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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    Ten pristup je rezignace na poznatelnost sveta. V zasade se da shrnout jako chemofobie kombinovana s negramotnosti.

    Co nevyctes z techno 2 obrazku:
    a] Ze vetsina tech komponent ma shodou okolnosti nejaky kod typu E a je nekde jinde pouzivana jako aditivum.
    b] Ze latky odvozene od tech prirodnich (treba Carboxymethyl cellulose) nemaji obecne horsi, nebo podezrelejsi vlastnosti nez ty puvodni latky od kterych byly odvozeny. Tzn. ze neplati obecne ze varianta nativne se vyskytujici v prirode je lepsi nez jeji derivat ktery ma nejake specificka pozadovane vlastnosti.

    PETER_PAN --- ---
    INK_FLO: Ten clanek je uplne mimo. Je to porad stejna argumentace.
    "... including methylcellulose. , maltodextrin, and glucose powdered syrup."

    Neni zadny takovy duvod proc by jidlo nemelo obsahovat inertni methylcellulose (na urovni vlakniny, lepsi je teda carboxy methylcellulose jako rozpustna vlaknina), nebo maltodextrin (nejlepsi cukr, davam si do jogurtu treba 40g - pomalejsi nez kratke sacharidy, rychlejsi nez skrob) nebo glucose powdered syrup.
    INK_FLO --- ---

    The problem is that while it is possible to eat a healthy vegetarian diet (with care and vitamin B12 supplementation) many plant-based meat substitutes or analogues, as they are known in the industry, are not healthy at all. They fall into the category of ultra-processed foods, first identified by Brazilian academics as part of the NOVA classification. UPFs are now widely accepted by food experts as unhealthy and possibly addictive, and are blamed for the increased incidence of obesity and poor health worldwide.

    NOVA divides all food into four categories. “Unprocessed or minimally processed food” is for raw ingredients such as fruits, vegetables and meat. The second category, cooking ingredients, covers the likes of flour and oil, while the third category, processed foods, includes cheese, for example, tofu, or bread if made with only flour, yeast, salt and water.

    The final category is highly processed foods, products that generally come in packages and include ingredients and processes you wouldn’t use at home, and, according to NOVA, “in particular flavors, color sweeteners, emulsifiers, and other additives used to imitate the sensory qualities and preparations of unprocessed or slightly processed foods and their preparations.” culinary or to mask the undesirable qualities of the final product.” In other words, products—I hesitate to call them food—are manipulated to trick us, to make ingredients look more appetizing, last longer, or somehow better than they actually are.

    While grilled chicken breast can be considered lightly processed, or perhaps “processed” if you include a little salt and oil, these “roasted chicken breasts” are extremely highly processed, containing over 30 ingredients, including methylcellulose. , maltodextrin, and glucose powdered syrup. It’s not an appetizer, but it’s not just a matter of taste, UPF not only fools our tastes but also confuses our bodies, stimulating hormones that encourage us to overeat.

    Yet somehow, the food industry is determined to send the message that plant-based products are intrinsically healthy and beneficial. Even the word vegan has been sidelined, perhaps because it has connotations of abstinence and a dinner that tastes like hair shirts. These days it’s all about “plant”. Tesco has named its plant-based collection Plant Chef, chose M&S for its vegetarian cuisine, Morrisons has Plant Revolution, and Waitrose’s is called PlantLife. Asda chose a plant basis. The other day, I came across some sauce proudly labeled “vegetarian”. Yes, the sauce, as if the sauce was not made exclusively from plants. What then? Vegetable jam? A vegetarian apple?

    But please, don’t kid yourself that this is a healthy food. It is junk. While health experts urge us to eat more vegetables, that’s not what they mean. It means real vegetables, you know, cabbage, carrots, broccoli. vegetable type.

    Why vegan meat substitutes are the worst junk food of all - Duche The Dector
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    INK_FLO: Ne, to jak moc je jidlo procesovane nic nevypovida o tom jak je zdrave/nezdrave nebo jake ma/nema ekologicke externality.
    INK_FLO --- ---
    Did you know this?! The food industry is determined to sell us the idea that vegan food is healthy and natural, when actually some 'plant based' products are ultra processed and unhealthy and potentially addictive.

    They’re Doing WHAT To Vegan Food?!
    TADEAS --- ---
    DNF: ja tu nasi farmu chci vyuzit jako dukladnou zdokumentovanou (s lidma co pisou clanky) case study tykajici se regenerativniho managementu produkcniho ekosystemu a ilustrovat na tom nektery slepy mista toho miliantniho plant-based uvazovani
    TADEAS --- ---
    DNF: stanu se (opet) veganem, aby americani mohli frakovat... cool
    GOJATLA --- ---
    Revealed: The 11 slides that finally convinced Boris Johnson about global warming - Carbon Brief

    Klimatické školení, které prý přesvědčilo Borise Jonsona...
    DNF --- ---
    Rapid global phaseout of animal agriculture has the potential to stabilize greenhouse gas levels for 30 years and offset 68 percent of CO2 emissions this century

    borci jsou ovsem propagatori a zaroven pracujou ve vyrobe "ultraprumysloveho" "masa", takze na tom maji svuj zajem.
    Vzpomnel jsem si, jak psal petrpan, ze mu soucasna zivocisna vyroba prijde jeste malo prumyslova.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    #doomed #fullRead

    Extreme heat in oceans ‘passed point of no return’ in 2014 | Oceans | The Guardian

    In some hotspots, extreme temperatures occur 90% of the time, severely affecting wildlife. More than 90% of the heat trapped by greenhouse gases is absorbed by the ocean, which plays a critical role in maintaining a stable climate.


    You should care about turtles, seabirds and whales, but even if you don’t, the two most lucrative fisheries in the US, lobster and scallops, are in those exact spots,” said Van Houtan, while 14 fisheries in Alaska have recently been declared federal disasters.
    JINDRICH --- ---
    Polský důl Turów už nemá pravomocné rozhodnutí EIA, tedy posouzení vlivů těžby na životní prostředí, které mělo být podkladem pro povolení těžby až do roku 2044. Rozhodl o tom dnes po odvolání právníků @FrankBold_PL polský soud, který zrušil tzv. “doložku okamžité vykonatelnosti” pro rozhodnutí EIA. Rozhodnutí soudu představuje další krok k tomu, že těžba v dole Turów bude nelegální i podle polského práva. Úřady chtěly zrušenou doložkou celý proces povolování další těžby urychlit.

    Důl Turów těží bez pravomocného posouzení vlivů na životní prostředí. Polský soud potvrdil porušení zákona | Frank Bold
    TADEAS --- ---

    Life in Plastic: Petrochemical Fantasies and Synthetic Sensibilities (Part 1)

    Plastics have been a defining feature of contemporary life since at least the 1960s. Yet our proliferating use of plastics has also triggered catastrophic environmental consequences. Plastics are derived from petrochemicals and enmeshed with the global oil economy, and they permeate our consumer goods and their packaging, our clothing and buildings, our bodies and minds. In this first episode of a two-part series, contributors to the volume LIFE IN PLASTIC: ARTISTIC RESPONSES TO PETROMODERNITY discuss plasticity and myth, stretchy superheroes, how plastic became gendered, plastic as a colonizing force, plastic in art and everyday life, and more. Featuring Caren Irr, Lisa Swanstrom, Jennifer Wagner-Lawlor, and Daniel Worden.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Land, Race and Empire

    Oxford Real Farming Conference 2022 discussion with Sam Siva, Corinne Fowler,
    Josina Calliste

    In this panel discussion, Corinne Fowler and Sam Siva will be in conversation about the colonial histories that have shaped the British landscape. Fowler’s book Green Unpleasant Land is a groundbreaking exploration of the links between agriculture and empire in England, and explores the racially exclusionary ways in which British rurality continues to be framed. Sam Siva is a grower and land rights activist with Land in Our Names (LION), a Black and Queer led collective that works to reconnect Black and People of Colour with land in the UK. Sam also works with the Right to Roam campaign, which seeks to increase public access to nature across England. Sam and Corinne bring their knowledge about the racialised history of British soil and discuss how to repair the violence that British land has borne witness to, as well as how to bring about future liberation for Black and Brown people through our relationship to the land.
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---

    Velký zemědělec kritizuje nové dotace: Chleba může stát 200 korun a rohlík 15 - Seznam Zprávy
    TADEAS --- ---
    Viktor Daněk

    Evropská komise zahájila proces zkrácení výplat dotací pro Polsko kvůli nezaplacené pokutě za nepřerušení těžby v dole Turów u českých hranic. Na dotaz
    @Radiozurnal1 to potvrdila mluvčí EK. Pokuta už převýšila 1,5 mld. Kč + úroky z prodlení. Polsko dostane avízo 10 dní předem.
    KEB --- ---
    Znečištění plasty a chemií už ohrožuje lidstvo, varují odborníci | Týdeník pro ekonomiku, politiku a byznys

    Svět se obrací v prdel
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: 1h 50m, klima jako duchovni vyzva pro novy zodpovezeni otazek po tom kdo/kym je clovek nebo se ma stat clovek, konecne filosoficka antropologie na scene :)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam