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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: zakazat!

    The World's Largest Mining Operation Is Run by Fungi - Scientific American Blog Network
    DZODZO --- ---
    fiha, pojmy ako klimaticka uzkost sa uz dostavaju aj do mainstreamovych medii

    KOMENTÁŘ: Zásadní problém klimatické konference v Glasgow – Thomas Kulidakis - Novinky.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    PASTAFARIANKA: uf, tak na tohle budu muset zalozit nejaky uklidnovaky :))
    tak tohle se nepovedlo. Skopecek v kazdy vete dva blaboly, nauceny jak basnicku, cile jsou moc daleko, Cina nic nedela, schudneme, neboli nebudeme delat nic. To je debil, uplne jsem slysela znelku Dallasu, kdyz mluvil. Ja bych fosilni paliva neurazel.
    Pravicakum se neoptepluje. Rozsypal to totálně nezvladl, tam se jela argumentační debata o principu a gro a on na ne s tryskacema. A Bursik s vyrazem, jak kdyby se mel bavit s negramotnym o vyjmenovaných slovech. Mmmňourání Kikiny holt v ODS zanechalo stopu.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Evaluating climate geoengineering proposals in the context of the Paris Agreement temperature goals | Nature Communications

    several techniques may eventually have the physical potential to contribute to limiting climate change, all are in early stages of development, involve substantial uncertainties and risks, and raise ethical and governance dilemmas. Based on present knowledge, climate geoengineering techniques cannot be relied on to significantly contribute to meeting the Paris Agreement temperature goals.
    TADEAS --- ---
    2011 Climatic effects of surface albedo geoengineering

    Global desert geoengineering, which is associated with significant global-scale changes in circulation and the hydrological cycle, causes a smaller reduction in global precipitation per degree of cooling than sunshade geoengineering, 1.1% K−1 and 2.0% K−1 respectively, but a far greater reduction in the precipitation over land, 3.9% K−1 compared with 1.0% K−1. Desert geoengineering also causes large regional-scale changes in precipitation with a large reduction in the intensity of the Indian and African monsoons in particular. None of the schemes studied reverse the climate changes associated with a doubling of CO2, with desert geoengineering profoundly altering the climate and with urban and cropland geoengineering providing only some regional amelioration at most.
    TADEAS --- ---
    COP26 will be a colossal mining cop-out - MINING.COM

    ' At 386 pages IEA WEO 2021 is quite the tome (download here). Under Section 6.3.1, you’ll find the energy bible’s take on “critical minerals”. It is six pages in total.

    Those six pages may be headlined critical minerals, but it’s hard to detect a sense of urgency in Section 6.3.1:

    “The rapid deployment of low-carbon technologies as part of clean energy transitions implies a significant increase in demand for critical minerals.”

    The word “significant” used here contains multitudes (lithium “100 times current levels” according to the IEA’s own calculations) and the Paris-based firm has some questionne:
    “The prospect of a rapid increase in demand for critical minerals – well above anything seen previously in most cases – raises questions about the availability and reliability of supply.”

    With only six pages to work with, the IEA has to be succinct in its appraisal of the mining industry:

    “The [supply] challenges are compounded by long lead times for the development of new projects, declining resource quality, growing scrutiny of environmental and social performance and a lack of geographical diversity in extraction and processing operations.”
    KEB --- ---
    Sebevraždy, pesticidy a superplevel. Brazilská sója zakletá v jedovatém kruhu – A2larm
    TADEAS --- ---

    Energy, EROI and quality of life - ScienceDirect
    TADEAS --- ---
    Why the energy transition is not enough | Research Square

    Efforts to accommodate the growth in global energy consumption within a fragile biosphere are primarily focused on managing the transition towards a low-carbon energy mix. We show evidence that a more fundamental problem exists through a scaling relation, akin to Kleiber’s Law, between society’s energy consumption and material stocks. Humanity’s energy consumption scales at 0.78 of its material stocks, which implies predictable environmental pressure regardless of the energy mix. If true, future global energy scenarios imply vast amounts of materials and corresponding environmental degradation, which have not been previously acknowledged. Given this reality, we also show evidence that a worldwide lifestyle limit at 2.0 kW/capita enables a dignified life for all while stabilizing human intervention in the biosphere to current levels, yet the political viability of establishing such limit is very low.


    Biological organisms use foodstuff through mitochondria, cells, and muscles to rearrange carbon, hydrogen, and other elements into the components of a functional body. Macroecological theory and Kleiber’s Law in particular show that a biological organisms’ power (P) is allometrically proportional to its mass (M) such that with and for intraspecific and interspecific species, respectively (19–21). Similarly, social systems act as super-organisms that also use energy to rearrange mass into living support structures (Fig. 1) (22, 23). The main difference is that social systems use a wider array of energy goods (e.g., foodstuff, biomass, fossil fuels, electricity) through diverse prime movers types (e.g., people, gas turbines, computers) to arrange a broad set of materials (e.g., biomass, gravel, iron) into the components of a functional society (e.g., products, infrastructure, firms, governments).

    Our data shows that power and material stocks are related in a manner consistent with Kleiber’s Law in the USA [ 0.67 (95% CI 0.58-0.75, 95)], Japan [ 0.61 (95% CI 0.54-0.69, 94.3)], and globally [ 0.78 (95% CI 0.76-0.80, 98.6)


    Early hunter-gatherers used just enough energy to satisfy their metabolic needs of ~0.1 kW/capita. Power per capita increased throughout the agricultural and successive industrial revolutions such that the current global average is ~2.3 kW/capita and surpasses 10kW/capita in some high-income countries. Such an increase has brought ample social benefits, yet at a diminishing rate as documented with the Human Development Index (HDI) (24-27) and other indicators such as political freedom and improved water access (26, 28, 29).

    Moreover, most social gains are generally obtained from increasing power up to 1.0 kW/capita (approximately the per capita power level of Western Europe in the mid-1970s), milder gains accrue between 1.0 and 5.0 kW/capita, and almost none after 5.0 kW/capita. For example, we find that the HDI (driven by schooling and life expectancy) increases rapidly up to 1.0 kW/capita, slower up to 5.1 kW/capita, and then ceases to improve (Fig. 3A). Similar thresholds also exist for female fertility (1.0 and 4.5 kW/capita), yet for murder rates and exposure to PM 2.5 only the upper threshold exists at 4.9 and 5.4 kW/capita respectively. (Fig. 3B). GDP per capita also shows the upper threshold only at 5.1 kW/capita. Variation from these stylized thresholds exist, with self-reported satisfaction showing improvements up to 8.4 kW/capita.
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    Progress odhadu rizik IPCC

    Climate tipping points — too risky to bet against
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    m m vám daruje následující článek Vznikající vláda chce do hry vrátit soláry. Kdy má přijít konec uhlí? Rozebíráme nové programové prohlášení
    TADEAS --- ---
    A CORRUPT COP CAN'T SOLVE A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY! | Extinction Rebellion UK Approach to COP26
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    VOYTEX: To by bylo dobre, protoze gas (prestoze ten fosilni neni cisty zdroj) je most k syntetickemu methanu. Je hotova infrastruktura, spotrebice, etc. : viz.: [PETER_PAN @ Klimaticka zmena // Čechům vstup zakázán]
    VOYTEX --- ---
    LEAKED: Paper on gas and nuclear’s inclusion in EU green finance rules – EURACTIV.com
    BERENIKEE --- ---
    Lepší odkaz:
    Sir David Attenborough v Glasgow
    WATCH: Sir David Attenborough gives statement at COP26 climate summit in Glasgow - YouTube
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: Jan Rovensky
    Abych své celkem obecné a možná ne úplně srozumitelné výše uvedené řeči podložil trochou vizualizovaných dat - takhle nějak by vypadal rok 2030, pokud:
    - průběh počasí (vítr, slunce) bude stejný jako v roce 2020,
    - postavíme úplně všechny obnovitelné zdroje, které podle Komory OZE do té doby lze postavit,
    - vypneme uhlí,
    - instalovaný výkon v zemním plynu zůstane na současné úrovni,
    - spotřeba zůstane na úrovni roku 2019 (což je velmi optimistický předpoklad).
    - Temelín i Dukovany pojedou 24 hodin denně 365 dní v roce (což je samozřejmě blbost, ale jejich údržbu a odstávky tenhle model zatím neumí).
    Zásadní jsou ty prázdné oblasti s černým rámováním. To jsou doby, kdy elektřina chybí - výroba nepokrývá spotřebu.
    Jak vidno, od listopadu do března je jich tam docela dost. Za rok celkem 2.031 hodin ( = 84 dní). V maximu 2,8 MW (tedy 27 % poptávané spotřeby) v 16:00 3. prosince.
    EDIT: Facebook zmenšil a zmršil přiložený obrázek s grafem téměř k nepřečtení.
    V plném rozlišení si ho můžete stáhnout zde: https://photos.app.goo.gl/4Ym8mthMVFXr1gid6
    GOJATLA --- ---
    Alarmismus už i na seznamu? A deník n stále mlčí?
    Grafika ukazuje scénáře budoucnosti: Třetina lidstva v podmínkách Sahary - Seznam Zprávy
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam