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    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
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    Neco od Petersona

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    12 Ways the Planet Could Truly Be Saved | Bjørn Lomborg | EP 345
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    The Great Climate Con | Alex Epstein | EP 312
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    But what if we climate scientists got the monster wrong? Because it seems like the biggest danger is not just the worsening impacts of the climate crisis, but the effectiveness of the fossil fuel industry in stopping action. So while the vast majority of our efforts have been on the science of the earth system, and the possibility of energy transitions, we have been outpaced and outflanked at every step by an industry laser-focused on maintaining its grip as the words largest energy source.

    In fact, things are so bad, that it is only in 2023 that scientists realised that Exxon (now ExxonMobil)’s own climate research was more accurate in its warming predictions than publicly funded university science! The fossil fuel companies were investing in their own in-house climate science in the 1970s and 1980s, only to abandon these programs when they were utterly convinced of the warming trajectory. The scientists involved in these programs often believed the evidence they produced would sway the companies to abandon fossil fuels and to invest heavily in alternative energy sources. That was a fundamental mistake in understanding of corporate culture.

    This is a crucial point to understand: fossil fuel companies are not energy companies. They are fossil fuel companies. They are tied, by their history, capabilities and culture, to fossil fuels. Their employees, going way back, are petroleum geoengineers, petroleum economists and traders. They grew up in households and programs where fossil fuels were the name of the game, and their entire social capital and sense of self, sense of purpose in their work, comes from the heritage of supplying fossil fuels to the world.

    Climate in 2023: escalation and backlash, by Julia K. Steinberg
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    Limity jsme my
    Daniel Křetínský je oligarcha jako Andrej Babiš. Jen místo kuřat prodává uhlí a plyn.
    A Komerční banka mu na to půjčuje.
    Jen z uhlí má Křetínského impérium větší emise než celé Finsko. Kromě uhlí obchoduje druhý nejbohtatší Čech také například s ruským plynem a jedna z jeho firem se nedávno ocitla i na oficiálním seznamu sponzorů ruské invaze.
    Zatímco miliony lidí si loni nevěděly rady s účty za energie, Křetínský v podstatě zdvojnásobil svůj majetek. A když byl čas zaplatit daň z miimořadných zisků, oznámil raději přesun své firmy do zahraničí.
    Komerční banka poskytuje Křetínskému pravidělně úvěry na rozšiřování jeho špinavého byznysu. Banka, která tvrdí, že je pro ni udržitelnost zásadní, nemůže financovat fosilní byznys: je na čase dát Křetínskému kopačky. 💔
    Svou image si uhlobaron hlídá skrz svá média, navzdory jeho miliardovým PR investiciím ale napsalo více než 500 lidí v minulém týdnu Komerční bance, aby ukončila svou spolupráci s EPH.
    Zástupci koalice Zastavme špinavé prachy dorazili také na valnou hromadou banky. Kromě proslovů vevnitř uspořádali happening venku, bavili se s akcionáři i zaměstnanci.
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    Nutno taky rict, ze asi z tech klimaskeptickejch kruhu ten z nejvzdelanejsich.
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    TADEAS: Jo, Lindzen je stara znama firma. Nejakou dobu jsem o nem ted ale neslysel .]
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    The Climate Denialist Distraction Brought Upon Us: “500 Scientists” Petitioning the UN | by We Don’t Have Time | We Don't Have Time | Medium

    Richard Lindzen, nowadays Retired Professor at Harvard. Has published various articles via the Cato Institute, funded by the fossil industry, and is registered as an “Expert” with various conservative think tanks that are promoting a free market and fewer regulations. Lindzen has billed gas- and petroleum companies $2 500 a day for consulting. In a lawsuit in 2018 he admitted that since 2013 he had been paid $25 000 yearly by the Cato Institute as well as received $30 000 from Peabody Coal. He is the only “ambassador” who has actually published scientific articles related to climate (no, I neither believe nor say that he has cheated in his publications).
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    Climate change isn’t ‘particularly dangerous’: Richard Lindzen
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    klima aktivismus-alarmismus je woke, peterson je etalon kritickeho mysleni. slusna kulturni valka

    Climate Science: What Does it Say? | Dr. Richard Lindzen | EP 320

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    dalsi z klimatickych vedcu referuje, jak jde twitter pod muskem do prdele

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    Kravcik a jeho vodni kolovratek stale bombarduje facebooky

    Michal Kravcik - 3 GRAFY, KTORÉ POTVRDZUJÚ NEZMYSELNOSŤ... | Facebook
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    TUHO: Sorry spatnej link na ten clanek z Energy Research. Spravny tu:

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    TUHO: Aneb parafraze na TS Elliota:

    This is the way the world ends
    This is the way the world ends
    This is the way the world ends
    Not with a bang but a profit.
    TUHO --- ---
    Koukam, ze na Bloombergu vysel delsi clanek shrnujici fosilni imperium Daniela Kretinskeho, ktery se vypracoval na jednoho z nejvlivnejsich energetickych hracu v cele EU diky tomu, ze vsadil proti dekarbonizaci a zacal skupovat fosilni assety, kterych se ostatni zacali zbavovat. #Kretinsky #EPH

    Former lawyer Daniel Kretinsky has built a $17 billion fossil fuel empire by scooping up assets at fire-sale prices from utilities rushing to decarbonize.
    Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

    Shrnuti par veci z clanku od Mikulase Peksy

    O byznysu EPH doporucuju taky akademicky clanek z Energy Research and Social Science

    A taky projekt Imperium od Investigace.cz

    Za precteni stoji taky dokument od Resetu Fosilni hyena
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    polovina klimatickych vedcu a vedkyn oslovenych vedcu a vedkyn zazila obtezovani. bezny jsou vyhruzky smrti a secualnim nasilim - vyrazne casteji smerem k vedkynim. situace se zhorsila od doby, vo musk prebral twitter (surprise surprise)

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