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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    HANT --- ---
    Možná bych měl možnost pomoci směřovat větší finanční dar na nějaký klimatický projekt. Dárce zajímá především co dává smysl z pohledu efektivního altruismu. Nějaké tipy? Chápu, že je to poměrně ze široka položená otázka, ale budu rád za jakoukoliv inspiraci / nasměrování k dalšímu studiu. Přijde mi, že smysl by mohlo dávat především nadějné, ale hodně podfinancované projekty nebo prosazování politiky.
    TUHO --- ---
    Scientists have been forecasting that burning fossil fuels will cause climate change as early as 1882 — Quartz
    PER2 --- ---
    muj oblibeny autor videi je zpet
    Do volcanoes produce more CO2 than human activity -- a look at Ian Plimer's claim.
    HERR_FLICK --- ---
    PER2: to mi je jasný.. jako na novinkách bych to chápal
    U idnes taky průměrný IQ klesá, ale co je nahovno je, že zrovna tohle bude drtivej názor těch pořád trochu inteligentnějších jedinců ve společnosti

    I kdyby se přes kvůli suchu odstavenou jaderku přehnalo tornádo a podminovala jí ruská armáda, tak jádro bude většina stále protežovat, i když narozdíl od peněženek to klimatickou změnu nebude mít dostatečně brzo žádnej vliv
    PER2 --- ---
    HERR_FLICK: cist diskuse na ceskych serverech by se dalo oznacit za sebeposkozovni, pls dont do it
    HERR_FLICK --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: tady mě fascinuje většina komentů, který brečej po zavřenejch nebo nepostavenejch jaderkách (a po stavění přehrad)
    A to hned pod článkem s fotkama vyschlejch řek, v době, kdy se aktuálně mnohejm jaderkám snižuje výkon, nebo se odstavujou kvůli nedostatku vody a její vysoký teplotě

    Nápad hodnej výstavby kanálu Dunaj-Odra-Labe v současný situaci

    DZODZO --- ---
    Hunger stones by sme mali, teraz este hunger games

    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    Sustainable food trust

    The BBC recently published the results of a newly developed algorithm which uses publicly available information to estimate the greenhouse gas and biodiversity impacts of various food items. A chart published in the article shows beef and lamb as most impactful, with Yorkshire puddings, fizzy drinks and ready meals coming out as more environmentally sound.

    Such tools seek to offer clarity to consumers, enabling them to make informed choices at the checkout and reduce their ‘foodprint’. Unfortunately, reducing our environmental impact to estimates and carbon-focused solutions risks taking us further away from a transition to sustainable systems. Citizens deserve to be given information which provides a complete picture of the sustainability of the products they buy.

    We’d argue that in order for such a tool to measure environmental impact accurately, it would require:

    ◾️ all food manufacturers to be transparent about their recipes, origin of ingredients, processing, and supply chain. Where and how were ingredients produced?

    ◾️ for the food categories used to be based on nutritional recommendations rather than retailers' classifications

    ◾️ for measures of sustainability to be consistent, using one framework and measuring more than just GHG emissions

    ◾️ environmental indicators weighted equally and linearly, regardless of the agricultural production method.

    Our focus is to enable consumers, retailers and policymakers to understand the action required for us to move to more sustainable food systems and products. As the article states, ‘reliable information of this kind hasn’t been available’ – we’d argue that the tool featured in this report brings us no closer to having such information.

    How do we get there? A Global Farm Metric. A science-based, common language framework that assesses whole farm sustainability, and draws on social, economic and environmental data from the farm, to ensure true clarity and a full understanding of the impact our choices have.

    Global Farm Metric | Measuring On-farm Sustainability

    Supermarket food could soon carry eco-labels, says study - BBC News

    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: Researchers have used deep learning model to more richly capture how human civilization will collapse and ecosystems disintegrate. Their findings will be presented at the upcoming Earth4None conference.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Coal-rich Poland faces winter of energy discontent | Business | Economy and finance news from a German perspective | DW | 11.08.2022
    TUHO --- ---
    Researchers have used deep learning to model more precisely than ever before how ice crystals form in the atmosphere. Their paper, published this week in PNAS, hints at the potential to significantly increase the accuracy of weather and climate forecasting.

    The researchers used deep learning to predict how atoms and molecules behave. First, models were trained on small-scale simulations of 64 water molecules to help them predict how electrons in atoms interact. The models then replicated those interactions on a larger scale, with more atoms and molecules. It’s this ability to precisely simulate electron interactions that allowed the team to accurately predict physical and chemical behavior.

    “The properties of matter emerge from how electrons behave,” says Pablo Piaggi, a research fellow at Princeton University and the lead author on the study. “Simulating explicitly what happens at that level is a way to capture much more rich physical phenomena.”

    Deep learning can almost perfectly predict how ice forms | MIT Technology Review
    TADEAS --- ---
    PER2: back to mama
    TADEAS --- ---
    3 Grad mehr | oekom verlag

    Eine kleine Rezension zum Buch "3 Grad mehr. Ein Blick in die drohende Heißzeit und wie uns die Natur helfen kann, sie zu verhindern" - gUG Umweltschutz und Lebenshilfe

    The book describes relentlessly what an emerging 3 degree warmer world looks like. It describes the resulting weather, biodiversity, agriculture, the consequences of flight and economic risks. But it also describes many nature-based solutions as to how a 3 degree warmer world could still be prevented.

    In the "Call to Action" the book deals with (possible) social coexistence in Germany, as well as with possible solutions, financing possibilities and the power of civil society.
    The editor of the book, Klaus Wiegandt, writes on page 289 under the title: “People have to know what to expect! Solution approaches, their affordability and the power of civil society”:

    “In this world, where we will be dealing with a radicalization of weather patterns and with temperatures that can even be up to 6 degrees higher on average over land areas, we have to reckon with serious consequences for global agriculture, with massive damage to global infrastructure and significant impairment or even destruction of large ecosystems.
    The majority of people will be affected by unprecedented restrictions on their living and survival conditions, countless will lose their lives. South of the Sahara uninhabitable regions will arise and millions of people will be forced to migrate, as "climate refugees" they will mainly target Europe. Unlike today, the Mediterranean region will not be a new home for them, increasing dryness and drought will also lead to desertification there”.

    At the same time, the climate crisis is causing a massive biodiversity crisis. Particularly interesting are passages in the work on the flight of many species (flora & fauna) to the (cooler) north or to (cooler) heights:

    “In the UK, of nearly 330 animal species being studied, 275 have migrated north at a rate of 14 to 25 kilometers per decade. These include representatives of a wide variety of animal groups, from mammals, birds and fish to spiders, butterflies, dragonflies and centipedes. Within a few decades, the poleward boundaries of their ranges have shifted northward by up to 60 kilometers” (p. 32).

    And: "Since 1970, the average temperatures in the Swiss Alps have risen by 0.36 degrees Celsius per decade, at the same time the upper limit of the occurrence of various animal species has moved uphill by 47 to a maximum of 91 meters per decade. The plants are 17 to 40 meters. However, because the isotherms have shifted by up to 71 meters, these significant changes in most plant and animal species are insufficient to keep pace with rising temperatures (pp. 33-34).

    Or the so-called “postponed phenologies” can be read in the book:

    “For Bavaria, these long-term records show that the hazel blossom was 23 days earlier as a result of the rising temperatures between 1961 and 20210 (…). Of course, these shifts, which can be observed all over the world, have a significant impact on the world of organisms that depend on certain processes in nature being synchronized in time. This ensures that predators meet their prey and that young animals hatch or are born when they find optimal food in nature. Plants need to flower when their pollinators are active, when parasites meet their hosts at the right time (p. 50).

    Rarely has a book about the climate crisis been so motivating to act now, to become active, to change something, maybe to prevent something, or at least to adapt structures to the climate catastrophe.

    Stefan Rahmstorf writes (p. 30) on a 3 degree warmer world: “I am not sure whether the reasonably civilized coexistence of people as we know it will continue under these conditions. I personally consider a 3 degree world to be an existential threat to human civilization
    PER2 --- ---
    Koyaanisqatsi - Ending Scene (Best Quality)
    TADEAS --- ---
    The drought across Europe is drying up rivers, killing fish and shriveling crops
    TADEAS --- ---
    Mass crop failures expected in England as farmers demand hosepipe bans | Drought | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: implications remain poorly understood

    the fascists are going to win the elections
    they're going to have us building walls
    they're going to send your children off to slaughter in war
    enter that
    that self-contempt
    that confusion
    that feeling of being lost
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---

    We have, until yesterday morning, warned of the 3-times faster warming of the Arctic, compared to the Planet. Now we have to make a correction. It is 4 times faster (7 times faster on Svalbard). Implications remain poorly understood.

    Arctic warming 4 times faster than rest of planet: Climate study | Climate News | Al Jazeera

    The Arctic has warmed nearly four times faster than the globe since 1979 | Communications Earth & Environment
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