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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TUHO --- ---
    YMLADRIS: Promin, dostavam se k tomu az ted. Pro me je tam odpovedi spousta. Z nejaky sirsi perspektivy pred nas ekologicka krize klade celou radu problemu. Nektery jsou vedecky, dalsi technicky, dalsi infrastrrukturni a politicky, ale nejaky jsou taky problemy subjektivity a etiky ziti. Tim, jak se zrejme rozplyva hypermodernisticky sen, ze vsechno vyresime tim, ze budou lepsi technologie, ktery nas vykoupou v hroznym mnozstvi energie a umozni nam nas (ted mluvim o zapadu specificky resp o energeticky narocnym zivote) pokracovat jak doted. Tak je na miste ptat se, jaky jsou moznosti zit stastnej a spokojenej zivot v planetarnich hranicich. Na to podle me dava Koubova odpoved. Kdyz to trochu zbiologizuju, tak jsme furt socialni primati, ktery se realizujou ve vzajemnych vztazich. Minimalne od druhy svetovy valky nam akceleruje zpusob zivota, ktery dost ty vztahy roubuje na materialni a energetickou spotrebu. Ale to neni jedina moznost ziti, casto naopak je neuspokojujici, depresivni, protoze lidi se maj tendenci realizovat v konzumnim prumyslu, ale bez spojeni s ostatnima je to casto ochuzuje, protoze to orezava jedny z nejsilnejsich potreb, ktery mame - byt v duvernem kontaktu s ostatnimi.

    To, o cem mluvis ty nevidim jako principialni problem. Lidi zijou v organizacich prekracujici tech 250 lidi tlupy, jejichz vztahy jsou si schopny bezpecne pamatovat tisice ci spis desetisice let. Podle me rozdil od statu, ktery maj nekdy stovky ci dokonce miliardy lidi k planetarni perspektive neni rozhodne nijak zasadni. Je to otazka chytryho setupu infrastrruktur. Sitovy propojeni, umela inteligence a novy technologie v tom muzou hrat vyznamnou roli. Ale je to jenom potencial a musime se zamerit na to, ho naplnovat. Stejne se ty technologie daj pouzivat k vytvareni nenavistny rozdelujici a imperialni subjektivity.

    A to, ze jsou vsichni fajn lidi neni pravda. Je vyznamny mnozstvi lidi, ktery jsou zakerny zmrdi :D A treba hyperkompetetivni prostredi, ktery jsme dlouhou dobu brali jako cil, kam potrebujem smerovat, je presne to, kde se jim dari nejlip a dostavaji se do nejdulezitejsich pozic. Kde potom rozhodujou o nas vsech.
    TUHO --- ---
    Jinak Australie planovala bejt globalni spicka ve vyrobe zelenyho vodiku vytvarenyho z nadbytku energie z obnovitelnych zdroju. Nemam uplne prehled v jakym jsou ted stavu.

    Australia plans to be a big green hydrogen exporter to Asian markets – but they don’t need it
    TUHO --- ---
    GLOBETROTTER: A kde myslis australsky uhli? Vetsina ho jde na vyvoz.
    Doma je to celkem easy, slunecnej stat, spousta mista. Koncentrovana solarni energie (ohraty soli dokazou generovat elektrinu i pres noc), bateriovy uloziste, solary, asi budou primarni. Moc jsem nezkoumal, jak to tam maj pres zimu. Takova jizni Australie uz je skoro tam.

    The last week of 2021 has been an exceptional one for South Australia. The state set an impressive renewable energy record, supplying an average of just over 100 percent of its electricity demand with solar and wind for a period of almost one week.
    South Australia ran on 100 percent renewable energy for almost a week | The Optimist Daily
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    GLOBETROTTER: v Austrálii? Prakticky čímkoliv, místa na to maj tři prdele pět. Tohle byl půlvodní plán minulý vlády, předpoklaádám, že budou akorát zrychlovat.

    DZODZO --- ---
    TADEAS: viem, ze to treba brat z toho globalneho hladiska, ale nemohli by tie skleniky pouzit aspon par mesiacov v lete? tam by mozno nebolo treba to dohrievat plynom

    este mi napadla taka konsipracia, ze spravit zasobovaciu linku rajcin z maroka, kde maju viac svetla a nepotrebuju asi tolko plynu na pestovanie, akurat by sa to muselo do britanie vozit vlakom cez gibraltar po moste, ktory neexistuje, lebo nikto nechce lahku cestu pre ekonomickych migrantov

    ale zase keby sa ich viac dokazalo zamestnat pestovanim zeleniny pre europu, tak by ich mozno menej muselo jazdit do europy a celkovo by sa tym dala africka ekonomika boostnut
    TADEAS --- ---
    Modelování dopadů klimatické změny na světovou ekonomiku: Stagflační šok na obzoru - Česká národní banka
    TADEAS --- ---
    skleniky prazdne

    The effects of rising inflation
    DZODZO --- ---
    nieco k poziarom, jako ze je sucho som si vsimol, ale zeby to bolo horsie nez minule roky sa mi zatial nezda, mozno som si uz tak navykol na ten new normal

    Hasiči letos na jihu Moravy evidují v požárech nezvykle vysoká čísla. „Zatímco za posledních pět let byl za období od prvního ledna do dvanáctého května průměrný počet požárů v přírodním prostředí 168, v letošním roce za stejné období evidujeme už 417 takových požárů,“ zmínil před časem mluvčí jihomoravských hasičů Jaroslav Mikoška.

    Zdroj: https://brnensky.denik.cz/pozary/foto-v-zidenicich-hasici-likvidovali-pozar-stromu-a-keru-podivejte-se-20220522.html
    DZODZO --- ---
    Aspon ze tam maju duhu, zaplavy by som tam necakal

    GLOBETROTTER --- ---
    TUHO: laický dotaz - čím lze nahradit australské uhlí?
    TUHO --- ---
    Máme nyní příležitost skoncovat v Austrálii s klimatickými válkami. Podnikatelé vědí, že bránit klimatické změně znamená pracovní příležitosti a že je to dobré pro naši ekonomiku. Chci se připojit k celosvětovému úsilí,“ řekl Albanese v rozhovoru s BBC.

    I když v kampani kladl důraz na ekologická témata a slíbil, že bude prosazovat přijetí ambicióznějších cílů, pokud jde o snižování emisí, odmítl zatím výzvy omezit využívání uhlí nebo zablokovat otevírání nových uhelných dolů.

    Austrálie je sice zasažena klimatickou změnou –⁠ v posledních třech letech zabily rekordně rozsáhlé požáry a povodně přes pět set lidí a miliardy zvířat –⁠ zároveň ale zůstává v přepočtu na obyvatele jedním z největších světových znečišťovatelů. Je mimo jiné druhým největším světovým vývozcem uhlí.

    Austrálie zásadně změní svou klimatickou politiku, slíbil budoucí premiér Albanese — ČT24 — Česká televize
    SHEFIK --- ---
    #ccs #researchFunding

    Biden administration lays out plan for four carbon-capture facilities | Ars Technica

    The DOE's funding has the potential to change some of that. It has a total of $3.5 billion to spend in the years 2022 through 2026. It plans to use that to fund four carbon-capture and storage centers spread across the US, each with the capability of permanently storing a million metric tons of carbon dioxide a year.

    The funding will handle the entire process: the facility that removes and concentrates the carbon dioxide; any pipelines or transport hardware needed to get to where it's used or stored; and any equipment needed to do the storage. The funding is agnostic about the method used for capture and storage, mentioning that chemical capture, removal by biomass, and sequestration in the ocean are all options.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Peter Kalmus: ‘As a species, we’re on autopilot, not making the right decisions’ | Climate crisis | The Guardian

    President Biden is begging Opec to expand production. He’s opening new lands for drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and public lands of the US. Right now, what I’m seeing from world leaders, including Biden, is that they’re using the bully pulpit of their position to urge the expansion of fossil fuels. They’ve completely stopped talking about taking climate action.

    The leaders of the world are squandering a historic opportunity to make that transition to renewables. Instead, they’re using it as an opportunity to expand the fossil fuel industry, and the fossil fuel CEOs are rubbing their hands in glee at what’s happening right now. They can’t believe their good fortune that Putin invaded Ukraine.


    People need to understand that all degrowth really is, is a switch in the goal of the economic system. We need to change the goal of the system from the accumulation of capital to the flourishing of all people, not just people in the global north, also people in the global south, and the flourishing of all life on this planet, because our economic system is embedded in the biosphere. If we take down the biosphere, we lose everything, and we don’t have an economic system any more. That’s why we desperately need to change the goal of the system to the flourishing of everyone and all life on the planet.


    I’m constantly fending off this sort of ocean of climate anxiety that’s in my brain. When that ocean rises to a high enough level, I can’t really function any more. I get stressed. I am not very fun to be around. My ability to write degrades hugely. The strongest practice I have to keep that ocean of anxiety at bay is a meditation practice, called Vipassana. ...
    I’m doing it, then I have zero climate anxiety. I’m fully aware of the emergency, but it unlocks my ability to be able to do everything I can, to work as hard as I can to sound the alarm, basically.

    I used to take vacations in the High Sierra, to kind of recharge through nature, but it doesn’t work any more. Because last summer we took a five-day backpacking trip up there with my younger son and my partner, the three of us. It was too depressing to me, because in the two years that I’d walked on that trail, the John Muir trail, the tree mortality was just outrageous. There were so many dead trees all along the path. Streams and ponds that had once been flowing at that time of year, two years earlier, were bone dry, because of the drought. I can’t go. It’s just too painful for me now. When I’m in the mountains, I’m constantly feeling climate grief. That’s not a way for me to deal with my climate anxiety any more, unfortunately.,


    If I were in their place, I would also choose not to have children. It’s a hard thing to say. It’s so heartbreaking to have this sense that the future is getting worse, and that it’s going to be worse for your kids. Now it feels like it’s getting worse at a very fast rate. One thing I desperately want before I die is to have a feeling that the future is going to be better.

    That we’ve switched this corner and we’ve started to change the system towards flourishing for all, and we’ve come out of this madness of billionaires, and fossil fuel, and money in politics. That’s what I want to feel. I’ll feel grief from maybe the loss of the Amazon rainforest, and the loss of most of the world’s coral reefs, but mixed with that grief, I long for a feeling of solidarity. I long to feel a faith in humanity once again, because right now I’m not so sure. There’s some tremendous people out there, but it feels like, as a species, we’re just on autopilot and we’re not making the right decisions. I long to feel that we’re doing things better.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Bill McKibben

    In an election largely fought on climate, Australia tosses the Prime Minister who once brought a lump of coal to parliament.
    A huge win for Greens, and for activists who have fought for decades--and it will matter to the world! Such thanks!

    TADEAS --- ---
    Apocalypse now? The alarming effects of the global food crisis | World news | The Guardian

    The World Food Programme estimates about 49 million people face emergency levels of hunger. About 811 million go to bed hungry each night. The number of people on the brink of starvation across Africa’s Sahel region, for example, is at least 10 times higher than in pre-Covid 2019.

    The adverse impact of Russia’s invasion on the availability and price of staples such as wheat, maize, barley and sunflower oil – Ukraine and Russia normally produce about 30% of global wheat exports – has been huge.

    Ukraine’s wheat production this year is likely to be 35% down, and exporting much of it may be impossible due to Russia’s Black Sea blockade. In March, global commodity prices, recorded by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation, hit an all-time high. They remain at record-breaking levels.

    Russia’s war has compounded or accelerated pre-existing food deficits and inflationary trends arising from a host of linked factors: the negative economic impact of the pandemic; resulting supply-chain, employment and transport problems; extreme weather and climate-crisis-related falls in output; spiralling energy costs; and numerous other ongoing conflicts worldwide.


    Addressing the UN last week, Antony Blinken, the US secretary of state, said the world faced “the greatest global food security crisis of our time”. Blinken announced an additional $215m in global emergency food assistance on top of $2.3bn already donated by the US since the Ukraine invasion began on 24 February.
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: kdyby se v tak velkym instalovala fotovoltaika, muselo by se pak budovat moc domacich paroplynek a kotlu na uhli, dava to smysl
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: :DD tak skoda, ze u nas jeste neexistuje to trzni prostredi

    Podle ministerstva průmyslu by totiž masivní výstavba velkých fotovoltaik vyblokovala veškerou kapacitu instalačních firem, které by tak nemohly budovat malé solární zdroje na střechách domů.
    TADEAS --- ---
    authorized by the department of climate wars

    Australia election: conservative government voted out after nearly a decade | Australian election 2022 | The Guardian

    While both major parties were at pains throughout the campaign not to appear overly ambitious on climate action, the legacy of recent natural disasters across several states, including deadly bushfires and floods, appear to have resonated with many voters.

    Labor’s target of cutting emissions by 43% by 2030 was more ambitious than the Coalition’s goal of a 26-28% reduction, but less than what the independents and Greens were demanding, and below what scientists claimed was needed.

    However when declaring victory on Saturday evening, Albanese said “together we can end the climate wars”, and said Australia can be a “renewable energy superpower”.
    PER2 --- ---
    DZODZO: pred pard dny jsem tu z okna koukal natohle, celkem fun :D
    Bouři na Pardubicku v úterý večer provázela tromba. Mohlo jít i o slabé tornádo — ČT24 — Česká televize
    TADEAS --- ---
    Ministerstvo průmyslu ani po kritice ze všech stran nepustí fotovoltaiku do aukcí - Ekonomický deník
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam