CHOSIE: cteme stejne, ale evidentne si vykladame autorovy cile sdeleni jinak.
Electric vehicles (EVs) tap into this mentality,
making them seem like an effective way for each of us to personally address climate change.
- ale on to je effective way, jen nedosahujeme dostatecne rychlosti a skaly
EVs are a clever marketing ploy that seems logical on the surface but lacks real substance.
- woot?
Fixating on
EVs doesn’t change the larger transportation picture, which includes trucks, trains, and ships.
- doporucuji autorovi nastudovat definici electric vehicle
Looking closer, most of the growth in industrial oil use is tied to plastics and chemical feedstocks. That’s a major red flag.
- tak zapomeneme na EVs, protoze jde o marketingovou zalezitost a protoze tezbu ropy drivuji i jine faktory? Kdyz ma pan tak rad cisla a zveda red flagy, jak vyroba plastu prispiva k emisim sklenikovych plynu? Vice, nebo mene nez ev?
These products aren’t just a
climate issue—they’re causing significant health problems for humans and animals alike. We’re talking about plastics, pesticides, and endocrine-disrupting
microplastics that are already wreaking havoc well beyond the realm of climate change.
- Takze ted uz nejde jen o klima, zapomeneme na 8% a zatahnem do toho i roztomily nekvantifikovany a neurcity zviratka? Jablka/hrusky/cisla/fakta/emoce
The only real solution to our environmental crises—climate change being just one part—is a dramatic reduction in energy consumption.
No amount of renewables or technological innovation will get around this hard truth: we have to use far less energy, period.
But let’s be honest—that’s not going to happen voluntarily, any more than we’ll triple renewables and double efficiency in the next five years.
- Kdo rika, ze bude civilizace net zero za 5 let? Znamena to, ze se nemame snazit o co nejvyssi rychlost transformace, prostredky jako EVs a Renewable energy? Protoze to z textu tak nastinuje. Ale jinak castecne souhlasim, nemeli bychom energii pouzivat neefektivne.
Despite clear evidence that global decarbonization is failing, we’re repeatedly told that using more renewables and buying more EVs is the answer.
That’s a cynical delusion, completely unsupported by the data.
- woot? Unsupported by data? Absolutne mozna, ale ze tu mame paralelni rust spotreby a nejsme schopni vyrabet vic, je spis impulzem, ze bychom meli pridat a ne to vzdat?
All it really does is funnel more public money into the hands of the same corporations
that have been exploiting consumers for decades, all while creating the illusion of progress.
- woot? Illusion of progress? V EV, bateriich a renewables jsme se nikam technologicky neposunuli za poslednich 10 let?
This kind of optimism provides little more than false hope, downplaying the serious, complex challenge of truly cutting carbon emissions.
- a to je dle pana jak? Jak uvadel, sam vi, ze civilozace se nezastavi. Nikdo zejtra veskerej proud, ani olej nevypne.
Electric vehicles and renewable
energy are a distraction from the hard realities we face.
- tak urcite :))