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    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    Jedním ze zásadních důvodů, proč je klimatická změna tak obtížné téma je obrovské množství dezinformací, které ho obklopuje. Sociologové identifikovali široké dezinformační hnutí, které je z části organizované fosilním průmyslem. Množství empirických důkazů ukazuje, že fosilní průmysl ročně vynakládá obrovské množství prostředků za cílem oddálit nebo neutralizovat politiky směřující k regulaci spotřeby fosilních paliv. Jak se ale v takové debatě vyznat? Jaká je česká debata v kontextu světa? Ale hlavně jaké subjekty se do dezinformací zapojují, jaké techniky a jaké prostředky používají k neutralizaci veřejné diskuze.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    TUHO --- ---
    Generative AI chatbots fail to adequately reflect fossil fuel companies’ complicity in the climate crisis, a Global Witness investigation has found

    AI chatbots’ greenwash and bothsidesism about Big Oil | Global Witness
    TUHO --- ---
    Kanada zpřísnila pokuty za greenwashing. Ropná společnost následně stáhla z webu informace o CCS technologiích - Ekolist.cz

    Společnost Imperial Oil, která je dceřinou společností ExxonMobile, svého času tvrdila, že technologie zachytávání uhlíku (CCS) bude klíčová pro splnění cílů Pařížské dohody. Po té, co v Kanadě začal platit zákon postihující nepodložená environmentální tvrzení, tzv. greenwashing, společnost Imperial Oil ze svého webu stáhla desítky dokumentů, které se o této technologii zmiňovaly.
    TUHO --- ---
    Tohle je taky zajimava kauza musim vic nacist...

    Foundation for Climate and Environmental Protection

    Flow of Russian gas and cash entangled German state in dependent web

    Manuela Schwesig, right, head of the German state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, and Sergei Netsheyev, Russian ambassador to Germany, visit the Nord Stream 2 gas landing station in Lubmin, Germany, on April 29, 2021. (Jens Büttner/dpa-Zentralbild/ZB/Getty Images)
    By Loveday Morris
    Kate Brady
    Souad Mekhennet
    November 23, 2022 at 1:00 a.m. EST
    SCHWERIN, Germany — When Matthias Warnig, chief executive of the company building the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline between Russia and Germany, arrived for a meeting at the historic lakeside state chancellery building here, he carried a bright bouquet of flowers.

    It was August 2020 and Trump administration sanctions on the nearly constructed pipeline under the Baltic Sea had caused final work on the project to grind to a halt. Warnig, a former officer in the Stasi, East Germany’s secret police, was looking for ways around the U.S. action.

    His quest — and his gift of sunflowers and snapdragons — found a receptive audience.

    “It is outrageous,” said Manuela Schwesig, head of the German state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, of the U.S. move to target any firm helping to complete the pipeline. Two gas routes — Nord Stream 1 and 2 — came ashore in her northern German state.

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    The Republicans are here. For Milwaukee, that’s complicated.
    “But,” Schwesig continued after her meeting with Warnig, “I’m confident we’ll find a solution.”

    Matthias Warnig, managing director of Nord Stream 2, brings a bouquet of flowers to an Aug. 11, 2020, meeting in Schwerin, Germany, with Schwesig. (Jens Büttner/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Getty Images)
    The eventual solution was the creation by the state government of an opaque, largely Russian-funded climate foundation designed to complete the construction while shielding the firms it contracted with from U.S. sanctions. The expectation was that a German state entity would not be put under U.S. sanctions, and that the foundation would quietly act as the pipeline contractor while maintaining a public facade focused on environmental issues.

    Following Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, the Foundation for Climate and Environmental Protection has become an emblem of how Germany’s craving for natural gas led to a dependent, murky relationship with Moscow. The foundation was just one cog in a vast Russian influence network in Germany, one that expanded in tandem with the country’s growing dependency on gas.

    Just before the invasion, Germany was reliant on Moscow for more than half of its natural gas and coal and a third of its oil. A subsidiary of Russian state energy giant Gazprom owned Germany’s largest gas storage facility — the size of 910 football pitches — which was drained by the beginning of the war, lying less than 5 percent full as Moscow slowed deliveries. Russia also held a majority stake in the country’s most important national gas transporter and owned the refinery that fed crucial fuel supplies to Berlin.

    Germany’s largest natural gas storage facility — formerly owned by a subsidiary of Russian state energy giant Gazprom — in Rehden, Germany, in May. (David Hecker/Getty Images)
    Some of Germany’s most senior former politicians, as well as think tanks, foundations, sports clubs and cultural organizations across the country, were awash in Russian cash. Gazprom and its subsidiaries sponsored soccer and volleyball teams, a sailing race, a classical music festival, art galleries and even “Blue Fire,” a natural-gas-themed roller coaster at Germany’s largest theme park.

    “You find Russian money even when you’re not looking,” said Gerhard Bley, a researcher with Transparency International. “With today’s hindsight, it’s hard to see how we got here and how warnings were ignored for so long.”

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    Hundreds of pages of documents made public in freedom of information requests and interviews with federal and state officials reveal how closely Nord Stream 2 executives and local government officials here worked together to protect the new pipeline, amid questions from lawmakers over whether lobbying crossed the line into political corruption.

    Officials in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania first said the supposedly independent climate entity was financed with 200,000 euros in state funds and another 20 million euros from Gazprom. Its main aim, Schwesig said, would be to support environmentalism, though officials said at the time that the foundation would have a role in finishing the pipeline.

    The foundation, under court order, has since disclosed that its funding from Gazprom amounted to nearly 200 million euros — almost its entire budget, which was mostly used to finish construction.

    Schwesig, who declined to be interviewed, has said the foundation was a mistake from “today’s point of view.” Warnig did not respond to a request for comment.

    The relationship among Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Nord Stream and Gazprom is now the subject of an investigation in the northern state’s parliament. Accusations of a lack of transparency in the inquiry have raised questions about whether Germany is prepared to address just how deeply Russian influence ran.

    “There is a lot to dig out,” said Hannes Damm, a Greens politician on the committee of inquiry.

    ‘A political thriller’

    Germany’s first purchases of Russian gas go back half a century, but it was Chancellor Gerhard Schröder who was at the heart of the deepening entanglement. Schröder used his last days in office in 2005 to sign a deal to build Nord Stream 1 before almost immediately joining the pipeline company’s board. His closeness to the Kremlin, including a celebration of his 70th birthday with Putin in St. Petersburg weeks after Russia annexed Crimea in 2014, have long drawn criticism in Berlin.

    But while some had expected his successor Angela Merkel to try to reduce Germany’s energy dependence on Russia, her 16 years in power saw ties deepen, with Russian gas imports continuing to climb as her government pledged to exit nuclear and coal.

    A deal to build Nord Stream 2 was sealed under Merkel in 2015, despite sanctions against Russia and protestations from the United States and countries in Eastern Europe. The two Baltic pipelines would have had the capacity to supply 100 percent of Germany’s gas at current levels, though Nord Stream 2 has never been switched on because of the invasion.

    From the outset, there were questions of why Nord Stream 2 was being built. The German Institute for Economic Research argued that another undersea pipeline to double capacity was “not needed” given declining gas consumption and Germany’s climate goals.

    Washington and Kyiv pointed out that bypassing the overland gas route through Ukraine would deprive Ukraine of billions of dollars in transit fees and remove a deterrent for a wider Russian attack.

    Members of the parliamentary inquiry committee say they expect to call both former chancellors to testify in Schwerin. “A political thriller awaits in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania,” read one local newspaper headline in June as it listed those who were likely to be called on for testimony.

    The Nord Stream 2 deal should also be the subject of an inquiry at the federal level, said Roderich Kiesewetter, a parliamentarian with Merkel’s Christian Democrats. There is a reluctance, however, among Merkel’s political allies to tarnish the longtime chancellor’s legacy. “There are enough forces in my party to safeguard her; [people] are not willing to have a closer look at the past,” Kiesewetter said. Merkel recently said she had no regrets regarding her energy policy.

    The primacy of Russian fossil fuels was accompanied by a slow German turn to renewables, with caps on subsidies, prohibitive red tape and a lack of investment in the country’s power grid, according to lawmakers and activists.

    “We lost years,” said Kiesewetter, who in part blames Russian lobbying.

    He recalled that when Warnig, now 67, came to speak to federal parliamentarians in 2017, he told Nord Stream 2 skeptics on the foreign affairs committee that if they had questions for Putin about the pipeline, he would get them personally answered. In the eight months following their August 2020 meeting, Schwesig met or spoke with Warnig a further five times, documents show.

    Warnig, now under U.S. sanctions, began working for the East German secret police in 1974, spying on youth groups, according to his official Stasi file. In 1988, he was promoted to the rank of captain. In the same ceremony, a young Vladimir Putin, then working in East Germany for the KGB, received a bronze medal of merit.

    Warnig claims not to have known Putin at the time, and said in a 2018 interview with Austria’s Die Presse magazine that his friendship with the Russian leader began during a “very special” trip to St. Petersburg in 1991, when Warnig headed Germany’s Dresdner Bank.

    “We both came from the secret service and had new jobs,” recounted Warnig, who was also a regular visitor to the Economy and Energy Ministry in Berlin. “We talked about all of that. ... If I want something and I need to see him, we’ll work it out.”

    Since February’s invasion, some of the scale of Moscow’s reach into German politics has come to light. After taking over the Energy Ministry last year, Germany’s new Green leadership was so alarmed by the pro-Russian stance in some of the internal documents prepared inside the ministry that two senior officials were investigated for espionage.

    The investigation has concluded and no evidence of spying was found, according to a security official who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the topic.

    Suspicions were raised because documents “oozed understanding of the Russian point of view,” according to Die Zeit newspaper, which first reported on the investigation. Russia was described as “fundamentally reliable” in one October 2021 document.

    The incidents have raised questions over whether German intelligence services were doing their job, or whether warnings were ignored. The country’s foreign intelligence service “didn’t see it coming” and had been more focused on issues such as Islamic terrorism, said one German official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject.

    “When a country does business with a counterpart that doesn’t have the same values, it’s like gambling,” the official said. “The German bet has ended badly.”

    In recent weeks, Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s decision to push through a deal to sell a stake in a Hamburg port ferry terminal to a Chinese firm despite vehement opposition from his ministries has triggered concerns that lessons still haven’t been learned, officials said.

    Russian outpost

    There is perhaps no starker example of the nexus between German politics and Russian gas than in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, which a visiting Russian official in 2018 described as an “outpost for us” in Europe.

    As Europe and the United States imposed sanctions on Russia’s energy sector in 2014, the state government held its first Gazprom-sponsored “Russia Day.” In a seaside hotel — nicknamed the “Stasi Hotel” for its previous associations with East German intelligence — guest of honor Schröder cautioned against spiraling sanctions and thanked Merkel for keeping lines of communication with Moscow open.

    Skepticism of the West and pro-Russian leanings are not unusual in these parts of Germany’s former east, where some still feel that they were the losers in the country’s reunification.

    It was against that backdrop that U.S. sanctions on Nord Stream 2 were met with outrage.

    “Colonial threats at their finest,” Steffen Ebert, the communications manager for Nord Stream 2, wrote in an email to Schwesig on Dec. 19, 2019, attaching a letter from Republican Sens. Ted Cruz (Tex.) and Ron Johnson (Wis.) that threatened “crushing and potentially fatal” sanctions on a Swiss firm working on the pipeline. Later that month, President Donald Trump signed a law imposing sanctions on any company that helped finish the pipeline.

    It took another year for the foundation to be created, despite some indications of disapproval from Berlin. “I was and remain convinced that state authorities should not have intervened actively in favor of this project,” said Peter Altmaier, who was energy minister at the time.

    In a statement, Schwesig’s office said that the state government had been transparent and that parliamentarians voted to establish the foundation with full knowledge of its potential work. But while her public statements at the time noted that the foundation would help with the completion of the pipeline if necessary, she said it would neither build nor operate it.

    In May 2021, as the foundation was attempting to circumvent U.S. measures, the Biden administration waived sanctions on the pipeline in a bid to mend ties with Germany.

    The state inquiry hopes to establish just who came up with the idea for the sanctions-busting foundation, whether politicians misled the public and if laws were broken, said Sebastian Ehlers, head of the committee of inquiry. “Everyone wants to know, did she lie?” Ehlers said of Schwesig. “How deep is the Russian influence?”

    Committee members say the process could stretch on for years, and complain about delays in the release of documents and gaps in record keeping.

    Documents already made public in freedom of information requests show the close relationship between Nord Stream executives and state lawmakers, and how local officials sometimes acted on the company’s behalf.

    In a November 2020 email, Christian Pegel, then the energy minister for Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, wrote to the head of the state chancellery attaching the statutes for what was supposed to be an independent foundation. He flagged that Nord Stream executives had issues with the draft.

    “They had three changes on their minds which I have included and highlighted in yellow,” he wrote. One stipulated that Nord Stream 2 should be able to hold two positions on the board of trustees.

    Later that month, Nord Stream requested that one of its representatives “passively” listen in to a briefing on the foundation between the chancellery and journalists.

    “The foundation was a farce,” said Damm. “They wanted to paint a picture that it was good for the people. It was greenwashing. It was dishonest.”

    Under court order, the foundation, headed by Schwesig’s predecessor in government, Erwin Sellering, has admitted to spending 165 million euros on contracts related to the pipeline. It even purchased a dredging ship. Sellering is fighting not to release information on the foundation’s business partners to the press, arguing in a case before Germany’s high court that it’s not subject to freedom of information laws. He is also battling a court order holding the foundation liable for millions in unpaid taxes.

    But some details have emerged. In the Baltic port city of Rostock, local councilors have complained they were deceived in early 2021 when voting whether to lease part of their port for ships to maintain offshore wind farms “and other facilities.”

    The Greens voted for it unanimously — only later to discover that the ships were working to finish the gas pipeline for a company reported to have been subcontracted by the foundation.

    “I felt conned, appalled and frustrated,” said Greens faction leader Andrea Krönert, who lodged a formal complaint to the city administration. The administration said it was aware the contract was related to Nord Stream 2 and regrets the “misunderstanding in communication.”

    Krönert said such anomalies at a local level make her wonder what has happened elsewhere. “The bottom line is this is a democracy,” she said.

    Mekhennet reported from Washington.


    Nord Stream 2: Twists and turns of a controversial gas pipeline | Clean Energy Wire

    Germany: State government conceals Gazprom's… - Transparency.org
    TUHO --- ---
    The U.K.’s advertising regulator is cracking down on what it considers greenwashing by fossil fuel giants. A handful of newspaper, TV and poster adverts from Shell, Repsol and Petronas International were banned in the country for touting investments in renewable energy without mentioning the extent of each company’s polluting activities.

    U.K. bans ‘misleading’ fossil fuel ads that overemphasize renewables | The Japan Times
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    TUHO: Ano, ale to je greenwashing. Jeho motivace je komercni velmi casto, jen malokdy ideologicka.
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: KLEMENT --- --- 11:35:31 15.5.2023 --- [20:36 :: diskuze :: Věci Veřejné - naše opatření sociálně citlivá a udělaná velmi promyšleně.]1 odpověď+5
    Greenwashing po Česku - Sázíme Česko:
    - brutální a drahý marketing na soc. sítích
    - prodávání předražených sazeniček, které se sází na holinách po kůrovci
    - další následný prodej uhlíkových offsetů firmám

    Nemáte někdo ten článek z Reportéru odemčený?

    Klamou lidi jak prodejci předražených hrnců, říká o kampani Sázíme Česko šéf univerzitních lesů
    Klamou lidi jak prodejci předražených hrnců, říká o kampani Sázíme Česko šéf univerzitních lesů

    Zelený byznys Vy sázíte, my účtujeme. Zelený fígl se stromky - Reportermagazin.cz
    Zelený byznys Vy sázíte, my účtujeme. Zelený fígl se stromky - Reportermagazin.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    The Italian oil major Eni is facing the country’s first climate lawsuit, with environmental groups alleging the company used “lobbying and greenwashing” to push for more fossil fuels despite having known about the risks its product posed since 1970.
    Greenpeace Italy and the Italian advocacy group ReCommon aim to build on a similar case targeting the Anglo-Dutch oil major Royal Dutch Shell in the Netherlands to force Eni to slash its carbon emissions by 45% by 2030.

    Italian oil firm Eni faces lawsuit alleging early knowledge of climate crisis | Oil | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    Last week we exposed how ExxonMobil poured in over $4 million into 1,211 climate change misinformation and greenwashing ads that have received over 100 million impressions on Facebook and Instagram - despite their CEO’s statement last month that the company “does not spread disinformation regarding climate change.″

    Alongside their own targeted ad campaigns, fossil fuel companies including ExxonMobil fund trade organisations to do the same. In this data drop we expose how the American Petroleum Institute (API), alongside other industry groups, is using Facebook ads on a vast scale to target national and state-level climate-change and environmental legislation in the US.

    Eco-Bot.Net’s AI system retrieved ad data from Facebook's APIs from 1st January to 21st October this year. These political and issue ads are then moderated, verified and investigated by independent journalists using academic definitions of climate disinformation and greenwashing.
    TUHO --- ---
    Eco-Bot.Net: Exposing climate change disinformation and corporate greenwashing on social media during COP26.

    TUHO --- ---
    Jak valku na Ukrajine vyuziva fosilni prumysl k vytvareni a posilovani kulturni valky...

    “On February 24, within hours of Putin’s invasion, I was just watching these serious patterns emerge,” said Christina Arena, a public relations and climate disinformation expert. Arena worked for the PR firm Edelman when it handled the API account, so she knows a campaign when she sees one. “API and other trade associations were echoing similar talking points immediately, anti-Biden talking points, anti-renewable energy talking points.” That kind of consistency and media training takes months, not days, to prep, she said.

    That prompted Arena to reach out to InfluenceMap, a think tank that tracks the influence of corporate lobbying on climate policy. InfluenceMap teamed up with Media Matters for America and Triplecheck to look into what various fossil fuel interests were saying about Russia-Ukraine and how those messages were being amplified. The organizations’ resulting report pinpoints the top messages and messengers, and how they map to big policy wins.

    Some of the findings are to be expected. API went big, as did Chevron, ConocoPhillips, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The usual suspects amplified the industry’s messaging: Breitbart News, Fox News, conservative commentator Ben Shapiro, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, and Tennessee Sen. Marsha Blackburn. All told, API placed 651 Facebook ads from the end of January to April 1, reaching more than 19 million people. On February 24, the day of the invasion, API and its network got busy. “There’s a huge peak where we get to 100 fossil fuel misinformation posts that yielded over 5 million likes, comments, and shares,” Arena noted.

    But there are some less expected findings too. After battling gas bans for two years, the gas side of the industry seems to have fully embraced the fact that the climate movement doesn’t see it as its friend anymore. Gas entities that joined the party include the American Gas Association (a trade group for gas utilities), Hess Corp., and Sempra Infrastructure.

    The types of messages were also a surprise. After a decade or so of greenwashing, the fossil fuel industry is going full culture war. The report finds three key messages across hundreds of social media posts and media appearances: American fossil fuel production ensures freedom and national security; high gas prices are caused by climate policy, and the solution is more drilling; and climate change is something only liberal “woke” elites care about.

    There’s also a push to convince people that some kind of Green New Deal-adjacent policy is in place and that is what’s driving up gas prices. “I think you could call it a disinformation-driven heist of public policy,” Arena said.

    And there’s the timeline, and the dividends this campaign has paid to the industry. By mid-March, the Energy Department was starting to grant permits to increase the volume at some liquid natural gas export terminals. “So that’s two weeks maybe from the start of the crisis,” said Faye Holder, the lead author of the InfluenceMap report. “We’ve seen a heavy, heavy use of social media, both in advertising and organic content. And then they’re feeding off of media too. A lot of the things that are retweeted by API, for instance, are Mike Sommers on Fox News.”

    How the Fossil Fuel Industry Took Advantage of Ukraine War
    GOJATLA --- ---
    Oil firms’ climate claims are greenwashing, study concludes | Oil | The Guardian

    Accusations of greenwashing against major oil companies that claim to be in transition to clean energy are well-founded, according to the most comprehensive study to date.

    The study found a sharp rise in mentions of “climate”, “low-carbon” and “transition” in annual reports in recent years, especially for Shell and BP, and increasing pledges of action in strategies. But concrete actions were rare and the researchers said: “Financial analysis reveals a continuing business model dependence on fossil fuels along with insignificant and opaque spending on clean energy.”

    “If they were moving away from fossil fuels we would expect to see, for example, declines in exploration activity, fossil fuel production, and sales and profit from fossil fuels,” he said. “But if anything, we find evidence of the reverse happening.”

    “Unfortunately, the way the energy markets are structured around the world, fossil fuels still enjoy many [regulatory and tax] advantages and renewables are still disadvantaged,” he said.
    TUHO --- ---
    #chevron #greenwashing

    One of the world’s top polluters of atmosphere-altering greenhouse gases has aired nearly 30,000 TV advertisements over the past 15 months, trying to convince people that it is green.
    From June 2020 to August 31st of this year, Americans have been bombarded with ads from the California-based oil-and-gas-producer Chevron, according to new data from the analytics firm AdImpact first reported on Morning Consult. During July 2021 alone, the fossil-fuel giant aired 4,402 ads, the data shows.
    More than 80 percent contained terms such as “sustainable,” “renewable,” “environment,” and “clean.” In reality, however, Chevron has contributed more than 43 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent into the atmosphere since 1965, data from the Climate Accountability Institute shows, placing it among the most climate-damaging companies on the planet. “The large majority of ads Chevron is airing are touting their shift to more clean energy,” says Rachel Haskin, senior marketing manager for AdImpact.

    Chevron Is Playing Americans for Fools with 'Green' Ad Blitz - Rolling Stone
    TUHO --- ---
    Greenwashing: když je elektřina eko jenom jako
    Zelenou elektřinu už dnes nabízí celá řada dodavatelů. Není ale všechno zlato, co se třpytí. A není ani všechna elektřina zelená, co se jako zelená tváří. S elektřinou je to totiž o něco složitější, než s jinými produkty. Elektřina je komodita a ve vaší zásuvce odvede stejnou službu bez ohledu na to, z jakého zdroje se vyrobí. Velký rozdíl je ale v tom, zda je výroba elektřiny ekologická a udržitelná.

    Greenwashing: když je elektřina eko jenom jako – Elektřina Nazeleno
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