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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    XCHAOS --- ---
    France Begins Low Speed Limit Rollout On Paris Ring Road | Barron's
    Paris dropped the speed limit on the ring road (Boulevard Périphérique) to 50 km/h (30 mph) from 70 km/h (44 mph).

    The road is so congested that average daytime speeds is 37 km/h, so the new speed limit is only going to affect drivers during off-peak hours.
    TADEAS --- ---
    urgent collective response

    ‘The Earth is crying out for help’: as fires decimate South America, smoke shrouds its skies | Amazon rainforest | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    počasí? končí

    Zrychluje změna klimatu? Čeští vědci odpovídají | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy

    Počasí, jak jsme ho znali, končí. A politici by na to měli reagovat, pokud chceme život v Česku zachovat co nejsnesitelnější. I to je výsledek ankety předních českých expertů na klima
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    MARSHUS: "Projections say that the Doomsday Glacier and the Antarctic Ice Sheet’s collapse could occur within the next 200 years. Sure, not your problem, right? Well, your children and their children and their children would be very fucked. And possibly even you, depending on how quickly the acceleration occurs."
    TADEAS --- ---
    MARSHUS: hra pro dnešní dobu: klimatické domino ,)
    MARSHUS --- ---
    budoucí počasí
    Florida-Sized ‘Doomsday Glacier’ Is Retreating Faster and Faster
    Florida-Sized 'Doomsday Glacier' Is Retreating Faster and Faster

    The Thwaites Glacier in Antarctica has a very gloomy nickname: The Doomsday Glacier. It got its name from the fact that the collapse of this single enormous glacier, which is roughly the size of Florida, could raise sea levels by 65 cm. That could kick off a domino effect, causing the West Antarctic ice sheet to destabilize and eventually raising sea levels by an additional 3.3 m.
    CHOSIE --- ---
    TADEAS: Před pár lety jsem se zúčastnil online AMA s Rupertem poté co vydal Parents for a Future, taktéž je znám pro jeho expertizu k tématu Precautionary Principle.
    Nedlouho na to též vydal ve spolupráci s Jemem Bendellem Deep Adaptation: Navigating the Realities of Climate Chaos. Od té doby jsem o něm až na občasný tweet až tolik neslyšel :)

    Jen opravím, okolo 7:20 mluví o Energetické bilanci Země, a o tom jak se během posledních dvaceti let růst energie v atmosféře změnil z 3 hbe/s (hiroshima bomb equivalent/sec) na 12 hbe/s, nicméně jde o celkový růst v atmosféře, půdě, a oceánech - 90% této akumulace je právě v nich.
    TADEAS --- ---
    How bad is it going to get? | Humanity Is Calling - Leadership Summit, Portugal | Rupert Read
    TADEAS --- ---
    hit wave

    Hundreds of weather stations from Canada to Mexico are living an unprecedented heat wave for late September.

    35C/95F Moose Jaw 🇨🇦
    113F/45C Phoenix AZ 🇺🇸!!!!!

    Several degrees above any temperature ever recorded so late, and it will get worse.

    This heat wave is rewriting climatic history—John McHenry

    CHOSIE --- ---
    YMLADRIS: Nejde jen o zhoršení stavu, ale v některých případech také lepší data. Jinak poslední aktualizace taktéž hovoří o možném překročení okyselení oceánů, ale to byla zkrátka jen otázka času.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    jako casova osa pusobive

    TADEAS --- ---
    More than 150 dead after Hurricane Helene dumps over 40tn gallons of rain | Hurricane Helene | The Guardian

    “These storms are wetter and these storms are warmer,” North Carolina state climatologist Kathie Dello said. “There would have been a time when a tropical storm would have been heading toward North Carolina and would have caused some rain and some damage, but not apocalyptic destruction.”
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    In Overshoot: How the World Surrendered to Climate Breakdown, Andreas Malm and Wim Carton present a history of the present phase of the crisis, likely to extend decades into the future, as the fossil fuel industry swims in the largest profits ever made. Money continues to flow into the construction of pipelines, platforms, terminals, mines – assets that will have to be destroyed for the planet to remain liveable. Too much heat has become officially acceptable because such revolutionary destruction is not. But should the rest of us abide by that priority?

    Unflinchingly critical of business-as-usual and the calls for surrender to it, sweeping in scope, stirring and sobering, Overshoot lays out the stakes for the climate struggle in the years ahead.

    Overshoot: How the World Surrendered to Climate Breakdown | Verso Books
    CHOSIE --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    TADEAS: 0,1mg/l [O2] znamena, ze v ty vode nezustalo nic zivyho, vcetne rostlin. zbyli jen komari, krasnoocka a shluky bakterii :-/
    TADEAS --- ---
    Rekordní rok eroze půdy: Přispívá k ní změna klimatu i nešetrné zemědělství
    ERGOSUM --- ---
    LAUNCHER: Jéé! Lidé jsou špatní. Dělají všechno zlo. Lidí rapidně ubývá. Svět bude krásný :-D
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘Everything is dead’: Ukraine rushes to stem ecocide after river poisoning | Ukraine | The Guardian

    Serhiy Zhuk, the head of Chernihiv’s ecology inspectorate, described what had happened as an act of Russian ecocide. “The Desna was one of our cleanest rivers. It’s a very big catastrophe,” he said. Zhuk traced the slick’s route on a map pinned to his office wall: a looping multi-week journey along the Seym and Desna. “More than 650km is polluted. Not a single organism survived. This is unprecedented. It’s Europe’s first completely dead river,” he said.
    TADEAS --- ---
    2024 Securing the ‘great white shield’? Climate change, Arctic security and the geopolitics of solar geoengineering

    By systematically juxtaposing recently published schemes for Arctic geoengineering with Arctic security strategies published by the littoral Arctic states and China, we reveal and detail two conflicting security imaginaries. Geoengineering schemes scientifically securitise (and seek to maintain) the Arctic’s ‘great white shield’ to protect ‘global’ humanity against climate tipping points and invoke a past era of Arctic ‘exceptionality’ to suggest greater political feasibility for research interventions here. Meanwhile, state security imaginaries understand the contemporary Arctic as an increasingly contested region of considerable geopolitical peril and economic opportunity as temperatures rise. Alongside the entangled history of science with geopolitics in the region, this suggests that geoengineering schemes in the Arctic are unlikely to follow scientific visions, and unless co-opted into competitive, extractivist state security imaginaries, may prove entirely infeasible. Moreover, if the Arctic is the ‘best-case’ for geoengineering politics, this places a huge question mark over the feasibility of other, more global prospects
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