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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Helene se stane již čtvrtým hurikánem, který letos zasáhne americkou pevninu. Stejný nebo větší počet hurikánů udeřil v USA za posledních více než 100 let pouze pětkrát, přičemž rekordem je šest z roku 1886, uvedlodborník na hurikány Philip Klotzbach z Colorado State University.
    MARSHUS --- ---
    #pocasi #thisisfine

    Helene is unfortunately a devastating reminder that hazards from hurricane can extend far inland — in this case, with destructive flooding in the Appalachians.

    Radar & rain gauge map estimates from MRMS show upwards of *2 feet* of rain in the hardest hit areas.

    SHEFIK --- ---
    Pokracujeme v nabidce Klimaticke cesty 2024 a Neobvykle pocasi, tentokrat s nabidkou Mezi hurikany

    Nejvice zazitku doslova proudi z Floridy, citujme:

    Taylor County Sheriff's Office: "If you or someone you know chose not to evacuate, PLEASE write your, Name, birthday and important information on your arm or leg in A PERMANENT MARKER so that you can be identified and family notified."

    SHEFIK --- ---
    CHOSIE: cteme stejne, ale evidentne si vykladame autorovy cile sdeleni jinak.

    Electric vehicles (EVs) tap into this mentality,
    making them seem like an effective way for each of us to personally address climate change.

    - ale on to je effective way, jen nedosahujeme dostatecne rychlosti a skaly

    EVs are a clever marketing ploy that seems logical on the surface but lacks real substance.

    - woot?

    Fixating on
    EVs doesn’t change the larger transportation picture, which includes trucks, trains, and ships.

    - doporucuji autorovi nastudovat definici electric vehicle

    Looking closer, most of the growth in industrial oil use is tied to plastics and chemical feedstocks. That’s a major red flag.

    - tak zapomeneme na EVs, protoze jde o marketingovou zalezitost a protoze tezbu ropy drivuji i jine faktory? Kdyz ma pan tak rad cisla a zveda red flagy, jak vyroba plastu prispiva k emisim sklenikovych plynu? Vice, nebo mene nez ev?

    These products aren’t just a
    climate issue—they’re causing significant health problems for humans and animals alike. We’re talking about plastics, pesticides, and endocrine-disrupting
    microplastics that are already wreaking havoc well beyond the realm of climate change.

    - Takze ted uz nejde jen o klima, zapomeneme na 8% a zatahnem do toho i roztomily nekvantifikovany a neurcity zviratka? Jablka/hrusky/cisla/fakta/emoce

    The only real solution to our environmental crises—climate change being just one part—is a dramatic reduction in energy consumption.
    No amount of renewables or technological innovation will get around this hard truth: we have to use far less energy, period.

    But let’s be honest—that’s not going to happen voluntarily, any more than we’ll triple renewables and double efficiency in the next five years.

    - Kdo rika, ze bude civilizace net zero za 5 let? Znamena to, ze se nemame snazit o co nejvyssi rychlost transformace, prostredky jako EVs a Renewable energy? Protoze to z textu tak nastinuje. Ale jinak castecne souhlasim, nemeli bychom energii pouzivat neefektivne.

    Despite clear evidence that global decarbonization is failing, we’re repeatedly told that using more renewables and buying more EVs is the answer.
    That’s a cynical delusion, completely unsupported by the data.

    - woot? Unsupported by data? Absolutne mozna, ale ze tu mame paralelni rust spotreby a nejsme schopni vyrabet vic, je spis impulzem, ze bychom meli pridat a ne to vzdat?

    All it really does is funnel more public money into the hands of the same corporations
    that have been exploiting consumers for decades, all while creating the illusion of progress.

    - woot? Illusion of progress? V EV, bateriich a renewables jsme se nikam technologicky neposunuli za poslednich 10 let?

    This kind of optimism provides little more than false hope, downplaying the serious, complex challenge of truly cutting carbon emissions.

    - a to je dle pana jak? Jak uvadel, sam vi, ze civilozace se nezastavi. Nikdo zejtra veskerej proud, ani olej nevypne.

    Electric vehicles and renewable
    energy are a distraction from the hard realities we face.

    - tak urcite :))
    CHOSIE --- ---
    SHEFIK: Nevím jestli oba čteme úplně něco jiného, nebo jestli sis prostě našel větu a postavil slaměného panáka, nicméně mi přijde celkem jasné, že článek je kritika na mediální a politické narativy a plácání se po zádech, zatímco realita je úplně jinde a nemluví se o ní.
    Nevidím, že by autor někde tvrdil, že něco má nebo nemá smysl, ale pouze poukazuje na to, jak jsou data "prodalo se 40 mil. EV" zavádějící, protože se jedná o 2.8% všech vozidel, které sami o sobě tvoří ~8% emisí.
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    PAN_SPRCHA: vliv to má, ale až v synergii
    PAN_SPRCHA --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: právě že to tak moc určující parametr není.
    Třeba nejteplejší zima byla 19/20 tedy přesně vespodu nejstudenější zimy v tomhle století byly zase na nejvyšších bodech solárního cyklu.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    CHOSIE: to se zas nekdo chtel zviditelnit, ze se v businessu naucil pocitat a pracovat s prioritama ne?

    8% je malo? Mozna nema smysl ani vstavat z gauce, protoze Paret rika 20/80 blabla :)

    "The reality is that passenger cars contribute only about 8 %
    of global emissions—a relatively small part of the bigger problem that is being overlooked."

    Logika sales consultanta...

    Vzhledem k tomu, ze potrebujeme prestat generovat 100% emisi a jeste je z ekosystemu odebirat, je fajn, ze uz vime, ze se na passenger cars a dokonce i renewable energy nemusime soustredit, protoze je to nevyznamny procento. A to i prestoy ze mame k dispozici 8 miliard lidi a jsme schopni pracovat na vice problemech soucasne.

    Jako alternativu pan nabizi zastaveni civilizace, ale to vlastne sam vi, ze nejde. Ale neco se udelat musi, protoze svete div se, za EVs a renewables stoji firmy (!!!!) a ty sou zly, protoze musi na svy zamestnance, hmotny naklady a rozvoj vydelavat penize (!).

    Kdybych to vedel driv, nenarodim se.

    //sorry za sarkasmus, ale nekdy pomaha brat nesmysly s humorem.
    CHOSIE --- ---
    Electric Vehicles and Renewables: Misleading Solutions to a Deeper Climate Crisis

    Cars dominate our energy mindset just like gasoline prices are the main way we understand energy costs. Electric vehicles (EVs) tap into this mentality,
    making them seem like an effective way for each of us to personally address climate change.

    EVs are a clever marketing ploy that seems logical on the surface but lacks real substance. The reality is that passenger cars contribute only about 8 %
    of global emissions—a relatively small part of the bigger problem that is being overlooked.

    // What about yesterday’s announcement from the International Energy Agency (IEA) claiming that renewables can get us two-thirds of the way to
    meeting Paris climate targets by 2030, and cut global emissions by 10 billion tonnes by the decade’s end?

    It sounds impressive, but here’s the catch: it demands ‘tripling renewables and doubling efficiency targets’ in just five years. That’s an incredibly
    unrealistic goal, and arguably disingenuous. Even the IEA admits it’s a steep climb, and reaching those objectives is far from guaranteed.

    Isn’t it true that EV sales have tripled since 2020? Sure, that’s accurate, but it’s misleading. New car sales are just a tiny slice of the total vehicle fleet.
    In 2023, nearly 14 million electric cars hit the roads, bringing the global total to 40 million. But 40 million is only 2.8 % of all passenger cars. By 2025,
    they’ll make up just 4% of global light vehicles, and only 7% by 2030.

    Yes, wind and solar are expanding rapidly, but here’s the problem: they aren’t cutting fossil fuel use. They’re simply being layered on top of it. The growth
    in renewables isn’t displacing fossil fuels—it’s just adding to the overall energy mix.

    Unfortunately, these energy sources mostly contribute to electricity, which is only about 20% of total energy consumption. Meanwhile, coal, natural gas,
    and oil aren’t going away—they’re still growing. Natural gas will rise by 0.8% per year, oil by 0.5%, and coal by 0.4%.

    When we focus on oil consumption, the problem becomes even clearer. Global oil end use is projected to grow 0.7% annually through 2035. Fixating on
    EVs doesn’t change the larger transportation picture, which includes trucks, trains, and ships. Nor does it address the industrial sector’s energy demands.
    In fact, industrial oil use will grow at twice the rate of transportation over the next decade, and that’s where the real challenge lies.

    Looking closer, most of the growth in industrial oil use is tied to plastics and chemical feedstocks. That’s a major red flag. These products aren’t just a
    climate issue—they’re causing significant health problems for humans and animals alike. We’re talking about plastics, pesticides, and endocrine-disrupting
    microplastics that are already wreaking havoc well beyond the realm of climate change.

    In reality, they’re (renewable energy, EVs) more about corporations adapting to a shifting landscape and finding new ways to make money. The climate
    angle is secondary to the business opportunities these technologies present.

    The only real solution to our environmental crises—climate change being just one part—is a dramatic reduction in energy consumption.
    No amount of renewables or technological innovation will get around this hard truth: we have to use far less energy, period.

    But let’s be honest—that’s not going to happen voluntarily, any more than we’ll triple renewables and double efficiency in the next five years.
    Our growth-obsessed society simply can’t make the hard choices or accept the drop in living standards necessary for a much lower-energy
    or renewable-based economy.

    Despite clear evidence that global decarbonization is failing, we’re repeatedly told that using more renewables and buying more EVs is the answer.
    That’s a cynical delusion, completely unsupported by the data. All it really does is funnel more public money into the hands of the same corporations
    that have been exploiting consumers for decades, all while creating the illusion of progress.

    This kind of optimism provides little more than false hope, downplaying the serious, complex challenge of truly cutting carbon emissions. Instead of
    pretending we’re nearing some IEA-style “mission accomplished,” we should be bracing for the impending crisis. Electric vehicles and renewable
    energy are a distraction from the hard realities we face.

    Electric Vehicles and Renewables: Misleading Solutions to a Deeper Climate Crisis | Art Berman
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    PAN_SPRCHA: to záleží, jak delece koukáš, tu časovou osu si prodluž o 3 století. a pak jde o synergii s dalšími vlivy, není to tak docela určující parametr ( https://theconversation.com/climate-explained-sunspots-do-affect-our-weather-a-bit-but-not-as-much-as-other-things-145101 ). napsal jsem, že se uvidí, což by mělo být teoreticky zcela koherentní s tvým vlastním vyjádřením o nejistotě počasí,

    něco aktuálního k cyklům a z predikčních modelů si můžeš vybrat, kterej si ti líbí nejvíc,
    Radware Bot Manager Captcha
    PAN_SPRCHA --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: ano přijde mi daleko nižší. Ty poslední dva jsou o dost menší než všechny předchozí

    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    PAN_SPRCHA: buďme adresní, za a, vývoj tohohle neskončil b, tvůj popis j"daleko nižší" je dost nepřesnej c, při zmínce o délce trávní stavu rekordních teplot jsi sám argumentoval nepředvídatelností počasí, tak se jí teď recipročně drž

    PAN_SPRCHA --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: vidíš ty předchozí solární cykly? Jsou stejně daleko nižší teplotně než tenhle méně intenzivní
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    PAN_SPRCHA: hele já bych počkal 2-5 let, až odezní vrchol tohohle solárního cyklu..
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS: k čemu došli?
    PAN_SPRCHA --- ---

    TADEAS --- ---
    wallace-wells & rahmstorf

    How Close Is the Climate to a Tipping Point?
    TADEAS --- ---
    Revealed: how the fossil fuel industry helps spread anti-protest laws across the US | Protest | The Guardian

    Records obtained by the Guardian show that lobbyists working for major North American oil and gas companies were key architects of anti-protest laws that increase penalties and could lead to non-violent environmental and climate activists being imprisoned up to 10 years.

    Emails between fossil fuel lobbyists and lawmakers in Utah, West Virginia, Idaho and Ohio suggest a nationwide strategy to deter people frustrated by government failure to tackle the climate crisis from peacefully disrupting the expansion of fossil fuel infrastructure by enacting tough laws with lengthy jail sentences.

    “Draft bill attached,” wrote a lobbyist representing two influential fossil fuel trade groups to the lead counsel for the West Virginia state energy committee in January 2020.

    The law, which carries a maximum 10-year prison sentence, was later used to charge at least eight peaceful climate protesters including six senior citizens.

    Amid ongoing record oil and gas expansion in the US, activists say they have turned to protests and non-violent civil disobedience such as blocking roads and chaining themselves to trees, machinery and equipment as a way to slow down construction, raise public awareness, and press for more urgent climate action by governments and corporations.
    TADEAS --- ---
    XCHAOS: the Biden administration confirmed that developing large-scale AI data centers is a priority, announcing "a new Task Force on AI Datacenter Infrastructure to coordinate policy across government

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