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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TADEAS --- ---
    Atomic energy, climate, and Russia | DW Documentary
    DZODZO --- ---
    "spinave" carbon credits

    BP and Spotify bought carbon credits at risk of link to forced Uyghur labour in China | Carbon offsetting | The Guardian
    DZODZO --- ---
    Letzte generation sa ma este co ucit, takto sa robia klimaprotesty ak to myslite vazne, zbavit sa vlastneho auta :)))

    "He also indicated it would take some time to remove demonstrators’ vehicles from the bridge because keys to those vehicles had been tossed into the bay."

    Bay Bridge Reopens After Protesters Calling for Gaza Cease-Fire Shut Down Westbound Lanes | KQED
    XCHAOS --- ---
    The world's 280 million electric bikes and mopeds are cutting demand for oil far more than electric cars
    TADEAS --- ---
    EU agrees to ban exports of waste plastic to poor countries | Waste | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    EU criminalises environmental damage ‘comparable to ecocide’ | Green politics | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    Nitrogen wars: the Dutch farmers’ revolt that turned a nation upside-down | Farming | The Guardian
    DZODZO --- ---
    Ked carbon sink pohlcuje aj stromy tak je to carbon blackhole?

    Invisible CO2 Gas Killing Trees at Mammoth Mountain, California | USGS Volcano Fact Sheet
    TUHO --- ---
    Klara Kocmanova

    Potřebujeme zákon na ochranu klimatu. A tak jsme ho s @vonpecka připravili. Dnes jsme návrh zveřejnili, abychom o něm mohli jednat, s politiky i veřejností. Zákon napevno stanoví naše klimatické cíle, které jsou dnes pouze součástí několika nezávazných strategií. Bereme dekarbonizaci vážně a chceme na ni být připravení.

    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: roger rocks )
    TADEAS --- ---
    The Rich are Killing 1 BILLION People
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Kocourkov v nemecku. Zachrana klimatu je ilegalni. Pritom zachranny klimaticky plan obsahuje polozky jako nove tovarny na cipy a modernizaci zeleznic... jeste asi ok ty zeleznice

    German top court strikes down €60bn off-budget climate fund
    TADEAS --- ---
    EU agrees law to curb methane emissions from fossil fuel industry | Fossil fuels | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    Kevin Anderson: Climate Failures and Phantasies | Full episode
    TADEAS --- ---
    Amazónia sa blíži k bodu zlomu, hrozí trvalá premena dažďového pralesa na savanu
    TUHO --- ---
    Mimochodem knizka Tovarna na lzi - vyroba klimatickych dezinformaci byla zarazena do top 10 knih literatury faktu podle Deniku N .)

    Knihy roku Deníku N 2023: Hlasujte o nejdůležitějších literárních počinech

    O celkovym vitezi rozhodnou hlasy ctenarstva, tak kdybyste chteli podporit, tak muzete tu:

    Knihy roku Deníku N 2023: hlasování veřejnosti
    TUHO --- ---
    Prof. Stefan Rahmstorf 🌏
    For all interested in the tipping point of the Atlantic overturning circulation : here's Henk Dijkstra's recent talk.
    The tipping point has been confirmed in a state-of-art climate model, and a novel early warning indicator suggests we're heading there.
    30th October 2023- Prof. Henk Dijkstra - YouTube
    LAMIA --- ---
    SMYSLOV: Zde odkaz na film Žalovat a chránit online.
    Žalovat a chránit - iVysílání | Česká televize
    SUMIE_DH --- ---
    Köppen-Geiger - retreat and regroup https://www.nature.com/articles/s41597-023-02549-6

    We introduce Version 2 of our widely used 1-km Köppen-Geiger climate classification maps for historical and future climate conditions. The historical maps (encompassing 1901–1930, 1931–1960, 1961–1990, and 1991–2020) are based on high-resolution, observation-based climatologies, while the future maps (encompassing 2041–2070 and 2071–2099) are based on downscaled and bias-corrected climate projections for seven shared socio-economic pathways (SSPs). We evaluated 67 climate models from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 6 (CMIP6) and kept a subset of 42 with the most plausible CO2-induced warming rates. We estimate that from 1901–1930 to 1991–2020, approximately 5% of the global land surface (excluding Antarctica) transitioned to a different major Köppen-Geiger class. Furthermore, we project that from 1991–2020 to 2071–2099, 5% of the land surface will transition to a different major class under the low-emissions SSP1-2.6 scenario, 8% under the middle-of-the-road SSP2-4.5 scenario, and 13% under the high-emissions SSP5-8.5 scenario. The Köppen-Geiger maps, along with associated confidence estimates, underlying monthly air temperature and precipitation data, and sensitivity metrics for the CMIP6 models, can be accessed at www.gloh2o.org/koppen.
    TUHO --- ---
    The urgent question now is: how can we put the climate crisis back at the top of the agenda, for politicians and the public alike? The first step is to recognise that climate fatigue in Europe has little to do with Europeans being less concerned about the impact of volatile climate systems. Indeed, people feel the effects directly and terrifyingly as the continent is increasingly battered by heatwaves, wildfires, storms and floods.

    But people are also terrified of what they believe will be the cost to individuals of the required energy transition. According to the consulting firm McKinsey, the global transition to net zero will require additional investments in fixed assets of $3.5tn a year until 2050. That’s about a quarter of all the tax raised worldwide. There is still no convincing mechanism for financing this in ways that reassure families, individuals, small firms and farmers that they are not going to be bankrupted. Increasingly, ordinary citizens know that many of them will have to foot crippling bills for such things as renovating homes to make them comply with energy efficiency rules.

    Climate fatigue isn’t a sign that Europeans are in denial – it’s a sign of their fear | Francesco Grillo | The Guardian
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