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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    The fight for water | DW Documentary
    TADEAS --- ---
    Citi & Gallup Climate Change and Wellbeing Around the World report

    This analysis represents a preliminary effort to quantify and track the impact of rising temperatures on people's lives by combining geospatial Gallup survey results from 1.75 million people in 160 countries with daily, high-resolution temperature data from NASA.

    The findings show how objective weather information relates to subjective data on how people around the world evaluate their lives.


    Given climate projections, high-temperature days could decrease global
    wellbeing by an estimated 17% by 2030
    TADEAS --- ---
    Impacts of poverty alleviation on national and global carbon emissions | Nature Sustainability

    On the basis of global expenditure data, we compute country- and expenditure-specific per capita carbon footprints with unprecedented details. We show that they can reach several hundred tons of CO2 per year, while the majority of people living below poverty lines have yearly carbon footprints of less than 1 tCO2. Reaching targets under United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 1, lifting more than one billion people out of poverty, leads to only small relative increases in global carbon emissions of 1.6–2.1% or less. Nevertheless, carbon emissions in low- and lower-middle-income countries in sub-Saharan Africa can more than double as an effect of poverty alleviation. To ensure global progress on poverty alleviation without overshooting climate targets, high-emitting countries need to reduce their emissions substantially.

    TADEAS --- ---
    Climate Visuals | Latest versions of open access climate visuals by Professor Ed Hawkins.
    INK_FLO --- ---
    TADEAS: poslal jsem odkaz na článek ve vší slušnosti na tyto 2 maily, sleduje to tu 250 lidí, třeba nebudu jedinej :-)

    Institut Václava Klause

    Email: office@institutvk.cz

    Mgr. Petr Macinka
    Email: petr.macinka@institutvk.cz
    Tel.: +420 602 143 129
    TADEAS --- ---
    oltář planety

    On sacrifice | openDemocracy

    Obediently, each day, we build the emissions altar higher. Upon this altar, almost unseen and unheard, countless creatures, ecosystems and species have already been sacrificed by our fevered dream of growth-based holiness. Today, someone’s child will be on it, torn from their parent’s arms by floods and storms. Tomorrow, yet another child, a bit closer, will succumb to heat or air pollution. After-tomorrow, it will certainly be mine, or yours. At our current rate of building this altar, it will devour all around it. At four degrees and more of warming, an unimaginable level we are on track to reach by the end of this century, human civilization itself will be consumed.
    TADEAS --- ---
    žilo bylo jedno léto v jednom království

    Forty Degrees - by Matt Colborn - Cataclysmic

    we’d known this was coming. We’d known this was coming and had done, effectively, nothing.

    Back in 2019, Dr Peter Stott of the MET office warned of the potential for “weather on steroids,” referring to the UK experiencing temperatures above 40 degrees celsius, which he also said would be vanishingly unlikely without human-forced global heating. In 2020, a study confirmed that the likelihood of 40 degree temperatures in the UK was ‘rapidly accelerating.’ That prophecy was fulfilled within two years.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Ben See

    100 million people face famine or displacement in 2022 due to climate & ecological crimes against humanity and nature in all but name as rich countries increase military budgets while breaking promises to spend money on protecting people & species


    50 million on the brink of famine with 100s of millions more in danger.

    This Extinction Economy cannot protect people and species. It's the root cause of ecosystem collapse, species extinction, biodiversity annihilation, biome disruption and climate chaos.

    33 million people displaced in Pakistan.

    Climate chaos during industrial capitalism will get worse before it gets worse.

    The scientific consensus: political and economic systems change actions are required immediately


    4 million displaced in Yemen, a country facing unmanageable climate change within decades.

    Reuters reported the US, France, & the UK were potentially guilty of war crimes for their direct roles in the war in Yemen. This has never been followed up afaik.


    Millions displaced in India, China, and elsewhere.

    Wars and conflicts around the globe - climate and ecological crimes against humanity and nature in all but name - have displaced vast numbers.
    TADEAS --- ---
    RADIQAL: až slunce vyjde v tmách, růst HDP tě probudí
    TADEAS --- ---
    king of kings, lord of lords, mistr tuho

    Sociální inženýři klimatické ignorance. Od Václava Klause k tabákové lobby a zpět – A2larm
    TADEAS --- ---
    MATT: epidemie tu vždy byly a vždy budou, nelamme si hlavu
    MATT --- ---
    TADEAS: že by do statistiky zasáhl covid?
    TADEAS --- ---
    PER2: meta heat wave
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: "mega heat wave" , co je dalsi stupen :D
    TADEAS --- ---
    Record-breaking heatwave will be an average summer by 2035, latest Met Office Hadley Centre data shows — Climate Crisis Advisory Group

    TADEAS --- ---
    aging gracefully / zase napred

    TADEAS --- ---
    let the sun shine in

    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Norští World Wide Wind přicházejí s revoluční protiběžnou vertikální (dvoj)turbínou, která by mohla podstatně zvýšit produkci větrné energii na moři. Je plovoucí a nabízí se pro využití v oblastech s větší hloubkou. Mohla by dosahovat gigantických parametrů – dechberoucí výšky až 400 metrů a monstrózního výkonu 40 MW.

    :: OSEL.CZ :: - Plovoucí protiběžné turbíny slibují dramatický nárůst větrné energie

    SHEFIK --- ---
    JIMIQ: mas samozrejme pravdu, premyslel jsem, jestli tu situaci komplikovat vic nez je nutne. tech faktoru ovlivnujici vztah energie vs hdp bude samozrejme jeste vic a v soucasnem svete bude vzdycky energie v nejake relaci ku hdp. ale pointa byl v tom prokazat, ze nemuzeme pausalizovat, ze energie ku hdp je 1:1 a to ani pri rostoucim, ani pri klesajicim hdp. nehlede na jakekoliv historicke rady, protoze rovnice hdp proste nic takoveho nerika.

    summary = ekonomika je tak komplexni a sklada se z tolika promennych, ze bych ji pripodobnil k modelovani pocasi. neni mozne zjednodusovat predikce na primy vztah jedne veliciny
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    SEJDA: OK, mazu se, protoze jsem necetl ten clanek cely, ale jen ty odstavecky. Takze moje reakce takhle neni validni. Sorry.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam