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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    GOJATLA --- ---
    Alarmismus už i na seznamu? A deník n stále mlčí?
    Grafika ukazuje scénáře budoucnosti: Třetina lidstva v podmínkách Sahary - Seznam Zprávy
    MARSHUS --- ---
    a svět si všímá

    No Bicycling At COP26 Means Quickest Way To Decarbonise Road Transport Is Inexplicably Missing
    MARSHUS --- ---
    a na COPu? auta.

    Transport - UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) at the SEC – Glasgow 2021
    MARSHUS --- ---
    GOJATLA: ano. a k tomu změnit design našich měst aby auta a silnice nebyly (tolik) potřeba.

    California's Governor Gavin Newsom announced in September 2020 that the state would phase out petrol-fuelled vehicles and would require all new passenger vehicles to be zero-emission by 2035.

    “This is the most impactful step our state can take to fight climate change,” he said at the time.
    TADEAS --- ---
    GOJATLA: muzeme, nemusime. o to jde ,)
    GOJATLA --- ---
    MARSHUS: Hopium to je, ale ne kvůli prachu z pneumatik. Jak velká část planety bude neobyvatelná závisí na tom, kolik ještě spálíme fosilního uhlíku. Musíme výrazně omezit spotřebu, cestování, počet aut, populační růst. Vyměnit spalovací motory za elektroauta nestačí.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Rupert Read

    I gave a talk at the University of York last week about ecological grief. As we continue to exacerbate climate and ecological breakdown, understanding its psychological effects will only become more pressing.

    How eco-grief will help us save ourselves - Rupert Read
    TADEAS --- ---
    cop kecy

    Andrej Babiš: Pro jednotlivé členské státy je zcela zásadní zvolit si vlastní energetický mix k dosažení uhlíkové neutrality | Vláda ČR

    Pro jednotlivé členské státy je zcela zásadní zvolit si vlastní energetický mix k dosažení uhlíkové neutrality. Česká republika se nemůže spoléhat výhradně na obnovitelnou energii – naše krajina a klimatické podmínky to prostě neumožňují. Jedinými prostředky, pomocí nichž může Česká republika dosáhnout nulové emise CO2, jsou jaderná energie a zemní plyn. Zejména jaderná energie představuje čistý, bezpečný, spolehlivý a nenákladný zdroj elektřiny a členské státy EU a Evropská komise by to měly uznat.


    Zelená dohoda prostě chce příliš mnoho, příliš brzy a za jakoukoli cenu. S ohledem na současnou situaci na trhu, na rostoucí ceny energií a komodit, na narušení dodavatelských řetězců a nedostatek zboží se domnívám, že je nezbytné stanovit realistickou strategii pro uplatňování Zelené dohody – musíme spočítat její náklady, posoudit její dopad, stanovit individuální cíle a poskytnout členským státům EU maximální flexibilitu.
    MARSHUS --- ---
    GOJATLA: elektrický auta jsou hopium a ve skutečnosti to problém (životní styl) neřeší?

    ale samozřejmě, můžeš to brát tak že klimatická změna je jediný problém životního prostředí, pak by to sem nepatřilo. jen abys nevylil vaničku i s dítětem.
    GOJATLA --- ---
    MARSHUS: A jak to souvisí s klimatickou změnou?
    MARSHUS --- ---
    PER2: pravdu díš samozřejmě. daleko největším příspěvkem k nevýfukovému znečištění je čistě fakt že to je auto (v článku níže "resuspension")

    Study finds total PM10 emissions from EVs equal to those of modern ICEVs; role of weight and non-exhaust PM - Green Car Congress
    Because there is little research which has investigated the actual reduction in emissions resulting from EV braking, Timmers and Achten assumed a conservative estimate of zero brake wear emissions for EVs.
    PER2 --- ---
    MARSHUS: "PM pollution from braking and tire wear is the same as any fossil fuel vehicle."
    to neni pravda, aspon v pripade brzd - regenerative braking
    TADEAS --- ---
    Climate impacts on global agriculture emerge earlier in new generation of climate and crop models | Nature Food

    Here we report new twenty-first-century projections using ensembles of latest-generation crop and climate models. Results suggest markedly more pessimistic yield responses for maize, soybean and rice compared to the original ensemble. Mean end-of-century maize productivity is shifted from +5% to −6% (SSP126) and from +1% to −24% (SSP585)—explained by warmer climate projections and improved crop model sensitivities. In contrast, wheat shows stronger gains (+9% shifted to +18%, SSP585), linked to higher CO2 concentrations and expanded high-latitude gains. The ‘emergence’ of climate impacts consistently occurs earlier in the new projections—before 2040 for several main producing regions. While future yield estimates remain uncertain, these results suggest that major breadbasket regions will face distinct anthropogenic climatic risks sooner than previously anticipated.

    MARSHUS --- ---
    jinak k elektrickým autům.

    Paul Supawanich Trolleybus
    If you care about the impacts of air quality, a reminder that electric cars only solve half of the problem. PM pollution from braking and tire wear is the same as any fossil fuel vehicle.

    TADEAS --- ---

    XR Cambridge

    The headlines today are about a "landmark" pledge to stop deforestation by 2030. The only problem? World governments made *exactly* the same pledge in 2014 and deforestation increased by 40%

    Why are countries failing on their promise to stop deforestation? | New Scientist
    TADEAS --- ---
    greta wild .)

    "No more whatever the fuck they're doing in there!"

    TADEAS --- ---
    Sabrina Fernandes and Iain Bruce bring you a brief look at what has been happening inside the COP26 as world leaders talk up their promises on climate change, and outside, as protesters demand real action.

    Inside Outside, Monday 1 November 2021

    TADEAS --- ---
    How Much of the Worsening Energy Crisis is Due to Depletion? - Resilience

    Policy makers envision an energy transition in which solar and wind seamlessly and quickly substitute for coal, oil, and gas, leaving consumers enjoying just the same comforts and conveniences as they do now, while emitting no carbon. That’s an exceedingly unlikely scenario. The real energy transition will almost certainly be a shift from using a lot to using a lot less.

    If that’s true, then what should we do? Over a dozen years ago, I was among several energy analysts and commentators who recommended the adoption of depletion protocols (which are essentially programs for conserving and rationing nonrenewable resources) as a policy tool for helping society adapt to the inevitable end of the fossil fuel era. Politicians were uninterested. Today, rationing is still the best policy response. Energy could be rationed in several different ways; in addition to depletion protocols, another rationing approach I’ve long liked is tradable energy quotas, which effectively provide monetary incentivizes to those who use less energy. With rationing, those who use the most sacrifice the most, while those who use the least maintain (or gain) access to necessities.

    There were always two reasons to reduce society’s reliance on fossil fuels: pollution and depletion. Pollution has taken center stage via climate change. But as long as we keep extracting and burning coal, oil, and natural gas, our depletion problem likewise keeps simmering away in the background.
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