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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Porsche’s synthetic gasoline factory comes online today in Chile | Ars Technica
    tohle je uvěřitelný carbon capture, akorát to není moc dlouhodobý capture :-) ale je to realistický kompromis...
    TUHO --- ---
    Erik M. Conway chronicles the history of atmospheric science at NASA, tracing the story from its beginnings in 1958, the International Geophysical Year, through to the present, focusing on NASA’s programs and research in meteorology, stratospheric ozone depletion, and planetary climates and global warming. But the story is not only a scientific one. NASA’s researchers operated within an often politically contentious environment. Although environmental issues garnered strong public and political support in the 1970s, the following decades saw increased opposition to environmentalism as a threat to free market capitalism.

    Atmospheric Science at NASA critically examines this politically controversial science, dissecting the often convoluted roles, motives, and relationships of the various institutional actors involved―among them NASA, congressional appropriation committees, government weather and climate bureaus, and the military.

    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: 1977

    "The feeling in the scientific community is that increasing levels of carbon dioxide have a high probability of constituting the most serious impact on the global environment of virtually any of man's activities." He concluded the letter by writing: "The potential global severity of this threat coupled with the enormity of any proposed remedial action requires that we lay the groundwork for what could be the most significant international environmental research program ever attempted."
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Elliott papers give us a glimpse into how scientists themselves understood the changing climate in the 1970s. Some thought it was a dire issue, perhaps the largest problem humanity would face. Others acknowledged that climate change was an issue, but that more research was required before expecting the worst outcome. Still others, like Elliott, believed climate change was a threat but were pessimistic about the possibility of reducing reliance on fossil fuels. He believed that we would simply have to live with the effects of climate change. Perhaps the most striking aspect of the Elliott papers is how remarkably accurate, even at that early stage of research, CDERA's scientists were in predicting the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide fifty years later, in our present day. Taken together, the CDERA papers reveal the state of scientific knowledge about anthropogenic climate change in the late 1970s. They are, therefore, worth taking some time to explore. The language that scientists used nearly half a century ago is remarkably familiar, and in some instances, no less dire.
    TUHO --- ---
    Klimaticka zmena a jeji vyzkum v USA v 70. letech

    Climate Change in the 1970s
    TADEAS --- ---
    Cop15 negotiators close to agreeing nature deal as talks draw to end | Cop15 | The Guardian

    Heads of delegations will respond to the text in a meeting later on Sunday, with a plenary expected to be held in the evening and negotiations set to continue overnight. China’s environment minister, Huang Runqiu, the Cop15 president, said he wanted the final text to be adopted on Monday.

    The package, which includes this decade’s targets to halt the destruction of the planet’s life-sustaining ecosystems, includes plans to protect 30% of Earth for nature, reform $500bn (£412bn) of environmentally damaging subsidies and halt pollution that damages ecosystems by the end of the decade. Countries from the global north would contribute $30bn a year for conservation by the end of the decade if the agreement is adopted.
    YMLADRIS --- ---

    NASA a francouzské CNIS (Centre national d’études spatiales, Národní centrum kosmického výzkumu) stojí za projektem SWOT, což výjimečně není oblíbené manažerské rozpočitadlo, ale Surface Water and Ocean Topography – mapování povrchových vod a moří. Družice SWOT je už několik dnů na oběžné dráze a má velmi ambiciózní úkol naznačený svým názvem. Na světě je kolem šesti milionů vodních ploch o rozloze větší než jeden hektar, ale prý jen o deseti až dvaceti tisících z nich (!) máme přesná data. SWOT to změní. Bude sledovat všechno povrchové vodstvo, přičemž každých deset až jedenáct dnů spustí nový cyklus celosvětového měření. Půjde tedy o dynamická data. Hydrologové budou mít přehled o změnách skoro v reálném čase. Pomůže to daleko lépe chápat cyklus vody v přírodě, sledovat zásoby vody, předvídat kalamitní události. Zároveň SWOT sleduje i mořské proudy, víry, lokální změny teploty. Projekt zatím stál 1,2 miliardy dolarů. Pokud splní očekávání, budou to velmi dobře vynaložené peníze. (Koubsky)
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    EU se dohodla na zpřísnění fungování trhu s emisními povolenkami | ČeskéNoviny.cz

    Emise z vytápění budov a silniční dopravy mají být v rámci nového povolenkového systému zpoplatněny od roku 2027, což je o rok později, než počítal původní návrh Evropské komise (EK). Pokud by nadále trvaly současné vysoké ceny energií, zavedení povolenek by se odložilo do roku 2028. Dopady reformy na spotřebitele, jako je například růst nákladů na vytápění, by měl kompenzovat klimatický sociální fond, pro který se počítá s částkou 86,7 miliardy eur (téměř 2,1 bilionu Kč). Má financovat například investice do energeticky efektivnějších budov.
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Evropská unie se dohodla na výrazném zpřísnění hlavního nástroje na ochranu klimatu | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy

    Vyjednavači Evropského parlamentu a unijních států se v neděli ráno dohodli na značném zpřísnění hlavního nástroje na ochranu klimatu. Spotřebitelé a firmy budou v budoucnu muset častěji platit za emise oxidu uhličitého. O dohodě na reformě obchodování s emisemi v Unii informovalo české předsednictví, uvedla agentura DPA. Spotřebitelům má zmírnit důsledky energetického přechodu nově zřízený klimatický fond.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Defining floors and ceilings: the contribution of human needs theory

    This article argues that a theory of human needs is essential to buttress and give content to the concept of consumption corridors. In particular it enables us to, first, define a safe, just, and sustainable space for humanity, and second, to decompose and recompose consumption based on a distinction between necessities and luxuries. After an introduction, the article is divided into four parts. The first compares different concepts of human needs and concentrates on universalizable need theories. The second presents a method for agreeing on contextual need satisfiers, and the third discusses current research identifying the floors of poverty and necessities. A fourth section then sets out how sustainable needs can underpin the upper bound of the corridor and how this ceiling might be measured in income and consumption terms. However, once we move from a national to a global perspective a profound dilemma is encountered as rich country corridors diverge from a global consumption corridor
    TADEAS --- ---

    The first reason for the argument that the richest should be the primary funders of climate actions is the one given in the previous section, which relates to overall welfare improvement: the surplus money of the superrich cannot be used to enhance their well-being; however, it could be more beneficial if it were invested wisely in climate action strategies. A modified version of the first reason is as follows. More and more climate experts and writers on climate change (e.g., Gardiner 2011) are claiming that we are dealing with a real disaster. Thus, if the issue of climate change is unlike our many everyday problems, then it is appropriate to apply the principle that anyone who can help, should help, although the ablest are expected to carry the most onerous burdens. This approach has led several philosophers to conclude that we should adopt “the ability to contribute principle” and that we should focus on those who are in a position to make a difference (Caney 2014; Shue 2015).

    The second reason for the argument that the richest should be the primary funders of climate actions is related to the unfairness in the current situation. If one compares countries, then historically Europe has been responsible for many emissions, although North America’s current average emissions per capita are much higher than the average emissions of other geographic regions. For example, the global average emissions arising from consumption amount to about 6.2 tons per person per year (and this should stand closer to zero in a few decades if we intend to avoid dangerous climate change). Nonetheless, the differences are enormous: 22.5 tons for North America; 13.1 tons for Europe; 7.4 tons for the Middle East; 6 tons for China; 4.4 tons for Latin America; 2.2 tons for South Asia and 1.9 tons for Africa (Chancel and Piketty 2015). These averages tend to hide the vast inequalities within the countries in these regions, and that rich people everywhere can have lifestyles that cause emissions of up to 300 tons. Hence, Chancel and Piketty (2015) suggest imposing a global flat tax on air tickets, which could be used to fund climate adaptation measures. While I endorse this idea and have argued elsewhere that a tax on air travel is needed not only for climate reasons but also for economic fairness among different transport sectors (Robeyns 2019), I believe that this measure hardly goes far enough. Ideally, we should levy a worldwide ecological crisis tax on the superrich to finance the climate action funds. If that is not possible, governments should take the initiative to establish international agreements on what each country contributes to the global funds, and each country could on their own tax their most affluent citizens. Either way, the aim is to let the superwealthy contribute first to the climate action funds.

    There are at least two aspects to the fairness reason for charging the rich for climate actions funds. The first argument is based on principles of rectification or compensation. Most superrich people have acquired their wealth by engaging in economic activities with negative environmental externalities. Market prices in themselves do not reflect the environmental damage embedded in the production and transport of commodities. If the environmental damage linked to economic production were appropriately incorporated in the prices (or as economists would put it, the negative externalities had been internalised), the prices would increase, causing demand and profits to fall. Hence, the fortunes of the superrich partially consist of non-paid compensation for environmental damage. The second aspect is that in some countries, the situation is even worse, mainly because the government directly or indirectly subsidises fossil fuel industries. Thus, part of the wealth of the superrich who own companies or work for them in these countries represents the ecological damage that has been passed onto society at large. Hence, from a fairness point of view, one can argue that compensation for these past negative ecological externalities could now be used to fund the climate action funds.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Zachraňme energetiku

    Peksa a Kocmanova mají Twitter projekt na vyvracení mýtů o oze
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    nevim co to znamena, ale tak mapa

    TUHO --- ---
    btw si tedka nacitam nejaky veci k historii klimatologie a dostal jsem se k historii ruske antarkticke stanice Vostok, odkad patri analyzy vzorku az 400.000 let zpatky a koukam, ze to tam musi bejt docela zabavny.

    In 1959, the Vostok station was the scene of a fight between two scientists over a game of chess.[8][9][10] When one of them lost the game, he became so enraged that he attacked the other with an ice axe.[10][8][9] According to some sources, it was a murder,[10][8][9] though other sources say that the attack was not fatal.[11] Afterwards, chess games were banned at Soviet/Russian Antarctic stations.[8][10]
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: post-extinction comeback

    Record set with 2-million-year-old ancient DNA | MIT Technology Review

    After an eight-year effort to recover DNA from Greenland’s frozen interior, researchers say they’ve managed to sequence gene fragments from ancient fish, plants, and even a mastodon that lived 2 million years ago.

    It’s the oldest DNA ever recovered, beating the mark set only last year when a different team recovered genetic material from a million-year-old mammoth tooth.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Carol of the Ecocide: Tina Karol and UAnimals present New Year's song about ecocide in Ukraine
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: nukleární geoinženýrství. to se ufounům líbit nebude
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: zas je fajn, že kdo zavede nerůst, odtamtud ten kapitál skutečně rychle vypadne a vsichni budou spoko :))
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    jinak MinuteEarth ma ted upresnujici video k tem jadernym valkam

    15 vybuchu = pokles teploty o dva stupne

    odpalit vsechno = 16 stupnu, co se tyce toho hladomoru, tak jim to vychazi 5B lidi by hladovelo prvni, ovsem v severnich sirkach 99.9 procent populace. dal to nerozebiraji, jako jake jsou svetove zasoby potravin, jak dlouho se mrak udrzi atd. Cili porad je to lehce lepsi nez ty 4 stupne otepleni podle Postupimi :) ale tak jako, no

    Why It's Impossible To Win a Nuclear War

    YMLADRIS --- ---
    ad degrowth, se to furt snazim naroubovat na zachovani te kapitalisticke inovace, ale to tak nejspis fakt neni proste mysleny

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