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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Climate crisis calls for U-turn in EU’s economic governance – EURACTIV.com

    Already 50 years ago, Dutch politician Sicco Mansholt, who was at the time the European Commissioner for Agriculture, wrote to the President of the European Commission a legacy letter, in light of the findings of the Club of Rome “Limits to growth” report.

    He wrote that a fundamentally different policy needs to be pursued to prevent the world from ‘breaking down’ and that the economy should no longer be aiming at maximising GDP growth per capita.

    He called for giving priority to food production; reducing material goods, compensated for by increasing immaterial goods (education, intellectual development, use of free time, access to culture); prolonging the life-span of ‘capital goods’ (which we today call ending programmed obsolescence, ensuring goods and products can be repaired, re-used, then recycled in a circular economy); avoiding the production of ‘non-essential’ products (today, private jets and SUVs are on the spotlight for their huge environmental impact and their uselessness); and combating pollution and the depletion of natural resources.


    Investors will refrain from putting their savings in certain countries or regions, making access to finance more difficult for countries most exposed to extreme weather events.


    But as recently stressed by Mario Draghi, no single country can curb climate change on its own: “Just as the euro cannot be stable if large parts of the monetary union are failing, climate change cannot be solved by Germany reducing its carbon emissions faster than Italy.”


    1) Include the ‘Do No Significant Harm to climate and environment’ principle as an assessment criterion for investments and reforms committed by member states.

    (2) Include an obligation for national governments to integrate a socially just and time-bound reduction of fossil fuel subsidies in their fiscal-structural plans.

    (3) Require Member States to use Green Budgeting tools when presenting their national budgets to the EU.

    (4) Require that national fiscal-structural plans include an assessment of the national investment gap to achieve climate, environment and social goals, and make sure that debt and deficit reduction does not jeopardise their realization.

    And of course (5) Make sure the rules don’t prioritise growth at the expense of climate and environment.
    L4MA --- ---
    nazev je samozrejme naprosto odpuzuji clickbait, ale to je dnes asi nutnost...
    ve 20 minutach to podle me nejde popsat koherentnejc. obcas je tu shanka po matrialech, co dokazou rychle predat to nejnutnejsi.
    extrakt vsech nejnutnejsich souvislosti a naprosto nenucena odpoved na ty nejbeznejsi "ale..."

    This Will Be My Most Disliked Video On YouTube | Climate Change
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: let's see
    TUHO --- ---
    PER2: kdyztak tu odkaz na celou studii
    TUHO --- ---
    Armstrong McKay, David I., et al. (2022). "Exceeding 1.5°C Global Warming Could Trigger Multiple Climate Tipping Points." Science 377: eabn7950 [doi:10.1126/science.abn7950].
    PER2 --- ---
    Když se za poslední doby ledové oteplilo u Grónska, pocítil to celý svět — ČT24 — Česká televize
    DZODZO --- ---
    trosku ironia, ked policajti zatknu klimaktivistov blokujucich prijazd na burning man a potom sa navstevnici burning man brodia blatom kvoli vykyvom pocasia vyvolanym zmenou klimy :D

    Slavný festival Burning Man se pro 70 000 lidí proměnil v boj s bahnem - Novinky
    TADEAS --- ---
    Ripples on the Great Sea of Life: A Brief History of Existential Risk Studies by S. J. Beard, Phil Torres :: SSRN

    This paper explores the history of Existential Risk Studies (ERS). While concerns about human extinction can be traced back to the 19th century, the field only emerged in the last two decades with the formal conceptualization of existential risk. Since then, there have been three distinct ‘waves’ or research paradigms: the first built on an explicitly transhumanist and techno-utopian worldview; the second growing out of an ethical view known as ‘longtermism’that is closely associated with the Effective Altruism movement; and the third emerging from the interface between ERS and other fields that have engaged with existential risk, such as Disaster Studies, Environmental Science and Public Policy. In sketching the evolution of these paradigms, together with their historical antecedents, we offer a critical examination of each and speculate about where the field may be heading in the future
    TADEAS --- ---
    Melancholy Hues: The Futility of Green Growth and Degrowth, and the Inevitability of Societal Collapse | IZA - Institute of Labor Economics ...

    The economic expansion witnessed in the last 0,08% of modern human history is an anomalous event. It has been compared to a "rocket ship that took off five seconds ago, and nobody knows where it's going." This paper explores the destiny of this rocket ship. It shows that economic growth cannot continue indefinitely and critically reviews Green Growth and Degrowth as responses to planetary overshoot. It concludes that neither Green Growth nor Degrowth will stop overshoot. Moreover, Degrowth may worsen the environment, is a costly method to reduce carbon emissions, is a form of austerity for the working class, is redundant, and is politically infeasible. Finally, a third approach beyond Green Growth and Degrowth is outlined: acceptance of an inevitable societal collapse (as a feature, and not a bug, of complexity) and managing such a collapse to minimise harm, and to get rid of obsolete structures. This may lay the foundation for rebound growth, and a transition to a new kind of economy, which could be as qualitatively different from the current global economy as the industrial world differed from the hunter-gatherer world.
    TADEAS --- ---
    We Already Live in a Degrowth World, and We Do Not like It | IZA - Institute of Labor Economics

    The Degrowth Movement calls for "degrowth" – a reduction in GDP in advanced economies – to avert an ecological crisis. This paper argues that the Degrowth Movement misses that the West is already in a state resembling degrowth – a Great Stagnation. This state of degrowth and its correlates, declining entrepreneurship, innovation, science, and research productivity, are described. It is concluded that the notion that a degrowth economy can generate the technological progress necessary to tackle ecological and social crises and challenges is far-fetched. Moreover, as economic stagnation has taught, the consequence of degrowth is a zero-sum society: redistribution, instead of production, becomes the basis of the economy. In such a context, more degrowth will only make problems worse. This paper concludes by discussing scenarios for moving beyond Degrowth. Whether collapse or unimaginable riches through breakthrough technological progress will be the future, these scenarios suggest that there is more to humanity's future than envisaged by the Degrowth Movement.
    TUHO --- ---
    Rapid Climate Change

    By the 20th century, scientists had rejected old tales of world catastrophe, and were convinced that global climate could change only gradually over many tens of thousands of years. But in the 1950s, a few scientists found evidence that some changes in the past had taken only a few thousand years. During the 1960s and 1970s other data, supported by new theories and new attitudes about human influences, reduced the time a change might require to hundreds of years. Many doubted that such a rapid shift could have befallen the planet as a whole. The 1980s and 1990s brought proof (chiefly from studies of ancient ice) that the global climate could indeed shift radically within a century — perhaps even within a decade. And there seemed to be feedback loops that could make warming self-sustaining. Into the 21st century, researchers turned up more and more potential physical and biological feedback mechanisms, interacting with one another in a devilishly complex and possibly unstable system. If greenhouse gas emissions continued to rise, scientists could not rule out possing "tipping points" for an irreversible and catastrophic climate change

    Rapid Climate Change
    TADEAS --- ---
    R Read

    After 26 years, I’ve packed my books, set a permanent out of office and handed in my keys. My time at the University of East Anglia has come to an end. I’ve taken voluntary severance and I’m looking forward to a freelance life, mostly devoted to running the Climate Majority Project.

    If you have a Times Higher Education sub, you can read more about the reasons behind my decision (link in bio).

    The thrust of it is: “…I’ve gradually come to see academia as constitutively ill suited to contributing seriously to the epochal question of our time: our wilful destruction of our collective life-support system.”

    While there is much about life as an academic that I’ll surely miss, I’m glad to be leaving. When the opportunity came to do so, I knew it would be a failure of will not to take it.

    Do check out (and support in whatever way you can) the @climatemajorityproject.
    NJAL --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    a short-lived but pronounced dip in atmospheric carbon dioxide captured in an Antarctic ice-core, reaching its lowest level in this year. . . . lIft marks when the Columbian Exchange can be seen in geological sediments.
    Much of the drop occurred because Europeans carried smallpox and other diseases to the Americas for the first time, leading to the deaths of more than 50 million people over a few decades. The collapse of these societies led to farmland returning to forest over such an extensive area that the growing trees sucked enough carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere to temporarily cool the planet.
    (Lewis and Maslin, 2018, p. 13)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    I Misunderstood the Greenhouse Effect. Here's How It Works.
    SCHWEPZ --- ---

    Global Subsidies for Fossil Fuels Skyrocket to $7 trillion per Year, as 2023 Promises to be Hottest on Record

    Mezinárodní měnový fond (MMF) uvádí, že země světa v roce 2022 nepřímo dotovaly fosilní paliva částkou 7 bilionů dolarů. Jedná se o zdroje nebezpečných skleníkových plynů způsobujících globální oteplování.

    V roce 2020 činila částka nepřímých dotací pouze 5 bilionů dolarů. Takže za pouhé dva roky země světa ve skutečnosti zvýšily dotace na fosilní paliva o 2 biliony dolarů.

    Wallace tvrdí, že část nárůstu přímých i nepřímých dotací je způsobena nárůstem cen energií v důsledku války na Ukrajině a mezinárodního embarga uvaleného na Rusko. Vlády někdy dotují nákup fosilního plynu pro spotřebitele kvůli těmto bolestivě vysokým cenám a nebezpečí, že rodiny v zimě zmrznou.

    MMF dále dodává, že 7 bilionů dolarů představuje 7,1 % světového hrubého národního produktu a je to téměř dvakrát více,
    než kolik vlády vynakládají na vzdělávání, a jsou to dvě třetiny všech výdajů na zdravotní péči. Vzdělání a zdravotní péče jsou však pozitivní věci, zatímco fosilní paliva jsou ničivé.

    (...) Pevné částice ze spalování uhlí a benzínu se dostávají do našich plic a mohou způsobit rakovinu plic a infarkt, nemluvě o tom, že tato fosilní paliva zahřívají planetu. Takže bychom je nejen neměli dotovat, ale měli bychom na ně uvalit dodatečné daně, abychom spotřebitele odradili od jejich používání.

    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: A pro zajemce o dalsi studium, tohle vypada na zajimavou knizku

    This book argues that the Soviet Union was a highly influential actor in furthering understandings of society-nature interaction on the international stage and played a key role in helping to shape, conceptualize and assess the relationship between humankind and the Earth system. It considers how humankind’s capacity to affect physical and biological systems at a global scale was acknowledged and studied by Soviet scientists, discusses how the interaction between Soviet and Western scientists stimulated the development of new technologies and insights, which simultaneously facilitated a more profound understanding of the Earth’s physical and biological systems, and explores how Soviet scientists drew upon pre-revolutionary intellectual traditions in order to make sense of society-nature interaction and did so in collaboration with a range of international initiatives. Overall, the book provides a deep analysis of how Soviet scientists conceptualized society-nature interaction and influenced the understanding of global physical and biological systems. Furthermore, it is argued that this intellectual legacy remains of importance today with respect to the activities of Russian science and contemporary global environmental challenges.

    The Soviet Union and Global Environmental Change: Modifying the Biosphere and Conceptualizing Society-Nature Interaction — University of Birmingham
    TUHO --- ---
    A neco z predpovedi sovetske klimatolgoie - a pozoruhodne presne 50 les stare modely Michaila Budyka

    In 1972, Mikhail Ivanovich Budyko used a simple methodology to make climate predictions that remain surprisingly accurate today and that could serve as a new “business-as-usual” scenario.

    A 50-Year-Old Global Warming Forecast That Still Holds Up - Eos
    SHEFIK --- ---
    :: OSEL.CZ :: - Farmáři by mohli pomoct s oteplenou planetou pěstováním kamenů na polích

    Trpělivost čekat 1 milion let by měl jen málokdo. Baekův tým navrhuje, že by zvětrávání mohli dramaticky urychlit farmáři. Stačilo by drtit velké množství bazických vyvřelých hornin a pak je vysypat na pole. Autoři studie upozorňují, že na tuhle klimatickou intervenci jsou vzhledem k podmínkám prostředí nejvhodnější horké a vlhké tropy.

    Jak říká Noah Planavsky, rovněž z Yale, „pěstování kamenů na poli“ má ohromný potenciál. Nejen, že je to jednoduché, jako bonus při něm dochází k regeneraci vyčerpané zemědělské půdy, a také ke snižování okyselení oceánu, kam stékají karbonáty vytvořené reakcí kyselého deště s drcenou lávou.

    Badatelé vytvořili nový biogeochemický model, který simuloval fungování „farmaření s kameny.“ Podle výsledků simulací by takové farmaření na 1 000 lokalitách po světě v průběhu 75 let vycuclo z atmosféry až 217 gigatun CO2. Taková čísla už stojí za úvahu. Rozhodně by to přispělo k celkovému úsilí o vymazání emisí uhlíku.
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