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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    BOE soon

    Ice-free summers in Arctic possible within next decade, scientists say | Arctic | The Guardian

    The Arctic could have summer days with practically no sea ice within the next decade due to emissions from burning fossil fuels, a study has found.

    This would transform the unique habitat, home to polar bears, seals and walruses, from a “white Arctic” to a “blue Arctic” during the summer months, scientists said. The calculation used for “ice free” means less than 1m sq km, in which case the Arctic would be mostly water.

    Projections of an ice-free Arctic Ocean

    In the September monthly mean, the earliest ice-free conditions (the first single occurrence of an ice-free Arctic) could occur in 2020–2030s under all emission trajectories and are likely to occur by 2050. However, daily September ice-free conditions are expected approximately 4 years earlier on average, with the possibility of preceding monthly metrics by 10 years.
    TUHO --- ---
    How Extractive Industry Won the War Against ESG
    By Amy Westervelt • 9 Mar 2024
    View in browser

    This week the Security and Exchange Commission’s long-awaited guidance on climate risk disclosure, or as it’s better known Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) risk indicators, was released. After a two-year attack from extractive industries and the pundits and politicians on their payroll, the SEC caved and left out what are called “Scope 3” emissions.

    We’ve talked about this before, but just a quick refresher on Scope 3: Scope 3 emissions are a company's supply chain emissions. So they include everything that goes into making it and using it, both upstream and downstream emissions.

    How Extractive Industry Won the War Against ESG
    ZAHRADKAR --- ---
    NOAA CSL: 2024 News & Events: CCould drying the stratosphere help cool the planet?

    the ISD concept would involve dispersing small particles (known as ice nuclei) into high altitude regions of the atmosphere that are both very cold and super-saturated in water vapor. These nuclei would increase the formation of ice crystals that otherwise would not have formed.

    "Pure water vapor doesn't readily form ice crystals. It helps to have a seed, a dust particle for example, for ice to form around," explained Schwarz.

    If such seeds can be introduced into supersaturated air masses that are headed for the stratosphere, then some of the water vapor in that air will condense into ice and fall, thereby removing excess water vapor and dehydrating (at least partially) the stratosphere.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    MATT: zrovna smrky u nás byly pod hranicí cca 600m vlastně nepůvodní druh, takže to největší katastrofa není... krátkodobě to budou nepřijemnosti typu změna druhové skladby, konec lyžování, sem tam období sucha či tornádo. Dlouhodobě je ale megaprůser to tání ledovců, horských i polárníchm v tom je právě ten runaway efekt, že se po zmenšení jejich plochy dál otepluje. A vzniknou suchá roční období bez vody z tání apod.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Opinion: I’m a climate scientist. If you knew what I know, you’d be terrified too
    TADEAS --- ---
    2023 In The Grip Of Necrocapitalism: The Making And Breaking Of A Psychonomy

    In The Grip of Necrocapitalism explores a rapidly evolving situation of capitalism having merged with intelligent technology, and the far-reaching implications of this chimeric monstrosity. Ironically, just as we approach the apex of our technological culmination, things are beginning to take a sharp, karmic turn for the worst: this new and emerging entity, one which has never existed before on this planet, is now doing to us what we did to the planet and its beings a long time ago. It is an increasingly sentient, mutationally adaptable, self-learning form of capitalism which is slowly but steadily becoming our owner by cleverly using consumerism, automation, surveillance and an ever more inventive, not to mention addictive, range of technological narcotics which turn us into nothing but hedonistic consumatrons.

    In The Grip of Necrocapitalism makes the macabre observation that we are not heading for a collapse. We are experiencing the symptoms of a collapse which started long ago, and whose effects have been filtering through our complex system for a while. This process consists of the collapse of the fabric which kept the ecology of this planet together, as well as an almost complete collapse of human spiritual consciousness, something which is doubtful whether we ever possessed in the first place.
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    MATT --- ---
    DZODZO: to ti musi ale zustat ty technologie a know-how (pokud se bavime o kolapsu). jinak super, jestli to realizuji. zrovna nedavno jsem cetl v euro o dvou planovanejch fabrikach na zpracovani odpadu pomoci plazmy (produkce syngas), akorat ze jim to mistni vzdycky stoply, protoze se bojej smradu nebo zvyseny dopravy.
    MATT --- ---
    SHEFIK: vime kolik tedka priteka freshwater od severu? to jsem nak nasel. oni tam simulovali "We linearly increased the freshwater flux forcing with a rate of 3 × 10−4 Sv year−1 until model year 2200, where a maximum of FH = 0.66 Sv is reached. "
    DZODZO --- ---
    MATT: ak vyjde toto, tak budes mat snadno dostupny zdroj energie z komunalneho odpadu a plastov

    Revoluční technologie #ERVO od společnosti #LOGeco (Cze)
    MATT --- ---
    TUHO: to jsem si uz kolikrat rikal, jak lidi porad opakuji, ze komunismus nefungoval, tak kdy nam dojde, ze kapitalizmus nedokazal spravne ohodnotit budouci externality..
    TUHO --- ---
    The Price is Wrong: Why Capitalism Won't Save the Planet
    Why the market will never solve the Climate Crisis

    What if our understanding of capitalism and climate is back to front? What if the problem is not that transitioning to renewables is too expensive, but that saving the planet is not sufficiently profitable?
    This is Brett Christophers' claim. The global economy is moving too slowly toward sustainability because the return on green investment is too low.
    Today's consensus is that the key to curbing climate change is to produce green electricity and electrify everything possible. The main economic barrier in that project has seemingly been removed. But while prices of solar and wind power have tumbled, the golden era of renewables has yet to materialize.
    The problem is that investment is driven by profit, not price, and operating solar and wind farms remains a marginal business, dependent everywhere on the state's financial support.
    We cannot expect markets and the private sector to solve the climate crisis while the profits that are their lifeblood remain unappetizing. But there is an alternative to providing surrogate green profits through subsidies: to take energy out of the private sector's hands.
    An essential intervention, The Price Is Wrong is as politically far-reaching as it is factually illuminating.

    The Price is Wrong: Why Capitalism Won't Save the Planet | Verso Books
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    YMLADRIS: takova kravina nikoho odborne vzdelanyho nenapadne, takze jedinou hrozbou jsou tvoje neodborny plky a ezo fraze.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TUHO: super

    Zde ještě k útoku na gigafactory Berlín - je jedno jak moc je environmentální, jednou je to musk takže Moloch, nutno zapálit

    [TOXICMAN @ Elon Musk respektive jeho firmy SpaceX (Falcon / Heavy / Dragon / Starship), Tesla, Starlink, Neuralink, Boring, xAI]
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: pozor hlavně na kyselý deště
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    MATT: dělaly se nějaký studie že abys měl smysluplnou univerzitu v dnešním slova smyslu, potřebuješ civilizační kapsu 200-300000 lidi. K tomu zachování vzdělanosti/poznání.

    Já si ten blbý scénář (AI se nestihne) představuju tak, že se rychle začnou opevňovat a uzavírat citadely v klimaticky/počasově stabilnějších místech po světě - a za hradbama po těch mass rapes vymřou na mor nebo co přijde z permafrostu

    To je ten lepší scénář dle kterého IMHO jedou miliardáři a proto jsou tak v klidu
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    MATT: nedostatek zakladnich potreb nas vrhne alespon mentalne do stredoveku. rozklad hodnot, feudismus a tak. nemuzu se ubranit pocitu, ze k mysticky transformacj lidstva nedojde a do sta let to pekne odsereme :)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam