Ben See million people face famine or displacement in 2022 due to climate & ecological crimes against humanity and nature in all but name as rich countries increase military budgets while breaking promises to spend money on protecting people & species
50 million on the brink of famine with 100s of millions more in danger.
This Extinction Economy cannot protect people and species. It's the root cause of ecosystem collapse, species extinction, biodiversity annihilation, biome disruption and climate chaos.
33 million people displaced in Pakistan.
Climate chaos during industrial capitalism will get worse before it gets worse.
The scientific consensus: political and economic systems change actions are required immediately
4 million displaced in Yemen, a country facing unmanageable climate change within decades.
Reuters reported the US, France, & the UK were potentially guilty of war crimes for their direct roles in the war in Yemen. This has never been followed up afaik.
Millions displaced in India, China, and elsewhere.
Wars and conflicts around the globe - climate and ecological crimes against humanity and nature in all but name - have displaced vast numbers.