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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TADEAS --- ---
    DNF: ne, ja to nezastavam, jen jsem to chtel dodat pro uplnost
    PER2 --- ---
    DNF: to teprve prijde az po nocich zacne zapalovat rafinerie :)
    DNF --- ---
    TADEAS: No vidis, konecne se do toho doomsayer stylu dostavas, bravo! :D
    TADEAS --- ---
    DNF: misto peti hodin browseni v klidu je lepsi se zabit, jen aby to nezapadlo
    TADEAS --- ---
    London flooding poses ‘significant risk’ unless immediate action taken | UK news | The Guardian

    There is now a significant risk of people drowning in London as the threat of major flash floods increases in the city because of climate change. According to a report by a London Councils taskforce published this month, the danger is particularly severe because there is no overall plan or authority to tackle the increasing threat of flooding in the city.


    The danger facing the city is highlighted as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) scientists prepare the final draft of a report outlining how nations must adapt to avoid the worst consequences of changes in storm frequencies and weather patterns that will occur in coming years.

    Last month the government published its third five-yearly assessment of the risks that Britain faces from the changing climate, and painted a future of drastic disruption and costly impacts. It indicated that the climate crisis was likely to wipe at least 1% a year off the UK’s economy by 2045 if global temperatures were allowed to rise by 2C (3.6F).

    DNF --- ---
    JIMIQ: Tak jestli maj site 3g za minutu, a jizda v aute ~100g na kilometr, tak je zase lepsi zustat sedet doma, a misto deseti kilaku autem pet hodin v klidu browsit.
    TADEAS --- ---
    JIMIQ: nyx ji pochopitelne smazava
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Věděli jste, že sociální sítě zanechávají uhlíkovou stopu? Vysedáváním na těchto třech ničíte přírodu nejvíc – MobilMania.cz

    A nyx? :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    Record rainfall in China in 2020 which killed over 200 people was likely caused by the reduction of aerosol pollution as a result of covid lockdowns. Lack of aerosols stimulated rapid atmospheric heating, which created the conditions for storm formation.

    Abrupt emissions reductions during COVID-19 contributed to record summer rainfall in China | Nature Communications
    TADEAS --- ---
    Episodic deluges in simulated hothouse climates | Nature

    Earth’s distant past and potentially its future include extremely warm ‘hothouse’1 climate states, but little is known about how the atmosphere behaves in such states. One distinguishing characteristic of hothouse climates is that they feature lower-tropospheric radiative heating, rather than cooling, due to the closing of the water vapour infrared window regions2. Previous work has suggested that this could lead to temperature inversions and substantial changes in cloud cover3,4,5,6, but no previous modelling of the hothouse regime has resolved convective-scale turbulent air motions and cloud cover directly, thus leaving many questions about hothouse radiative heating unanswered. Here we conduct simulations that explicitly resolve convection and find that lower-tropospheric radiative heating in hothouse climates causes the hydrologic cycle to shift from a quasi-steady regime to a ‘relaxation oscillator’ regime, in which precipitation occurs in short and intense outbursts separated by multi-day dry spells. The transition to the oscillatory regime is accompanied by strongly enhanced local precipitation fluxes, a substantial increase in cloud cover, and a transiently positive (unstable) climate feedback parameter. Our results indicate that hothouse climates may feature a novel form of ‘temporal’ convective self-organization, with implications for both cloud coverage and erosion processes.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Estimating a social cost of carbon for global energy consumption | Nature

    we project that emerging economies in the tropics will dramatically increase electricity consumption owing to warming, which requires critical infrastructure planning. However, heating reductions in colder countries offset this increase globally. We estimate that 2099 annual global electricity consumption increases by about 4.5 exajoules (7 per cent of current global consumption) per one-degree-Celsius increase in global mean surface temperature (GMST), whereas direct consumption of other fuels declines by about 11.3 exajoules (7 per cent of current global consumption) per one-degree-Celsius increase in GMST. Our finding of net savings contradicts previous research7,8, because global data indicate that many populations will remain too poor for most of the twenty-first century to substantially increase energy consumption in response to warming. Importantly, damage estimates would differ if poorer populations were given greater weight14
    TADEAS --- ---
    Direct radiative effects of airborne microplastics | Nature

    the radiative effects of airborne microplastics and associated implications for global climate are unknown. Here we present calculations of the optical properties and direct radiative effects of airborne microplastics (excluding aerosol–cloud interactions). The ERF of airborne microplastics is computed to be 0.044 ± 0.399 milliwatts per square metre in the present-day atmosphere assuming a uniform surface concentration of 1 microplastic particle per cubic metre and a vertical distribution up to 10 kilometres altitude. However, there are large uncertainties in the geographical and vertical distribution of microplastics. Assuming that they are confined to the boundary layer, shortwave effects dominate and the microplastic ERF is approximately −0.746 ± 0.553 milliwatts per square metre. Compared with the total ERF due to aerosol–radiation interactions27 (−0.71 to −0.14 watts per square metre), the microplastic ERF is small. However, plastic production has increased rapidly over the past 70 years28; without serious attempts to overhaul plastic production and waste-management practices, the abundance and ERF of airborne microplastics will continue to increase.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Towards a rigorous understanding of societal responses to climate change | Nature

    A large scholarship currently holds that before the onset of anthropogenic global warming, natural climatic changes long provoked subsistence crises and, occasionally, civilizational collapses among human societies. This scholarship, which we term the ‘history of climate and society’ (HCS), is pursued by researchers from a wide range of disciplines, including archaeologists, economists, geneticists, geographers, historians, linguists and palaeoclimatologists. We argue that, despite the wide interest in HCS, the field suffers from numerous biases, and often does not account for the local effects and spatiotemporal heterogeneity of past climate changes or the challenges of interpreting historical sources. Here we propose an interdisciplinary framework for uncovering climate–society interactions that emphasizes the mechanics by which climate change has influenced human history, and the uncertainties inherent in discerning that influence across different spatiotemporal scales. Although we acknowledge that climate change has sometimes had destructive effects on past societies, the application of our framework to numerous case studies uncovers five pathways by which populations survived—and often thrived—in the face of climatic pressures
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: the ecoomy will be booming

    Polar Vortex gives no rest for the North Atlantic as a New Monster Storm Franklin heads for Ireland and UK on Sunday, followed by another Bomb Cyclone for Iceland on Monday

    Hundreds of trees were uprooted, containers in ports flipped, at least 12 fatalities, and multiple injured residents. That’s the toll of a historic Storm Eunice, the strongest Atlantic cyclone in decades that brought destructive havoc to western Europe on Friday. It will last days to recover, but the weather gives no rest for the region. Yet another, potentially violent windstorm Frankin is expected to blast across Ireland and UK on Sunday night, with hurricane-force winds expected again. Then, a new bomb cyclone follows it on Monday as Polar Vortex above us is unusually intense this winter.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Creating Miracles in the Desert: Restoring Dixie Creek
    TADEAS --- ---

    Polární vír se letos chová podivně a může prodloužit zimu — ČT24 — Česká televize
    TADEAS --- ---
    PER2: jj, z myho pohledu je tohle prave dulezity analyticky rozliseni - nase (druhova) role jakozto hyperpredatori (management ekosystemu) vs. budovatele civilizace
    GOJATLA --- ---
    V Lucembursku už 14.2. oslavili svůj národní Overshoot Day:
    Overshoot Day – Luxembourg – 14.02.2022†

    Český bude 12.4.
    Country Overshoot Days 2022 - Earth Overshoot Day
    GOJATLA --- ---
    Australia’s largest coal-fired power station, Eraring, to close in 2025, seven years early | Energy | The Guardian

    Origin’s chief executive, Frank Calabria, said the energy market was now “very different” from when Eraring began fully operating in 1984. The plant provides about a fifth of NSW’s electricity generation. “The reality is the economics of coal-fired power stations are being put under increasing, unsustainable pressure by cleaner and lower cost generation, including solar, wind and batteries,” he said in a statement.

    The federal energy and emissions reduction minister, Angus Taylor, said Origin’s announcement was “bitterly disappointing for all energy users” who “rely on affordable, reliable energy to proper”, the plant’s 400 workers and the Lake Macquarie community.
    PER2 --- ---
    "A přirozené požáry jistě existovaly i před příchodem člověka (dokonce obří - jsou o tom fosilní doklady)"
    k tomu nutno podotknout, ze mame i dukazy o zmenach klimatu i pred industrialni revoluci :)
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