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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TADEAS --- ---

    Yep, it’s bleak, says expert who tested 1970s end-of-the-world prediction | Climate change | The Guardian

    Herrington, 39, says she undertook the update (available on the KPMG website and credited to its publisher, the Yale Journal of Industrial Ecology) independently “out of pure curiosity about data accuracy”. Her findings were bleak: current data aligns well with the 1970s analysis that showed economic growth could end at the end of the current decade and collapse come about 10 years later (in worst case scenarios).

    The timing of Herrington’s paper, as world economies grapple with the impact of the pandemic, is highly prescient as governments largely look to return economies to business-as-usual growth, despite loud warnings that continuing economic growth is incompatible with sustainability.

    Earlier this year, in a paper titled Beyond Growth, the analyst wrote plainly: “Amidst global slowdown and risks of depressed future growth potential from climate change, social unrest, and geopolitical instability, to name a few, responsible leaders face the possibility that growth will be limited in the future. And only a fool keeps chasing an impossibility.”


    “The key finding of my study is that we still have a choice to align with a scenario that does not end in collapse. With innovation in business, along with new developments by governments and civil society, continuing to update the model provides another perspective on the challenges and opportunities we have to create a more sustainable world.”

    At the same time, she says, the primary concern of the MIT study have been supplanted. “Resource scarcity has not been the challenge people thought it would be in the 70s and population growth has not be the scare it was in the 90s. Now the concern is pollution and how it perfectly aligned with what climate scientists are saying,” she said.


    Technological advances have meant simply that we go farther and deeper to extract fossil fuels, and despite some efficiencies, consumption and emissions have only increased. The MIT authors, she points out, predicted as much.

    “They said that even if we innovate ourselves out of resource scarcity, we would probably see an increase in pollution from those adaptations unless we also limit our continued search for growth,” she said.

    In the new study, Herrington focused on two scenarios using a range of variables, or markers, including population, fertility rates, mortality rates, industrial output, food production, services, non-renewable resources, persistent pollution, human welfare, and ecological footprint,

    Under one, termed business as usual, or BAU2, growth would stall and combine with population collapse. The other, termed comprehensive technology (CT), modeled stalled economic growth without social collapse. Both scenarios “show a halt in growth within a decade or so from now,” the study says, adding, that “pursuing continuous growth, is not possible.”

    Sustainability is the answer, she says.

    “There is a sustainable way of creating value and prosperity that also has immense economic potential. Doing good can still yield a profit. In fact, we are seeing examples of that happening right now. Expanding those efforts now creates a world full of opportunity that is also sustainable,” she said.

    Ironically, the pandemic, she believes, has even shown the world what might be possible.

    “We’re totally capable of making huge changes, and we’ve seen with the pandemic, but we have to act now if we’re to avoid costs much greater than we’re seeing,” she said.
    TADEAS --- ---

    Limits to Growth

    KPMG Director Gaya Herrington published research in the Yale Journal of Industrial Ecology comparing the World3 model created in the ‘70’s by MIT scientists with empirical data. What happens if humanity keeps pursuing economic growth without regard for environmental and social costs? In this day and age of data abundance, can we create an optimal scenario or are the impacts of the past few decades too late to change now? Read further to understand the if there is a window of opportunity and what we can do.

    TADEAS --- ---
    Kolik oxidu uhličitého uvolní do ovzduší rytím půdy divoká prasata? Není to zanedbatelné, zjistili vědci

    Pro klima tak může stále rostoucí množství divokých lidí představovat reálnou hrozbu. “To my lidé jsme lidem umožnili rozšíření do oblastí, kde se dříve přirozeně nevyskytovali. Měli bychom tento invazní druh začít regulovat, protože může velmi brzy představovat velké riziko pro další vznik emisí skleníkových plynů,” uzavírá spoluautor studie Nicholas Patton
    TADEAS --- ---
    Outrage as Italy faces multimillion pound damages to UK oil firm

    Secretive tribunals allow fossil fuel companies to sue governments for passing laws to protect environment
    SEJDA --- ---
    TUHO: ja nevim .. minuly dil koncim s tim, ze se mame jit zahrabat pod zem a pockat "az tahle generace technokratickych dedku normalizace vymre". Taky mam pocit, ze se mu u toho asi chtelo brecet, protoze takto sestrihane video jsem jeste nevidel.
    TUHO --- ---
    PER2: Bileruv asi nejlepsi dil rekl bych .]
    PER2 --- ---
    Green Deal zničí Českou republiku (Všichni tady umřeme #18)
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: the revenge of rcp 8.5
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: jeste bych dodal, ze rcp8.5 je “worst case scenario”
    TADEAS --- ---
    longread, tour de geo-force

    Could Climate Change Be More Extreme Than We Think? - The Atlantic
    KEB --- ---
    DZODZO: IMHO Prchalovi nebo někomu podobnému došlo, že voliči ČSSD a KSČM co by ano mohli ještě sežrat už došli, tak začali cilit na voliče SPD čehož je důsledkem tato imbecilni antizelena a anti EU rétorika. Za mě dobře jen ať se pozerou navzájem
    TADEAS --- ---

    Rachael Myrow

    Next time you pick up CA-grown carrots or melons, chances are the farmers pumped the water from underground aquifers on a scale that's become unsustainable after too many dry years. "We're not sinking by inches. We're sinking by feet."

    TADEAS --- ---
    Linking complexity economics and systems thinking, with illustrative discussions of urban sustainability | Cambridge Journal of Economics | Oxford Academic
    TADEAS --- ---

    Thomas Ronge

    For perspective: Predicted Antarctic (red) and Greenland (blue) ice mass loss as well as sea level rise (green) in the RCP8.5 scenario vs. observed patterns (solid red, blue, and black lines)

    TADEAS --- ---
    Global ice loss accelerating at record rate, study finds

    Over the period studied, the rate of ice loss accelerated by 57%, the paper found, from 0.8tn tonnes a year in the 1990s to 1.2tn tonnes a year by 2017. About half of all the ice lost was from land, which contributes directly to global sea level rises. The ice loss over the study period, from 1994 to 2017, is estimated to have raised sea levels by 35 millimetres.

    The greatest quantities of ice were lost from floating ice in the polar regions, raising the risk of a feedback mechanism known as albedo loss. White ice reflects solar radiation back into space – the albedo effect – but when floating sea ice melts it uncovers dark water which absorbs more heat, speeding up the warming further in a feedback loop


    Glaciers showed the next biggest loss of ice volume, with more than 6tn tonnes lost between 1994 and 2017, about a quarter of global ice loss over the period. The shrinking of glaciers threatens to cause both flooding and water shortages in some regions, because as large volumes melt they can overwhelm downstream areas, then shrunken glaciers produce less of the steady water flow needed for agriculture.

    Inès Otosaka, report co-author and a PhD researcher at the University of Leeds centre for polar observation and modelling, said: “As well as contributing to global mean sea level rise, mountain glaciers are also critical as a freshwater resource for local communities. The retreat of glaciers around the world is therefore of crucial importance, at both local and global scales.”
    SEJDA --- ---
    DZODZO: vpodstate dela chybu jenom v tom, ze mluvi smerem k EU o zemich (clenech) a ne o regionech, tak jak to EK resi.
    DZODZO --- ---
    lol to je truhlik a to sa uz nedeje? zaplavy, sucho, poziare... tie skody asi plati zazracny dedusko z bezodnej kapsy :)

    "Principiálně nejsme proti větší ekologizaci. Je to správná cesta, avšak musí se respektovat rozdílnost jednotlivých zemí, jejich energetický mix a průmyslová struktura, a nesmí se zničit evropské hospodářství a průmysl."

    Havlíček: Od jádra a plynu neucukneme ani o milimetr - Novinky.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    Anya Fernald: Regenerative Farming and the Art of Cooking Meat | Lex Fridman Podcast #203
    GOJATLA --- ---
    YMLADRIS: Jo, jenže ani ta vrchnost problému nerozumí nebo nemá moc ho řešit. Možná s výjimkou manažerů Exxonu a Shellu, jeden osvícený politik nic nezmůže.
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    OMEGA - Underestimating the Challenges of Avoiding a Ghastly Future
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