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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TADEAS --- ---
    World’s biggest firms failing over net-zero claims, research suggests | Greenhouse gas emissions | The Guardian

    Some of the world’s biggest businesses are failing to live up toclaims they will hit net-zero emissions targets, according to research that suggests they will cut their carbon emissions by only 40% rather than the 100% cuts claimed.

    Household names such as Amazon, Ikea, Nestlé and Unilever are among the companies named as showing little substance to their claims that they will cut emissions drastically.

    It is not clear these reductions take us beyond business as usual,” he said. “We were very disappointed and surprised at how much room for improvement there was [among the companies studied]. Companies need to be much more transparent about these goals.”

    Near-term targets were of particular concern, he added. The report showed that the companies surveyed would only cut their emissions by about 23% on average by 2030, falling far short of the figure of nearly halving in the next decade that scientists say is needed to limit global heating to 1.5C. “It’s short-term action that’s the most important thing, in the climate crisis,” he said.

    Many are relying on carbon offsetting for a large portion of their projected cuts. Carbon offsetting is the controversial practice of paying for projects that reduce carbon dioxide – usually by maintaining forests or growing new trees – to compensate for greenhouse gases emitted elsewhere.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    #cz #positive

    Jsme jen o dva kroky pozado, ale alespon v prohlasenich uz zaciname drzet tempo .)

    Svaz moderní energetiky: ČR získala čas na přípravu plynu z obnovitelných zdrojů - Ekolist.cz

    Souhlasíme s prohlášením ministra průmyslu a obchodu pana (Jozefa) Síkely (za STAN), že jsme ve výrobě vodíku zaspali. Teď máme šanci to napravit, nejen naši členové jsou připraveni investovat do výroby zeleného vodíku nemalé částky," řekl ředitel Asociace pro akumulaci energie AKU-BAT a předseda představenstva Solární asociace Jan Fousek. Obě asociace vidí ve vodíku klíčové médium pro sezonní ukládání energie.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    #positive #hope

    Konec lovu velryb. Island plánuje opustit uvadající byznys už za dva roky - Aktuálně.cz

    Je jen málo důkazů, že tato činnost má nějaké ekonomické výhody," komentovala rozhodnutí ministryně rybolovu a zemědělství Svandís Svavarsdóttirová, poslankyně za stranu Zelených. "Existuje jen málo argumentů pro povolení lovu velryb v roce 2024, po vypršení současných kvót," doplnila.


    V loňském roce norští rybáři harpunovali 575 velryb, což je méně než polovina povolené kvóty. Použili k tomu 14 lodí, které jsou stále v provozu.
    TADEAS --- ---
    A Deep-Rooted Prairie Myth | The Prairie Ecologist

    prairie grasses and wildflowers have very deep roots, but research over the last decade or so has built a strong case against the idea that those plants use their deep roots to find moisture during times of scarcity. In fact, they might not be using them to draw moisture at all.
    TADEAS --- ---
    'Real wake-up call': Mount Everest ice which took 2,000 years to form has melted in just 25

    "Ice on the South Col Glacier (SCG) has shrunk 80 times faster than it formed, according to a new report published by international scientific journal, Nature.

    Research led by the University of Maine in the US found around 55m (180ft) of ice has been lost.

    Now scientists say ice which took decades to accumulate could rapidly recede - amid fears the rest of the glacier could disappear within the next 25 years."
    TADEAS --- ---
    Restoring Our Water Cycle to Regenerate Earth - Zach Weiss Presentation for Soil Regen Summit 2021
    TADEAS --- ---
    Iceland Set To End Whaling By 2024 Due To Lack Of Demand | IFLScience

    Commercial Whaling – Baba Brinkman Music Video
    TADEAS --- ---
    Vegetation, water infiltration, and soil carbon response to Adaptive Multi-Paddock and Conventional grazing in Southeastern USA ranches - ScienceDirect

    We examine Adaptive Multi-Paddock (AMP) grazed with short grazing events and planned recovery periods and paired ranches using Conventional Continuous Grazing (CG) at low stock density on vegetation, water infiltration, and soil carbon across SE USA. Increased vegetation standing biomass and plant species dominance-diversity were measured in AMP grazed ranches. Invasive perennial plant species richness and abundance increased with AMP grazing in the south, while in the north they increased on CG grazed ranches. Percent bare ground was significantly greater in CG at the Alabama and Mississippi sites, no different at the Kentucky and mid-Alabama sites, and greater on AMP at the Tennessee pair. On average, surface water infiltration was higher on AMP than paired CG ranches. Averaged over all locations, soil organic carbon stocks to a depth of 1 m were over 13% greater on AMP than CG ranches, and standing crop biomass was >300% higher on AMP ranches. AMP grazing supported substantially higher livestock stocking levels while providing significant improvements in vegetation, soil carbon, and water infiltration functions. AMP grazing also significantly increased available forage nutrition for key constituents, and increased soil carbon to provide significant resource and economic benefits for improving ecological health, resilience, and durability of the family ranch.
    INK_FLO --- ---
    TADEAS: na provozní teplotu se dostane kolem páté minuty :-)

    “Seriously I can just come out and say it? Call him a liar?” asks Jonathan Pie, a fictional broadcast reporter created and performed by comedian Tom Walker, in a satirical video about Britain’s prime minister.

    The New York Times Opinion Section - ‘The First Thing You Need to Know About Boris Johnson Is He’s a Liar’
    TADEAS --- ---
    SEJDA: to bude od krav
    SEJDA --- ---
    TROPOMI na Sentinelu-5 nasel uniky metanu. Snad to prihraje ESA par miliard € na dalsi sledovace Zeme.
    A satellite finds massive methane leaks from gas pipelines - Alaska Public Media
    TADEAS --- ---
    INK_FLO: i prozreni musi byt dobre naplanovane vzhledem k ostatnim svetskym zajmum ,)
    INK_FLO --- ---
    TADEAS: zajímavá náhoda je, že ten moment prozření přišel zrovna v době, kdy je jeho kariéra nejvíc nahnutá kvůli tomu skandálu s ignorováním vlastních vládních opatření. Asi mu tým marketérů doporučil, že to pomůže jeho image. Pokud by to mělo i nějaké reálné dopady, tak proč ne...
    TADEAS --- ---
    Climate change: The science briefing that convinced Boris Johnson - BBC News

    "I got them to run through it all and, if you look at the almost vertical kink upward in the temperature graph, the anthropogenic climate change, it's very hard to dispute. That was a very important moment for me," Mr Johnson told reporters on the prime ministerial plane.

    He has also described it as his "road to Damascus" on climate - a phrase from the bible meaning a turning point in someone's life.

    Some climate experts have told the BBC they are surprised the prime minister was not already familiar with much of the material in the briefing.

    A version of the temperature graph that made such an impression on Mr Johnson plays a key role in Al Gore's 2006 film and book, An Inconvenient Truth, for example.

    "It is shocking he only had his Damascene moment in 2020 given how much effort scientists have made to communicate the risks of climate change over the years," said Emily Shuckburgh, head of Cambridge Net Zero, the university's climate change initiative.
    PER2 --- ---
    TUHO: jasny, pridame trosku vodiku, aby to utikalo lip :p
    TUHO --- ---
    Právnička o dohodě k Turówu: Z dokumentů, které máme, vyplývá, že bariéra nemá požadovaný efekt | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy
    TUHO --- ---
    SHEFIK: tak zas dobra zprava je, ze s tim se da neco delat…
    SHEFIK --- ---
    #tvl #doomed

    There's new evidence, collected from orbiting satellites, that oil and gas companies are routinely venting huge amounts of methane into the air.


    Over the course of two years, during 2019 and 2020, the researchers counted more than 1,800 large bursts of methane, often releasing several tons of methane per hour. Lauvaux and his colleagues published their findings this week in the journal Science.


    According to the researchers, the large releases of methane that they detected accounted for 8-12% of global methane emissions from oil and gas infrastructure during that time.

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    TADEAS --- ---
    here, have some polar bears instead

    Polar bears move into abandoned Arctic weather station – photo essay | Arctic | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: nevim, CZ statni politiku maximalnim moznym zpusobem ignoruju ,)
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