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    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    Jedním ze zásadních důvodů, proč je klimatická změna tak obtížné téma je obrovské množství dezinformací, které ho obklopuje. Sociologové identifikovali široké dezinformační hnutí, které je z části organizované fosilním průmyslem. Množství empirických důkazů ukazuje, že fosilní průmysl ročně vynakládá obrovské množství prostředků za cílem oddálit nebo neutralizovat politiky směřující k regulaci spotřeby fosilních paliv. Jak se ale v takové debatě vyznat? Jaká je česká debata v kontextu světa? Ale hlavně jaké subjekty se do dezinformací zapojují, jaké techniky a jaké prostředky používají k neutralizaci veřejné diskuze.
    rozbalit záhlaví
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    The state of California has filed a sweeping climate lawsuit against Exxon Mobil, Shell, BP, ConocoPhillips, and Chevron, as well as the domestic oil industry's biggest lobby, the American Petroleum Institute.

    The suit, filed on Friday in San Francisco Superior Court, claims that the companies misled the public for decades about climate change and the dangers of fossil fuels. It demands the companies help fund recovery efforts related to California's extreme weather events, from rising sea levels to drought and wildfires, that have been supercharged by human-caused climate change.

    California sues oil giants, claiming they downplayed climate change for decades : NPR
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    California is the world’s largest economy to file a climate lawsuit against fossil fuel companies, joining more than 40 other U.S. states and municipalities

    CALIFORNIA — California has sued ExxonMobil, Chevron, BP, Shell, ConocoPhillips, and the American Petroleum Institute to make them pay for lying to the public for decades about their fossil fuel products’ central role in the climate crisis, joining a growing nationwide wave of climate accountability lawsuits against Big Oil.

    California Sues Big Oil for Climate Deception
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    pokracuje par soudu s fosilnim prumylsem podle RICO - zakonu proti organizovanemu. Na jeho zaklade taky prohral uz kolem roku 2000 tabakovy prumysl za svoje dezinformacni kampane. Tak uvidime, jestli fosil nebude dalsi na rade.

    Delaware, the lowest-lying state in the nation, and Hoboken, which sits on the Hudson River across from New York City, each filed lawsuits against Exxon, Chevron, Shell, BP, and other oil majors, as well as the American Petroleum Institute (API), in 2020 to hold them accountable under local consumer fraud laws and make them pay for the rising costs to protect residents from flooding, superstorms, and other climate damages.

    But now, Hoboken’s case also charges the polluters with violating New Jersey’s Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act, better known as RICO.

    Hoboken recently amended its complaint to charge major fossil fuel companies with conspiring to defraud the public about the harms they knew their products would cause.

    Hoboken brings RICO charges against Big Oil - ExxonKnews
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    The document notes the oil industry’s other extensive astroturf campaigns (including Edelman’s $52 million campaign for the American Petroleum Institute) to promote the Keystone XL pipeline and fracking, defeat climate legislation and attack renewable energy:

    “Companies like ExxonMobil, Chevron, Shell and Halliburton (and many more) have all made key investments in building permanent advocacy assets and programs to support their lobbying, outreach, and policy efforts. In launching a program like this, TransCanada will be in good company with a strong roadmap to follow.” (Grassroots Advocacy Vision p. 5-6)

    Edelman’s TransCanada Astroturf Documents Expose Oil Industry’s Broad Attack on Public Interest | The Narwhal
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    The American Petroleum Institute together with the nation’s largest oil companies ran a task force to monitor and share climate research between 1979 and 1983, indicating that the oil industry, not just Exxon alone, was aware of its possible impact on the world’s climate far earlier than previously known.
    The group’s members included senior scientists and engineers from nearly every major U.S. and multinational oil and gas company, including Exxon, Mobil, Amoco, Phillips, Texaco, Shell, Sunoco, Sohio as well as Standard Oil of California and Gulf Oil, the predecessors to Chevron, according to internal documents obtained by InsideClimate News and interviews with the task force’s former director

    Exxon's Oil Industry Peers Knew About Climate Dangers in the 1970s, Too - Inside Climate News
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    Jak valku na Ukrajine vyuziva fosilni prumysl k vytvareni a posilovani kulturni valky...

    “On February 24, within hours of Putin’s invasion, I was just watching these serious patterns emerge,” said Christina Arena, a public relations and climate disinformation expert. Arena worked for the PR firm Edelman when it handled the API account, so she knows a campaign when she sees one. “API and other trade associations were echoing similar talking points immediately, anti-Biden talking points, anti-renewable energy talking points.” That kind of consistency and media training takes months, not days, to prep, she said.

    That prompted Arena to reach out to InfluenceMap, a think tank that tracks the influence of corporate lobbying on climate policy. InfluenceMap teamed up with Media Matters for America and Triplecheck to look into what various fossil fuel interests were saying about Russia-Ukraine and how those messages were being amplified. The organizations’ resulting report pinpoints the top messages and messengers, and how they map to big policy wins.

    Some of the findings are to be expected. API went big, as did Chevron, ConocoPhillips, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The usual suspects amplified the industry’s messaging: Breitbart News, Fox News, conservative commentator Ben Shapiro, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, and Tennessee Sen. Marsha Blackburn. All told, API placed 651 Facebook ads from the end of January to April 1, reaching more than 19 million people. On February 24, the day of the invasion, API and its network got busy. “There’s a huge peak where we get to 100 fossil fuel misinformation posts that yielded over 5 million likes, comments, and shares,” Arena noted.

    But there are some less expected findings too. After battling gas bans for two years, the gas side of the industry seems to have fully embraced the fact that the climate movement doesn’t see it as its friend anymore. Gas entities that joined the party include the American Gas Association (a trade group for gas utilities), Hess Corp., and Sempra Infrastructure.

    The types of messages were also a surprise. After a decade or so of greenwashing, the fossil fuel industry is going full culture war. The report finds three key messages across hundreds of social media posts and media appearances: American fossil fuel production ensures freedom and national security; high gas prices are caused by climate policy, and the solution is more drilling; and climate change is something only liberal “woke” elites care about.

    There’s also a push to convince people that some kind of Green New Deal-adjacent policy is in place and that is what’s driving up gas prices. “I think you could call it a disinformation-driven heist of public policy,” Arena said.

    And there’s the timeline, and the dividends this campaign has paid to the industry. By mid-March, the Energy Department was starting to grant permits to increase the volume at some liquid natural gas export terminals. “So that’s two weeks maybe from the start of the crisis,” said Faye Holder, the lead author of the InfluenceMap report. “We’ve seen a heavy, heavy use of social media, both in advertising and organic content. And then they’re feeding off of media too. A lot of the things that are retweeted by API, for instance, are Mike Sommers on Fox News.”

    How the Fossil Fuel Industry Took Advantage of Ukraine War
    GOJATLA --- ---
    WARNING: Top 10 climate deniers: They are all bought and paid for by the Fossil fuel propaganda machine.
    Extinction Rebellion (FB)

    Senator James Inhofe
    Received more than 2,000,000 in fossil fuel funding

    Mark Morano
    Funded by Exxon and Chevron

    Chris Horner
    Funded by Alpha Natural resources (coal).
    Supported by Heartland (sponsored for years by Exxon and Koch Brothers)

    Myron Ebell
    Named “Most respected Global warming skeptics” by Business Insider
    Funded by Exxon , American coalition for a clean coal, Koch industries, Marathon Petroleum.

    Steve Milloy
    Director of Murray Energy, a coal company. Formerly associated with big Tobacco.

    Patrick Micheals
    40% of his paycheck is from fossil fuel industry. Works for Cato Institute, a climate denial think tank funded by the usual suspects.
    Coming to Europe

    Bjørn Lomborg
    Lomborg accepts the fact that human emissions of greenhouse gases cause climate change, he argues the net economic impacts will not turn negative for more than 50 years.
    Likes to outline the positives of fossil fuels and the cost of renewables and throws doubt on all solutions . That aside seems to like contracting himself.
    Funded by Paul Singer (Vulture capital) other funders include the Danish government and undeclared sources.

    Matt Ridley
    The Viscount benefits from coal mining on inherited family lands.
    Claims to be a science writer and journalist. Managed to sink Northern Rock bank then win a seat in the House of Lords. Where his wife Baroness Hogg also holds a life seat.

    Christopher Monckton
    Another Viscount this time armed with a classics degree expounds on Climate science.
    Meets and associates with denier think tanks like Heartland.

    Fred Singer
    (deceased) was on the payroll of Heartland which everyone by now should know is a well funded climate denial hotbed of misinformation.
    The sad part is they paid him $5000 a month to twist science and cast doubt.

    WARNING Any quotes or articles written by these men and institutions mentioned should be read with great skepticism. They are all bought and paid for by the Fossil fuel propaganda machine.

    Before the Flood - Top 10 Climate Deniers
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    A trosku pranku od Yes manu .]]

    In what would have been a monumental first for the group, the Yes Men supposedly got an absurd fake company — "YASAVA," producing "bespoke airplane couture" for private corporate fleets — accepted into two official COP26 "Net Zero" programs: the Race to Zero and Science-Based Targets initiatives (which also, incidentally, include Maersk, Chevron, Halliburton, Delta, United, American, DL Piper, Edelman, JP Morgan, Hitachi, Iberdrola, Unilever, and thousands more climate luminaries from the transport, mining, and fossil energy sectors).

    Fake Fake Exposes Real Fakes - Tricksters in an age of dirty tricks
    TUHO --- ---
    Comer asked each oil executive if they had “ever approved a disinformation campaign”. Then, one after another, the heads of Exxon, Chevron, Shell and BP all repeated that no, they had never approved any such effort.

    Here’s the problem: that’s a lie.

    There can be no doubt that Exxon, Chevron, Shell and BP have all engaged in false advertising, aka disinformation campaigns, during the tenure of their current CEOs. In fact, one could argue that the vast majority of the industry’s advertising fits this definition.

    Take Exxon. For years, Exxon has been spending millions of dollars to run ads about its investments in algae fuel, even though it has spent very little on the actual research and has no plan to bring the product to market. The company hopes to create a “net impression” among consumers that Exxon is in the business of climate solutions, when it’s really still in the business of climate destruction. It’s textbook false advertising – which is one reason Exxon is being taken to court for this disinformation.

    Or look at Chevron. In the 2020 ad “Butterfly,” Chevron highlighted its commitment to carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) as a climate solution. According to the New York Times, however, Chevron is only spending “pocket change” on these technologies as it “doubles down” on oil and gas production. Worse yet: the technology Chevron is touting doesn’t actually work. Chevron’s largest CCS project in Australia has been “a disaster from the beginning” and is now just venting CO2 into the atmosphere.

    Big oil CEOs just lied before Congress. It’s time they’re held accountable | Jamie Henn | The Guardian
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    #chevron #greenwashing

    One of the world’s top polluters of atmosphere-altering greenhouse gases has aired nearly 30,000 TV advertisements over the past 15 months, trying to convince people that it is green.
    From June 2020 to August 31st of this year, Americans have been bombarded with ads from the California-based oil-and-gas-producer Chevron, according to new data from the analytics firm AdImpact first reported on Morning Consult. During July 2021 alone, the fossil-fuel giant aired 4,402 ads, the data shows.
    More than 80 percent contained terms such as “sustainable,” “renewable,” “environment,” and “clean.” In reality, however, Chevron has contributed more than 43 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent into the atmosphere since 1965, data from the Climate Accountability Institute shows, placing it among the most climate-damaging companies on the planet. “The large majority of ads Chevron is airing are touting their shift to more clean energy,” says Rachel Haskin, senior marketing manager for AdImpact.

    Chevron Is Playing Americans for Fools with 'Green' Ad Blitz - Rolling Stone
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    TUHO: Koukam, ze Great Barrington Declaration ma celkem solidni heslo na Wikipedii...

    The declaration was sponsored by the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER), a libertarian think tank which receives a substantial part of its funding from its own investments, with holdings valued at US$284 million in a wide range of fossil fuel companies including Chevron and ExxonMobil, tobacco giant Philip Morris International, Microsoft, Alphabet Inc. and many other companies.[14][15] Its 2018 revenues were in excess of US$2.2 million[19] and included a US$68,100 donation from the Charles Koch Foundation.[14][30] AIER's network of local "Bastiat Society" chapters partners with the Atlas Network, Ayn Rand Institute, Cato Institute, the Charles Koch Institute, and other Koch-funded think tanks.[15][31] Controversial research funded by AIER in the past includes a study asserting that sweatshops supplying multinationals are beneficial for those working in them,[32] and AIER's statements and publications consistently downplay the risks of climate change, with titles such as "The Real Reason Nobody Takes Environmental Activists Seriously" and "Brazilians Should Keep Slashing Their Rainforest".[14][19]

    Great Barrington Declaration - Wikipedia
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    The Post story also quoted Graham Brookie, who directs the Digital Forensic Research Lab, an arm of the nonprofit Atlantic Council. Brookie said the ideology Seibt presents “is not outright disinformation," but that it does "bear resemblance to a model we use called the 4d’s — dismiss the message, distort the facts, distract the audience, and express dismay at the whole thing.”

    The Post's story did not mention that the Atlantic Council is funded by ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips, the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, Chevron, Shell, and BP.

    In response to a request for comment, The Washington Post’s Molly Gannon said only, “Our story speaks for itself.”

    Other news outlets seem to have copied the omission. The Guardian, The Independent, France24, the Daily Mail, Mediaite, Mic, and MassLive all published follow-on stories that did not mention the Heartland Institute’s financial backing from the fossil fuel industry.

    The Heartland Institute seems to be trying to look like it has the youth on its side. So it has found a Gen Z surrogate who can parrot decades-old fossil fuel talking points, and earned major press coverage that frames her as a figure who compares to Thunberg, while completely leaving out the group's obvious, and documented, oil and gas industry connections.

    Why Is News Coverage Leaving Out the Fossil Fuel Funding of the "Anti-Greta"?
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