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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    TUHO: jojo, to je dobrý pro další (detailnější) studium - ptal jsem se ho jestli a kdy byly v historii planety období, kdy teplota stoupala podobně rychle jak dnes ("similar increase")

    Yes, there have been instances in Earth's history where rapid increases in temperature occurred. For example, the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) around 55.5 million years ago saw global warming exceeding pre-industrial temperatures by 4°C-8°C (IPCC_AR6_WGI_Chapter05, Page:42). However, the rate of temperature increase during these past events was generally slower than the projected anthropogenic climate change over this century (IPCC_AR6_WGI_Chapter01, Page:58). Other ancient hyperthermal events also occurred between 300 and 50 million years ago, triggered by the release of greenhouse gases (IPCC_AR6_WGII_Chapter03, Page:22).
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    PETER_PAN: Ale potencial je porad diskutovanej adaptacne na klimatickou zmenu, ne jako nastroj managmentu ekosystemu s celoplanetarnimi dusledky na globalni ekosystemy.

    Porad tam je to to jakoze neco uspori, zlepsi, odolnejsi, lepe do dane lokality, mene externalit.
    Tohle jsou ale jen drobaky. To o cem ja mluvim je definice celych ekosystemovych modolu s globalnimi dopady. Treba zabraneni desertifikaci na rozsahlych uzemich, restaurovani koralovych utesu, vychytavani methanu v rostlinach co ho budou absorbovat a zpracovavat, .... mraky veci.
    TUHO --- ---
    PETER_PAN: Ja se v tyhle oblasti nevyznam, ale rad se zacnu dovzdelavat, mas ke GMO jako reseni klimatickych zmen nejakou dobrou resersni studii / paper / knihu? Dik
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    TUHO: Ano a tim pres respekt k jejich praci take projevuju takhle nejakou kritiku.

    Je to jako kdyby byla zprava nejakych ucencu z tesne pred-moderni doby o stavu lidskeho zdravi. A z te zpravy by se na otazku "Is it surgery a solution for human diseases?" vypadlo neco jakoze urcite aspekty mozna jakoze trochu. Ano chirurgie nevyresi vschny problemy, ale je to hlavni pilir. A i kdyz srovnani s GMO/climate change mozna pokulhava tak jen proto, ze vliv je potencialne mnohem zasadnejsi nez uz chirurgie.
    TUHO --- ---
    PETER_PAN: No ale pak je otazka, jestli tvoje zklamani neprameni z prilisneho ocekavani od IPCC. IPCC je designovany v podstate jako resersni teleso - zjistuje to, co se deje v soucasnym vyzkumu a to syntetizuje a snazi se z toho delat shrnujici a pokud mozno kompletni vyzkumny zpravy. Jinymi slovy, ambice IPCC neni tak navrhovat "vlastni" reseni, ale shrnovat dostupny vyzkum o plodnych resenich. Ja diskuzi v tomhle poli moc neznam - ale asi je na miste otazka, jestli timhle smerem smeruje dostatek vyzkumu a je dobre komunikovanej nebo jestli tam je chyba na strane IPCC.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    WMO: Climate Change Continues to Shatter Records, Disrupt Human Society - CleanTechnica

    Concentrations of the three main greenhouse gases — carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide — reached record observed highs in 2021, the latest year for which consolidated global values are available (1984-2021). The annual increase in methane concentration from 2020 to 2021 was the highest on record. Real-time data from specific locations show levels of the three greenhouse gases continued to increase in 2022.


    Ocean acidification: CO2 reacts with seawater resulting in a decrease of pH referred to as “ocean acidification.” Ocean acidification threatens organisms and ecosystem services. The IPCC Sixth Assessment Report concluded that “There is very high confidence that open ocean surface pH is now the lowest it has been for at least 26 [thousand years] and current rates of pH change are unprecedented since at least that time.”


    Record breaking rain in July and August led to extensive flooding in Pakistan. There were over 1700 deaths, and 33 million people were affected, while almost 8 million people were displaced. Total damage and economic losses were assessed at US$ 30 billion. July (181% above normal) and August (243% above normal) were each the wettest on record nationally.


    Record breaking heatwaves affected Europe during the summer. In some areas, extreme heat was coupled with exceptionally dry conditions. Excess deaths associated with the heat in Europe exceeded 15,000 in total across Spain, Germany, the UK, France, and Portugal.

    PETER_PAN --- ---
    TUHO: Prubirsky kamen:

    Is it GMO a solution for climate change?

    According to the IPCC AR6 report, genetic improvements through modern biotechnology have the potential to increase climate resilience in food production systems with high confidence. However, technical, agroecosystem, socioeconomic, and political variables strongly influence and limit the uptake of climate resilient crops, particularly for smallholders with medium confidence. While biotechnology can be used as an adaptation strategy, there is low confidence that genetically modified (GM) crops can increase food security and nutrition in smallholder farming systems relative to alternative agronomic strategies. Therefore, it is not clear whether GMOs are a solution for climate change. (IPCC_AR6_WGII_Chapter05, IPCC_AR6_WGII_TechnicalSummary)

    -- -- --

    Takze pokavad je ten AI comprehensive tak jinymi slovy to IPCC vubec systemove neresi kdyz to komunikuje jen jako "potential to increase climate resilience". Smutny.
    TADEAS --- ---
    paseni + solary, jde to ,) skvele videjko s ovcemi

    Training opportunity with Georgia Savory Hub @whiteoakpastures: Join us on April 24-26 for this amazing workshop! To learn more and get tickets, visit our Events page, linked in bio! . . . . . #health...
    SEJDA --- ---
    Mohli byste Hawkingovi napsat, ze klimatologie je fyzika, stejne jako meteorologie? On si asi mysli, ze klimatogove sice rozumi termodinamice, elektromagnetizmu ale ze uz nerozumi astronomii :)) Te rozumi asi jenom on.
    Jako chapu to zmateni, kdyz se mluvi dlouze o rostlinach, lidi si zacnou myslet "zeleni", ale to je zakladni neporozumneni toho fyzikalniho procesu uvnitr zivych organismu, s vstevnatou stavbou tela, fotosyntezou.
    Pro Hawkinga je fyzika asi jenom termonuklearni reakce a dal uz nic.
    TUHO --- ---
    SHEFIK: plus

    TUHO --- ---
    SHEFIK --- ---
    HOWKING: imho je zasadnejsi ta dlouhodoba korelace co2 a teploty, vs. aktualni co2

    Nyrlem pak namitne pricinu a nasledek a doda, ze vliv co2 na otepleni neni prokazanej, i presto, ze se to da overit v pet lahvi...
    TADEAS --- ---
    HOWKING: oba ale nic netvrdíme ani něříkáme, že...
    HOWKING --- ---
    TADEAS: Naopak. Dezinformátoři něco skálopevně tvrdí...
    TADEAS --- ---
    HOWKING: :) tak asi bys měl něco chtít říct, protože takhle se typicky vyjadřujou dezinformátoři. ano, země se periodicky pohybuje v těchle cyklech. a dál?
    TUHO --- ---
    HOWKING: Imho 0 = rok 1950, ten se v paleoklimatickejch rekonstrukcich bezne pouziva jako referencni rok.
    HOWKING --- ---
    TADEAS: Já nechci říct nic. Já jen uvádím kontext tvého zlomečku dat.
    HOWKING --- ---
    TUHO: Zase divný. Koukni se kde je 0. Pokud je 0 dnešek, tak ten skok na konci je predikce. Pokud je 0 narození Krista, pak je vidět prudký růst už od 3 století po Kristu?
    TUHO --- ---
    a jina tu

    Global Temperature Reconstruction Over Last 24,000 Years Show Today’s Warming “Unprecedented”
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