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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: jo, a to je motivace pro neco jako regeneratovni zemedelstvi, aby to prave v dluhu nebylo.
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS, SHEFIK: nejsem moc zorientovan, ale prijde mi zajimavej pojem state capacity, prijd emi to interpretacne nosnejsi nez napr demokracie, kapitalismus.

    State Capacity in Historical Political Economy: What, How, Why, and Why Not? – Broadstreet

    State capacity: a useful concept or meaningless pablum? – Broadstreet
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: takze stratefie je dostat k vlade na 4 roky brutalni antiklimaticke hnuti, to se uplne znemozni, zaroven se povede antikampan a pak se dostane na dlouhou dobu k vlade ta spravna strana? :D
    FACEO --- ---
    repast z kyberie
    zni to zajimave

    Pre klimatickú zmenu sa porušujú naše ľudské práva. Mladí Portugalci berú pred súd 32 krajín, medzi nimi aj Slovensko a Česko. Ak by Portugalčania uspeli, vlády obvinených krajín by boli právne zaviazané znížiť emisie. Vrátane tých, čo produkujú nadnárodné spoločnosti.

    Po piatich rokoch sa prípad dostane pred Európsky súd pre ľudské práva. Bude to na jeseň tohto roku a posudzovať ho bude 17 sudcov. Napokon žalujú 32 európskych krajín, medzi nimi aj Slovensko a Česko. „Skutočnosť, že súd postúpil tento prípad veľkej komore, je extrémne významný vývoj, ktorý ukazuje, akú dôležitosť klimatickej zmene ako ľudskému právu pripisujú,“ povedal pre The Guardian Gearóid Ó Cuinn z organizácie Global Legal Action Network, ktorá Agostinhovú a ostatných podporuje.
    Support unprecedented youth climate case against 33 European countries
    Pre klimatickú zmenu sa porušujú naše ľudské práva. Mladí Portugalci berú pred súd 32 krajín, medzi nimi aj Slovensko
    TADEAS --- ---

    seth itzkan vs george monbiot

    It's useful to see what Monbiot's argument is to see why he resists your evidence so emphatically. He appears up to date with soil science otherwise. Your central proposition is not disputed because he loves the rewilding idea for the reasons you're promoting managed herding. He has rejected fake meat in favour of protein brewed from the bacterial level which provides VERY CHEAP protein for mass production as a local brewery. In contrast grazing animals is expensive = elitist. He is so busy promoting this idea in competition to fake meat that he has no room for rival ideas.

    Keepers of the Thermostat: How Farmers & Ranchers can be Climate Heroes - Groundswell 2022
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: obecne - monbiot porad interpretuje ekosystem skrz to lidsky vyuziti (regenerujici divocina na jedne strane vs. degeneratávni produkcni ekosystem na druhe strane) a chce se z toho vyvliknout intenzifikaci a mikrobialnima bilkovinama.

    problem je, ze napr i prostredi anglie se za toho sucha co tam maj stava krehkym - zacne ho rozbijet jak pastva (ktera neni holisticky planovana), tak ho zacne rozbijet "nechani ladem", protoze to je strategie fungujici jen ve vlhkych prostredich. a to vůhko to prostredi vzdy enormne chrani proti dementnim lidskym zasahum.

    kdyz se na to diva pouze z pohledu toho, jaky impakt maji soucasne praktiky managementu tech bylozravcu ted, tak jeho pohled chapu. kdyz se k tomu prida uvaha o tom, ze je mozne vyzivove naroky uspokojit jinak nez skrz bylozravce, kteri pro svou vyzivu zabiraju spoustu mista, tak uz to maji skoro spocitane. a kdyz se k tomu prida to, ze prostredi se regeneruje samo, kdyz ho nechame byt, tak uz je to uplne jasne. jenze ono se regeneruje samo jen za nejakych podminek, ktere se budlu vyskytovat min a min. i kdyz zrusime sve vyzivove naroky na prostredi/ekosystem, ten ekosystem tu porad je a my jsme jeho manazeri/regulatori. co v nem tedy budeme delat, jakymi nastroji a do jake miry nas to ma biologicky zivit?
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: spis proti intensive rotational grazing ne? :) oproti tomu by melo stat holistic planned grazing, jakozto "holisticky planovana pastva" ... holistic management je pak pokus o formulaci uplne obecnyho ramce pro management (vc managementu ekosystemu, napr. pomoci pastvy, v ruznych jejich podobach)
    TADEAS --- ---
    mamutí step, popojedem

    De-extinction company sets its next (first?) target: The thylacine | Ars Technica

    The general approach it lays out for the mammoth is straightforward, even if the details are extremely complex. There are plenty of samples of mammoth tissue from which we can obtain at least partial genomes, which can then be compared to its closest relatives, the elephants, to find key differences distinct to the mammoth lineage. Thanks to gene editing technology, key differences can be edited into the genome of an elephant stem cell, essentially "mammothifying" the elephant cells. A bit of IVF later, and we'll have a shaggy beast ready for the sub-Arctic steppes.
    TUHO --- ---
    neco k efektivni klimaticky komunikaci

    Reassessing emotion in climate change communication | Nature Climate Change
    SHEFIK --- ---
    YMLADRIS: nemyslim, ze by se demokracie tolik zmenila. V demokracii jsou nejaky mechanismy soukromyho vlastnictvi, kdy stat nemuze rozhodovat o cizim majetku. Ta zmena kdy sahnes na tyhle prostredky znamena (docasny) konec demokracie. Stavas se centralne rizenym statem podlehajicim jedinemu vedeni (vpodstate totalitou s nadeji, ze tvuj vojensky vudce ma trochu rozumu). Jak psal tadeas - jsou na to nouzovy valecny stavy, kdy si pak panove nahore mohou delat co chteji, vcetne vysati hdp k jednomu ucelu.

    Proto biden zkousel napr. tohle k politickymu vyhednavani: https://www.politico.com/amp/news/2022/07/20/climate-emergency-biden-consequences-00046885

    Jenze valka (podrizeni ekonomiky jednomu ucelu) vycerpava. Nejde jen o to, ze cast hdp nekam alokujes, ale ze svoji neefektivitou (protoze neadresujes potreby spolecnosti jako takove) vlastne snizuje zivotni uroven tvych obyvatel na roky dopredu (vcetne nejake konkurencni vyhody oproti ostatnim statum).

    A pak je tu jeste posledni strana mince, kdyz tohle 'nasilny prevzeti moci' provedes, a nestihes za volebni obdobi zmenit svet (klima za 4 roky z pohledu jedne zeme dost tezko), tak je to vpodstate politicka sebevrazda pro tebe i tvoji stranu a vytvoris tolik radikalizace, ze se pak do vlady dostanou na dlouhe obdobi uplne protichudne smery, ktere vsechnu tu diktatorakou dobrotu rychle smazou :)

    ...v ramci demokracie to bude vzdycky o uvedomnelych volicich a nejakem rozumnem planu transition, ktery snizuje dopad na nizkoprijmove (vice socialisticky), pripadne da trhu cas na reorganizaci (vice kapitalisticky)
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    SHEFIK: rozumím. Změnila se demokracie. Ale jak? Je to teď víc demokratické než v 1945? Nebo míň? Co se stalo, že státy nemůžou ani vybírat vsechny daně, natož nařídit carbon tax, zatímco před sto lety (by) mohly? Proč mohly více regulovat kapitalismus?
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: The livestock industry has fought back with a massive public relations campaign, seeking to persuade people that pasture-fed meat helps reduce global heating by storing carbon in the soil. Yet, despite the many claims, there is no empirical evidence that carbon storage in pastures can even compensate for grazing’s current account emissions, let alone address the capital debt. Just as the oil industry tried to convince us that CO2 was good for the planet on the grounds that it’s “plant food”, the ranching industry has sought to sow doubt and confusion about its vast environmental impacts.
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Ranching’s capital account is always in debt, because wild ecosystems store more carbon than the fields and pastures that have taken their place. These debts can be enormous. A study of carbon opportunity costs published in Nature found that, while the global average cost of soybeans is 17kg of carbon dioxide for each kilogram of protein, the average carbon opportunity cost of a kilogram of beef protein is an astounding 1,250kg. Another paper calculates that if we all shifted to a plant-based diet, the carbon drawn down from the atmosphere by recovering ecosystems would be equivalent to the world’s fossil fuel emissions from the previous 16 years.
    TUHO --- ---
    zdroj kterej cituje proti holistic managementu

    This commentary summarizes the evidence supporting holistic management (HM) and intensive rotational grazing (IRG) to demonstrate the extent to which Sherren and coauthors (2012) have overstated their policy endorsement of HM for rangeland application. Five major points are presented – distinction between HM and IRG, insufficient evaluation of the contradictory evidence, limitations of the experimental approach, additional costs associated with IRG, and heterogeneous capabilities and goals of graziers’ to manage intensive strategies – to justify why this policy endorsement is ill-advised. The vast majority of experimental evidence does not support claims of enhanced ecological benefits in IRG compared to other grazing strategies, including the capacity to increase storage of soil organic carbon.

    TUHO --- ---
    monbiot proti regenerativni pastve

    Perhaps the most important of all environmental issues is land use. Every hectare of land we use for extractive industries is a hectare that can’t support wild forests, savannahs, wetlands, natural grasslands and other crucial ecosystems. And farming swallows far more land than any other human activity.

    What are the world’s most damaging farm products? You might be amazed by the answer: organic, pasture-fed beef and lamb. I realise this is a shocking claim. Of all the statements in my new book, Regenesis, it has triggered the greatest rage. But I’m not trying to wind people up. I’m trying to represent the facts. Let me explain

    The most damaging farm products? Organic, pasture-fed beef and lamb | Food | The Guardian
    INK_FLO --- ---
    TADEAS: o víkendu v Birminghamu bylo fakt na chcípnutí (vedlejší efekt byl, že jsem omylem na hlavním nádraží v komatu po x-hodinách v buse aktivoval alarm, ale naštěstí se stihl v nastalé panice vypařit :-)), po 2 hodinách pěšky přes centrum nezchladila ani druhá ledová sprcha, po cestě jsem přemýšlel, že snad skočím do všudypřítomných kanálů...se zavřeným oknem se nedá spát, s otevřeným taky ne kvůli hluku, do toho všude smrad odpadků, Summerfield Park polouschlej a žlutej...
    TADEAS --- ---
    Weather tracker: drought declared in England after driest July since 1935 | Environment | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    Survival that night was a very tight race, & savagely simple. People who started early & moved fast had some chance of winning. People who started late or hesitated for any reason had no chance at all. Action paid. Contemplation did not. TADEAS
    TADEAS --- ---
    thought leadership
    or not

    vc. typicky misleading obrazku skotu na totalne vymlaceny 'louce' [shifting baselines anyone?]

    England must reduce meat intake to avoid climate breakdown, says food tsar | Food | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    panda pandu myje

    Covid-19 Is Just the Beginning of the War on Viruses

    Zoonotic spillover — when diseases jump between animals and humans — will happen more and more frequently as habitats are changed by global warming
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