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    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    KEB --- ---
    TUHO: ok znamená si, pak jim napíšu hodnocení.
    TUHO --- ---
    Tk popopojedem s Baudysem

    TUHO --- ---
    KEB: posloucham to, v poslednim dike tvrdi, ze letos do 7.1. ceka Nemecko blackout. Tak sem zvedavej, sledujete nekdo situaci v Nemecku? ,)
    TUHO --- ---
    Chomsky: Rising Anti-Science Rhetoric Feeds the Pandemic and Climate Crisis
    TUHO --- ---
    Tohle je jenom krapet realted

    A century of tragedy: How the car and gas industry knew about the health risks of leaded fuel but sold it for 100 years anyway
    TUHO --- ---
    Tohle by me zajimalo vic. Nespada to vylozene do dezinforamci, ale odlozim si tady. Richard Seager tvrdi, ze vliv Golfskeho proudu na klima Evropy je dlouhotrvajici mytus.

    Climate mythology:
    The Gulf Stream, European climate and Abrupt Change
    Richard Seager
    Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University

    A few times a year the British media of all stripes goes into a tizzy of panic when one climate scientist or another states that there is a possibility that the North Atlantic ocean circulation, of which the Gulf Stream is a major part, will slow down in coming years or even stop. Whether the scientists statements are measured or inflammatory the media invariably warns that this will plunge Britain and Europe into a new ice age, pictures of the icy shores of Labrador are shown, created film of English Channel ferries making their way through sea ice are broadcast... And so the circus continues year after year. Here is one example.

    The Gulf Stream-European climate myth
    The panic is based on a long held belief of the British, other Europeans, Americans and, indeed, much of the world's population that the northward heat transport by the Gulf Stream is the reason why western Europe enjoys a mild climate, much milder than, say, that of eastern North America. This idea was actually originated by an American military man, Matthew Fontaine Maury, in the mid nineteenth century and has stuck since despite the absence of proof.

    We now know this is a myth, the climatological equivalent of an urban legend. In a detailed study published in the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society in 2002, we demonstrated the limited role that ocean heat transport plays in determining regional climates around the Atlantic Ocean. Popular versions of this story can be found here, here and, in French, here.

    The determinants of North Atlantic regional climates
    We showed that there are three processes that need to be evaluated:
    The ocean absorbs heat in summer and releases it in winter. Regions that are downwind of oceans in winter will have mild climates. This process does not require ocean currents or ocean heat transport.
    The atmosphere moves heat poleward and warm climates where the heat converges. In additions, the waviness in the atmospheric flow creates warm climates where the air flows poleward and cold climates where it flows equatorward.
    The ocean moves heat poleward and will warm climates where it releases heat and the atmosphere picks it up and moves it onto land.
    Using observations and climate models we found that, at the latitudes of Europe, the atmospheric heat transport exceeds that of the ocean by several fold. In winter it may even by an order of magnitude greater. Thus it is the atmosphere, not the ocean, that does the lion's share of the work ameliorating winter climates in the extratropics. We also found that the seasonal absorption and release of heat by the ocean has a much larger impact on regional climates than does the movement of heat by ocean currents.

    Seasonal storage and release accounts for half the winter temperature difference across the North Atlantic Ocean. But the 500 pound gorilla in how regional climates are determined around the Atlantic turned out to be the Rocky Mountains. Because of the need to conserve angular momentum, as air flows from the west across the mountains it is forced to first turn south and then to turn north further downstream. As such the mountains force cold air south into eastern North America and warm air north into western Europe. This waviness in the flow is responsible for the other half of the temperature difference across the North Atlantic Ocean.

    Fifty percent of the winter temperature difference across the North Atlantic is caused by the eastward atmospheric transport of heat released by the ocean that was absorbed and stored in the summer.
    Fifty percent is caused by the stationary waves of the atmospheric flow.
    The ocean heat transport contributes a small warming across the basin.

    The seasonal ocean heat storage and pattern of atmospheric heat transport add up to make winters in western Europe 15 to 20 degrees C warmer than those in eastern North America. A very similar process occurs across the Pacific Ocean. The ocean heat transport warms the North Atlantic Ocean and the land on both sides by a modest few degrees C. The only place where the ocean heat transport fundamentally alters climate is along the coast of northern Norway which would be sea ice-covered were it not for the warm northward flowing Norwegian Current.

    The Gulf Stream and future climate change
    A slowdown of the Gulf Stream and ocean circulation in the future, induced by freshening of the waters caused by anthropogenic climate change (via melting glaciers and increased water vapor transport into high latitudes) or simply by warming, would thus introduce a modest cooling tendency. This would leave the temperature contrast across the Atlantic unchanged and not plunge Europe back into the ice age or anything like it. In fact the cooling tendency would probably be overwhelmed by the direct radiatively-driven warming by rising greenhouse gases.

    North Atlantic Ocean circulation and abrupt climate change
    The conflation of the Gulf Stream, ocean heat transport and Europe's climate has led to changes in ocean circulation being the reigning theory of the cause of glacial era abrupt climate change. These abrupt changes - the Dansgaard-Oeschger events of the last ice age and the Younger Dryas cold reversal of the last deglaciation - are well recorded in the Greenland ice core and Europe and involved changes in winter temperature of as much as thirty degrees C! For the Younger Dryas it has been proposed that the sudden release of glacial meltwater from ice dammed Lake Agassiz freshened the North Atlantic and shut down the overturning circulation causing dramatic regional coooling.

    Only through an inflated view of the impact of ocean circulation could it be thought that the enormous glacial era abrupt changes were caused by changes in ocean circulation. Instead, as we have argued, changes in atmospheric circulation regimes had to be the driver, see (Seager and Battisti,2007). Determining how this could happen has become more of a priority now that the geological evidence for the Lake Agassiz flood has not been found, see (Broecker,2006).

    Moving beyond the myth
    It is long time that the Gulf Stream-European climate myth was resigned to the graveyard of defunct misconceptions along with the Earth being flat and the sun going around the Earth. In its place we need serious assessments of how changes in ocean circulation will impact climate change and a new look at the problem of abrupt climate change that gives the tropical climate system and the atmosphere their due as the primary drivers of regional climates around the world.

    Seager, R., D. S. Battisti, J. Yin, N. Gordon, N. H. Naik, A. C. Clement and M. A. Cane, 2002: Is the Gulf Stream responsible for Europe's mild winters? Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 128(586): 2563-2586. PDF
    Seager, R. and D. S. Battisti, 2007: Challenges to our understanding of the general circulation: abrupt climate change. In: T. Schneider and A.S. Sobel (Editors), The Global Circulation of the Atmosphere: Phenomena, Theory, Challenges. Princeton University Press, pp. 331-371. PDF.
    Seager, R., 2006: The source of Europe's mild climate. American Scientist, 94(4): 334-341. PDF.
    Seager, R., 2008: Setting the record straight on Europe's mild winters. The Plantsman, Royal Horticultural Society,7, Part 1 March, p.22-27. PDF.
    Seager, R., 2003: Gulf Stream la fin d'un mythe. La Recherche(361): 40-46.PDF
    TUHO --- ---
    KEB: parada, neznal jsem. dik
    TUHO --- ---
    kind of related

    we use massive language analysis to demonstrate that the rise of fact-free argumentation may perhaps be understood as part of a deeper change. After the year 1850, the use of sentiment-laden words in Google Books declined systematically, while the use of words associated with fact-based argumentation rose steadily. This pattern reversed in the 1980s, and this change accelerated around 2007, when across languages, the frequency of fact-related words dropped while emotion-laden language surged, a trend paralleled by a shift from collectivistic to individualistic language.

    The rise and fall of rationality in language | PNAS
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    In this major assessment of leading climate-change skeptic Bjørn Lomborg, Howard Friel meticulously deconstructs the Danish statistician’s claim that global warming is “no catastrophe” by exposing the systematic misrepresentations and partial accounting that are at the core of climate skepticism. His detailed analysis serves not only as a guide to reading the global warming skeptics, but also as a model for assessing the state of climate science. With attention to the complexities of climate-related phenomena across a range of areas—from Arctic sea ice to the Antarctic ice sheet—The Lomborg Deception also offers readers an enlightening review of some of today’s most urgent climate concerns.

    Lomborg Deception | Yale University Press
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    Fossil Fuel Company Enbridge: Climate Change Means We Need to Make Money Now, Not Later
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    pekny prehledovy clanek sofistikovanejsi klimaskepticky argumentace (featuring kremlik)

    Klima na Zemi a sluneční aktivita - RNDr. Pavel Kalenda, CSc. :: Zemědělská společnost Chrášťany s.r.o.
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    JANDOUR: ni mel jsem pocit, ze v poslednich letech byl b tematu min aktivni
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    von nekdy zmizel?.)
    TUHO --- ---
    a hele ivan brezina je zpet ,))

    Krízy zvyčajne vnímame ako nebezpečný, drahý a vyčerpávajúci stav, ktorý odvádza ľudskú energiu a pozornosť od bežnej agendy a priorít. Na ľudskú históriu sa dá pritom nahliadať ako na živú reťaz žánrovo rozmanitých, neraz tragických spoločenských kríz pretkaných len vzácnymi obdobiami prosperity a pokoja. Cieľom tejto knihy je pozrieť sa bližšie na to, ako sa ľudia vyrovnávajú s krízami, nájsť opakujúce sa mechanizmy a vzorce správania, a zasadiť tieto poznatky do širšieho kontextu kríz, ktoré máme ako druh za sebou - ako aj tých, ktoré nás možno ešte len čakajú. Jednotlivé kapitoly sa venujú aj týmto témam: - Kríza ako príležitosť na zmenu - Prečo sa cez krízy zvyšuje viera v nezmysly - Ako lockdown ovplyvnil naše sociálne vzťahy - Kríza duševného zdravia - Osobné financie v kríze - Globálne otepľovanie: hoaxy, fikcie a fakty - Psychológia klimatickej nečinnosti

    Kniha Prečo ľudia potrebujú krízy | Odborná literatura a právnická literatura Aleš Čeněk
    TUHO --- ---
    Ty dilemata

    TUHO --- ---
    Denial101x course lead John Cook writes about his recently published machine learning paper for Monash Lens:
    “A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on.”
    This quote appears in many forms. In some variants, the quote involves footwear. In other cases, the truth is struggling to get its pants on.
    Regardless of the details, the sentiment encapsulates a key challenge of misinformation. By the time the meticulous task of fact-checking is complete and the correction has been disseminated, the misinformation has already spread widely and achieved all sorts of mischief.
    Consequently, misinformation researchers speak wistfully of the “holy grail of fact-checking” – automatically detecting and debunking misinformation in one fell swoop. Machine learning offers the potential of both speed and scale – the ability to identify misinformation the instant it appears online, and the technical capacity to distribute solutions at the scale required to match the size of the problem.
    But the holy grail quest faces a seemingly insurmountable hurdle. Misinformation evolves and sprouts new forms. How can you detect a myth before you even know what it is or what form it will take?

    Climate change: How machine learning can combat misinformation – Monash Lens
    KEB --- ---
    SEJDA: labutí píseň Havlíčka a první výkop v prezidentské kampani
    SEJDA --- ---
    Cena elektřiny poroste až o 50 procent, plynu ještě víc, řekl Havlíček - Novinky.cz

    Za zdrazovani muze cena emisnich povolenek, a ne strukltura energetickeho mixu, samozrejmne.
    TUHO --- ---
    Despite countless investigations, lawsuits, social shaming, and regulations dating back decades, the oil and gas industry remains formidable. After all, it has made consuming its products seem like a human necessity. It has confused the public about climate science, bought the eternal gratitude of one of America’s two main political parties, and repeatedly out-maneuvered regulatory efforts. And it has done all this in part by thinking ahead and then acting ruthlessly. While the rest of us were playing checkers, its executives were playing three-dimensional chess.

    Take this brief tour of the industry’s history, and then ask yourself: Is there any doubt that these companies are now working to keep the profits rolling in, even as mega-hurricanes and roaring wildfires scream the dangers of the climate emergency?
    How 'Big Oil' works the system and keeps winning » Yale Climate Connections
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