YMLADRIS: to sem netusil, pac u nas doma se to moc nedeje, ale je fakt ze s detma je to vetai challenge a mame hladovyho psa...
myslel sem ze trzne se to nejak utilizuje (napr. zbytky z restauraci pro prasata), ale u jedincu/entit co plejtvaj s tim asi tezko neco delat...
Dokonce je to globalne 30%
Food Wastehttps://ec.europa.eu/food/safety/food-waste_enIn the EU, around 88 million tonnes of food waste are generated annually with associated costs estimated at 143 billion euros (FUSIONS, 2016). While an estimated 20% of the total food produced is lost or wasted, 33 million people cannot afford a quality meal every second day (Eurostat, 2018).
Globally, approximately a third of all food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted (FAO, 2011). FAO’s Food Loss Index (FLI) estimates that globally, around 14 percent of all food produced is lost from the post-harvest stage up to, but excluding, the retail stage
support the fight against climate change (food waste alone generates 8-10% of global greenhouse gas emissions (UNEP Food Waste Index 2021))
Factors contributing to food waste include:
-Insufficient shopping and meal planning
-Shopping environment (e.g. promotions like "buy one, get one free" that may lead to impulse buying and over-purchase)
-Misunderstandings about the meaning of "best before" and "use by" date labels leading to edible foods being thrown away
-Insufficient food management skills (e.g. meal preparation, use of food/food ingredients in-stock, use of leftovers)
-Packaging difficult to empty or too large
-Aesthetic considerations (bruised fruit and vegetables etc.)
-Standardised portion sizes in restaurants and canteens
-Difficulty in anticipating the number of customers (a problem for catering services)
-Stock management issues for manufacturers and retailers
-High quality standards (e.g. for produce sold at retail)
-Overproduction or lack of demand for certain products at certain times of the year
-Production errors, products and/or labelling not meeting specifications
-Product and packaging damage (farmers and food manufacturing)
-Inadequate storage/transport at all stages of the food chain including households (e.g. refrigerator temperatures)
-Lack of knowledge and/or misinformation on the environmental, social and financial impacts of food waste
-Low perceived value of food
-Busy lifestyle and conflicting priorities