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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: no a co, das recenzi na knizku?
    jinak teda ten celej koncept vzniknul castecne i na zaklade debat s tebou, tady a elsewhere a koukam, ze jsem te nenapsal do podekovani, tak sorry.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Juries keep letting Extinction Rebellion off the hook — here’s why | Evening Standard

    When it came to our turn to defend ourselves there were limits to what we could say. We were allowed to talk about who we were, what we had done, and why. We couldn’t give a lecture on the disaster of climate breakdown, but we could speak about our ‘subjective belief’ that it was taking place. Similarly, we couldn’t tell the jury about Shell’s wickedness, how it had lied for decades about what it knew about the effects of burning fossil fuels, and the damage its drilling had done to environments and communities around the world, but we were allowed to say why we wrote what we did on the walls of the company’s HQ. Each of us is a different character, and each of us had a different story to tell.

    It is a strange, quite primitive experience to face a jury of your peers and explain your actions to them directly – the way I imagine it might happen in a tribe or a mediaeval village. With the mystification of the law removed, it was an intensely personal interaction, even with the judge’s many interruptions. Our jury reflected the diversity of London: mostly young, ethnically diverse, the majority women. I felt glad to be in their hands.

    After the jury cleared us, some of the press coverage commented on our ingenious tactics. But they were no such thing. There wasn’t even much by way of eloquence or persuasion. What happened over the two weeks was that we shared something with the jurors – our understanding of the science, yes, but also our vulnerability, our grief at what was happening to the planet and the people who live on it, and our gratitude to them for listening.
    TADEAS --- ---
    PER2 --- ---

    The damning fact is that once I finish writing this column and you finish reading it, you, me and the rest of the world will likely return to our regularly scheduled stuff while we keep whistling towards a dead end – literally.

    These days, we prefer to talk or read about a slap at the Oscars rather than talk about, let alone read, another thick report which joins a bookcase of other thick reports that make a familiar point: if the rich, “developed world” does not cut the carbon pollution it spews into the atmosphere, then we will tip into the abyss and no one – however rich or comfortable they may be – will be able to find the emergency exit door.

    Climate crisis: We are whistling into the abyss | Climate Crisis | Al Jazeera

    The periodic reports of the U.N.’s International Panel on Climate Change are lapsing into self-parody.
    This is your last warning, they say. Get a move on. Don’t sit idly by. Fix the problem now.
    We mean it!

    I am continually amazed that the IPCC scientists don’t throw up their collective hands in disgust at humanity’s inability to awaken from its slumbers and stop issuing reports altogether.

    Column: The end of the world is coming, even if you've heard it all before - Los Angeles Times
    SHEFIK --- ---
    YMLADRIS: to sem netusil, pac u nas doma se to moc nedeje, ale je fakt ze s detma je to vetai challenge a mame hladovyho psa...

    myslel sem ze trzne se to nejak utilizuje (napr. zbytky z restauraci pro prasata), ale u jedincu/entit co plejtvaj s tim asi tezko neco delat...

    Dokonce je to globalne 30%

    Food Waste

    In the EU, around 88 million tonnes of food waste are generated annually with associated costs estimated at 143 billion euros (FUSIONS, 2016). While an estimated 20% of the total food produced is lost or wasted, 33 million people cannot afford a quality meal every second day (Eurostat, 2018).

    Globally, approximately a third of all food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted (FAO, 2011). FAO’s Food Loss Index (FLI) estimates that globally, around 14 percent of all food produced is lost from the post-harvest stage up to, but excluding, the retail stage


    support the fight against climate change (food waste alone generates 8-10% of global greenhouse gas emissions (UNEP Food Waste Index 2021))


    Factors contributing to food waste include:

    -Insufficient shopping and meal planning
    -Shopping environment (e.g. promotions like "buy one, get one free" that may lead to impulse buying and over-purchase)
    -Misunderstandings about the meaning of "best before" and "use by" date labels leading to edible foods being thrown away
    -Insufficient food management skills (e.g. meal preparation, use of food/food ingredients in-stock, use of leftovers)
    -Packaging difficult to empty or too large
    -Aesthetic considerations (bruised fruit and vegetables etc.)
    -Standardised portion sizes in restaurants and canteens
    -Difficulty in anticipating the number of customers (a problem for catering services)
    -Stock management issues for manufacturers and retailers
    -High quality standards (e.g. for produce sold at retail)
    -Overproduction or lack of demand for certain products at certain times of the year
    -Production errors, products and/or labelling not meeting specifications
    -Product and packaging damage (farmers and food manufacturing)
    -Inadequate storage/transport at all stages of the food chain including households (e.g. refrigerator temperatures)
    -Lack of knowledge and/or misinformation on the environmental, social and financial impacts of food waste
    -Low perceived value of food
    -Busy lifestyle and conflicting priorities
    GLOBETROTTER --- ---
    TADEAS: Nemělo to být před již dávnými lety zakázáno v celé EU? Nebo jsme jen předstihli dobu a "vymlouvali" se na EU?
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    SHEFIK: fun fact: Food waste in Europe: One third of all the food that is produced for human consumption, is wasted.

    cimz se nevyjadruju k tvymu dotazu, jen volna asociace
    TUHO --- ---
    Peter Kalmus (klimatolog z Jet Propulsion Laboratory NASA)

    I'll be engaging tomorrow in a global civil disobedience action along with 1200+ scientists risking in 26+ nations. We are - no joke - fighting to save Earth against dark powers that wish to continue expanding fossil fuels (so odd but here we are). Join us. Info: @ScientistRebel1
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    jeste bych doplnila point z toho Termination Shock, ze ono totiz jeste zalezi na tom, odkud presne se ta sira strili. Sira strilena z Texasu ma jine ucinky nez z Filipin. Nejde o plosne otaceni termostatem, ale o ovlivnovani ruznych casti sveta ruzne. Podle Stephensonova nazoru se kolem toho daji ocekavat solidni valky (jeden stat nekde neco strili a na druhe strane planety to ovlivni monzun atd)
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: zrovna sira je zajimava, protoze v lodni doprave mam za to ze probehlo vyrazny odsireni, coz je jeden z tech aerosol masking efektu, tj. odsirujeme, podobne jako budeme elektrifikovat, ale to vede ke zvyseni teploty
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TUHO: IPCC is like Stephensonova romanova zapletka (ruzny narody a skupiny chteji a nechteji strilet siru do ovzdusi) is legit

    The report says that solar geoengineering “may also introduce novel risks for international collaboration and peace”. It continues:

    “Conflicting temperature preferences between countries may lead to counter-geoengineering measures, such as deliberate release of warming agents or destruction of deployment equipment. Game-theoretic models and laboratory experiments indicate a powerful actor or group with a higher preference for SRM may use [aerosol release] to cool the planet beyond what is socially optimal.”
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Troska opatrneho optimizmu
    We WILL Fix Climate Change!

    Je tam zminena i CR v souvislosti s decouplingem :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    Amy Westervelt

    Sorry but I must note that it seems incredibly problematic that the IPCC chair was previously Exxon's economist, and one of the two Coordinating Lead Authors of the cross-sector chapter is a senior staffer of Saudi Aramco, and the review ed for the energy chapter works for Chevron.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Amy Westerwelt

    I wrote about this @guardian previously, but fossil fuel influence in the IPCC is a huge issue that pretty much gets ignored at the release of every report:

    Our climate solutions are failing - and Big Oil’s fingerprints are all over them | Amy Westervelt | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: ja ti to vecer rozepisu .]

    jen bych proste podotknul, ze ve svete 2.5-3 stupne, se zmeni opravdu hodne a populace pujde dolu.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    SHEFIK: jeste jsem zapomnel dodat, ze pokud se opravdu bavime o tom regenerativnim pristupu skrze pastvy, tak vysledky studii z USA jsou o 20-30% mensi produkce. pokud to vztahnu globalne na pesimisticky scenar, tak tretina populace upadne do hladomoru, nebo musim plochy na zemi pro pestovani rozsirit o 30%

    a to slo o studii, kde puda, lokace atd. byla vhodna na regenerativni pastvu. nejsem odbornik, ale predpokladam, ze ne vsude je tenhle pristup mozny, pripadne rozdily produkce mohou byt hlubsi
    SHEFIK --- ---
    PETER_PAN: mohl bys rozvyst jak by to konkretneji vypadalo, pripadne link? jde o regenerativni pristup skrze pastvy co tu Tadeas evangelizuje?

    ... moc mi to nejde do hlavy, pac mame nejakej pristup intenzivniho zemedelstvi, tzn. dnesni pristup by mel byt ten ktery dostane maximumum z plochy (za co nejmene nakladu; pomijim taky dlouhodoby horizont a vycerpavani pudy). pokud pujdeme zpet ke zviratum, tzn, zvirata budou muset resit 'plevel', sazeni, sklizeni a nejakou maintenance (pesticidy, herbicidy atd.)

    .. pritom pokud uvazuju samotna zvirata, napr. dobytek pro orbu (o konich moc nevim), mam na produkci jednoho kg ziveho masa 15.000 litru vody a vzhledem k tomu, ze to zvire pak neporazim (minimalne ne po dobu kdy bude fungovat). urcite to nebude 1 traktor : 1 vul

    ... u dobytka musim zohlednit produkci metanu a co2 (opet by bylo fajn srovnani fosil vs. zvirata, co produkuji sklenikove plyny celorocne)

    ... a pak posledni, nemene vyznamna vec a tou je plocha:
    a) musim je denne krmit - zelenou pici treba 40-60 kg denne (prosim o opravu pokud spatne interpretuju, zdrojovy link nize), budu potrebovat vyrazne vetsi plochy nez dosud
    b) predpokladam, ze na zasety plose je nechat past nemuzu
    c) predpokladam, ze pri orani pomoci zvirat nedosahnu stejne presnosti seti (male vzdalenosti), jako s traktorem, tedy hektarova produkce mi bude klesat
    d) nemohu je nechat past v zime, tzn. pres leto musi byt vyrazne vetsi nadprodukce pro udrzbu tehle novych zvirat oproti soucasnemu intenzivnimu zemedelstvi

    je to fyzicky vubec proveditelne, abychom si udrzeli alespon ten objem potravy co aktualne mame a nepribyvalo hladomoru? treba se pletu, ale imho tohle neni cesta kupredu.


    TADEAS: to diky tve osvete chapu a chapu, ze tohle davalo smysl, kdyz nas bylo na planete 100.000, ale pro 8 miliard?

    mj. to chlazeni, mrazeni, suseni a transport jako output budes muset resit stejne, v ramci soucasne civilizace / kulturniho nastaveni vetsiny populace.

    jinak sustainable nitrogen uz jsem linkoval
    Clean Hydrogen as A Major Enabler for Making Carbon-Free Ammonia and Fertilizers - The European Files
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    Bill McKibben

    Basic IPCC formula, in order
    1) build massive amounts of (now cheap) sun and wind
    2) Electrify everything to run on it
    3) Conservation and efficiency
    4) Research the hell out of the last hard stuff (planes, cement, etc)
    5) Stop cutting down trees for cows (or anything else)
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: nevim, nemluvim o moralnim ani idealnim :)

    proste pokud nebudes mit diesel a soucastky do stroju, tak zacnes masivne vyuzivat zvirata (a lidi), protoze to je zpusob, jakym v ekosystemu smerujes energii. neindustrialni zemedelstvi je zalozeny na transformacich skrz houby, mikroby, rostliny, zvirata...

    ta ciste synteticka/neekosystemova cesta je mozna v principu.

    oddelit se od fosilnich zdroju zahrnuje i synteticky hnojiva, pesticidy, nejen energii do stroju (vyuzivanejch, ne nutne, ale vetsinove, k destrukci pudy).

    a to nezahrnuje vsechno to chlazeni, mrazeni, suseni, zprocesovani, transport, etc.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam