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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    CHOSIE --- ---
    Nevím jestli někdo nesdílel, ale nepostřehl jsem? -
    Earth at risk: An urgent call to end the age of destruction and forge a just and sustainable future
    Human development has ushered in an era of converging crises: climate change, ecological destruction, disease, pollution, and socioeconomic inequality. This review synthesizes the breadth of these interwoven emergencies and underscores the urgent need for comprehensive, integrated action. Propelled by imperialism, extractive capitalism, and a surging population, we are speeding past Earth's material limits, destroying critical ecosystems, and triggering irreversible changes in biophysical systems that underpin the Holocene climatic stability which fostered human civilization. The consequences of these actions are disproportionately borne by vulnerable populations, further entrenching global inequities. Marine and terrestrial biomes face critical tipping points, while escalating challenges to food and water access foreshadow a bleak outlook for global security.
    TADEAS --- ---
    stop civilization

    Skupina, která se říká Vulkangruppe, se v dopise přihlásila k „útoku na elektrickou síť“ poblíž továrny Tesly. „Dnes jsme sabotovali Teslu,“ stojí v jejich psaní. Firmu obviňují z extrémního vykořisťování a požadují „úplné zničení továrny gigafactory“. „Tesla spotřebovává zemi, zdroje, lidi, pracovníky, a na oplátku každý týden vyplivne 6000 SUV, zabijáckých aut a monster trucků,“ napsali.

    Továrna Tesly přerušila výrobu kvůli požáru. K němu se přihlásili extremisté - iDNES.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    Ecological civilization (shengtai wenming ) has been written into China’s constitution as the ideological framework for the country’s environmental policies, laws and education. It is also increasingly presented not only as a response to environmental degradation in China, but as a vision for our global future. In this article, scholars from the disciplines of media science, anthropology and sinology analyse media representations of eco-civilization in order to explore which values and visions this highly profiled state project actually entails. The article argues that eco-civilization is best understood as a sociotechnical imaginary in which cultural and moral virtues constitute key components that are inseparable from the more well-known technological, judicial, and political goals. The imaginary of eco-civilization seeks to construct a sense of cultural and national continuity, and to place China at the center of the world by invoking its civilization’s more than 2000 years of traditional philosophical heritage as a part of the solution for the planet’s future. It is constructed as a new kind of Communist Party led utopia in which market economy and consumption continue to grow, and where technology and science have solved the basic problems of pollution and environmental degradation.

    INK_FLO --- ---
    ad alarmismus a pošuci, kteří to přehání - zrovna dnes dorazila z US (ano, velmi ekologické) tahle kniha :-)

    Earth First!: Environmental Apocalypse by Martha F. Lee | Goodreads

    In the summer of 1980, Dave Foreman, along with four conservationist colleagues, founded the millenarian movement Earth First!. A provocative counterculture that ultimately hoped for the fall of industrial civilization, the movement emerged in response to rapid commercial development of the American wilderness. "The earth should come first" was a doctrine that championed both biocentrism (an emphasis on maintaining the earth's full complement of species) and biocentric equality (the belief that all species are equal). Martha Lee was successful in gaining extraordinary access to information about the movement, as well as interviews with its members. While following Earth First's development and methods, she illustrates the inherent instability and the dangers associated with all millenarian movements. This book will be of interest to environmentalists and those interested in political science and sociology.

    + soundtrack s dobovými samply ze zpravodajství ohledně jejich akcí (mluví tam mj. indiánskej náčelník vyjadřující se k jejich obsazení těžebního vrtu a končí to zvoláním "year 1987 is the most critical year in the history of human evolution")

    An emotionally charged and bizarrely evocative look at radical environmental advocacy groups, mainly Earth First! and Earth Liberation Front, channeled through the memories of the Swedish Plogbill-movement and their actions throughout the early 90's. Monologue, snippets of interview segments, protest songs and site recordings are mixed up with the rather raw kosmische synth music Arv & Miljö has explored during the last couple of years. The result is a mesmerizing and multi-faceted audio collage; charmingly disorienting and chaotic but also harmonic and oddly soothing. Ultimately, Jorden Först is not so much about a certain cause or organization as it is about dedication, passion and the spirit of change. Originally released as a very limited CDr on Förfall in 2021, Jorden Först was quickly hailed as one of the absolute highlights in the vast Arv & Miljö discography among the ones that heard it. The recording was extended and slightly reworked and remixed for vinyl in July 2022.

    Arv & Miljö - Jorden Först (Excerpt)
    TADEAS --- ---
    “Once even the memory of this high tech civilization is gone, and those who survive its fall has returned to a lifestyle not seen since the Neolithic age, only then can the slow regeneration of Earth’s resource base begin. Following the large wave of extinction we have so carelessly started, and once the climate has found its new equilibrium (hopefully still within a habitable range), life may start to heal and recover. New species and ecosystems may emerge. Volcanoes, plate tectonics may create and bring new ore bodies close to the surface, which our distant ancestors (or another “clever” species) would be able to mine…

    Will they make the same mistake as we did, and restart this circle of destruction? Only time will tell.”

    Entropy: A Revelation - The Honest Sorcerer
    TADEAS --- ---
    S Barlow

    When those such as @RogerHallamCS21 have warned that billions could die, he's been widely attacked for misrepresenting the science.

    So what does the science actually say? Well nothing really, there is no realistic science about this. No one is actually studying it.

    How will our system, our civilization, respond to those climate and ecological shocks, and how will it change the human system's ability to support and sustain the current population?

    Absolutely no one knows or is attempting to research that. Not even enough to make a guess.

    Things like the 2008 financial crash, demonstrate just how vulnerable our system is to in-built wobbles, let alone major changes and shocks to our system, from things such as climate change, ecosystems and biodiversity decline, parameters which wholly sustain our economy.

    What we need to understand is that our present system, is a system, totally reliant on lots of underlying processes, and that any change to these underlying processes, parameters, would profoundly change our whole civilization.

    Climate, and ecological shocks, will profoundly change how our system operates, our political systems, our governance, our economy, the financial system, and our societies i.e. our people and their attitudes. Nothing will be unchanged, and all will be radically altered.


    To be clear about this, climate science doesn't study the stability of our civilization, to climate shocks.

    Yes, climate science, looks into sea level rise, extreme weather, future climates, but this tells us nothing about the state of our civilization, in response to this.

    So if a climate scientist assures you it will not be catastrophic, they are not offering any sort of scientific opinion, because they've never studied the impacts on our societies and civilization, and how they'll respond to these shocks. They're just personal opinions.
    L4MA --- ---
    get an umbrella. .)

    TUCKER: Let’s touch on climate change. It’s still being pushed in the United States and Europe. What’s your position?

    PUTIN: Humanity is not even a Type 1 civilization on the Kardashev scale. If we can’t harness the energy potential of the planet how can we control the climate?

    TUCKER: Are you at least concerned?

    PUTIN: I’m more concerned with real issues. Climate change is not one of them. The Earth does a fairly good job of regulating itself. And if Siberia gets a little warmer all the better. More farmland for Russia.

    TUCKER: But what would you tell the true believers who’re convinced we’re headed for disaster?

    PUTIN: I’d tell them worrying about climate change is like complaining about the weather. If you don’t like the climate, move. If you are worried about the weather, get an umbrella.
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: ad "relevantni modely, ze opravdu je mozne zpomalit civilizaci"

    muze se zdat, ze civilizaci nejde zpomalit, ale to je spis dusledek rozhodnuti nezpomalit (z obvious duvodu, je to kratkodobe nevyhodne) a impaktu soucasnych zpusobu vyroby a spotreby. z toho systemoveho pohledu vychazi spis to, ze rust vede k vycerpani zdroju a tim k poklesu civilizacni aktivity. ta vlna peaku populace, poklesu populace a pak zase pozdejsi mensi narust s tim souvisi.

    cili heavy weight civilization-buildery by mely spis zajimat modely jak je mozne nebyt v tom modernizacnim projektiku zpomalen dusledky teto cinnosti, jelikoz ta cinnost je vazana na ekosystemove i neekosystemove zdroje planety... tzn. "zpomaleni" (kolaps, pomoc!) je celkem jiste, pokud nedojde k zasadnimu decouplingu bud v te "zelene" nebo te mimo-planetarni verzi :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    E Jacobson

    The planet was 1.55°C above the 1850-1900 IPCC baseline for the period Jan. 1 - Oct. 31.

    We're going to need either a huge sulfur emitting volcanic eruption, or near total collapse of global industrial civilization, to make it to 2030 without crossing the Paris limit.
    TUHO --- ---
    Hele a tady bozi summary na historie klimatologie od americkeho historika a fyzika Spencer Wearta. Jak jsme prisli na to, ze se ohriva - a jak jsme si zavreli cestu, k tomu abysme se vyhnuli nebezpecny klimaticky zmene. Tyve dneska to na me nejak dopada... Cistu si tu historii takhle v kontextu, je tak strasne depresivni.

    By the late 1970s global temperatures had begun to rise again. Since the late 1950s some climate scientists had been predicting that an unprecedented global warming would become apparent around the year 2000. Their worries finally caught wide public attention in the summer of 1988, the hottest on record till then. Computer modeler James Hansen made headlines when he told a Congressional hearing and journalists that greenhouse warming was almost certainly underway. And a major international meeting of scientists in Toronto called on governments to undertake active steps to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

    The response was vehement. Corporations and individuals who opposed all government regulation began to spend millions of dollars on lobbying, advertising, and "reports" that mimicked scientific publications, striving to convince the public that there was no problem at all. Environmental groups, less wealthy but more enthusiastic, helped politicize the issue with urgent cries of alarm. The many scientific uncertainties, and the sheer complexity of climate, made room for limitless debate over what actions, if any, governments should take.

    If every nation met its target, what would they achieve? The science remained stubbornly imprecise, for the global climate system is a tangle of many interacting influences. Scientists did know that without stronger and prolonged efforts we were likely to get a rise to 2.5°C or more. That would be a desperately wounded world, where it would be difficult to sustain a civilization that was anywhere prosperous and peaceful. And we would face a small but real risk of triggering unstoppable heating, to a point where it would be difficult to sustain any civilization at all.

    Future diplomacy would have to press urgently for stronger pledges and see that they were fulfilled. The world’s climate experts explained that we had delayed action for so long that we could now avoid grave harm only if global emissions did not just level off, but began to plunge by the year 2030. The policies set during the decade of the 2020s would determine the state of the planet’s climate for thousands of years to come. Fortunately, the expense of making the necessary changes in our economic and social systems would be far less than the cost of allowing climate change to continue, and would bring numerous other benefits. Ever more people and organizations saw that the work was in their own interest and began to undertake it.

    Introduction - Summary
    TUHO --- ---
    Sbornik o existencnich rizicich - vystup konference ze Stanfordu. Prispevek tam ma i kral historie klimatologie Paul N. Edwards (na strane 133)

    Is Climate Change Ungovernable?
    Abstract: This paper reviews the potential for catastrophic, civilization-threatening climate change
    within the next 2-3 centuries if climate sensitivity is on the high end of IPCC estimates and the
    thresholds of various tipping points are crossed. I argue that empirical evidence supports a
    substantial likelihood of future climate policy reversals by major emitters, resulting in continuing
    accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. On high-end sensitivity estimates, Paris
    Agreement pledges to date are insufficient even if fully implemented. Policy is always reversible,
    and major reversals have already occurred. Climate denialism and misdirection can, and probably
    will, be amplified by artificial intelligence and social media. Finally, the focus on international
    governance mechanisms obscures the many levels of jurisdiction that must be engaged for strong
    climate policy to take effect. The paper concludes that while renewable energy progress presents a
    hopeful note, chances are high that current structu

    Intersections, Reinforcements, Cascades
    Proceedings of the 2023 Stanford Existential Risks Conference

    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: tak ono to je ve skutecnosti dark side of civilization, protoze civilizace znamena tezbu, extrakce, zpracovani, a s.tim.spojena nerovnost, otroctvi a kolonialismus. takze pokud duslednost, tak potom bud odsouzeni civilizace, anebo zastavani pozice sily: my jsme ti silni a vy musite trpet, abyste nam dodali suroviny do nasich hracek, protoze tak to.chceme
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Catastrophic climate 'doom loops' could start in just 15 years, new study warns | Live Science

    According to the researchers, most tipping-point studies build the math in their models to focus on one predominant driver of collapse, for example deforestation in the Amazon rainforest. However, ecosystems aren't contending with just one problem but rather a swarm of destabilizing factors that compound one another. For example, the Amazon also faces rising temperatures, soil degradation, water pollution and water stress.

    To investigate how these elements interact and whether these interactions can, in fact, hasten a system's demise, the scientists behind the new study built computer models of two lake and two forest ecosystems (including one which modeled the collapse of civilization on Easter Island) and ran them more than 70,000 times while adjusting the variables throughout.

    Our main finding from four ecological models was that ecosystems could collapse 30-80% earlier depending on the nature of additional stress," co-author John Dearing, a professor of physical geography at Southampton University in the U.K. told Live Science in an email. "So if previous tipping points were forecast for 2100 (i.e. 77 years from now) we are suggesting these could happen 23 to 62 years earlier depending on the nature of the stresses."
    TADEAS --- ---


    Improved knowledge of glacial-to-interglacial global temperature change implies that fast-feedback equilibrium climate sensitivity is at least ~4°C for doubled CO2 (2xCO2), with likely range 3.5-5.5°C. Greenhouse gas (GHG) climate forcing is 4.1 W/m2 larger in 2021 than in 1750, equivalent to 2xCO2 forcing. Global warming in the pipeline is greater than prior estimates. Eventual global warming due to today's GHG forcing alone -- after slow feedbacks operate -- is about 10°C. Human-made aerosols are a major climate forcing, mainly via their effect on clouds. We infer from paleoclimate data that aerosol cooling offset GHG warming for several millennia as civilization developed. A hinge-point in global warming occurred in 1970 as increased GHG warming outpaced aerosol cooling, leading to global warming of 0.18°C per decade. Aerosol cooling is larger than estimated in the current IPCC report, but it has declined since 2010 because of aerosol reductions in China and shipping. Without unprecedented global actions to reduce GHG growth, 2010 could be another hinge point, with global warming in following decades 50-100% greater than in the prior 40 years. The enormity of consequences of warming in the pipeline demands a new approach addressing legacy and future emissions. The essential requirement to "save" young people and future generations is return to Holocene-level global temperature. Three urgently required actions are: 1) a global increasing price on GHG emissions, 2) purposeful intervention to rapidly phase down present massive geoengineering of Earth's climate, and 3) renewed East-West cooperation in a way that accommodates developing world needs.
    TADEAS --- ---
    A Children's Story About Holistic Management

    Today, Christopher Cooke asked Chat GPT to explain Holistic Management and soil regeneration as if it were a children's story, taking place in the distant future at the beginning of civilization. Below is what he got back -- pretty good stuff. Please read it to your children and grandchildren and see what they say. Perhaps someone could illustrate it and turn it into a children's book.


    Many, many moons into the future, on a brave, new world called Nova Terra, a group of pioneers decided to start a civilization. They called themselves the Terra Novans. They were people of diverse skills, and amongst them, there were farmers like Elder Greenthumb and his grandchild, Seedling.

    The Terra Novans, under Elder Greenthumb's guidance, began to cultivate crops. However, they quickly noticed that the crops on Nova Terra were not growing as they should. "The soil isn't as rich and healthy as it was on our old home," said Elder Greenthumb, with a worried furrow in his brow.

    "But Grandfather, how can we improve it?" asked Seedling, eager to help.

    "We must learn from the mistakes of the past and apply two ancient principles, Seedling: Holistic Management and Regenerative Soil Management," answered Elder Greenthumb.

    Seedling was puzzled. "What do those mean, Grandfather?"

    Elder Greenthumb, with a twinkle in his eye, explained, "Holistic Management is viewing our entire habitat as one big, interconnected system. Just like the human body, everything affects everything else. If we hurt one part, the rest suffer too. We must care for our plants, animals, soil, and water in a balanced way."

    "And Regenerative Soil Management?" inquired Seedling.

    "Ah, that's the magic to reviving our soil, dear Seedling. It's like recharging a battery. Our soil needs nourishment to be productive. We do this by composting, crop rotation, planting cover crops, and using our livestock to 'heal' the soil."

    "But how do animals help the soil, Grandfather?" Seedling asked, intrigued.

    "Well," chuckled Elder Greenthumb, "When animals graze, they eat the plants, encouraging new growth. Their hoofprints create spaces for seeds to nestle in, and their droppings... well, they serve as a natural fertilizer."

    Seedling giggled at the thought but understood the principle.

    The Terra Novans began to practice Holistic Management and Regenerative Soil Management. Over time, the soil became healthier, their crops grew stronger, and their animals thrived. They saw their new home bloom into a thriving, sustainable civilization.

    Elder Greenthumb and Seedling taught the Terra Novans to view their settlement as one big, interconnected family, where everyone, even the smallest creature, played a part in the health of the whole.

    And so, from the stars, a new civilization was born, one that respected and cherished its new home. As the Terra Novans looked out onto the fields of their flourishing crops, they knew that they were guardians of Nova Terra, promising to protect it for countless moons to come. And that, dear star-child, is the story of how to cherish and respect every world we inhabit. The end.
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: K tomu Nordhausovi sem hodim abstrakt (prije mi to doclea podstatny). Celej calnek je tam bez paywallu, stoji za to precist.

    Forecasts by economists of the economic damage from climate change have been notably sanguine, compared to warnings by scientists about damage to the biosphere. This is because economists made their own predictions of damages, using three spurious methods: assuming that about 90% of GDP will be unaffected by climate change, because it happens indoors; using the relationship between temperature and GDP today as a proxy for the impact of global warming over time; and using surveys that diluted extreme warnings from scientists with optimistic expectations from economists. Nordhaus has misrepresented the scientific literature to justify the using a smooth function to describe the damage to GDP from climate change. Correcting for these errors makes it feasible that the economic damages from climate change are at least an order of magnitude worse than forecast by economists, and may be so great as to threaten the survival of human civilization.
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    US takes action to avert human existential catastrophe: The Global Catastrophic Risk Management Act (2022)


    - Global catastrophic risks (GCRs) include those events or incidents consequential enough to significantly harm or set back human civilization at the global scale (including: severe global pandemics, nuclear war, asteroid and comet impacts, supervolcanoes, sudden and severe changes to the climate, and intentional or accidental threats arising from the use and development of emerging technologies).

    - Recognising the potentially unbearable impact of global catastrophic risks, the US has just passed the Global Catastrophic Risk Management Act.

    - The Act requires the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency to coordinate an assessment of GCRs within one year, and every ten years thereafter.

    - The report must be coordinated with senior officials from 16 other specified national agencies.

    - Each Federal Interagency Operational Plan will then be updated to include an annex containing a strategy to ensure basic needs are met in the aftermath of global catastrophe.

    TADEAS --- ---
    A statement by Prof. Dr. Niko Paech on the Last Generation. Please spread this wide and wide!

    "Climate change is the greatest threat human civilization has ever faced." Unfortunately, we are experiencing that the German government -- notably contrary to its own declarations and corresponding resolutions -- is not fulfilling its responsibility in this regard. Even the Federal Constitutional Court recently established that. And currently, the most important environmental association, the BUND, is filing a lawsuit against the federal government because it violates current climate protection laws. Various social movements have become active to tackle the life-threatening abuse. Anyway, protest forms an integral part of the spectrum of democratic and rule of law opinion. But in this case, a moment of special proportion is added: Never has humanity been in greater danger. Based on this, the actions of the "uprising of the last generation" are quite mild, even compared to the riots of earlier demonstrations around the late 60s or within the framework of the anti-AKW movement in the 70s and 80s.

    The uprising of the last generation does not dare to impose radical or new goals to a majority of the population or the federal government, but invokes a social consensus regarding overdue climate protection measures. This will not only reveal a deficit in enforcement, but protects the rule of law. Because a rule of law, on its basis and by its rules decisions -- in this case, of vital importance! -- be caught, which subsequently have no significance because their implementation is delayed or suspended by the relevant authorities, robs them of their own legitimacy. In the long term, trust in the rule of law and parliamentary democracy will thus be destroyed. So: this is about more than climate protection, namely, it is also about the integrity of the political system. "

    Teacher Dr. Niko Paech.
    TUHO --- ---
    YMLADRIS: No spis modernity. Ta je tady cca 200-300 let. Civilizace zacla se zacala rodit zrejme nedlouho po nastupu holocenu. Urcite cca 5000 let pred nasim letopoctem.

    Current theories and findings identify the Fertile Crescent as the first and oldest cradle of civilization. Examples of sites in this area are the early Neolithic site of Göbekli Tepe (9500 BC - 8000 BC) and Çatalhöyük (7500 – 5700 BC).
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam