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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    TUHO --- ---
    Economics for Sustainable Prosperity
    © 2018

    The central argument of this book is that the foundations for sustainable prosperity lie in an approach to economic management based on modern monetary theory and a job guarantee. This approach builds on the work of Keynes, Kalecki, Minsky, Davidson, Godley and other Post- Keynesian economists—as well as research by behavioral economists including Simon, Kahneman and Loewenstein—to explore the role that a permanent, equitable job guarantee could play in building an inclusive, participatory and just society. Orthodox (neoclassical) economics, in its various forms, has failed to deliver sustainable prosperity. An important reason for this failure is its lack of realistic foundations. It misrepresents both human nature and economic institutions, and its use as a frame for the development and assessment of economic policy proposals has had disastrous consequences for social inclusion and the quality of life of millions of people. This book discusses an alternative, more realistic and moreuseful set of economic foundations, which could deliver the opportunity of a decent quality of life with dignity to all.

    Economics for Sustainable Prosperity | SpringerLink
    TADEAS --- ---

    Savory Institute

    Denmark recently became the first country in the world to put a tax on livestock emissions. The tax will go into effect in 2030, and after a 60% tax break is applied, farmers will end up paying 120 krone ($17) per tonne of CO2-equivalent coming from their livestock, which will eventually rise to 300 krone ($43) per tonne in 2035.

    This move comes on the heels of other measures the Danish government has implemented in recent years to reduce emissions and meet climate goals and, given that agriculture is one of Denmark’s largest sources of emissions — with pork and dairy being their largest industries — this is an opportunity to make some headway towards those goals.

    We at Savory are particularly disappointed in this tax given that our new Savory Foundation — which focuses on funding large-scale grassland regeneration projects around the world — is based in Denmark, but more than that, we have serious concerns with regards to how this new tax makes no effort to incentivize a transition towards carbon-sequestering forms of regenerative grazing.

    Yes, our global agricultural system is massively flawed and contributes significant amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, but this is a blanket tax on ALL forms of livestock management that makes no differentiation between land-degrading carbon-emitting forms of production or land-regenerating carbon-sequestering forms of livestock production.

    If Denmark really wanted to incentivize a transition towards a more sustainable livestock industry — which we agree is needed — they could create a sliding scale for this tax so that regenerative farmers who are improving soil health and sequestering carbon aren’t penalized. This could be accomplished either through soil samples analyzed in a lab — even though that would be costly to producers so ideally would be subsidized by the government — or modeling based on the latest research of what’s possible, not just average emissions of the typical producer which is the basis for this tax.

    Still, even if we were to expand the conversation from just emissions to one that also includes drawdown, the focus on greenhouse gases is a reductionist view that misses the forest for the trees. The climate crisis is intrinsically tied to our global loss of biodiversity, our broken water cycles that amplify droughts and flooding, and our impoverished soils, rural communities, food systems, and everything in between.

    At the intersection of all these issues is ecosystem function, so why do we only ever hear about carbon? The global narrative surrounding climate change would be best served by a shift towards restoring ecosystem function. Imagine an alternate world where Denmark's new tax was one that took a more holistic look at ecosystem function — assessing not just carbon but also biodiversity and water-holding capacity — and rather than penalizing everyone involved it paid farmers who demonstrated positive improvements to their ecosystem processes?
    ZAHRADKAR --- ---
    YMLADRIS: To je divny clanek. Nejprve ale to nejdulezitejsi: referuje o pracovni verzi clanku, ktery jeste neprosel recenznim rizenim. Muze to byt klidne uplny blabol (a nemusi!). Ale ten vyvar z Guardianu je klasicka novinarska click-bait zkratka:

    1) Na uvod nas vystrasi, ze 1C otepleni -> 12% ztrata na svetovem GDP
    2) ALE: potom dal rikaji, ze tech dosavadnich ~1.5C znamenalo naklady opetovane prilezitosti (opportunity costs) 37% GDP, tedy ze kdyby se tolik neoteplilo, byvali bychom byli o 37% bohatsi globalne. Tedy nejedna se o absolutni pokles ale o opportunity costs, tedy ze sice bohatneme, ale pomaleji nez bychom byvali mohli. Jak bychom ale vybudovali dnesni civilizaci bez fosilnich paliv ale uz clanek radeji nezminuje. 1.5 * 12 neni 37 ale 18. Ale do toho puvodniho clanku jsem se nedival, jak to pocitaji - jen bych byl proste opatrny z toho delat nejake zavery.

    No a Roger the hypemaster je kapitolou samou pro sebe. Jak z toho vyvestil, ze na konci stoleti nikdo nebude mit duchod uz je fakt bizar. (Ja tim nerikam, ze klimaticka zmena neni problem, naopak to povazuju za nejvetsi prusvih soucasnosti. Ale kdyz lzou aktivisti i fosilni loby, jak mame najit nejake rozumne reseni?)
    TADEAS --- ---
    2024 Ruminating on soil carbon: Applying current understanding to inform grazing management

    Among options for atmospheric CO2 removal, sequestering soil organic carbon (SOC) via improved grazing management is a rare opportunity because it is scalable across millions of globally grazed acres, low cost, and has high technical potential. Decades of scientific research on grazing and SOC has failed to form a cohesive understanding of how grazing management affects SOC stocks and their distribution between particulate (POM) and mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM)—characterized by different formation and stabilization pathways—across different climatic contexts. As we increasingly look to grazing management for SOC sequestration on grazinglands to bolster our climate change mitigation efforts, we need a clear and collective understanding of grazing management's impact on pathways of SOC change to inform on-the-ground management decisions. We set out to review the effects of grazing management on SOC through a unified plant ecophysiology and soil biogeochemistry conceptual framework, where elements such as productivity, input quality, soil mineral capacity, and climate variables such as aridity co-govern SOC accumulation and distribution into POM and MAOM. To maximize applicability to grazingland managers, we discuss how common management levers that drive overall grazing pattern, including timing, intensity, duration, and frequency can be used to optimize mechanistic pathways of SOC sequestration. We discuss important research needs and measurement challenges, and highlight how our conceptual framework can inform more robust research with greater applicability for maximizing the use of grazing management to sequester SOC.
    ZAHRADKAR --- ---
    TUHO: ano, to mas pravdu - to jsem utekl od tematu
    SHEFIK: jak namitl TUHO - toto neovlivnuje navratnost FVE jako takove - nechal jsem se unest asi trochu frustraci, kdyz vidim, jak to lidi ted porizuji za velke penize a vlastne se jim to nevyplati a prinos pro prirodu je diskutabilni. Zaroven citim takovou trochu zast od tech, co FVE namaji, protoze (vlastne spravne) namitaji, ze ty zvysene naklady na stabilizaci distribuce musi nest oni. Tezko jim pak vysvetlovat, ze spravne nadimenzovana FVE takovou neplechu v siti nenadela - tohle je za ramec bezneho cloveka. (Mimochodem zas tak tezke to zhodnoceni neni, kdyz to hodis do indexu nebo pred tremi lety jeste do statnich dluhopisu, budes mit tech 30% bez problemu. Neni treba vybirat jednotlive tituly. A ty velke FVE jsou investice klidne i za pul milionu - tam uz by opportunity costs mely pri vyberu hrat roli. Pokud samozrejme clovek neresi veci jako hedge proti zombie apokalypse atp:))
    SHEFIK --- ---
    ZAHRADKAR: diky za rozpis. Jen teda k tem opportunity costs - vydelat desitky procent za par let na burze taky neni tak jednoducha disciplina .)
    ZAHRADKAR --- ---
    TADEAS: Prave i na ten planetarni urovni mam o vyhodnosti bateriovych FVE na RD pochybnosti. Nerikam, ze to u nekoho nemusi byt opravdu efektivni, ale obecne si myslim, ze ty systemy casto funguji tak, ze baterie nasledne posila energii do nejakeho tepelneho cerpadla nebo bojleru a meni elektrinu na teplo. Toto lze ale dosahnout s aku nadrzi (sud s vodou) mnohem levneji bez baterek, draheho stridace, atp. Nepocital jsem to, ani nebudu.

    TUHO: Nemuzes pocitat dnesni ceny energie a investici 3 roky starou - musis to odurocit. Cena energie v dobe, kdy to kupoval, byla polovicni. Ty penize by mu na burze vydelaly desitky procent mezitim - opportunity costs. Neni to tak jednoduche, jak se zda. Navic mnoho lidi, vcetne jeho dost pravdepodobne, meli fixnutou silovku. Ted mu bude naopak rust cena za distribuci (urcite se s cerpadlem neodstrihne i s takto velkou FVE, protoze v lednu nesviti a je zima). Ta navratnost bude jen s dotaci a jen s odrenyma usima. A nedej boze, aby mu nekdy po 5-ti nebo 10ti leteh lehl stridac. Ty hybridni 10kWp stridace jsou otazkou >50tis.

    Stranou nechme to, ze bateriove systemy konzumuji enegii i kdyz FVE nevyrabi. Baterku je treba udrzovat nabitou. Toto muze v sume zvysit celkovou spotrebu domacnosti o 1MWh ( https://www.irozhlas.cz/ekonomika/energetika-elektrina-ceny-fotovoltaika-solarni-panel_2305021400_gut ). Je toto environmentalni?

    Budu mluvit za sebe - vcera mi prislo zuctovani od CEZu. Baterii jsem taky mimochodem zvazoval, dokonce ji i chtel poridit, ale cisla me utvrdila o tom, ze to nedava smysl: spotrebuju 4MWh, z toho pokryju rovnou 2.8 primo z FVE (bez baterie), dalsi 1.2 prodam do site a dokoupim 400kwh. Naklady 70 tisic (130k bez dotace). Ta navratnost mi v dobe porizeni ('21) vychazela na 6-7 let (s dotaci). S vyssimi cenami je asi o neco mene. Zivotnost toho systemu budu uvazovat 10 let. To neni kdovijak dobra investice, ale tak je to cista energie a panely vypadaji cool:) Kdybych poridil baterii, cely system by stal dvojnasobek, ale realne bych usetril jen za distribuci tech 1.2MWh, ktere poslu do site - to je tak mozna ~2kkc/rok. Cili 20k za 10 let. Ekonomicky nesmysl. A environmentalni taky, protoze ta baterie je u RD malo vyuzivana - malo cykluje a navic jeji vyroba stoji taky CO2 atp atd.

    Proto pisu, SHEFIK, ze by bylo mnohem efektivnejsi, kdyby stat ty penize pres distributory nalil do ulozist. Napr u kazde trafacky jedna vetsi baterka a komunitne vyrovnaval pretoky. Sit by byla stabilnejsi a meli by z toho prospech vsichni, nejen ti, co si mohou dovolit stresni FVE. Takto chudsi dotuji levnou energii bohatym. Socialni nesmysl.

    Proc to stat neudela? Protoze je jednodussi a popularnejsi lidem davat penize na ruku, nez rozumne rozvijet spolecnou infrastrukturu. Je to nakup volicu a podpora lobbystickych skupin vydelavajicich na instalacich FVE. Ty firmy si v podstate celou tu dotaci vezmou.
    TADEAS --- ---

    2023 Global warming in the pipeline

    Improved knowledge of glacial-to-interglacial global temperature change yields Charney (fast-feedback) equilibrium climate sensitivity 1.2 ± 0.3°C (2σ) per W/m2, which is 4.8°C ± 1.2°C for doubled CO2. Consistent analysis of temperature over the full Cenozoic era—including ‘slow’ feedbacks by ice sheets and trace gases—supports this sensitivity and implies that CO2 was 300–350 ppm in the Pliocene and about 450 ppm at transition to a nearly ice-free planet, exposing unrealistic lethargy of ice sheet models. Equilibrium global warming for today’s GHG amount is 10°C, which is reduced to 8°C by today’s human-made aerosols. Equilibrium warming is not ‘committed’ warming; rapid phaseout of GHG emissions would prevent most equilibrium warming from occurring. However, decline of aerosol emissions since 2010 should increase the 1970–2010 global warming rate of 0.18°C per decade to a post-2010 rate of at least 0.27°C per decade. Thus, under the present geopolitical approach to GHG emissions, global warming will exceed 1.5°C in the 2020s and 2°C before 2050. Impacts on people and nature will accelerate as global warming increases hydrologic (weather) extremes. The enormity of consequences demands a return to Holocene-level global temperature. Required actions include: (1) a global increasing price on GHG emissions accompanied by development of abundant, affordable, dispatchable clean energy, (2) East-West cooperation in a way that accommodates developing world needs, and (3) intervention with Earth’s radiation imbalance to phase down today’s massive human-made ‘geo-transformation’ of Earth’s climate. Current political crises present an opportunity for reset, especially if young people can grasp their situation.

    TADEAS --- ---
    R Read

    After 26 years, I’ve packed my books, set a permanent out of office and handed in my keys. My time at the University of East Anglia has come to an end. I’ve taken voluntary severance and I’m looking forward to a freelance life, mostly devoted to running the Climate Majority Project.

    If you have a Times Higher Education sub, you can read more about the reasons behind my decision (link in bio).

    The thrust of it is: “…I’ve gradually come to see academia as constitutively ill suited to contributing seriously to the epochal question of our time: our wilful destruction of our collective life-support system.”

    While there is much about life as an academic that I’ll surely miss, I’m glad to be leaving. When the opportunity came to do so, I knew it would be a failure of will not to take it.

    Do check out (and support in whatever way you can) the @climatemajorityproject.
    TUHO --- ---
    Efforts to assess risks to the financial system associated with climate change are growing. These commonly combine the use of integrated assessment models to obtain possible changes in global mean temperature (GMT) and then use coupled climate models to map those changes onto finer spatial scales to estimate changes in other variables. Other methods use data mined from 'ensembles of opportunity' such as the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP). Several challenges with current approaches have been identified. Here, we focus on demonstrating the issues inherent in applying global 'top-down' climate scenarios to explore financial risks at geographical scales of relevance to financial institutions (e.g. city-scale). We use data mined from the CMIP to determine the degree to which estimates of GMT can be used to estimate changes in the annual extremes of temperature and rainfall, two compound events (heatwaves and drought, and extreme rain and strong winds), and whether the emission scenario provides insights into the change in the 20, 50 and 100 year return values for temperature and rainfall. We show that GMT provides little insight on how acute risks likely material to the financial sector ('material extremes') will change at a city-scale. We conclude that 'top-down' approaches are likely to be flawed when applied at a granular scale, and that there are risks in employing the approaches used by, for example, the Network of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening the Financial System. Most fundamental, uncertainty associated with projections of future climate extremes must be propagated through to estimating risk. We strongly encourage a review of existing top-down approaches before they develop into de facto standards and note that existing approaches that use a 'bottom-up' strategy (e.g. catastrophe modelling and storylines) are more likely to enable a robust assessment of material risk.

    Acute climate risks in the financial system: examining the utility of climate model projections - IOPscience
    TADEAS --- ---
    As the ice melts, a perilous Russian threat is emerging in the Arctic | Barry Gardiner | The Guardian

    The eight Arctic states – Canada, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, the US and Russia – have long collaborated on scientific research through the Arctic Council, a non-military body. Until now. After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Arctic Council meetings ceased. So did cooperation with Russia. This has hampered progress on climate and environmental research and turbocharged the militarisation of the Arctic.

    The success of the Arctic Council depended on its geopolitical balance. It is not a security alliance and has always tried to remain independent from politics. Five of the eight countries were part of Nato; the other three were not. That has now changed. Finland joined Nato in April. Sweden is in the process of joining. Soon, Nato will literally be surrounding Russia in the Arctic.

    To understand why this matters, we must first understand the climate emergency taking place in the region. Summer sea ice has declined by 30% in the past 30 years; 90% of old ice, which is classified as five years old or more, has gone. That ice used to act as the great heat shield for the planet, reflecting back the sun’s rays. But the loss of ice is producing a vicious spiral of heating. The Arctic is now warming three times faster than the global average. This process is called Arctic amplification. It means that scientists now project an Arctic free from summer ice by 2040–45.

    As the ice cover is lost, a trans-polar route is opening to connect east Asia to Europe and the eastern coast of North America. And the ice barrier that once protected Russia’s northern shore will be exposed as never before. Russia represents 53% of the Arctic coastline and the need to protect its northern border as the ice barrier melts is a key national security concern.

    Vladimir Putin already had ambitious plans for the northern sea route, seeking to more than double the cargo traffic. But over the past six years, Russia has also built 475 military sites along its northern border. The port of Severomorsk, on the Kola peninsula, is the base of the country’s northern fleet. In recent years, the Russians have reactivated 50 Soviet outposts in the Arctic and equipped its northern fleet with nuclear and conventional missiles.

    The challenge of all this has not been purely logistical. As the permafrost thaws, the structural base for roads, buildings and other key infrastructure has collapsed. Russia is trying to deploy huge amounts of infrastructure and military capacity to build structures on land that is disintegrating, across roads that are disappearing


    On a recent visit to the Ny-Ålesund international research station on Svalbard, it was depressing to hear that scientific cooperation with Russia on climate matters has effectively ceased. The Arctic is an environment where cooperation is essential. Arctic science must be done over the long term, and the relationships and trust built up between partners offer predictability and greater stability. In a region that is becoming over-securitised, every opportunity to minimise accidental misunderstandings and avoid a military response should be seized.

    A militarised Arctic would undermine scientific cooperation and pose an existential threat. Somehow, we need a diplomatic effort to separate the politics of war from the imperatives of climate research.
    TADEAS --- ---
    'Largest wind farm in Baltic states' | Nordex wins 255MW order in Estonia | Recharge

    Nordex has won an order to supply turbines to Enefit Green’s 255MW Sopi-Tootsi wind project in Estonia – the largest wind farm in the Baltic states when up and running in 2024.

    The German OEM according to an over €200m ($217m) contract signed today will deliver 38 of its 6.8MW machines to the project in Põhja-Pärnumaa municipality, which is slated to meet more than 8% of Estonia’s electricity consumption, according to the developer.


    Recently, a would-be tender was announced that has already attracted interest from 30 companies planning to build offshore wind farms, and the government adopted a decision that by 2030, 100% of the electricity consumed in Estonia must come from renewable resources. To simplify the development process, Prime Minister Kaja Kallas has stated that Estonia is adopting an integrated planning permit for offshore wind farms. To meet all of the goals, the government is simplifying permit granting processes and shortening deadlines – projects of societal importance should be completed within three years. Integrated planning permits give the developers an opportunity to launch their project more quickly. Estonia has a grand goal of becoming the largest producer of wind energy per capita in the world.
    TADEAS --- ---
    paseni + solary, jde to ,) skvele videjko s ovcemi

    Training opportunity with Georgia Savory Hub @whiteoakpastures: Join us on April 24-26 for this amazing workshop! To learn more and get tickets, visit our Events page, linked in bio! . . . . . #health...
    TADEAS --- ---
    Thread by @GregorSemieniuk on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App





    TADEAS --- ---
    Why Climate Breakdown Matters: : Why Philosophy Matters Rupert Read Bloomsbury Academic

    Rupert Read asks us to face up to the fate of the planet. This is a book for anyone who wants their philosophy to deal with reality and their climate concern to be more than a displacement activity.

    As people come together to mourn the loss of the planet, we have the opportunity to create a grounded, hopeful response. This meaningful hopefulness looks to the new communities created around climate activism. Together, our collective mourning enables us to become human in ways previously unknown.

    Rupert reads the preface of his latest book, 'WHY CLIMATE BREAKDOWN MATTERS' | Norwich UK |
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Credit Suisse Predicts Renewable Energy That Is "Too Cheap To Meter" By 2025 - CleanTechnica

    Meyer writes that clean energy is now the safe, smart, government-backed bet for conservative investors. It’s really a shocking reversal of the past 40 years. It is such a change that it hasn’t yet been metabolized by the world of people involved in the issue. Then he offers some predictions of his own.

    1. The number of Americans working in a climate-relevant industry is going to explode. It is going to undergo what you might call a techification. The opportunity will be too large, the money too persuasive, the problems too intriguing.

    2. Managing climate change is a legitimately difficult technical and cultural problem — it’s going to require as many attentive and enthusiastic brains as possible. If you don’t yet work in the industry, but have always cared about climate change as an issue, this is your moment to get involved. These companies are going to need engineers, programmers, accountants, marketers, HR staff, general counsels — there is space for everyone now.

    “The fight against climate change is going to change more in the next four years than it has in the past 40. The great story of our lives is just beginning. Welcome aboard,” he concludes.
    TADEAS --- ---

    Faith-based responses to disruption and distress from global heating

    This year I learned that in many religious communities the idea that humanity is in ‘#apocalyptic’ times or #EndTimes is becoming widespread. Although not unusual in the history of humanity, today that view relates to environmental change. Whether such a perspective leads to more or less ‘prosocial’ responses will influence how any future breakdowns occur. In particular, whether ‘#WorldviewDefence’ trumps active compassion as people become more anxious will be key to how societies respond. Even if you are not actively engaged in any particular religious community, their responses will definitely shape your future experience. That is because #FaithBasedOrganisations (FBOs) remain influential across most of the world. Globally, they manage or own 8% of habitable land, 50% of schools and 10% of financial institutions. They influence how people understand their choices in life, participate in their community, support people in need, and interpret current affairs. Even people who’ve abandoned their #faith still often find themselves praying when something awful happens to a loved one - it’s so deeply ingrained it’s seemingly inescapable. Thankfully, both #IndigenousWisdom and the teachings of many traditions remind us that, in even the most emotionally challenging times, kind and collaborative responses are possible.

    I am not pre-determinist, and so I regard aspects of our future to be unwritten – including the way people of faith respond to the unfolding #polycrisis and beyond. Therefore, I believe there is an opportunity to help faith leaders who might, or currently, engage in a ‘#collapse agenda’ to reduce the potential for harm and to promote beneficial responses from faith communities (as well as other people who cite religious teachings).
    TADEAS --- ---
    Latest | The Drum


    France is the first European country to ban fossil fuel advertising. The ban, which comes into effect next year, could see companies fined up to €100,000 for breaching the rules.

    It may seem a strong move for a country to ban an entire category of advertising, but it’s odd that we’ve been happy to see advertising for fossil fuels for so long. Fossil fuels are proven to do wide-ranging harm to the planet and our health. Plans for their continued production will fuel a catastrophic climate future that nobody wants. The world’s governments are pursuing climate goals that necessitate a rapid reduction in fossil fuels.
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Ranching’s capital account is always in debt, because wild ecosystems store more carbon than the fields and pastures that have taken their place. These debts can be enormous. A study of carbon opportunity costs published in Nature found that, while the global average cost of soybeans is 17kg of carbon dioxide for each kilogram of protein, the average carbon opportunity cost of a kilogram of beef protein is an astounding 1,250kg. Another paper calculates that if we all shifted to a plant-based diet, the carbon drawn down from the atmosphere by recovering ecosystems would be equivalent to the world’s fossil fuel emissions from the previous 16 years.
    TADEAS --- ---

    U.S. Senate Deal is a Historic Opportunity to Address the Climate
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam