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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    GOJATLA: zima by zpomalila oteplování, ale není to ten případ kdy pochcípají všichni savci. To bys musel údajně nejdřív vytěžit veškeré zbývající Uran udělat z něj bomby a pak to odpálit celý najednou, čím by ses dostal asi na sílu kterou měl asteroid který sejmul dinosaury. Zdroj kurzgesagt
    PER2 --- ---

    rozhodne je to dalsi prilezitost a skvela moznost vyuzit to k rychlejsi transformaci energetiky, ale po zkusenostech s vyuzitim transformace v dobe covidu, bych krotil tvuj optimismus

    jako daleko realnejsi vidim spis rozsireni tezby uhli/plynu/ropy/prolomeni limitu, rozjeti uhelek naplno atp... jakmile nas dozenou ceny, ktere pujdou nahoru a to nejen v energetickem sektoru(a to pravdepodobne jiz brzy), lidi budou chtit okamzita reseni + uvidime jak moc je evropa stale solidarni s ukrajinou v takove situaci a jestli ten putinuv plyn/ropa nebude shudnejsi reseni i pres ty jeho male bezvyznamne pehlednutelne preslapy, ehm

    a jedna paralela, jak dlouho nas ruzni lide varovali pred ruskem a jak to vsichni vesele ignorovali, nez k tomu nakonec doslo a bylo pozde
    a jak dlouho nas ruzni lide varuji ped zmenou klimatu ..... ted se prece mame dobre, takze se nic takoveho urcite nemuze stat, ze....

    GOJATLA: nasi predci prezili doby ledove, neni duvod, aby i tohle nekdo neprezil
    GOJATLA --- ---
    YMLADRIS: Takže nuklearni zima by nebyla tak zla? Nehrozi 10 let tmy, kterou prezijou jen lisejniky? Moc jsem to nestudoval, necekam, ze by k tomu doslo. Narozdil od lokalniho konfliktu, napr indie a pakistanu.
    TUHO --- ---
    Pod čarou: Solarpunk. Snění o lepší a funkční budoucnosti - Seznam Zprávy
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Imho je tohle prilezitost a potencialni akcelerace transformace, ktera sice kratkodobe vyvola vetsi tlak na fosil, ale tim tlakem samotnym nastavi i zrcadlo. A pokud to vlady ukociruji, muze dojit i k masivnim investicim do renewables/clean sources, vcetne zdroju hnojiva, nebo regenerative/sustainable pristupu.

    Ale o to vic to bude nektery lidi bolet a o to tezsi to bude pro zvoleny politiky. V kratky dobe budou bojovat na nekolika frontach - obrovska inflace u nezbytnych statku - jidlo, preprava; drahe energie; politicka a bezpecnostni stabilita.

    Jestli ma lidstvo jeste sanci na sustainabilitu at uz svou politickou reprezentaci, nebo pochopenim globalniho kontextu a jeho podpory se projevi v nejblizsich letech... pokud ne, pak to bude opravdu doom koncem stoleti
    DNF --- ---
    V podstate jen urychleni toho, by cekalo vase deti v jejich super krasne budoucnosti. #doomsayer
    TADEAS --- ---
    PER2: projistotu jsem $doom short i long zaroven.
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: porad tu mame ve hre ty atomovky :p
    TADEAS --- ---
    PER2: roztomilé, skoro tak jako aktivisti volající po snížení outputu. tak a teď nevím, co si mám vybrat.
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: tak to vychází nádherně, skoro jako padající křivka emisí... a pak by byl zbytek století na dohlazení viď
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: wen $doom to the moon? .) wen 1 lambo = 1 potato
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    #kecy Dívala jsem se jak by to bylo s tou totálně vyhlazovací jadernou válkou, a vychází to na 3B mrtvejch lidí (kdyby se 15k existujících atomovek rovnoměrně rozmístilo na 4000 světových velkých měst, pro co největší damage). Zbytek by přežil, bylo by více rakoviny. Versus ten uvažovaný pokles populace na 1B v případě oteplení o dostatek stupňů ke konci století kvůli rozpadu klimatu.
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: tak dik, se mi ted bude bezva spat :D no kazdopadne letos si se sazenim zemiaku dam zalezet
    TADEAS --- ---
    Putin’s energy shock is becoming a world food crisis. Brace for rationing.

    The world faces what amounts to a commodity “black swan” across the gamut of primary resources. Oil, gas, coal and the “ags” are all spiralling higher together, with metals catching up fast. It is a systemic stagflation shock, an intractable problem for central bankers. It acts like a war reparations tax on the economies of importing nations and is ultimately contractionary.

    Natasha Kaneva, from JP Morgan, said inventories of tradable commodities are critically low and the world is running out of safety buffers. This is a recipe for “non-linear price increases”, she said.

    Unlike the West, China is prepared. It has been stocking up for months and holds 84 per cent of the world’s copper, 70 per cent of its corn and 51 per cent of its wheat. “China has bought enormous quantities of US soy in recent weeks,” said Rabobank. One might ask if Xi Jinping knew something in advance.

    Record food commodity prices are an ordeal by fire for some 45 poorer countries that rely heavily on food imports: the Maghreb, the non-oil Middle East, swathes of Africa, Bangladesh or Afghanistan. The World Food Programme warned of “catastrophic” scarcity for several hundred million people last November. The picture is worse today.


    Energy and farm commodities are interlinked. Natural gas is a feedstock for fertiliser production in Europe, and lest we forget, Russia and Belarus together account for a third of the world’s exports of potash. Rocketing oil prices are driving a switch to biodiesel in south-east Asia, further tightening the global market for vegetable oils.


    Roughly a third of world exports of barley come from Russia and Ukraine combined, 29 per cent of wheat, 19 per cent of maize, as well as 80 per cent of sunflower oil. Much of this is usually shipped through the Black Sea ports of Odesa, or Kherson - scene of hand-to-hand street battles until it fell on Wednesday - or Mykolaiv, where a Russian missile hit a Bangladeshi-flagged bulk carrier this week and killed one of the crew.

    “Loading is at a standstill. It is not just the ports: you can’t get a ship in there. Nobody wants to get stranded,” said Mr Abbassian. Lloyd’s List reports that the northern Black Sea and the Azov have been declared “warlike operations areas’, implying double pay for crews, if you can get them.

    Insurance rates are prohibitive and banks are refusing letters of credit, even though grains, fertilisers and energy products are exempt from sanctions. Shippers are scrambling to find out what it means for a counterparty to be “connected with Russia”.

    Everybody is wary of the US Treasury’s sanctions police, known as OFAC (US Office of Foreign Assets Control). The US law firm Crowell and Moring said clients fear that they may be caught in the net inadvertently, given that targeted oligarchs control much of Russia’s agro-industrial nexus in one way or another. Every transaction has to be screened to the finest detail.

    “Russian and Ukrainian wheat are not being offered. Critical corn flows to the world are being stymied. If Ukraine farmers do not plant substantial quantities of corn next month, the supply crunch will be very severe,” said Rabobank.


    Smaller farmers in Russia have been shut out of the domestic credit market just before planting season. Emergency tightening by the central bank has lifted average loan cost to 27 per cent this week.

    Chicago wheat futures have hit an all-time high of $US1,131. The squeeze is worse for the rest of the world because the broad dollar index is up 30 per cent since the last peak in 2008.

    For good measure, Rabobank says we must contend with intense La Niña weather patterns and drought in Brazil and Argentina. “Grain shortfalls are likely to be so pronounced as to require demand destruction, or rationing,” it said.

    PER2 --- ---
    TUHO: "Je čas na odvážné činy"
    ja bych si o tom radsi jeste par(desitek) let povidal, pro jistotu :)
    TUHO --- ---
    Ruská agrese zatřásla s plány na transformaci energetiky. Je čas na odvážné činy
    PER2 --- ---
    IPCC Climate Last Warning
    PER2 --- ---

    GOJATLA --- ---
    Hoping for a miracle is not a strategy - by Henrik Nordborg

    We need to stop using fossil fuels as quickly as possible to save humanity. And we currently do not have a clue of how to do this. As shown in the last figure below, our current plan – growing the economy while slashing emissions – does not pass the bullshit test.

    Our fundamental problem is that our political and business leaders have no incentive to implement the policies needed to save humanity. As it is impossible to reduce emissions fast enough using innovation and technology, we need to stop manufacturing and consuming stuff. And capitalists do not like this idea.

    Unfortunately, we are running out of time.

    TUHO --- ---
    Zajimavy vlakno o tom, jak zdrhaj spolecnosti z Ruska s ohledem na klimatickou krizi. Aneb jak rychle se da jednat, kdyz je to priorita.

    Justin Guay
    1/n Passives problem solved? MSCI became the 1st index provider to remove Russian companies. Given over 1/2 of all assets are passively invested this is...big
    Oil companies can move fast when they must? BP unlocked the floodgates w/$25B forced divestment from Rosneft. But...no one wanted to buy it. So they're just writing it down...and surviving
    If we want these companies to transition fast, well, they can
    Imagine removing companies without transition plans? Can't say any longer 'it can't be done'
    ivestment isn't an end game, but it forces one. Russia's 2nd largest oil co has publicly called for an end to the war - why? Because investor flight has crashed their price from $50/share to .72 cents
    Asset managers hands aren't tied. BLK excluded ALL Russian co's from active & passive funds. The latter they used to say they couldn't do
    So if they're serious about a net zero transition they could strip co's w/out credible plans tomorrow
    Divestment forces bad actors to sue for peace
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