subsidies since 2001. Governments had agreed in 2015 to eliminate subsidies that support illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing and prohibit subsidies that contribute to overfishing and overcapacity by 2020, but missed the deadline.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Russia’s slow progress on climate action set to pick up speed

    Russia has been slow to move on climate action, as it is a hydrocarbon superpower and oil and gas play a significant role in the economy. Thus, there is a powerful lobby intrinsically opposed to – or at least suspicious of – radical measures to move quickly on climate change action. The government must steer a careful course. The emerging response seems to be that there is no one-size-fits-all policy in climate action, but rather many ways to move towards net zero. President Putin devoted fully one quarter of his 45-minute keynote speech at St Petersburg Economic Forum in early June to climate change. His main theme was that the problem presents huge, international challenges, which cannot be tackled by countries acting individually. He has instructed the Russian government to develop and deliver a whole host of measures in the arena of climate change action, with a detailed plan to be published by October this year. Part of this plan will be to make greater use of so-called green bonds, which will be issued to fund specific climate change and renewable energy projects. These also have the advantage of not being subject to Western sanctions as they will be issued by the project managers and not directly by government ministries.


    For Moscow, a particularly contentious issue is the EU’s proposed carbon tax on goods imported from countries that do not meet the emission limits set under the Paris Agreement. These limits are at the core of the EU’s Green deal. As it stands, Russia faces the possibility of an annual tariff cost of between $10 billion and $50 billion. Moscow argues that it has already cut emissions by over 30% from the 1990 measurement, and the fact this reduction is the result of the elimination of a lot of old Soviet industry is inconsequential. It also argues that the share of renewable energy in its total energy mix is over 25% because of hydro and nuclear power.

    Moscow is also arguing that Russian natural gas, which Putin emphasised at the St Petersburg Economic Forum, is much cleaner and cheaper than US LNG (liquid natural gas) which is mostly produced by fracking. This is a message, along with the position that gas should be considered a transition fuel, he hopes will resonate with the powerful environmental groups in Europe. Especially with the German Green Party, which appears set to have a role in government after the September parliamentary election. A big part of Russia’s messaging to the EU and the US will focus on the contribution of Russia’s vast forests and wetlands in absorbing CO2 – the first steps in the initiative to highlight the role of the forest lies in much more detailed measurement of the absorption effect, and work in this arena has started. Many Russian experts argue that, on a net aggregate basis, these factors mean Russia is already one of the lowest carbon emitters on the planet.


    The use of solar and wind generation in Russia is, so far, minuscule. But the government has announced new targets for the development of these types of renewables, anticipating a rise in usage from around 1% in the generation mix in 2021 to 4-5% over the next few years. The World Bank has pointed out that Russia could become a world leader in wind power, with its vast tracts of land and suitable “wind corridors” in areas of northern Russia. Moreover, several regions in the south of the country are very suitable for solar generation. Developments in the southern Republic of Kalmykia are especially encouraging.

    The government has published a road map for the development of hydrogen and is drafting initiatives to accelerate the production of green hydrogen. However, a lot of attention is also being paid to the further development of blue hydrogen, produced by the steam reforming of methane, abundant in Russia, and the use of carbon capture and storage. Currently, blue hydrogen is much cheaper to produce than the green variety and this cost difference is likely to persist for several years or even decades. The Russians see significant competitive advantage in developing hydrogen from various sources.
    TADEAS --- ---

    Grains analyst missing as China shuts down information on failed crop - ABC News

    A Chinese grains analyst has reportedly been jailed and another is said to be under house arrest
    Australian grains analysts say China is suppressing information about grain shortages to keep world prices down
    China is buying up near-record amounts of grain while reporting a bumper crop of its own
    TADEAS --- ---
    Paul Maidowski

    Complex humanitarian emergencies: Climate & social risk are coupled: „Independent analysts who report on China's grains industry have reportedly been arrested & their online businesses shut down to stop them from telling the truth about the country's below-average crop.“


    "Last year, the flooding was so bad there were fears the Three Gorges Dam would be overtopped. As ii
    t was, the release of water downriver was so great it scoured the topsoil of millions of acres of formally productive farmland. "

    “The flood is coming again.”


    TADEAS --- ---

    Paul Maidowski

    @ all who work on climate: We'll reach CO2 levels in the hot MCO Miocene range ~450-550 ppm even at insanely optimistic assumptions. Does the risk that we may be committed to up to 7C warming not deserve attention? Again, questions don't ask themselves.

    TADEAS --- ---
    Growth without economic growth — European Environment Agency

    Economic growth is closely linked to increases in production, consumption and resource use and has detrimental effects on the natural environment and human health. It is unlikely that a long-lasting, absolute decoupling of economic growth from environmental pressures and impacts can be achieved at the global scale; therefore, societies need to rethink what is meant by growth and progress and their meaning for global sustainability.


    The ongoing ‘Great Acceleration’ [1] in loss of biodiversity, climate change, pollution and loss of natural capital is tightly coupled to economic activities and economic growth.
    Full decoupling of economic growth and resource consumption may not be possible.

    Doughnut economics, post-growth and degrowth are alternatives to mainstream conceptions of economic growth that offer valuable insights.

    The European Green Deal and other political initiatives for a sustainable future require not only technological change but also changes in consumption and social practices.

    Growth is culturally, politically and institutionally ingrained. Change requires us to address these barriers democratically. The various communities that live simply offer inspiration for social innovation.
    DZODZO --- ---
    TADEAS: dobre tam vidim ze slovensko ma nejakych uprchlikov? to budu asi ekonomicki migranti ako ja :D
    TADEAS --- ---
    Seeing Into Systems – EThe left a
    TADEAS --- ---
    Visualising 70 years of refugee journeys | Human Rights News | Al Jazeera

    On #WorldRefugeeDay, we look at the painful journeys refugees were forced to take in 2020 despite the global pandemic.

    SHEFIK --- ---

    Koncentrace CO2 v atmosféře dosáhla nejvyšší úrovně za 4 miliony let - Ekolist.cz
    SHEFIK --- ---

    NASA varuje: naše planeta zachycuje dvakrát více tepla, bude to mít dalekosáhlé následky – VTM.cz

    Ame­ric­ký Ná­rod­ní úřad pro le­tec­tví a vesmír (NA­SA) a Ná­rod­ní úřad pro oce­án a at­mo­sfé­ru (NO­AA) pu­b­li­ko­val vý­sled­ky stu­die, ze kte­ré vy­plý­vá, že ener­ge­tic­ká ne­rov­no­vá­ha Ze­mě se bě­hem 14 let od roku 2005 do roku 2019 při­bliž­ně zdvoj­ná­so­bi­la.

    Jed­no­du­še­ji ře­če­no: na­růs­tá množ­ství tep­la, kte­ré na­še pla­ne­ta za­chy­cu­je a ne­vy­zá­ří zpět do vesmí­ru. Ten­to jev pak při­spí­vá k rych­lej­ší­mu otep­lo­vá­ní oce­á­nů, mo­ří, pev­ni­ny a vzdu­chu. Hlav­ní au­tor stu­die Nor­man Lo­eb kon­sta­tu­je, že ten­to ná­růst je na­pros­to bez­pre­ce­dent­ní a Ze­mě se otep­lu­je rych­le­ji, než se oče­ká­va­lo.
    TADEAS --- ---

    Na jihozápadě USA dochází voda. Přehrady jsou téměř prázdné — ČT24 — Česká televize
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Vypouštění CO2 začíná být drahé. Vyplatí se napumpovat ho pod zem? - iDNES.cz
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    PER2: Plyn (methan) jde vyrabet synteticky, dokonce ho lze i vyrabet uhli (ale to jen BTW).
    Nejlepe by vychazela vyroba syntetickeho methanu z pyrolyzy nerecyklovatelnych plastu (v tenhle moment).
    SHEFIK --- ---
    #positive #governmentAction

    Pokud to spravne chapu, v usa budou akciovy firmy muset nove investorum reportovat nasledujici.

    As we explained in our comments, new rules need to require each company to disclose:

    the full scope of its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This includes GHG emissions from assets that it owns, like factories, buildings, or transportation fleets; GHG emissions from the power is uses to run its factories and buildings; and GHG emissions from using the products it makes (in the case of manufacturers) or the investments it makes (in the case of banks or investment companies).

    the company’s projections about how realistic climate change scenarios will affect the company. Climate change is likely to result in more widespread flooding, wildfires, and more powerful hurricanes. Those events can damage property, disrupt supply chains, and hurt employees. But climate change may also lead to a shift to more sustainable products, alternative energy sources, and new business opportunities. Investors need to know how companies are planning for these possibilities.

    how the company’s operations affect communities vulnerable to climate change.

    G7 & SEC: Mandatory Climate Risk Disclosure Needed Now | CleanTechnica
    TADEAS --- ---
    Heatwave Scorches the Middle East

    A phenomenon known as a “heat dome” set the stage for remarkably high temperatures as meteorological summer got under way.

    TADEAS --- ---
    2020 Near-Future pCO2 During the Hot Miocene Climatic Optimum

    A 2 million year greenhouse interval, the Miocene Climatic Optimum, with its atmospheric CO2 of 400–600ppm and temperatures 7°C–8°C warmer than the modern world, has been suggested as a particularly appropriate analog for future climate scenarios.


    We conclude that climate sensitivity was heightened during MCO, indicating that highly elevated temperatures can occur at relatively moderate pCO2. Ever higher climate sensitivity with rising temperatures should be very seriously considered in future predictions of climate change
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