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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    Online course: National Psychological Association of Ukraine launches online climate change course

    The full “Climate Change and Mental Health” course is currently available online in Ukrainian, with plans to publish the English version. The Global Psychology Alliance hopes to use this course as a model and work with NPA to adapt it for additional countries and languages. You can view the educational videos in English below.

    TADEAS --- ---
    Emergy and Environmental Accounting Workshop | Graduate School | Oregon State University

    Emergy and Environmental Accounting Workshop

    Day 1
    What are Emergy, Exergy?

    Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Global Renewable Sources

    Day 2
    Concepts of Emergy Accounting

    Day 3
    Emergy Systems Concepts

    Day 4
    Applications of Emergy Methodology

    Day 5
    Simulation of Macroscopic Mini-Models of Humanity and Nature
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    PER2: tldr lita private jetem po svejch book tours a planetarni temata se mu nehodej do kramu
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: tl dr? na tohodle cloveka jsem posledni dobou silne alergickej
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    Peddlers of environmental doom have shown their true totalitarian colours

    Back Off, Oh Masters of the Universe

    Jordan Peterson: Life, Death, Power, Fame, and Meaning | Lex Fridman Podcast #313

    (41m "I trust Lomborg", "I don't know what environment is")
    TADEAS --- ---
    Plyn už asi nikdy levný nebude. Energetiku můžeme postavit na obnovitelných zdrojích, míní Sedlák ze Svazu moderní energetiky | Plus

    Jak zkrotit vysoké ceny elektřiny? Příčiny a možná řešení současné krize - VOXPOT

    Energetická krize: pár nápadů jak odvrátit sociální kolaps
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    B Bratton

    Rethinking the political aesthetics of culinary/ metabolic Localism through the lens of climate change

    Against Localism In Food
    SEJDA --- ---
    PER2: Seznam Zpravy nejsou Pravo, wink wink.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Cost of living and climate are higher global priorities than Ukraine, poll finds | Ukraine | The Guardian

    Majorities in 16 of the 22 largest countries believe Russia should leave the territory it has occupied in Ukraine, the survey shows. The polling in 22 countries of more than 21,000 citizens also underlines the extent to which the global south is less engaged with the war in Ukraine than Europeans.

    Asked to list their top-three priority issues, voters more often cited the climate crisis and cost of living ahead of Ukraine. Even in the UK, the country with some of the most solid support for Ukraine, more voters cite climate change.

    The climate emergency was the top priority, with 36% of respondents ranking it as one of the three most significant issues facing the world, compared with 28% who picked Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In all but three of the countries surveyed, fewer than 40% cited Ukraine as a top-three priority issue.
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: na novinkach si preji, aby jeste pritvrdili , wink wink

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    Aktivisté vypustili pneumatiky majitelům SUV. Jděte pěšky, vzkázali - Seznam Zprávy
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    #nightHobby #publicLawEnforcement

    Příznivci parkouru v Paříži vypínají noční osvětlení výloh a světelné reklamy - Ekolist.cz
    XCHAOS --- ---
    The cleanest dirt bike ever? Cake vows to produce 'truly fossil-free' bike by 2025 | Move Electric
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    TADEAS: az na to, ze "maso" (zvireci biomasa) nic co ji je v te pop verzi pricitano nezpusobuje, to co pusobi je lidsky ekosystemovy management a lidsky development civilizacnich infrastruktur...
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    Sousedé budou sdílet energii ze solárů, popsal vizi Síkela. Kampaň STAN začala - Seznam Zprávy
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    Dutch City Is World's First to Ban Meat Advertising - EcoWatch

    Billions of dollars are spent each year on food and beverage advertising in order to sway people’s food choices. In an effort to reduce the consumption of meat and the greenhouse gas emissions it produces, the Dutch city of Haarlem will become the world’s first to ban advertisements for meat in public spaces.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Switching The World To Renewable Energy Will Cost $62 Trillion, But The Payback Would Take Just 6 Years - CleanTechnica

    The researchers looked at onshore and offshore wind energy, solar power, solar heat, geothermal electricity and heat, hydroelectricity, and small amounts of tidal and wave electricity. Batteries were the most common electricity storage solution, with the team finding that no batteries with more than four hours of storage were necessary.

    The researchers say switching to renewable energy would avoid utility grid blackouts and save consumers trillions of dollars. One of the main reasons for that finding is that the combustion-based energy systems most countries rely require a lot of energy just to function. In switching to a clean, renewable energy system, Jacobson states that worldwide energy usage would go down by 56% immediately.

    Those savings are attributable to the efficiency of clean energy over combustion systems, as well as the efficiency of electrified industry. There would no longer be a need to explore for oil, coal, and gas, drill wells or dig new mines, transport oil to refineries, build and maintain pipelines, or truck petroleum products to end users, according to My Modern Met.


    The cost of making the changeover to 100% renewable energy would be a staggering $62 trillion. Wow! That is a ton of money, people. But here’s the thing. Jacobson and his team say the savings from switching the world to 100% renewable energy would be $11 trillion a year. In other words, the initial investment would be paid back in just 6 years! Many people have a hard time distinguishing between an investment and an expense. They tend to see that $62 trillion as an expense and ignore the payback.

    There’s one other aspect of renewable energy that you can’t put a price on but it’s extremely valuable nonetheless — energy security. Nations that generate their own electricity don’t need to be at the mercy of lunatics and despots who can decide at any time to cut off the supply of oil, or unnatural gas, or coal. How much is that worth? It may be hard to answer that question, but it is clearly not nothing. The people of Europe are facing a long cold winter because the supply of cheap methane from Russia has ended abruptly.
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    Wild food foraging accounts for nearly 250,000 cubic meters of produce consumed annually in Zambia
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    TUHO: v problematice se neorientuju, ale na svuj pozemek bychnsi agrivoltaiku umistoval prave do tech trvalejch kultur, kde nejak i v dnesni dobe pravdepodobne nejvic resis logiku usporadani, napr. v liniich, podel vrstevnic, nejvic se o to staras, pripadne je to v kombinaci s intenzivnejsim pestovanim nejake zeleniny, pasenim zvirat.

    asi je otazka, jestli ma byt mozne kdekoliv na orne pude udelat fve, nepochybuju o tom, ze budou vznikat dobre silenosti... oni by to chtelo cele mit koncepcne v ramci nejakeho sirsiho krajinneho planu, jenze ten nemize existovar, protoze se na tom nedohodneme, vlastnicke vztahy nerespektuji vztahy v krajine a regulatori nerespektuji potrebu umistovat volneji stavby typu fve nebo vte... takze misto tohody a dobreho spolecneho planu z hlediska usporadani v krajine se to zmasti prosazovanim tech ci onech zajmu
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