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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Zachraňme energetiku

    Peksa a Kocmanova mají Twitter projekt na vyvracení mýtů o oze
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    nevim co to znamena, ale tak mapa

    TUHO --- ---
    btw si tedka nacitam nejaky veci k historii klimatologie a dostal jsem se k historii ruske antarkticke stanice Vostok, odkad patri analyzy vzorku az 400.000 let zpatky a koukam, ze to tam musi bejt docela zabavny.

    In 1959, the Vostok station was the scene of a fight between two scientists over a game of chess.[8][9][10] When one of them lost the game, he became so enraged that he attacked the other with an ice axe.[10][8][9] According to some sources, it was a murder,[10][8][9] though other sources say that the attack was not fatal.[11] Afterwards, chess games were banned at Soviet/Russian Antarctic stations.[8][10]
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: post-extinction comeback

    Record set with 2-million-year-old ancient DNA | MIT Technology Review

    After an eight-year effort to recover DNA from Greenland’s frozen interior, researchers say they’ve managed to sequence gene fragments from ancient fish, plants, and even a mastodon that lived 2 million years ago.

    It’s the oldest DNA ever recovered, beating the mark set only last year when a different team recovered genetic material from a million-year-old mammoth tooth.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Carol of the Ecocide: Tina Karol and UAnimals present New Year's song about ecocide in Ukraine
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: nukleární geoinženýrství. to se ufounům líbit nebude
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: zas je fajn, že kdo zavede nerůst, odtamtud ten kapitál skutečně rychle vypadne a vsichni budou spoko :))
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    jinak MinuteEarth ma ted upresnujici video k tem jadernym valkam

    15 vybuchu = pokles teploty o dva stupne

    odpalit vsechno = 16 stupnu, co se tyce toho hladomoru, tak jim to vychazi 5B lidi by hladovelo prvni, ovsem v severnich sirkach 99.9 procent populace. dal to nerozebiraji, jako jake jsou svetove zasoby potravin, jak dlouho se mrak udrzi atd. Cili porad je to lehce lepsi nez ty 4 stupne otepleni podle Postupimi :) ale tak jako, no

    Why It's Impossible To Win a Nuclear War

    YMLADRIS --- ---
    ad degrowth, se to furt snazim naroubovat na zachovani te kapitalisticke inovace, ale to tak nejspis fakt neni proste mysleny

    PER2 --- ---
    je ti teplo devenko
    DZODZO --- ---
    YMLADRIS: staci google "levne letenky" kolko toho vyskace :)
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    jako chapu ze jsou na ostrove, ale prekvapuje me, ze chudy lidi vubec nekam litaji

    TUHO --- ---
    Reid Allen Bryson (1920–2008) was a forceful orator who consistently fought against institutional pressures to get his messages out to the public. In the 1960s, Bryson was a leader in the wider academic turn toward politically charged interdisciplinarianism. To the dismay of many of his colleagues, he publicly made climatological prognoses in the 1970s, becoming a significant figure in the media landscape. He was not swayed by the arguments for global warming, even as the framing became the recognized face of climate change in the late 1980s. By examining the controversies that Bryson instigated and the currents that he swam against, we can see the wider community crystallizing and promoting positions that may have previously gone unstated. In addition, Bryson's personal contribution to the rise of climate discourse has been underexplored in the historical literature. Bryson was instrumental in bringing climate onto the political radar during the World Food Crisis of 1973, shocking both the US and Canadian political establishments into paying more attention to the issue. Bryson's narrative linking climate change to both food supply and a series of climate anomalies in the 1970s remained predominant in the first World Climate Conference of 1979. Bryson also helped break a seal on climatologists speaking directly to the media, leading to unprecedented climate discourse in the 1970s and giving climate change a springboard to become one of the defining issues of the 21st century.

    SEJDA --- ---
    TADEAS: podle mne to s tim CO2 nebude az takova katastrofa, protoze psali o "emisich", takze treba sira muze byt 30x horsi, v prumeru s ostatnimi emisemi 2x ;)Biomasa ma vyuziti, ale kdyz pripustime, ze ziskavani dreva za kazdou cenu nepomaha, muzeme se posunout od plantazi zpet k lesum .. nekde.
    RADIQAL --- ---
    SHEFIK: Btw, zdroj taky nic moc.
    DNF --- ---
    SHEFIK: clanek je ztrata casu, precetl jsem si o tom vejlupkovi Zitelmannovi na wiki. To delam u clanku co sdili neverohodni lidi jako treba ty :) Ztrata casu.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    DNF: porad se nechytam. Firmu prodal pred lety, ted uz pise jen zajmu a investuje do vyzkumu pro obsah svych knizek nemaly penize, ktery se mozna nevrati. Kapitalismus poznal prostrednictvim podnikani - mel by ho radeji vychvalovat na zaklade teorii? Levicovymi obdobimi si orosel taky, ma tedy srovnani. Nebo radeji davat priklady od cloveka co zna jen jednu stranu mince?

    Btw je to nemec, historii studoval. Moje druha polovicka taky. Nevidim v jeho vyrokach nepravdy.

    Spis mi prijde z toho co rikas, zes ten clanek ani neotevrel, ale rad bys, aby nemel pravdu, protoze by se ti to proste nelibilo. Kazdopadne to vzdavam.
    DNF --- ---
    SHEFIK: No, spis ze pak kdyz teda 'zmoudris' zacnes vynaset system kdyz na jeho uspechu je zavisly uspech tvoji vlastni spolecnosti, protoze ji stavis na tom systemu ... ale je to americky vedec, autorita, chapu!
    SHEFIK --- ---
    DNF: nejak mi nedochazi kontext. Jakoze kdyz spatne nastartujes mladi, tak ses kompro naporad? Ty ses od mladi nezmenil / zivot te nic o spoelcnosti ve ktery zijem nenaucil?

    Osobne si nazor delam podle toho, zda vyroky davaji v sirsim kontextu smysl, ale stejnej pristup ti urcite nutit nebudu.
    DNF --- ---
    SHEFIK: Asi ses nepodival co ten clovek je zac, zeano? Borec v devadesatkach jel historii nazi, a pak se najendou preorientoval na business, kdyz zjistil ze je lepsi mit firmu nez o tom prednaset... Promin, ale to je alespon pro me hodne spatnej priklad.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam