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    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    TUHO --- ---
    ne uplne dezinfo, ale o strukturach fosil prumyslu…

    State Petrochemical Plants in Turkmenistan Channel Exports Through Obscure U.K. Companies — With Ties to President’s Nephews - OCCRP
    TUHO --- ---
    If we made policy with this fact in mind—if we pushed, as the new $3.5 trillion Senate bill does, for dramatic increases in renewable usage in short order, then we would not only be saving the planet, we’d be saving tons of money. That money would end up in our pockets—but it would be removed from the wallets of people who own oil wells and coal mines, which is precisely why the fossil fuel industry is working so hard to gum up the works, trying to slow down everything from electric cars to induction cooktops and using all their economic and political muscle to prolong the transition. Their economically outmoded system of energy generation can only be saved by political corruption, which sadly is the fossil fuel industry’s remaining specialty. So far the learning curve of their influence-peddling has been steep enough to keep carbon levels climbing.

    We're Finally Catching a Break in the Climate Fight - by Bill McKibben - The Crucial Years
    BUBBLE --- ---
    TUHO: konecne grassroots iniciativa visjak .))
    TUHO --- ---
    BUBBLE: Btw 17 likeu, to si snad zalozil ty ne? .]]
    TUHO --- ---
    BUBBLE: good one :)
    BUBBLE --- ---
    Uhlík je život - Hlavní stránka | Facebook
    TADEAS --- ---
    Petice proti přijetí Green Dealu! | No-Deal.eu - Odchod. z.s.
    TUHO --- ---
    #chevron #greenwashing

    One of the world’s top polluters of atmosphere-altering greenhouse gases has aired nearly 30,000 TV advertisements over the past 15 months, trying to convince people that it is green.
    From June 2020 to August 31st of this year, Americans have been bombarded with ads from the California-based oil-and-gas-producer Chevron, according to new data from the analytics firm AdImpact first reported on Morning Consult. During July 2021 alone, the fossil-fuel giant aired 4,402 ads, the data shows.
    More than 80 percent contained terms such as “sustainable,” “renewable,” “environment,” and “clean.” In reality, however, Chevron has contributed more than 43 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent into the atmosphere since 1965, data from the Climate Accountability Institute shows, placing it among the most climate-damaging companies on the planet. “The large majority of ads Chevron is airing are touting their shift to more clean energy,” says Rachel Haskin, senior marketing manager for AdImpact.

    Chevron Is Playing Americans for Fools with 'Green' Ad Blitz - Rolling Stone
    TUHO --- ---
    Je dvanact let od Climategate. Od jednoho z nejznamejsiho fabrikovanyho skandalu klima dezinformacni masinerie, ktery mel torpedovat COP v Kodani. Bohuzel dodnes nechava falesny obvineni na klimatickejch vedcich, ze fixluji udaje, prinesl jim vyhruzky smrst nenavisti, vcetne vyhruzek smrti a prominentniho klimatologa Philla Jonese psychickej tlak dotahl nedaleko sebevrazdy.
    Tedka bude mit svuj dokument na BBC.

    ‘This is a story that needs to be told’: BBC film tackles Climategate scandal | Climate science denial | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    Zraje jako vino .)) Jordan Peterson o globalnim ochlazovani hehe

    KYARA --- ---
    El mejor Documental sobre la Tierra Plana

    anglicky a sp a it titulky pouze..
    flat earth.......
    KYARA --- ---
    titulní stránky The Economist, pokud se clovek naucí císt tu jejich symbologii, se krásne (samozrejme zámerne) prozrazují...
    All editions | The Economist
    TUHO --- ---
    oui yeaaah

    Google zakáže od listopadu reklamy, které popírají klimatickou změnu. Od prosince i YouTube | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    College and university biology majors who are not climate change deniers may yet be unaware of the degree of scientific consensus on climate change and unprepared to communicate about climate science to others. This study reports on a population of climate change accepting biology majors at a large, private research university in the American northeast. Our students tended to greatly underestimate the degree of scientific consensus around climate change, to be only moderately worried about climate change, and to be unconfident in their ability to communicate about the state of the scientific consensus around climate change. After an introduction to the scholarly literature that substantiates and quantifies the scientific consensus on climate change in the context of a course on biological research literature, our students showed significant increases in their estimates of the consensus on climate change, and their estimates were more accurate. Additionally, they became more worried about climate change as well as more confident in their ability to communicate about the scientific consensus to others. These results are in line with the Gateway Belief Model, which positions perception of scientific agreement on climate change as an important driver of acceptance and motivation toward action.

    TUHO --- ---
    Internal Facebook documents obtained by Popular Information reveal that, prior to the removal of the fact-check, Science Feedback's fact-check of The Daily Wire article was brought to the attention of top Facebook executives including VP of Global Affairs and Communications Nick Clegg, VP of Global News Partnerships Campbell Brown, and VP of Global Public Policy Joel Kaplan. The documents also show that Facebook was asked by the office of Congressman Mike Johnson (R-LA), a powerful member of Republican leadership, to reverse the fact-check.

    Facebook and the executive director of Science Feedback deny that Facebook pushed Science Feedback to remove the "partly false" rating. But the incident raises questions about the integrity of Facebook's fact-checking process, Facebook's deference to far-right publications, and the company's commitment to fighting climate misinformation.

    Fact-check of viral climate misinformation quietly removed from Facebook | Emily Atkin
    TUHO --- ---
    Tech’s complicity in environmental destruction is not just limited to toxic manufacturing waste and a large carbon footprint. Companies also have a large influence on the climate crisis in the context of policy, the broader economy, and the flow of information. Reports in 2019 revealed that Google has made significant contributions to climate denialist groups, including the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), which helped convince the Trump administration to withdraw from the Paris Agreement in 2017. Facebook has come under fire for lax action against climate change denial on their platform, where disinformation can easily spread without diligent fact-checking. Google, Microsoft, and Amazon have partnered with large oil companies to build machine learning tools that streamline oil production. In fact, the oil industry invested an estimated $1.75 billion in 2018 into machine learning tools, which is projected to grow to $4.01 billion by 2025.

    Our purpose in throwing light onto this destructive behavior is not simply to paint a bleak future. Through public pressure and the collective organizing of tech employees, there has been media coverage of some success in holding the tech industry responsible for their environmental destruction. In 2019, after the Amazon Employees for Climate Justice organization led a large walkout in support of the global climate strike, Amazon pledged to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. Similarly, in response to employee pressure, Google pledged to stop funding climate change deniers in 2020. Google also promised to rescind all future contracts with oil companies in response to a Greenpeace report about tech’s oil contracts

    The Hidden Cost of Digital Consumption
    TUHO --- ---
    Sbornik ke spolecenske tvorbe ignorance .)) Je tam i pasaz o klimatu

    What don't we know, and why don't we know it? What keeps ignorance alive, or allows it to be used as a political instrument? Agnotology—the study of ignorance—provides a new theoretical perspective to broaden traditional questions about "how we know" to ask: Why don't we know what we don't know? The essays assembled in Agnotology show that ignorance is often more than just an absence of knowledge; it can also be the outcome of cultural and political struggles. Ignorance has a history and a political geography, but there are also things people don't want you to know ("Doubt is our product" is the tobacco industry slogan). Individual chapters treat examples from the realms of global climate change, military secrecy, female orgasm, environmental denialism, Native American paleontology, theoretical archaeology, racial ignorance, and more. The goal of this volume is to better understand how

    Agnotology: The Making and Unmaking of Ignorance | Department of History
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