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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Here’s what happens when you try to replicate climate contrarian papers | Climate science scepticism and denial | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘Giving up’: Amazon is losing its resilience under human pressure, study shows

    Boulton and his team found that three-quarters of the Amazon has lost some resilience since 2000, meaning the forest is losing its ability to recover biomass as quickly after events such as droughts. This loss of resilience is especially high in regions close to human activity and with less rainfall.

    Pronounced loss of Amazon rainforest resilience since the early 2000s | Nature Climate Change
    TADEAS --- ---
    This Dutch construction innovation shows it’s possible to quickly retrofit every building – Energiesprong

    Energiesprong (which translates to “energy jump”), a nonprofit that the Dutch government helped launch a decade ago, is coordinating a system of mass retrofits. “We thought, okay, let’s make home retrofits into a scalable solution,” says Christian Richter, who works in the organization’s market development team in Germany.

    In one Dutch factory, a company that’s part of the program called RC Panels makes lightweight insulated panels that can be popped on the front of existing row houses. The company uses a laser scanning tool to take measurements at the old house; then, at the factory, a machine cuts out windows and doors to match the old facade exactly. When a truck delivers the panels, they’re attached directly to the old wall. The company also makes insulated panels, with solar panels attached, that can be put over an existing roof. Other Energiesprong vendors supply heat pumps for heating, cooling, and hot water. The retrofits are faster than traditional retrofits, in some cases happening in as little as a day, leading to more energy savings.
    PER2 --- ---
    YMLADRIS: rikas levny dum za hubicku jo, hned jdu stavet :)
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Energy efficiency guru Amory Lovins: ‘It’s the largest, cheapest, safest, cleanest way to address the crisis’ | Energy efficiency | The Guardian

    Pán co je genius přes úspory a v coloradu ve sněhu má dům který údajně nepotřebuje vytápění a pěstuje v něm banány
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: hehe, zubačkový monorail :-) no zrovna tohle by se asi elektrifikovalo hodně snadno...
    TADEAS --- ---
    Agenda Gotsch – Ernst Götsch's Syntropic Farming Official Website

    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    Lenka Hrabalová: Neúrodný půlměsíc - Blízký východ, voda a migrace

    Blízký východ je region, který potýká s celou řadou výzev, z nichž jednou z těch největších, ačkoliv často zapomínaných, jsou proměny životního prostředí. Nižší množství srážek, výstavba přehrad a špatná vodní politika států regionu ničí tisíciletí budované zemědělství a vyhání lidi z jejich půdy. Jak vypadá život na březích Eufratu a Tigridu? A proč by nás to mělo zajímat?

    Povídání bude zaměřeno na Irák, Sýrii, Turecko a Írán.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Teploty na pólech děsí svět. Lidstvo vstupuje do „nové fáze klimatických změn“
    TADEAS --- ---

    Video: V Antarktidě se utrhl ledovec o velikosti Říma - Seznam Zprávy
    TADEAS --- ---
    neco pro xchaose ,)

    Balinad Farm

    Engine Fuel - Gasoline
    Host size - 720*1000*600mm
    Carrier size - 1240*970*380mm
    Dead-weight - 200kg
    Driving speed - 42m/s
    Maximum Slope- 45 degrees
    Machine weight - 100kg
    Machine power - 5hp
    Max Load - 500kg
    Max Load for slope exceeds 30° - 250kg.
    TADEAS --- ---
    China Faces Worst Crop Conditions Ever Due to Climate Change

    “China faces big difficulties in food production because of the unusual floods last autumn,” he told reporters. “Many faming experts and technicians told us that crop conditions this year could be the worst in history.”


    Climate change hurts China’s pursuit of food security in two ways, according to Zhang Zhaoxin, a researcher with the agricultural ministry. More frequent extreme weather events are already lowering crop yields. Meanwhile, increasingly unpredictable seasons can undermine farmers’ confidence and potentially worsen the sector’s existing labor shortage.

    Farmers in northern China are used to droughts, not floods, Zhang said. In many of the regions that were affected by torrential rain last year, farmers couldn’t harvest their corn because their machinery couldn’t handle the water. There wasn’t enough infrastructure such as pipes and systems to drain the field in time.

    Those issues are set to get more serious as the planet warms. Seasonal droughts will reduce yields of China’s three major staple foods — rice, wheat and corn — by 8% by the end of the decade, according to World Resources Institute. In the longer term, climate change also means rising coastal waters along the long and low eastern coast could further stress the agricultural industry.
    TADEAS --- ---
    se kouknete na to "shock proof farming" takova zakladni diskuze toho proc regenerativni zemedelstvi dava smysl z toho energetickyho pohledu

    DZODZO --- ---
    ja dufam, ze vo svetle sucasnej hrozby nedostatku obilia sa tie polia nebudu osievat tolko repkou, i ked my v kuchyni pouzivame hlavne repkovy olej :)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    DZODZO: dobře, ale co ta technika produkuje? třeba řepku, která se pak použije jako příměs do bionafty.... na kterou pak jezděj ty traktory po nocích...

    pokud se např. smíříme s tím, že zemědělství pěstuje potraviny, ne palivo, tak ti třeba potřeba jezdit po poli i v noci opadne.. kdo vi...
    DZODZO --- ---
    XCHAOS: u nas na poli casto jazdi technika aj v noci, ti by sa museli spoliehat hafo na baterie
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Ja myslim ze to co vsichni potrebuji je hlavne energie a i ta mobilita stoji energii. Vseobecny blahobyt nyni mame diky levne energii.

    Vsechny ceny vseho zbozi a sluzeb se v konecnem dusledku odviji od cen energii
    XCHAOS --- ---
    JIMIQ: to, co doopravdu potřebuješ, je mobilita. a nakonec tedy i mobilita zdroje energie může být řešením...
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