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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    PER2 --- ---
    maly vytah z posledni ipcc zp.

    some irreversible impacts as natural and human systems are pushed beyond their ability to adapt

    The extent and magnitude of climate change impacts are larger than estimated in previous assessments (high confidence).

    Approximately 3.3 to 3.6 billion people live in contexts that are highly vulnerable to climate change (high confidence).

    A high proportion of species is vulnerable to climate change (high confidence).

    The number of people at risk from climate change and associated loss of biodiversity will progressively increase (medium confidence).
    Violent conflict and, separately, migration patterns, in the near-term will be driven by socio-economic conditions and governance more than by climate change (medium confidence).
    Many of these risks are unavoidable in the near-term, irrespective of emission scenario (high confidence).

    Between 1.2°C and 4.5°C global warming level very high risks emerge in all five RFCs compared to just two RFCs in AR5 (high confidence).
    widespread, pervasive, and potentially irreversible impacts at global warming levels of 1.5–2°C if exposure and vulnerability are high and adaptation is low (medium confidence).

    For 127 identified key risks, assessed mid-and long-term impacts are up to multiple times higher than currently observed (high confidence).

    3 to 14% of species assessed will likely face very high risk of extinction at global warming levels of 1.5°C, increasing up to 3 to 18% at 2°C, 3 to 29% at 3°C, 3 to 39% at 4°C, and 3 to 48% at 5°C.

    dengue risk will increase with longer seasons and a wider geographic distribution in Asia, Europe, Central and South America and sub-Saharan Africa, potentially putting additional billions of people at risk by the end of the century

    billion people projected to be at risk from coastal-specific climate hazards in the mid-term under all scenarios, including in Small Islands (high confidence).

    Above 1.5°C global warming increasing concurrent climate extremes will increase risk of simultaneous crop losses of maize in major food-producing regions, with this risk increasing further with higher global warming levels (medium confidence).

    cascading risks also trigger tipping points in sensitive ecosystems and in significantly and rapidly changing social-ecological systems impacted by ice melt, permafrost thaw and changing hydrology in polar regions (high confidence).

    In Amazonia, and in some mountain regions, cascading impacts from climatic (e.g., heat) and non-climatic stressors (e.g., land use change) will result in irreversible and severe losses of ecosystem services and biodiversity at 2°C global warming level and beyond (medium confidence).

    Unavoidable sea level rise will bring cascading and compounding impacts resulting in losses of coastal ecosystems and ecosystem services, groundwater salinisation, flooding and damages to coastal infrastructure that cascade into risks to livelihoods, settlements, health, well-being, food and water security, and cultural values in the near to long-term (high confidence).

    Irreversible impacts on certain ecosystems with low resilience, such as polar, mountain, and coastal ecosystems, impacted by ice-sheet, glacier melt, or by accelerating and higher committed sea levelrise (high confidence).
    Increased wildfires, mass mortality of trees, drying of peatlands, and thawing of permafrost, weakening natural land carbon sinks and increasing releases of greenhouse gases [are already observed and are projected to increase]
    The resulting contribution to a potential amplification of global warming indicates that a return to a given global warming level or below would be more challenging (medium confidence).

    Soft limits to some human adaptation have been reached

    Hard limits to adaptation have been reached in some ecosystems (high confidence).

    Transitioning from incremental to transformational adaptation can help overcome soft adaptation limits (high confidence).

    Implementing actions can require large upfront investments of human, financial and technological resources (high confidence), whilst some benefits could only become visible in the next decade or beyond (medium confidence).

    There is a rapidly narrowing window of opportunity to enable climate resilient development.

    Integrated, inclusive planning and investment in everyday decision-making about urban infrastructure, including social, ecological and grey/physical infrastructures, can significantly increase the adaptive capacity of urban and rural settlements

    Dominant models of energy intensive and market-led urbanisation, insufficient and misaligned finance and a predominant focus on grey infrastructure in the absence of integration with ecological and social approaches, risks missing opportunities for adaptation and locking in maladaptation (high confidence)

    Poor land use planning and siloed approaches to health, ecological and social planning also exacerbates, vulnerability in already marginalised communities (medium confidence).
    Recent analyses, drawing on a range of lines of evidence, suggest that maintaining the resilience of biodiversity and ecosystem services at a global scale depends on effective and equitable conservation of approximately 30% to 50% of Earth’s land, freshwater and ocean areas, including currently near-natural ecosystems (high confidence).

    It is unequivocal that climate change has already disrupted human and natural systems. Past and current development trends (past emissions, development and climate change) have not advanced global climate resilient development (very high confidence).

    The cumulative scientific evidence is unequivocal: Climate change is a threat to human well-being and planetary health. Any further delay in concerted anticipatory global action on adaptation and mitigation will miss a brief and rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a liveable and sustainable future for all. (very high confidence)
    PER2 --- ---
    what time is it? renewables time!

    Coal prices hit $300, an all-time high, amid surging demand in Europe.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Bottom trawling triples in key marine protected area despite Brexit promise | Marine life | The Guardian
    PER2 --- ---
    za chvili si dame maly trening na budouci crop failures
    "Russia & Ukraine account for 30% of the world's supply of wheat & barley - plus corn and oilseeds to feed animals - but exports have stopped."
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: doom to the moon
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: vedle pan sprcha pise:

    největší paradox současnosti mi přijde to, že množství Ruského plynu tranzitovaného přes Ukrajinu se v posledních dnech ještě zvýšilo. teď tam teče prakticky ekvivalent jedné trubky Nordstreamu a Rusové platí Ukrajině tranzitní poplatky.
    TADEAS --- ---
    bullish ,) on $DOOM

    JIMIQ --- ---
    EU obnovitelnyma zdrojema kazdorocne nahradi 7 miliard kubiku plynu (energeticky 1:1, v kotli je ucinnost 90-92%, v elektrarne 50%)

    Z Ruska se dovazi 170-200 miliard kubiku rocne (letos to bude imo pod 150)

    Potrebujeme znasobit stavbu OZE :)
    DZODZO --- ---
    TADEAS: ani teraz ked automobilky cakaju na cipy? just sayin'
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: utlumeni prumyslu neprichazi v uvahu, just saying
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Fakta o klimatu
    f324p55.o0 ún6n1oora1ld6 avh 17:230 ·
    Jak moc je EU závislá na plynu importovaném z Ruské federace?
    Podívejme se na data a širší kontext.
    Celkem do EU dodává Ruská Federace 42 % její roční spotřeby plynu. V případě ukončení dodávek by tedy chybělo zhruba 7000 PJ (petajoul) zemního plynu ročně. Aby tedy Evropa mohla přestat využívat plyn z Ruska (pokud nepůjde nahradit importem odjinud), musela by snížit svou spotřebu plynu zhruba na polovinu oproti roku 2019.
    Plyn je z Ruska do EU dodáván plynovody - hlavní vedou přes Bělorusko do Polska a Německa, druhou hlavní linkou je plynovod přes Ukrajinu, Slovensko do Česka. Plynovody jsou propojeny a zároveň napojeny na další zdroje plynu - Norsko a námořní terminály. (Viz obrázek příspěvku - podrobněji https://www.researchgate.net/.../Gas-pipeline-network-in...)
    Odkud můžeme ruský plyn nahradit?
    Nejbližší alternativní zdroj je Norsko. To v roce 2019 exportovalo celkem 4400 PJ zemního plynu a 250 PJ LNG, z toho do EU šlo 2500 PJ zemního plynu a 200 PJ LNG. Další možnosti jsou prostřednictvím lodní dopravy.
    Česko importuje prakticky veškerý svůj zemní plyn z Ruska skrz plynovody, celkem necelých 10 miliard m2 ročně (cca 364 PJ). Česko dosud neimportovalo žádný zkapalnělý zemní plyn (LNG). Podle ročenky Energetického úřadu se v roce 2019 v ČR z celkem 365 PJ plynu spotřebovalo 61 % v průmyslu, 25 % v domácnostech a 10 % na výrobu elektřiny.
    Pokud bychom chtěli zachovat plyn pro domácnosti a výrobu elektřiny, a současně snížit celkovou spotřebu plynu na polovinu, znamenalo by to nutnost, aby většina (zhruba ¾) českého průmyslu přestala využívat zemní plyn a přešla na alternativní paliva.
    Jen pro základní finanční představu, za ropu a zemní plyn jsme zaplatili v roce 2019 podle Cesky Statisticky Urad 77 miliard korun.

    prokliky zde
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    PER2 --- ---
    YMLADRIS: ehm..
    "100% reneable energy"
    Germany aims to fulfil all its electricity needs with supplies from renewable sources by 2035

    no snad jim na to zbydou prachy, po tom co navysili tak silene vydaje na armadu ... btw also - Germany is weighing whether to extend the life-span of its remaining nuclear power plants
    DZODZO --- ---
    YMLADRIS: dufam ze na brownfielde alebo na strechach objektov :)
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Germany will accelerate its switch to 100% renewable energy in response to Russian crisis - the new date to be 100% renewable is 2035.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Jan Barta
    Oznamujeme investici do energeticke bezpecnosti v CR se zamerem alespon trochu snizit zavislost na ruskem plynu a rope. Postavime v CR 20 MW fotovoltaickou elektrarnu/ny v hodnote 15 milionu EUR. Verim, ze inspirujeme i dalsi.

    hezke gesto
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    nuda (ipcc report)

    m m vám daruje následující článek Klimatickou změnou jsme ohroženi všichni, ale ne všichni stejně. Globální oteplování zvyšuje nerovnost, upozorňuje IPCC
    TADEAS --- ---
    GOJATLA: oknem prilezitosti proletam nejradeji private jetem se sklenkou v ruce
    GOJATLA --- ---
    António Guterres @antonioguterres
    · 1h
    I've seen many reports, but nothing like the new @IPCC_CH climate report, an atlas of human suffering & damning indictment of failed climate leadership.

    I know people everywhere are anxious & angry. I am, too.

    It's time to turn rage into #ClimateAction. https://ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg2/

    GOJATLA --- ---
    The #IPCC releases its next major #ClimateReport today

    Tune in at noon (12 pm) CET to find out how #ClimateChange is affecting people & ecosystems.

    IPCC Press Conference - Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation & Vulnerability
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: life always find a way (humans not included)
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