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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TADEAS --- ---
    Revealed: the 1,200 big methane leaks from waste dumps trashing the planet | Greenhouse gas emissions | The Guardian

    Scientists have said emissions from unmanaged landfills could double by 2050 as urban populations grow, blowing the chance of avoiding climate catastrophe.

    A total of 1,256 methane super-emitter events occurred between January 2019 and June 2023, according to the new data. Pakistan, India and Bangladesh lead the list of nations with the most large leaks, followed by Argentina, Uzbekistan and Spain.
    TADEAS --- ---
    National self-interest stymying global cooperation, report finds | World news | The Guardian

    The report, setting the conference themes, identifies a trend away from global cooperation towards transactional thinking that rules out cooperation beyond narrow, short-term gains


    Polling accompanying the report also finds deep western pessimism about the economic outlook and the scale of risks ahead relative to the views of voters in BRICs countries, such as India or China. The Munich Security Index, a survey of 32 perceived risks in 11 major countries, finds European voters are also increasingly worried by migration caused by climate change and war, and by the threat of radical Islamic terrorism

    Chapter 7 – Climate: Heated Atmosphere - Munich Security Conference
    TADEAS --- ---
    Farming fury — what’s really driving EU protests? (Diem25)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    PER2: tak přiměřený geoinženýring by asi zkusit šlo. třeba pokrýt grónské ledovce nějakou reflexní a nepromokavou fólií, na léto. Možná i ty himalájské... v Alpách s tím už experimentujou a jako prevence povodní to nejspíš bude nakonec čirá nutnost....
    PER2 --- ---
    XCHAOS: pozde uz je a je jedno, co si o tom kdo mysli, nikdo nic nezmeni
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: tak zastavení golfskýho proudu a nástup sibiřsko/kanadskýho klimatu by asi nebylo úplně to, co chceme.

    ne jako vážně, tady je blbý to, že dokud se to nepotvrdí, nikdo tu hrozbu nebere vážně. a když se to potvrdí (potvrdilo), tak je pozdě.

    RADIQAL: nevidím to přímo na masový vymírání (lidí) a vymírání druhů vlastně proběhlo ještě předtím. vidím to na takovýto, jak byly ty dvě léta, jak uschla polovina borovic. Takže něco podobného, ale daleko víc a nebudou to jen borovice (ale nebude to taky nutně jen sucho: budou to nespecifikovaný kalamity, požáry, sucha, kobylky všeho druhu, prostě kolaps ekosystémů nepřizpůsobených tomu či onomu extrému, můžou to být klidně i přívalové monzumové deště, víc tepla = víc vodní páry ve vzduchu...)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Climate change is erasing previous gains in air quality — fires are mostly to blame - The Verge
    SEJDA --- ---
    PER2: klimaskepticismus je jako nabozenstvi, nikdo ten proces nevidel, ale oni veri, ze jednou prijde a spasi jejich zivoty.
    TADEAS --- ---
    RADIQAL: takzvany grupeX?
    RADIQAL --- ---
    PER2: Tak co, klucí, dáme si jedno hromadný vymíráníčko? (Holky hrát nemusej.)
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: treba se tim rapidnim oteplovanim spusti nejaky jev, ktery rapidne ochladi planetu :)
    RADIQAL --- ---
    TADEAS: 🤣🤣🤣
    TADEAS --- ---
    XCHAOS: kdyz se oceany tak moc zahrivaji tak je jasne, ze pevnina se brzy rapidne ochladi. zakon zachovani energie. ask you local šáša
    TADEAS --- ---
    PER2: urcite tam budou nejake hezke tradingove prilezitosti
    PER2 --- ---
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: to je dobrý peklo, když si uvědomíš, jaká masa vody to je...
    SEJDA --- ---
    TADEAS: bambilionty startup se stejnym cilem .. mozna to tentokrat vyjde .. mozna az za 5 let ;)
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘Our imitation is total’: Spanish tech startup aims to put 3D-printed meat on our plates | Spain | The Guardian
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: realclimate se k tomu taky rozepsali:

    RealClimate: New study suggests the Atlantic overturning circulation AMOC “is on tipping course”

    The new study by van Westen et al. is a major advance in AMOC stability science, coming from what I consider the world’s leading research hub for AMOC stability studies, in Utrecht/Holland.
    The paper results from a major computational effort, based on running a state-of-the-art climate model (the CESM model with horizontal resolution 1° for the ocean/sea ice and 2° for the atmosphere/land component) for 4,400 model years. This took 6 months to run on 1,024 cores at the Dutch national supercomputing facility, the largest system in the Netherlands in terms of high-performance computing.
    Now this tipping point has been demonstrated for the first time in a state-of-the-art global coupled climate model, crushing the hope that with more model detail and resolution some feedback might prevent an AMOC collapse.
    “their estimate of the tipping point (2025 to 2095, 95% confidence level) could be accurate.”
    Most models even have the wrong sign of this important diagnostic, which determines whether the feedback on Atlantic salinity is stabilising or destabilising, and this model bias is a key reason why in my view the IPCC has so far underestimated the risk of an AMOC collapse by relying on these biased climate models.
    They show how particularly northern Europe from Britain to Scandinavia would suffer devastating impacts, such as a cooling of winter temperatures by between 10 °C and 30 °C occurring within a century, leading to a completely different climate within a decade or two, in line with paleoclimatic evidence about abrupt ocean circulation changes.
    Given the impacts, the risk of an AMOC collapse is something to be avoided at all cost. As I’ve said before: the issue is not whether we’re sure this is going to happen. The issue is that we need to rule this out at 99.9 % probability. Once we have a definite warning signal it will be too late to do anything about it, given the inertia in the system.
    In the reactions to the paper, I see some misunderstand this as an unrealistic model scenario for the future. It is not. This type of experiment is not a future projection at all, but rather done to trace the equilibrium stability curve (that’s the quasi-equlibrium approach mentioned above). In order to trace the equlibrium response, the freshwater input must be ramped up extremely slowly, which is why this experiment uses so much computer time. After the model’s tipping point was found in this way, it was used to identify precursors that could warn us before reaching the tipping point, so-called “early warning signals”. Then, the scientists turned to reanalysis data (observations-based products, shown in Fig. 6 of the paper) to check for an early warning signal. The headline conclusion that the AMOC is „on tipping course“ is based on these data.

    In other words: it’s observational data from the South Atlantic which suggest the AMOC is on tipping course. Not the model simulation, which is just there to get a better understanding of which early warning signals work, and why.
    TADEAS --- ---

    Oceánské proudy zřejmě opravdu mohou zastavit a „zmrazit“ Evropu - Seznam Zprávy
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